Lux's Farewell

416 The missing link [0412]

416 The missing link [0412]

The Silent Man ultimately failed to remain silent.

When the hair and beard are frozen, and the whole person is shaken into a sieve, even the haughty and haughty Silent Man who faced the "Demon Seeker" before can only say "what do you want to know, Just ask."

Then, Ino's first question struck him like lightning.

"Where did the world runes come from?"

The silent man glanced at Yinuo who was smiling and looking at him in front of him. His original determination disappeared in an instant. After muttering for a while, he simply put on a look of death, and closed his eyes in pain.

"do not know!"

Obviously, it's not that he doesn't know, but that he doesn't want to say it - this silent man knows very well what the world runes mean, and on this issue, he would rather die than reveal any information.

"Well, it's fine if you don't want to say it." Contrary to his expectations, Eno did not embarrass him on this question, but continued to ask other aspects, "Tell me about the history and members of the Silent Man Well, this will not require you to protect it with your life, will it?"

Hearing the words, the silent man was obviously stunned for a moment. He was ready to sacrifice, but he was gently let go by Ino, and instead he was asked a question that was not a secret.

"The Silent Man and the Illuminati were born together." He carefully organized his words to avoid leaking information that should not be leaked. "We are the hidden guardians of Demacia, guarding the safety of this country in unknown places."

"I guessed that." Ino nodded, "What is the relationship between you and the Illuminati?"

"The Silent Man is a part of the Illuminati." The other party gave the answer without hesitation, "The Illuminati will brighten Demacia on the bright side, and the Silent Man abides by secrets and rules in the shadows."

"Then what secret rules do you all abide by?" Ino waved his hand, and an ice chair appeared under the other party, "I heard that someone was successfully tortured by the stone crown recently, and it was you who judged his identity." ?”

Hearing Ino's question, the silent man's expression became subtle.

He didn't sit down, but looked hesitantly at the masked young woman in front of him, as if he wanted to see through her mask and see her identity.

But unfortunately, after looking for a long time, he found nothing - he didn't remember that there was such a person in the files he had read, and he couldn't figure out why such a person could enter the Arcatraz and go straight to the demon searcher of secrets.

"Since there is the punishment of the crown of stone, isn't it normal for the silent man to record the method of judging whether a person has really suffered the punishment of the crown of stone?" Shaking his head, his face showed a natural look, "We keep Dema The secrets and rules in the shadows of West Asia."

"I really don't want to say anything." Eno was very dissatisfied with this perfunctory attitude, "I want to know the history of the Silent Man, from the birth of the Silent Man to the secret rules you keep— ——If you are still talking about him here and there, I can only use your keystone to go inside and see for myself."

As he spoke, Ino shook the keystone he took off from his waist.

The silent man's expression froze. Looking at the obviously activated keystone held by Ino, he finally could only sigh helplessly.

"The Silent Man is the cornerstone of national security." He lowered his voice and said in a pleading tone, "Girl, no matter what your purpose is, as a member of Demacia, I sincerely hope that you will not overdo it." Explore the secrets of the Reticent Man—"

"Okay, stop pointless persuasion." Ino interrupted him, "You tell me, or I'll go and see."

"I'll say." Seeing Ino's resolute attitude, the Silent Man could only lower his head, "The birth of the Silent Man should start with... the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters."

"Kyle and Morgana?"

"That's right." The Silent Man nodded, "Before Demacia was established, His Majesty, the first king of the kingdom, was once in danger. At a critical moment, one of the ancestors stepped forward. , saved His Majesty Oren from the evil mage."

Ino tried his best to maintain his expression, trying not to smile.

"However, when that venerable ancestor made a move, a Rakkor man who was mixed in the team of the ancestors stood up. According to the custom of the Rakkor people, he called that heroic ancestor a blasphemer. And think that he should be hanged as an example to others.” The description of the silent man is slightly different from Kalya’s story, “Although the heroic ancestor was seriously injured and died in the end, this Lakuo who is unwilling to unite with everyone The Er people were still exiled from the ranks of the First Men."

