Lux's Farewell

Chapter 411 [0407]

Chapter 411 [0407]

The next morning, Aerzhen, who barely calmed down the magical turmoil after tossing all night, reluctantly got up.

After a sleepless night, coupled with the turmoil of magic power, and exhausted physically and mentally, Arzhen looked haggard, and the dark circles on his face were astonishingly large.

His originally piercing eyes turned bright red because of the bloodshot eyes - so when he got up and came out to eat breakfast, the others were obviously startled when they saw him.

"I'm fine." Facing everyone's astonished gazes, Al Zhen could only wave his hands helplessly, forcing out a dry smile, "Xiongdu deserves to be called Xiongdu. …I didn’t realize it yesterday, but my mana was consumed too much.”

Alzhen’s answer is somewhat flattering. He praised the Demacian heroes for being built with magic stones, which can restrain magic, which caused him to fail to control the magic power. Demacians must love to hear such words, and they are proud of them. of.

Therefore, even though Al really looked extremely abnormal, the soldiers guarding him laughed and let him go—some even ridiculed him, "It's not an excessive consumption of magic power at all, it's obviously empty." With a cheerful atmosphere.

Faced with such ridicule, Alzhen could only show a wry smile and shook his head in silence.

After simply eating breakfast, Arzhen did not go directly to visit His Majesty Jarvan III under the pretext of being unwell and needing a rest, but stayed in the other courtyard of the embassy.

Of course, physical discomfort is only one aspect, more importantly, he is waiting for Di Li.

Al really believed that Di Li would definitely come to find him today.

After tossing around for a whole night, he finally figured it out. No matter what, his personal safety is guaranteed. A group of envoys died before, so Demacia will not let him have any more problems no matter what.

Therefore, no matter how powerful that Miss Laxana is, there is always something to talk about.

Talk about something!
If possible, Al really didn't want to be involved in this kind of thing. If he had known that this matter would involve Laxana, he would never have set up that Arcane Eye.

But the matter has come to this point, since he has been discovered and he has become an insider, even if he bites the bullet, Alzhen has to find a way to deal with it...

And just as Arzhen expected, Di Li knocked on the door of the embassy near noon.

"Mr. Arzhen." Di Li held a pack of herbs and looked at him with a smile, "I heard that you are not feeling well. I don't know about the mage, but I think it has something to do with the weather in Xiongdu at this time, so I Just bought some herbal medicine to dispel the heat - don't delay the time of the audience."

"Oh? Mr. Dilly has a heart too." Al Zhen smiled, "The weather is indeed frighteningly hot. It is said that it will be cool by the seaside. It seems that such rumors are not true... Come in, I Also try Xiongdu's method of dispelling heat."


To play a full set, Di Li not only brought a pack of herbs for dispelling the heat, but also moved a small stove from the concierge, and actually cooked the herbs in Arzhen's room.

Soon, as the charcoal turned white and the small pot boiled, a burst of fresh smell diffused, which lifted Arzhen's spirit.

"Mr. Arzhen, is this the third time you have come to Xiongdu?" After closing the lid, Di Li leaned back on the chair with a smile on his face, "Compared with the previous two times, have you noticed what change?"

"The scenery remains the same." Arzhen shook his head slightly, "The prosperity is astonishing."

"But underneath the prosperity, there are undercurrents surging." Di Lili still had a smile on his face, but his tone became a little subtle, "In today's Xiongdu, there are undercurrents surging, and if you are not careful, you may be in danger of being overthrown. "

"I'm nothing more than a foreign envoy." Hearing Di Li's obvious warning words, Arzhen's expression remained unchanged, and his face remained calm, "I came here only to submit my credentials and investigate The murder at the embassy was nothing more than that, other than that, it has nothing to do with me."

As Aerzhen expressed his attitude, Di Li stared at him without blinking, and he laughed again after a long while.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Argen." Dilly seemed to take a lot of effort to suppress the twitching corners of his mouth, "You met Miss Laxana, it's not something shameful; your mission has also been completed. Almost done."

"What do you mean?" Seeing that Di Li stopped going around in circles, Arzhen also narrowed his eyes, "I said, I'm not interested in the identity of Miss Laxana...but what's the matter with my mission?"

"Miss Laxana has caught the murderer of the case."


