Lux's Farewell

Chapter 410 [0406]

Chapter 410 [0406]
The "brainstorming" proposed by Kalya stunned Lacus, Ino, and Sona for a moment—in their cognition, Kalya is a very clever planner who can always solve complex problems among complicated clues. Find the key to breaking the situation and make a suitable plan.

Therefore, apart from Sona, Lacus and Ino have actually adapted to the division of labor that Kalya proposed and carried out by themselves.

Now Kalya suddenly said that everyone should brainstorm together...

"I'm a little clueless." Lux was the first to show a wry smile and shook her head, "Mr. Kalya, I'm still more used to carrying out tasks step by step. If this kind of plan is entrusted to me, I really have nowhere to start. "


Ino didn't speak, but just nodded—although she can handle many daily affairs very smoothly, she is a little unaccustomed when a plan decision involves multiple forces and requires multiple considerations.

On the contrary, Sona, who had been silent before and just listened quietly, pressed her fingers on the strings immediately after hearing Kalya say that she wanted to brainstorm.

However, because of Lux and Ino shaking their heads, she didn't touch the strings immediately.

"Thank God, Sona, you have a solution!" After Lux noticed this, she looked saved on the spot, "Tell me!"

"That's right, that's right!" Ino nodded beside him, "By the way, Lacus and I just came back from Fossbarrow. At that time, we thought that Lacus could leave the head of the Crown Guard family, accept the seal, and open another One branch—this can also be used as a reference!"

Seeing that both Lacus and Ino showed expressions full of expectation, Sona blinked her eyes, the tight corners of her mouth finally loosened, she nodded lightly, plucked the strings with bare hands, combined with the The experience of Xixi Xiongdu "said" his own views in a calm and ding-ding-dong-dong manner.

In this way, the three little girls began to talk about their own thoughts on the three soft big beds in Lux's bedroom.

Lacus is full of enthusiasm, Ino is delicate in mind, and Sona is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. With the joint efforts of the three, an interesting plan finally took shape—even considering that Kalya deliberately left enough in the narration. The clues and reference answers given by them, the answer sheets they handed over are also satisfactory enough.

When Kalya announced that the plan "passed the inspection", the three little girls who were sitting upright finally gave a shout of excitement, and then fell backwards in unison.

Ino threw the commanding sword to the corner, and Lacus threw the broken blade to the bedside. Even Sona, who has always been gentle, rarely left Yuhua.

Just when Sona loosened the strings, Lux, who was lying on the bed, started bouncing on the soft bed like a child.

Looking at the childish Lacus, Ino smiled and picked up the pillow, and while Lacus was bouncing up, he directly asked her to print his face on the pillow in a "self-trap" manner.

Lux, who was suddenly attacked, naturally would not admit defeat, she casually pulled another pillow, and without hesitation aimed at Ino's far better chest.

Soon, Sona, who had put away her guqin, was also involved in the battle, and a three-person pillow fight finally officially started.

After finishing today's formal topic, the three little girls finally relaxed completely and rolled into a ball.

It seems that tonight, they will probably sleep very late.


Also sleeping late was Argen.

However, he didn't participate in any pajama parties or pillow fights, and his inability to sleep was purely caused by the surge of magic in his body.

And the main reason for the surge of magic power is the arcane eye he left behind Di Li.

In fact, although Di Li's acting skills were flawless at the gate of the city, Al really didn't see any problems, but he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

That little girl was clearly saying hello to Di Li!
Therefore, when he came to the scene of the crime, he not only scanned the blood-stained embassy lobby through his arcane eyes, but also swept Di Li by the way.

It is a pity that there is no trace of magic on Di Li.

Originally, things were almost done here, but what made Al really helpless was that not only did Di Li not have any traces of magic on him, but even the front hall of the embassy, ​​which seemed to be well preserved, did not have any traces of magic...

From Argen's point of view, these Demacians are really unprofessional among unprofessionals - if you want to keep the traces of magic, do you need a hammer to close the door and lock it?

But it's a pity that Al really can't say this kind of complaint.

Arzhen's homeland, Abmark, relies on the help of Demacia in many ways. The most important point is that due to its small size and large population, most of Abmark's food comes from Demacia's exports.