Obviously, regarding the issue of Mihira, the records of the Reticent Man are not bad on the whole, but there are many problems in the details-as a righteous protoss, Mihira will not be exiled by a group of mortals, she is Demacia who left voluntarily.

"Although the stubborn Rakkor was exiled, the noble ancestors did not affect her two daughters, and they still accepted these two little girls." The Silent Man continued, "These two orphans are like this Followed the ancestors and continued to advance, came to Renwall, and came to the present Demacia."

Here, Eno found another interesting place.

According to Karya, although the mothers of the Flying Wing sisters left the team of the Demacia ancestors, their father stayed here-however, in the story of the silent man, Kyle and Morgana directly became an orphan.

"Under the careful teaching of the ancestors, after the Feiyi sisters grew up, they became extremely powerful and extraordinary existences. When the kingdom was established, they made outstanding achievements and left countless stories. This is the legend of the Feiyi sisters. "The silent man didn't know what was going on in Ino's mind, and he just calmly told the history that didn't involve secrets, "Among everyone's expectations, they grew up to be symbols of light and truth. Under their leadership, no matter Neither evil mages nor terrifying monsters can stop the ancestors."

Ino nodded. Sister Feiyi said that she heard a lot when she was a child. Of course, many of them were fables attached to the association, but many of them were indeed passed down from history.

"Unfortunately, there was an internal strife between the Feiyi sisters in the end." The silent man continued his narration, "They are too strong and too stubborn. Opportunity's Morgana is too extreme—and the root cause of this infighting is Demacia's first written law, the "Demacia Code."

Hearing what Carya hadn't said, Ino finally showed an expression of interest.

"In order to bridge the conflict between the two sisters, His Majesty Oren, who was already aged at the time, hoped that they could seek common ground while reserving differences. Therefore, he proposed to revise a detailed law code, and rewards and punishments were given according to the content of the code. In this way, There won't be a situation where Kyle and Morgana are always arguing over one person or one thing."

"However, I have never heard of this "Demacia Law Code." Ino secretly said to Kalya in his heart, "Have you heard of this Code?"

"No." Contrary to Ino's expectations, Carya didn't know the existence of this code, "However, I seem to have guessed something—continue to listen to him."

"His Majesty Oren's proposal has been unanimously agreed by Kyle and Morgana. They are both willing to sit down and talk, and use an extremely detailed code to weigh merits and crimes." The Silent Man continued, "However, This code has encountered many troubles since its compilation.”


"Although the ancestors were noble and sages, they came from various places in Runeterra. The customs and traditions of all people are not consistent. It is undoubtedly an amazing project to use a detailed code to stipulate all rewards and punishments." Said. When it comes to this topic, the mute man's tone is subtly proud, "Besides, some special methods are needed to find out the truth, so when the ancestors are arguing endlessly over the content of the code, some of the people with spellcasting talents People were specially gathered together to become the guardians and executors of this code of law."

"And this is the predecessor of the Silent Man."



From the mouth of this silent man, Eno learned about this history that has not been recorded in detail. According to him, although Oren's suggestion was good, it failed to bridge the gap between the Feiyi sisters in the end. When they were not finished, they broke up in anger and left Demacia.

However, before that, whether it was the Flying Wing Sisters or the German ancestors, their knowledge, skills, and history were recounted and handed over to the Silent Organization, which was not called the Silent People at that time, so that they could investigate Truth, uphold the law.

"Then what happened afterwards? Where did this "Demacia Law Code" go?" After the Silent Man paused his narration, Eno asked, "I have never heard of Demacia having this code."

"After Sister Feiyi left, the speed of codification of the code has increased a lot, but even if it took more than [-] years and after three kings, the completion of the code is still far away." The silent man cleared his throat and continued to narrate. , "As the content of the code becomes more and more, and there are more and more situations that need to be judged, the knowledge and skills that law enforcement officers need to master are also increasing, and eventually gradually exceed the capabilities of most people."