This was really beyond Al's expectations. He never imagined that the target of his mission would fall into the hands of Miss Laxana—is this true?

"It was the devil." Seemingly aware of Al's shock, Di Li followed Lax's instructions before, and continued, "If you only rely on your own strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch that devil no matter what."

Al was dumbfounded.


How can you still have something to do with the devil?
But in amazement, I carefully recalled the traces of using my arcane eyes to observe the scene of the crime yesterday. If the murderer was a demon, it would match the scene...

Originally, Al really made up his mind to protect himself wisely and not get involved in this matter, but now that he was bombarded by such heavy news from Di Li, all the previous plans were clearly beyond his control.

In this situation, he could only rub his temples while trying to distinguish the truth from the fake in Di Li's words.

"Mr. Arzhen, don't be in trouble." Di Li continued, "Miss Laxana has no other intentions in asking me to come, but I just hope that Mr. Arzhen will not announce the news that she has returned to Xiongdu for the time being—since you are If you plan to protect yourself wisely, then everything will be the best."


"This is an internal matter of Demacia. The sea is rough, and it is safest to be on the shore. What do you think, Mr. Argen?"

Hearing what Di Li said, Arzhen could only nod numbly.

At this time, it's better not to get involved easily - Di Li's attitude is tough, but he didn't make any excessive demands. At this time, it is the wisest choice to be honest and watch from the sidelines.


It was a trivial matter to appease Arjen and keep him from wandering around.

For Lacus, what really matters is the issues on Jarvan III's side and the Illuminati's side.

After instructing Di Li, Lacus, Ino, and Sona directly split into three groups and began to act according to the plan.

Sona was the first to act.

Since the Bouvier family is an important sponsor of the Illuminati, and Sona herself is also the chief organist of the Illuminati choir, the task of activities on the Illuminati's side is naturally my duty.

However, in order to better mobilize resources, the first thing Sona needs to do is not to inquire about the news directly, but to communicate with her mother.

When Sona returned to the Bouvier family courtyard, her adoptive mother, Lestara, was having breakfast.

"Sona is back?" Seeing Sona's return, Lestara put down the spoon in his hand and raised his eyebrows at her, "Is Mrs. Crown Guard okay? I heard that yesterday the Crown Guard Manor The battle is not small."

"Aunt Augsa is fine." Sona smiled and stroked the strings of Yuhua, "The main reason for looking for me is because of Tariq."

When Sona mentioned Tarek, Lestara's expression was a bit helpless—because Lacus also suffered the punishment of the stone crown, it was already an open secret in the aristocratic circle of Xiongdu that the Crown Guards paid special attention to Tarek. up.

For this peak climber, whether it is Jarvan III, the Illuminati or the Council of Nobles, they are a little uncertain, but no matter which side it is, they all have an intention to take advantage of it, and I am afraid that only the Crown Guard family Only people would care about Tariq himself.

"Madame Augesa has also worked hard." Lestara was silent for a moment, and finally shook her head gently, "However, this may be a good thing, for this climber, even the king Your Majesty is not easy to express his attitude, from this point of view, maybe the Crown Guard family has avoided this whirlpool."

Speaking of this topic, looking at the thoughtful Sona, Lestara finally couldn't help but exhort a few more words.

"Your sister is straightforward. Your father and I protect her so well that she doesn't think too much about twists and turns." Taking Sona's hand, Lestara continued, "You have always been meticulous, so I can only tell you these things... What the Bouvier family lacks is not aggressiveness, but conservativeness. Although your father and I have never wanted to socialize too much, we want to maintain the family Status, many times we are involuntary.”

Sona nodded, stroking the strings with one hand: "Then what about Tarek this time?"

"We stand with His Majesty." Lestara smiled, "The Illuminati have other ideas about this climber, and even inquired about me, but the Bouvier family has always been loyal to His Majesty, and I will go with the Illuminati It is close because the Illuminati often do things conveniently, and they come faster than the noble council, but in terms of the fundamental standpoint, the Bouvier family has never deviated in any way."

"But the Illuminati, I'm afraid they won't let go easily, right?" Sona frowned slightly, "Lax's departure last time has something to do with them."

"It's not the same thing in the Illuminati." When it came to this topic, Le Stara didn't hide it, "I told you about the Reticent Man before, right?"

Sona nodded.

