Lux's Farewell

414 [0410] In-depth

414 [0410] In-depth
In addition to being a prison for the demon-infested, it is also the office of the demon-seeker and the secret library of the silent man.

Unlike the area where serious criminals are held, the office area of ​​the Arcatraz Prison is very lively—contrary to people's usual perception, the least important part of the entire Arcatraz Prison is actually the prison.

According to the early demon searchers, there are quite a few demon-infected people imprisoned here, but they don’t need too strict security. Most of the demon-infected people will soon become weak after being shackled by the magic stone. go down.

Not to mention breaking out of prison, even surviving is difficult!

As far as the entire Arcatraz is concerned, the part of the prison is similar to the wall of sheep and horses.

After passing through the part of the prison, and then walking inside, it is the office area of ​​the magic searcher.

Even though this part is located underground and sees the sun all day long, every one of the demon hunters who can work here is very prestigious—and in the eyes of the people, "always wear blue robes and carry The difference is that the image of the magic searcher holding a mallet and carrying a magic stone chain with him is that a considerable part of the queue of magic searchers is also civilian personnel.

In addition to arresting and controlling demon-infested people, demon-seekers also undertake the tasks of preventing demon-infested affairs, handling demon-infested affairs, and observing magical phenomena. Their jurisdiction includes not only people, but also those that may cause danger or accidents. magical creature.

During the long development, the Demon Seeker organization has now become a political force that cannot be underestimated in Demacia, because in theory, the Demon Seeker is an organization that "deals with evil magic", so they have to contact the army To fight evil mages, to contact the sheriff to deal with dangerous magical creatures, to contact the local lords to control and monitor the relatives of the enchanted...

Therefore, the scale of the entire demon-seeker organization is actually far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. She was still a little taken aback.

"If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought that there were so many demon hunters in the Arcatraz?" Ino ran towards the corridor with few people, and said to Karya quietly, "Let me see, There are not as many sheriffs in the entire Demacia Xiongdu as there are demon hunters here!"

"Demacia has been banning demons for so many years, and the organization of demon seekers is naturally deeply rooted." Kalya also felt a little emotional, "There are so many demon seekers, and there are many people of noble origin. Just think about them and you will know that they are in the political arena of Demacia. What an amazing energy there."

"Thanks to the fact that they have no connection with the noble council." Speaking of this, Ino was somewhat thankful, "In this way we can fool the noble council and suppress the demon seekers, otherwise the conservative forces we have to face will be too great."

"The demon seekers and the noble council are doomed to dislike each other." Speaking of this topic, Kalya's tone was a little more joyful than Le Ziren, "many of the demon seekers are from various noble families. Collaterals who cannot inherit titles or the position of patriarch, they are exiles in the internal struggle of the nobles, and of course they have no confrontation with the noble council."

"From this point of view, isn't the demon hunter a trash can for the nobles?" It seemed that he was infected by Karya, and it was rare for Ino to make a joke, "Throw all crooked melons and cracked dates into it?"

"That's why the Demon Seeker has become such a giant!" Kalya agreed, "Go ahead."

Passing through the densely populated office area, Ino went deep underground all the way, always heading towards a place where no one was there.

After discovering six restrooms, she finally finds a gateway entrance that looks like it might lead to the Reticent Man's hideout.

There is no sign here, and there are few pedestrians around. Although the gate at the entrance of the passage is not locked, Ino found some traces of magic circuits on the gate.

This discovery quickly attracted Ino's attention, and while she was on guard, she quickly analyzed the contents of the magic circuit on the door—from the results, it should be a door-opening circuit.

As long as magic power is injected on a specific node, the door will open.

This magic power circuit is very simple, belonging to the beginner level. After confirming the content of this magic power circuit, Ino's first reaction was "it should be a blindfold".

However, after activating the elemental vision, Ino observed the door very carefully, and finally had to admit that there was only such a magic circuit on this door.

Realizing that she was thinking too much, Ino couldn't help laughing. She shook her head slightly, and after confirming that there was no one around, she stretched out her right index finger wrapped in ice, and tapped lightly on the magic power she had calculated. on the node.

With the infusion of Ino's magic power, the door opened silently.

With a little joy in his heart, Ino stepped into it.


Unlike the hustle and bustle of the magic searcher's office outside, after entering the passage, the world is quiet.

In the groove of the wall, pale flames danced soundlessly, and the entire passage looked almost like the passage of the tomb.

At Karya's request, Ino came to the nearest flame.

"Let me see." Kalya's tone was a bit suspicious, "The flame here is very special, I have never seen this kind of flame!"

"That's right." Ino nodded, "The flames are not hot, but when I look at them, I always feel a feeling of fright."

"It seems that this is not my hallucination." Carya said expectantly and cautiously, "Be careful, the energy contained in these flames is amazing, this is very abnormal——wait a minute, Ino, open your magic vision Look!"

Ino nodded.

The next moment, after opening his magic vision, Ino couldn't help covering his mouth.

These flames bear no trace of elemental magic, not at all!

These magical flames that burn out of thin air are actually not elemental flames at all!

"Why do I feel that it looks familiar?" Looking at the flames in the magic field of vision, which clearly contain amazing energy but have no elemental reaction, Yinuo couldn't help but frowned, "Where have I seen this kind of flame?" Is it a non-elemental flame..."

"This should be the first time I've seen a non-elemental flame." When Ino was puzzled, Kalya had already vaguely guessed, "When you were in Zaun, you observed the hex crystal through the magic vision, and the hardness was almost the same. Do you feel it?"

"Yes, it's the Hex crystal!" Eno nodded quickly, "These flames give me the same feeling as the Hex crystal—but, the Hex crystal is ore, and these white ones are obviously flames. How is this going?"

"The reason is very simple." Kalya's tone became a bit more clear, "Whether it is ore or flames, they are essentially the manifestation of world runes."

Hearing what Kalya said, Ino, who was still relaxed before, became tense instantly: "Are these world runes?"

 Carya's Little Classroom: A Noble Branch:
  In Demacia, most of the nobles are very fertile, and among the large number of noble heirs, only one can inherit the title and fiefdom. Therefore, how to settle down their other children has naturally become a headache for noble gentlemen.

  Then, quite a few of them were stuffed into the team of demon seekers.

  PS. Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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