Lux's Farewell

415 World Runes and Laboratories [0411]

415 World Runes and Laboratories [0411]
World Rune, the original power of Runeterra.

When mentioning World Rune, most people who know it will think of the Rune War that swept across the entire Runeterra thousands of years ago and completely changed the situation in Runeterra.

As for Ino, who was taught by Karya, her understanding of world runes is obviously better than other people who are mixed with fear of war.

According to Carya, the world rune is a "coupling of high-purity magical energy and the materialization of the world's rules", and it is a rune that represents the world's rules.

Although world runes appeared one after another, and Kalya was still asleep when a world annihilation war was finally triggered, but in the era of the Shurima Empire, he actually searched for world runes—but at that time, Even with the power of the whole country, not even a single world rune or fragment of a world rune has been found in the Shurima Empire.

Considering the Shurima Empire's control over the entire Shurima at that time, it is almost impossible for Shurima to have world runes.

After reaching this conclusion, Carya, who was a little confused, spent hundreds of years starting from ores and other aspects, and then came to the conclusion that "world runes have not yet been born".

Judging from Karya's research results at the time, in Shurima, many minerals would naturally absorb free magic power. The more turbulent the elemental tide was, the faster they would absorb magic power.

During long-term absorption, these minerals will obviously show characteristics similar to spontaneous energy sources.

During this period, Karya even crossed the Strait of Valoran, went to Valoran, which was still more ignorant than Shurima, and even Ionia to look for traces of magic, and finally confirmed that the runic energy of Runeterra and all kinds of magic The birth of ores, magical animals, and magical plants are inextricably linked.

Carya, who came to this conclusion, put forward a hypothesis afterwards: If the natural mana concentration is extremely high in a certain area, but there are not enough magical animals and plants to grow and consume the full mana, then the local mineral veins are very rich. It is possible to absorb a high concentration of magic power, and then form an ultra-high concentration of magic power crystals.

This magic crystal is likely to be the world rune.

In other words, world runes are "tumors" or "stones" of Runeterra, which are formed by the unsmooth operation of magic power.

If this inference is true, then the reason why Shurima has no world runes is very simple-the utilization rate of magic in this land is very high.

Although the maintenance of many public facilities in Shurima at that time relied on the power of the astral world, whether it was the sun disc itself or the ascension ceremony, a large amount of precious magic items were required to be consumed.

This kind of consumption has reduced Shurima's free-state magic concentration very well, so that Shurima will not be born with world runes that are highly coupled with world rules and high-purity magic energy.

Similarly, Ionia also fits this inference.

Although Ionia is one of the most magical regions in Runeterra, due to the existence of the spirit world and the activity of all spirits, the magic here is always in a very healthy flow, so there are no world runes born.

For Karya, this is undoubtedly good news.

Compared with world runes that follow the chaotic will of almost elemental life, the orderly flow of magic in Shurima and Ionia is healthier.

Although the situation of holding the world rune and the great power in one body seems very impressive, it also means that you have to bear all the pressure to transform nature by yourself-frequently use the power of the world rune, even if the will is no longer No matter how determined a person is, he can't stand it.

Of course, since there were no samples of world runes at that time, Kalya's opinion could only be regarded as an inference.

However, although the reason for the birth of the world rune is still uncertain, no one will doubt the power of the world rune.

Look at the sunken piece on the northeastern coast of Noxus—that is the best work of runes in the world. The eruption of the runes of destruction directly sank a piece of land with a radius of thousands of miles, and the tsunami caused made it even worse. The order of the Overwatch Sea is almost completely reshuffled, so no matter whether the world runes are the source of energy given by God, or a tumor in Runeterra, one cannot be too cautious about the world runes!
It is precisely because Kalya told Lacus and Ino about his research on world runes in detail, so when Ino heard that these wonderful flames were likely to be ignited by world runes, his whole face turned pale. Suddenly changed.

"However, don't be so nervous." Aware of Ino's vigilance, Kalya spoke in time to appease, "World runes are also divided into levels. If my hypothesis is correct, then strictly speaking, Hex Crystals are also a kind of world rune - don't be too nervous."

"But these flames still make me very uneasy." Although Ino nodded, his eyes still couldn't move away from the dancing white flames, "far more dangerous than Hex crystals."

"Hey, how could this be?" Carya was taken aback when he heard the words, "In my perception, the energy contained in them is not as amazing as the Hex crystal!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Ino was also a little surprised—on the issue of world runes, her and Kalya's perceptions were so inconsistent, which was obviously abnormal!

"Maybe it's because of the ice blood?" Ino closed his eyes, tried to activate the magic perception, and then created a piece of solid ice, "How should I put it... It seems that my blood hates this power more than my perception .”

"Ice bloodlines reject the power of runes..." Kalya pondered for a moment, "My magic perception should be fine, let's let go of your bloodline issue for now, let's go, it's not that dangerous here, move on."

Although the perception in the depths of the blood was still frantically warning, but out of trust in Kalya, Ino nodded and continued toward the depths of this passage.


The sloping downward passage seems to have no end.

However, as they walked, Ino and Kalya developed a subtle sense of familiarity almost at the same time.

It seems that they have seen this kind of diagonal passage before.

"Teacher, are you sure you really didn't leave a laboratory like Zaun in Demacia?" Turning a corner and seeing a familiar underground hall, Yinuo finally couldn't help asking, "The architectural style and layout here are exactly the same as the underground laboratory in Zaun!"

"Shouldn't it?" Carya also murmured, "I don't have dementia yet. I'm sure that the laboratories arranged in Demacia before are all open-air, and the location is in Renwall!"