"In the Illuminati, the Silent Man and the bishop have quarreled several times." Le Stara sighed softly, "The bishop hopes to take advantage of the opportunity of the climber's return this time, and do more activities. It would be better to take Tariq around to preach; but the Reticents disagreed and were unwilling to come forward, so the Illuminati did not act for a long time."

Sona nodded — Lacus raised this possibility during the brainstorming session yesterday. Although everyone has limited knowledge of the Reticent Man, but counting the time, no news about Taric has been announced, and the Illuminati have not carried out any real actions. Disagreeing with the silent person is a very likely reason for the above actions.

From now on, Lux's guess is correct.

"What's the reason for the silent people?" Sona moved the Huahua again, "Last time, they were still very active."

"This is a problem within the Illuminati." Lestara shook her head, obviously she didn't know the reason, "but it must be a good thing, even if it is His Majesty, when you mention those silent people, you must Just be careful."

Pursing the corners of her lips, Sona finally sat up straight and pressed her fingers on the strings.

"Mother, I was at the Crownguard Manor yesterday, and I also got a piece of news - Lax climbed the peak successfully, and I came back last night."

"Laxana is back too?!" Lestara's eyes widened instantly, " she the same as Tariq?"

"No, it's different." Sona shook her head, "Lax is still Lux."

Le Stara was stunned for a moment, and finally couldn't help shaking her head, and hummed softly.

"Okay, Sona, you came to my place today to inquire about the news?"

Sona lowered her head, her ears were slightly red.

"You!" Lestara couldn't help but nodded Sona's forehead, "Mom, do you still want to hide such a big thing?"

Sona continued to bow her head, remaining silent.

"Can your father and I harm Laxana?" Lestara snorted angrily and amusedly, "She is a model of nobility!"

Sona continued to lower her head, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"This kid is really skilled!" Lestara stood up, pacing left and right, "This time, the aristocratic council that can't keep Xiongdu will owe her a favor... You are just worrying about it, as long as She revealed her identity openly and passed the test of the silent man, so no one can touch her, and you are still used to test me for this kind of thing?"

This time, Sona finally raised her head and put on an innocent look.

However, looking at her daughter's big blinking eyes, Le Stara showed a subtle expression.

"You still have something to hide from me, don't you?" She lowered her voice, "You looked like this when you rescued your father before!"

It was only then that Sona realized that she seemed to have acted before—due to the lack of Karya's personal guidance, her acting skills were still far behind Lacus's. It was not a problem to deceive outsiders by relying on silence, but she wanted to hide it The adoptive mother who gets along day and night is somewhat out of date.

"Be honest, Sona." Lestara grabbed Sona's braid without motherly demeanor, "What the hell are you planning? I warn you, it's not normal to suppress those brains that are calculated and calculated according to the light." It’s okay to have a magic stick, but don’t even think about bringing the Silent Man into it!”

Sona tried hard to keep her face expressionless.

"Okay, you really have the idea of ​​the Silent Man?!" This time, Lestara was finally a little anxious, "The Silent Man is not an ordinary person, they are organized mages, and they also master a lot of terrible magic , All along, the Silencers have remained neutral and rarely interfered in domestic affairs. If they really want to retaliate indiscriminately and annoy the Silencers, things will not end well when they explode—”

Faced with her mother's warning, Sona finally smiled, let go of Yuhua, and embraced Lestara with open arms.

This time, without touching the strings, Sona's voice appeared in Lestara's heart.

"Don't worry, mother, this is not revenge." Sona talked to Lestara in this way for the first time, and her voice was still a bit intermittent, "As you said, there are too many magic sticks in the Illuminati, and moths in the noble council Everywhere, since the Silent Man can always remain neutral, now that Lacus has returned safely, His Majesty will naturally not let this opportunity pass by."

 Carya's Little Classroom, Sona's first battle:
  At a noble hunting meeting three years ago, Barrett encountered a premeditated attack—several unidentified assassins tried to assassinate Barrett and cut off the king's arm.

  Then, Sona, who was accustomed to throwing heavy punches in simulated training, saw blood for the first time in reality.

  No one knows the specific process except Barrett, Lestara, Kahina and Sona, but the entire Bouvier family has been on a vegetarian diet for almost a week.

  PS. The glasses are not quite right today, so I went out and delayed a little time.

  There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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