Lux's Farewell

413 [0409] Silas's Redemption

413 [0409] Silas's Redemption
This year marks the 15th year that Silas has spent in this dark and dark Arcatraz.

Considering that Silas became famous at a young age, the time spent in prison is almost catching up with the time spent outside the prison.

Of course, for Silas, this is not something to brag about. The long prison life has caused serious damage to his spirit, and the arrival and departure of Eno before has stimulated him enough—— When he learned that Ino was going to suffer the punishment of the crown of stone, Silas immediately asked himself to suffer the punishment of the crown of stone.

Mountain climbing, I can do it too!
It's a pity that the punishment of the stone crown is essentially a back door left by the nobles of Demacia, and this door will not be opened to Silas.

After getting this result, Silas gritted his teeth, and even hated Eno, the "nobility's lackey".

This bastard clearly climbed up the skirt of the noble lady, and escaped from prison by this means!

Fortunately, I still wanted her to wake up with me and fight for mages and civilians together!

Ino's departure directly led to Seles becoming more extreme. Although it was just wishful thinking, Silas still regarded her as a traitor.

And now, Silas met the despicable traitor again.

Although he was taller and plump, and his hair had turned silver-white, Silas would never forget the icy magic power on Ino's body!
This is Eno, Eno is back!
After recognizing Ino, a small flame of hope quietly ignited in Silas's heart—could it be that she saw through the hypocrisy of the nobleman and came back to seek her to conspire with him?

Then, just when Silas had some expectations in his heart, Ino turned his head and looked at him.

The pink lips moved slightly, and Yinuo's voice, which seemed to have no emotion and was as solid as ice for thousands of years, appeared in Silas's ear so softly and calmly.

"Be quiet."

Words follow the law, and Silas's world is quiet.

Even though he was in the very familiar Arcatraz, Silas seemed to be on the endless ice field. The bone-chilling chill made his hairs stand on end, and even his body began to tremble slightly!

At this moment, Silas could hardly believe his perception—he clearly remembered that Eno was just a little girl who had just awakened her magical talent!
Although in Silas's opinion at the time, Ino's magic power was not small, but among the mages Silas had seen before, she was not even among the top three!
But now, with just a light word from Yinuo, he almost kept himself silent... How, how is this possible?

If possible, Silas really wanted to hold Ino's hand and try to steal the magic power from her.

But unfortunately, Silas, who was shackled, couldn't do it.

Now he could only shut his mouth obediently, and then watched Ino arrive at the gate of this felon prison.

Silas stared at Ino without blinking, wanting to see how she would pass through this gate made entirely of enchanted stones—the interior of the Arcatraz is also divided into areas, where Silas is held. In the severe punishment area, not only the cells where the prisoners were held were heavily fortified, but the entrances and exits of the entire area also had heavy forbidden magic stone gates.

Silas's talent allowed him to discover and try to use the magic power contained in the magic stone without a teacher, but he didn't think that others could clearly see the existence of magic power like himself.

Therefore, he wanted to see what kind of method Ino was going to use to leave this area!

The next moment, under Silas' astonished eyes, Ino gently pressed his hand on the gate of the Temperament Stone.

In Silas' magical vision, he clearly saw that the silent magic began to "live" inside the gate that had absorbed a lot of magic power.

This... how is this possible?

Silas himself also tried to guide the magic power in the Sorcerer's Stone to use it for himself, but after several attempts, the results all proved that it was an almost impossible task, unless the magic power of the Sorcerer's Stone was full, Otherwise, the magic power stored in it will only be like a dead thing and cannot be mobilized at all!

According to the results of Silas's attempt, the most likely way to mobilize the magic power in the magic stone should be to fill the magic stone with magic power first.

But now, Yinuo's performance clearly exceeded his cognition.

Inside the gate of the forbidden magic stone, the magic power did not increase much, but even so, the magic power inside quickly entered an activated state and flowed rapidly.

Then, just when Silas began to doubt his life, the active magic power suddenly fell silent. It seemed that the active magic power just now was Silas's illusion. It became lifeless again.

Blinking his eyes, Silas only felt that his head was a mess now, did he just misread it?
Ino naturally didn't care about Silas's feelings. After feeling a little bit of the magic power storage of the forbidden magic stone gate, she drew out the broken blade during Carya's countdown and began to outline the magic power circuit.

Thus, Silas, who once again opened his magic vision, saw the beauty of magic very clearly for the first time.

A series of indented curves started from the edge of the gate, entangled and drawn to the center of the gate, guiding the magic power stored in the gate to converge with the magic power circuit.

The magic power circuit seems to be man-made canals and rivers, fully activating, arousing and controlling the magic power dormant in the Temperance Stone.

The trickles gather to form rivers, and the rivers merge to form oceans. Under the guidance of Ino, this heavy door, which usually needs to be unlocked with a key and then opened with hinges and gears, is very "obedient" and actively opens. The door lock can be opened wide without anyone operating it.

Seeing the back of Ino Shi suddenly leaving, Silas was speechless.

In just a few minutes, everything he saw was enough to subvert his previous understanding of magic and magic power.

Although he is a mage, Silas has always believed that magic is difficult to control - before he became a prisoner, he has seen countless times the serious consequences of magic out of control.

Even though he is a very talented spellcaster, Silas was still worried about his attitude towards magic at first.

Until later, when he discovered that there were traces of magic in the homes of the nobles, and that the nobles used magic and magic products but would not be targeted by demon hunters like commoners, Silas's perception of magic also changed.