"But, isn't this too similar?" Yinuo came to a door, looked at the smooth door, couldn't help rubbing his temples, "Look at this door, this is really not the laboratory you designed ?”

"Really!" Carya repeatedly denied, "There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. I have never arranged a laboratory here, and it is impossible for my students to come here... Wait, maybe this is really true. possible."

Hearing that Kalya said that her student might have done it, the corners of Ino's mouth could not help but turn up slightly. She cleared her throat, and before Kalya could react, she angrily yelled out the phrase that Kalya Hate words.

"Kalya is a sand sculpture!"

The next moment, the door opened—however, it was not opened by a password, but someone heard the noise and pushed the door open.

"Who is yelling outside?" A guy in a black robe and a hood pushed open the door, poked his head out, and asked impatiently, "You forgot the keystone again?"

Then, he saw Yinuo at the door.

Both sides were stunned.

With Karya's reminder, Ino quickly realized what was going on, with a puzzled expression on her face, and improvised a purpose for herself.

"Is this the archives room?"

"Archive room?" Yinuo's magic-seeker attire obviously affected the other party's judgment to a certain extent, and the other party showed an impatient look on his face, and waved his hand as if chasing flies, "Now the magic-seeker's Haven’t the rookies even had induction training yet? This is not the office of your magic hunters, get out!”

Apparently, the other party never thought about the possibility that Ino was an intruder—this place is located deep underground in the Arcatraz, a place that is safer and more secret than Dawn Castle. He obviously regarded Ino as a searcher who entered by mistake devil.

Although I don't know why she came here, it must be another bastard who forgot to close the door. Although this kind of thing rarely happens, it is not impossible.

Considering that this guy's attitude is quite rude, and this kind of rudeness is even for the sake of the demon-seeker outfit on Ino, and the one who has the guts to be so rude to the demon-seeker... I am afraid it is only a legend. The Reticent Man!
Realizing this, Ino pretended to be panicked and lowered his head to apologize, and then, when the other party wanted to close the door, a thin but tough layer of ice blocked the door.



The ice spread, and this unlucky guy was directly frozen in place by Ino.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ino stepped into the door, and then closed the door very well.


After entering the door, Ino's expression became more subtle - the internal structure here is highly similar to the laboratory in Zaun!
With this unfortunate captive, Yinuo crossed the curved ruler-shaped registration office with ease, and came to the door of the locker room.

After confirming that there was no one inside, she directly stuffed the prisoner into the locker room.

The next moment, thick ice spread, locking the entire locker room.

After finishing all this, Ino finally ended the freezing of the silent man.

"Hello, Mister Silent Man." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Eno greeted him politely, "Time is limited, how about my question?"

The silent man obviously disagreed with this, and after Ino let go of the freeze on him, he immediately shouted for help at the top of his voice.

Unfortunately, he was almost out of oxygen, and no one came to rescue him.

"Don't waste your efforts, Mister Silent Man." Yinuo shook his head helplessly, "I have no malicious intentions, and this trip is just to get to know the famous Silent Man..."

"Cunning villain!" Seeing that no one came to save him, the Silent Man gritted his teeth, the corners of his mouth trembling and began to speak harshly, "The Silent Man will not let you go, you will be completely wiped out in silence !"

It is impossible to do it by hand. Although I don't know why such a powerful mage came into Demacia Xiongdu and the Arcatraz, but judging from the other party's performance, she seems to want to take something out of her mouth .

Therefore, at this time, delaying time should be the main priority, and there should be no violent resistance!

If he was killed on the spot because of resistance, it would be a big loss.


The corners of Ino's mouth twitched when she saw this stern look. She rubbed her temples, barely restraining her conflict from laughing, and began to ask Karya what to do.

"Leave him alone for a while." Carya seemed to be quite experienced in torture, "It's really interesting, did you find out that there is a very interesting thing hanging around his waist."

Yinuo nodded, and grabbed a "stone" from his waist.

This unremarkable stone that looks similar to the magic stone, the magic power contained in it surprised Ino - what's even more rare is that there are many magic circuits outlined on this magic stone, carefully identify After looking at it for a while, with Yinuo's current eyes, he can only judge that it is some kind of special activation device.

"This is the keystone to open the door." Kalya seemed to be familiar with it, "Obvious Shurima style... To be honest, I am also a little curious now, who actually built such an underground base here. "

"At least now we can confirm that the background of the Silent Man is much bigger than what we thought before." Ino looked at the keystone in front of the Silent Man whose face had turned a liver color, and replied, " Teacher Carya, none of your students came to Demacia?"

"No, absolutely not." Carya's tone was firm, "If there is, I have been sleeping here for so long, it is impossible for him not to come to see me, I still have this confidence."

"That's interesting." Ino leaned back, and a chair made of pure ice appeared under her, "According to what you said, when Demacia was established, it was the same as Shurima. The biggest connection is only that Protoss and her daughter, her husband, and a group of children from Shurima."


"But this secret underground laboratory looks exactly the same as Shurima's laboratory - but neither the protoss descendants nor Shurima orphans have the ability to create such a laboratory." Ino tried to think , but the more I thought about it, the more my head became dizzy, "Why do I feel that there is a link missing?"

"A link related to world runes." Carya agreed with her opinion, "Forget it, let's wait at ease. Look at this guy, he is almost unable to bear it."

 Kalya's Small Classroom · Inferences about world runes:
  Due to the lack of critical evidence, Kalya's knowledge of the world's runes is very limited.

  And because Shurima has ascenders, sun discs, and no shortage of energy, Kalya gave up continuing research after the research on world runes failed.

(End of this chapter)

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