Demacia, who holds food in hand, is the out-and-out "Party A's father" to Abmark, so when there is a need, Arzhen must honestly come and provide Technical Support.

Even if Abmac's chief mage has stepped into the ranks of the extraordinary, but in the capital of Demacia, Arzhen must work honestly and with all his strength, and even if he can't do well.

In this case, seeing that the preliminary investigation of the magic traces did not yield much, Arzhen could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he would fight three poles if there was no date.

With this in mind, he quietly left an arcane eye behind Di Li, wanting to see if he could gain anything from him.

Excusing the consumption of magic power, Arzhen returned to the bedroom and directly connected to the arcane eye. Then, he was shocked to find that this Mr. Dilly was going straight to a magnificent manor, eager to enter!

Al really didn't know the Crown Guard Manor, but even judging from the location and overall specifications of the manor, he dared to say that the family living in it was definitely a wealthy family!
Could it be that... behind this incident, there are some turbulences in Demacia?

Although he didn't want to get involved in the troublesome things in Demacia at all, in order to find out the clues, Arzhen still bite the bullet and read it. At the same time, he also made up his mind that if this matter The water of the matter is too deep, so I simply excuse my lack of ability.

Even if Demacia is evil, ask them to hire someone else, and they must not get themselves involved in this kind of thing!
Arzhen was thinking very well, but when he saw Tiana through his arcane eyes, his whole head still buzzed.

Tiana Crownguard!
Even if he is an Abermark, Arzhen knows this Demacia's No. [-] military figure!
(The number one in the military is currently Jarvan IV.)
Although he knew that Di Li was also a member of the Crown Guard family, Al really never thought that he would go directly to Tiana at this time!
This... Is this something that a person like me is qualified to see?

But the matter has come to this point, and Arzhen has no other choice. Next, he plans to get a general understanding of what aspects this matter is related to, and then avoid it directly.

Then, Arzhen heard two good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the identity of the little girl who said hello has been known, her name is Laxana Crownguard.

The bad news is that this Laxana Crownguard is the little princess of the Crownguard family, and was once a well-known noble model in the capital of Demacia.

Immediately afterwards, the little crowned princess pushed open the door and came in, once again bringing two pieces of news to Arzhen, one good and one bad.

The good news is that it doesn't look like she should have anything to do with Arjen's case, since she appears to have just returned to Demacia, not the group of emissaries she killed.

The bad news is that she found Argen's Arcane Eye and detonated his magic with a wave of her hand.

Don't look at the simple lines of this eye, but it is the magic that Arzhen is best at. This spell is based on an ancient spell and improved a little bit.

Through this magic eye, he can easily see the flow of magic power, analyze the composition of spells, and detect traces of magic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Al really was able to advance to the extraordinary realm, and the spell of Arcane Eye is indispensable.

However, it was such a spell that Arzhen was extremely proficient in, but this Miss Laxana seemed to have solved the mystery at a glance, and destroyed the entire Arcane Eye with a wave of her hand.

What's even more outrageous is that with the destruction of the Arcane Eye, the magic power in Arzhen's body seemed to boil and began to surge uncontrollably.

Aerzhen, who was just terrified, curled up on the bed in an instant. If he hadn't put his hand into his mouth quickly, he might have groaned in pain at this time...

Who is this Miss Laxana?
Could it be that she really boarded the legendary Mount Targon and became a god walking in the world?

If Lux knew that Alzhen was really confused, she would definitely not be able to help laughing—although this spell was improved by Alzhen a little bit, but looking at the artistic style of the line of this eye, the Shurima flavor is simply offensive !

That's right, this arcane eye is one of the few original spells developed by Kalya for magic experiments and teaching!

What does it mean to use the ax at the door (tactical retreat)!
 Karya's Little Classroom·Original Spells:

  Due to his magical talent, Karya didn't create many spells, not even as many economic crops and improved livestock breeds as he cultivated.

  But the Eye of the Arcane is indeed the first creation of Karya, and the purpose of creating this spell was originally to assist in investigations and magic experiments-it can only be said that Mr. Arzhen, who likes to tell dirty jokes, is not very lucky.

  PS. Push it on Dafeng!
  Three chapters were updated today, [-] words!
  Fight to continue tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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