After seeing the huge difference between nobles and commoners, he suddenly discovered that it seemed that the magic talent was the fairest one. Since then, he really began to try to embrace magic.

However, due to the absence of a famous teacher and being imprisoned, Silas's research on magic can only be limited to his own research—and, in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of "composing a good prescription, obeying it, and dying" , Silas's magic research needs to be extra careful, so even though he has been in prison for almost 15 years, he has hardly made any progress except for the increase in magic power.

Under such circumstances, Silas has also been shaken. Sometimes he doubts whether magic is really uncontrollable, but in the Arcatraz, if he does not want to be imprisoned here to death, magic is probably his only The means and opportunities to escape.

Therefore, Silas could only grit his teeth, experiment with his own magic power, and work behind closed doors.

Until today, he saw Yinuo open that gate.

Magic can be channeled.

Magic can be planned.

As he guessed, the forbidden magic stone can not only absorb magic, but the absorbed magic can also be used!

An indescribable ecstasy welled up in Silas's heart, and the corners of his mouth began to curl up involuntarily.

Silas wanted to laugh!
It wasn't until Ino's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor that Silas lowered his head again and looked at the shackles on his wrists.


Maybe...they can be their own weapons too!

Recalling Ino's every move before, Silas also tried to start the first magic guidance with method and direction.


On the other side, Yinuo who closed the gate of the felony area and turned a corner confirmed that there was no one around, and quickly took off his coat.

The over-the-knee jacket was turned over, and when it was put on the upper body again, it seemed to have become the appearance of the magic seeker's blue robe.

Afterwards, Ino took out a badge from the package at his waist, pinned it on his chest, combed his long silver hair high, pinned it with an ice hairpin, and then used the same dark blue wrapped in a scarf.

After moving his fingers, Ino quickly put on a pair of white gloves, and then quickly condensed an ice mirror.

In the ice mirror, Ino has completely changed his appearance. With the dark blue robe, hood, mask, gloves and badge, he looks like a demon seeker who has obtained a special pass and can walk in the Arcatraz. appearance!

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her, to be on the safe side, Ino put half of the mask on her face. After doing all this, she picked up the saber that had been placed in the corner before.

"How is it?" Ino held the hilt of the sword and asked Kalya, "It seems that there is no flaw?"

"Except for being unfamiliar with the environment here and being a bit unfamiliar, there should be no problem." Kalya said in a slightly appreciative tone, "However, because of Tarek, the Demon Seekers and the Silencers have been very busy recently. Personal appearance shouldn't be a big problem."

"That's good." Hearing this, Ino nodded lightly, "Now the first step of the plan has been completed... But, Mr. Kalya, are we really going to release Silas?"

"It's not about releasing Silas." Kalya corrected, "Even if you demonstrate how to channel magic power, Silas won't be able to slip out in a short time—we need his help to attract some extra attention."

"But I always feel a little insecure." Ino slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, "He is full of hatred for nobles. If he is allowed to leave, I am afraid that Xiong will cause a huge chaos..."

"That's why Lux just left the city today!"

"I understand the truth." Ino said helplessly, "But to be honest, I still feel a little risky... In fact, we don't need to take such drastic measures. His Majesty the King is naturally on our side."

"His Majesty the King is on our side only when it comes to facing Tariq." Kalya corrected, "If you don't take this opportunity, let go of the demonic shackles that are imprisoned on the heads of the Demacians If we want to do this again later, we must have a violent war.”


Hearing what Kalya said, Ino was silent——During the discussion yesterday, the conclusions reached by the three people were also the same. For them, it is not difficult to curb the influence of the giant god protoss. Chance to reduce Demacia's resistance to magic.

During the trip to Shurima, Kalya has proved with countless facts that magic is the most advanced productive force in Runeterra!

The Shurima Empire used the power of magic to establish a great empire that lasted for thousands of years. Even in the barren Shurima Desert, the ancient Shurima people can still enjoy the benefits that the Demacia people enjoy today. All the convenience of happiness that can't be reached!
After confirming this point, both Lux and Ino believed that Demacia, who locked up magic, was stable while also locking up her own future.

If in the past, the reason why Lux and Ino hoped to change Demacia was idealized "for fairness", then now, after going through Shurima and climbing Mount Targon, this hope It has practical significance.

Moreover, whether it is the actions of the Demacian city-state or the civil war of the Noxus, these all seem to herald the arrival of a world of great controversy.

If Demacia is still clinging to the forbidden magic, then in the competition in the international environment, Demacia is likely to gradually lose the wind.

At that time, Demacia may fall into extreme conservatism, or it may fall directly to the giant god - the performance of the Sun Protoss has already sounded the alarm. Although the current giant god is still high, he has also learned to let go of his pride. Examine humans.

If you want to develop, you don't rely on magic, you can only rely on giant gods.

And once the Titan makes a move, the entire Demacia will soon become the second Targon, and the Demacias will also become the second Rakkor.

Therefore, Lux, Ino, and Sona made up their minds to make the nobles believe that the giant gods are more dangerous than magic and will affect the fundamental factor of their rule when Taric comes to Demacia. !
At the same time, they also need to make good use of their status as climbers to eliminate the nobles' fear and worry about magic, and moisten things silently to launch a magic reform in Demacia!

After tidying up his mentality, Ino finally raised his head, stepped forward, and walked towards the deeper corridor of the Arcatraz.

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Demon Seeker's attire:

  Blue robes and masks are the standard attire of almost all mageseekers, and they are also equipped with various weapons and other equipment according to their duties.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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