Ino nodded upon hearing this.

Although I don't know what specific content is in this "Demacian Code", at least for now, it seems that there is indeed a lot of secret knowledge in the hands of the Silent Man, and such amazing and unsystematic secret knowledge wants to pass through a few The difficulty of human inheritance is quite astonishing.

After all, there wasn't a Karya among the Reticents.

"In order to be able to pass on this knowledge and truly implement this "Demacia Law Code", the Silent Man was finally officially born-since the implementation of the code requires spellcasting, to become a Silent Man, one must be a spellcaster."

"But according to the records, in Demacia at that time, the forbidden magic stone had been widely used, and the number of mages in the territory was insufficient. Therefore, in order to find more seedlings enough to become the Silent Man, the Silent Man and the Illuminati cooperated and reached out through religion. Thousands of households in Demacia."

According to him, the cooperation between the Silent Man and the Illuminati is purely... a cooperation of interests?
Ino nodded noncommittally, motioning for the other party to continue talking.

"In this way, Demacia at that time had an astonishing number of silent people, they were proficient in a large number of spells, and they understood the rules of reward and punishment in the "Demacia Code" better than anyone... But even So, the Reticents are still understaffed."

"The content of the "Demacia Code" is too detailed." Speaking of this topic, the silent man sighed helplessly, "The "Encyclopedia of Etiquette" that is currently circulating on the market is just a code. It’s just the basic regulations on noble etiquette.”

Hearing this topic, Ino finally showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Ino still knew about the book "Encyclopedia of Etiquette", and Lacus often complained to her about the hardships she had put in to read this book—even though Kalya was actually reminding her silently, but now that I think of it, the red tape is still the same. It made Lux feel as big as a bucket.

And according to the silent man, the "Encyclopedia of Etiquette" is just an insignificant part of the "Demacia Code"!

"In order to better maintain the code, the first generation of Silencers began to seek an extraordinary power." The tone of the Silencer gradually sank, "They hope to use this extraordinary power to make regulations, so that at a relatively small price, Keep this law."


Hearing this, not only Karya, but even Ino had vaguely guessed some questions.

"Then...someone discovered an unknown world rune hidden in Demacia."

Speaking of this, the mute man closed his mouth and fell into silence again.

Obviously, he doesn't intend to say anything about the world runes, because the world runes are too dangerous and deadly, and any news about the world runes must be kept strictly confidential.

Moreover, in fact, it is enough to talk about the matter-just think about the Rune Wars, there is no need to talk about what happened after the first generation of Reticents discovered the world rune.

"...In the end, thanks to the joint efforts of the ancestors and the self-sacrifice of the first Silent Man, the World Rune did not cause too serious consequences, but since then, the Silent Man is no longer the well-known Law Enforcer of Silence , the entire Reticents organization has since entered the shadow of the Illuminati, keeping the secrets of Demacia in the dark."

"And that "Demacia Law Code" was also dismantled and became a large number of codes of conduct including the Encyclopedia of Etiquette."

Ino nodded.

The twists and turns of the silent man did not describe in detail, and considering the discrepancy between what he told and Karya, the details of this history may not be exactly as he said.

But at least it is certain that all the nobles' secretiveness towards the silent person may not only be jealous, but also have a sense of avoiding suspicion.

This history is no longer clear to the nobles today, but their attitude towards the Reticent Man has been passed down from generation to generation.

As far as Eno is concerned, if there is no big problem with the narration of the silent man, maybe the silent man can be used as a help in the next action?

Thinking of this, Ino took off his mask.

"Mr. the Reticent Man." She smiled, "I just came down from Mount Targon. Shouldn't the Reticent Man judge my identity now?"

 Kalya's small classroom for the Venerable:

  The historical records of the Silent Man are generally correct, but in order to maintain the glorious image of the Demacian ancestors and the orthodoxy of the Demacian aristocratic rule, the historical details are more or less taboo.

(End of this chapter)

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