Lux's Farewell

Chapter 417 [0413]

Chapter 417 [0413]
Ino's sudden self-introduction caused the silent man's brain to go into a brief downtime.

His first reaction was that Eno was talking nonsense.

However, before he could open his mouth, Ino sped up his speech, and continued in a tone of "knowing everything":
"I'm not the same as Tariq, who has completely lost his will. Since the Silent Man and the Illuminati are not of the same mind, it seems that we are on the same path."


The shivering mute man wanted to reply, "Who is on the same path as you", but when the words came to his lips, it turned into "Even if the mute man does not agree with some of the ideas of the Illuminati, we It’s all for the kingdom.”

The Reticent Man is really having a hard time recently.

Because of the return of Tarek, the Illuminati, which had been excluded from the political situation before, finally had the opportunity to attack. They believed that this was an out-and-out "miracle" and a manifestation of "the gods still favor Demacia". , should take advantage of this opportunity to expand the influence of the Illuminati!

The expansion of influence here is not to attract more believers, but to influence the political situation by deepening its influence on believers—in other words, after the previous duel, the Illuminati once again launched an impact on secular power.

Because it is Demacia's secret treasure inheritance organization, the Silencers are well aware of the historical origins of many things, and they are not willing to join forces with the Illuminati.

But the problem is that the Silent Man is involved in many places in this incident. Whether it is the identification of the identity of the climber or the confirmation of his subsequent status, these need to be identified by the Silent Man.

In this case, as long as the Reticents do their job, it looks like they are working hand in hand with the Illuminati.

The purpose of the Illuminati to do things is to intervene in the secular world, but because of the special background of the Silent Man, one of the members is considered to be a spellcaster. In Demacia, where spellcasters can't see the light, they are destined not to intervene in the secular world!

In other words, in this matter, no matter whether the plan of the Illuminati can be realized or not, the Silencers have no interest at all.

In Demacia, which is forbidden to demons, the responsibility of the Silent Man is only one acre of land. Only when he is full can he go to the dark with the Illuminati.

In this case, the silent people can be said to be quite aggrieved. They are very self-aware and have no interest in the political situation, but they are in the whirlpool and cannot get out.

Different from the former calling the wind and rain and guarding the code, the power of the Silent Man has shrunk to the extreme, and even some functions have fallen into the hands of the Demon Seeker. ;If the Illumination Society fiddled with operations and was cleaned up again like last time, I am afraid that the silent people's already pitifully small power will be taken away again next time.

Under such an embarrassing situation, when the Illuminati was mentioned, the mute man's tone naturally couldn't be better.

It was this unconcealable resentment that made Ino finally heave a sigh of relief.

"The behavior of the Illuminati to threaten the self-respect of the climbers is destined to be unrealistic." Ino explained the calculation of the Illuminati, "No matter what means they want to take, the situation in Demacia is not dependent on a guardian. The protoss can completely control it."

Silent Heart agrees, but still manages to maintain a deadpan expression on his face.

"As one of the climbers, I think that the current Demacia has too strict control over magic." Ino smiled, "Although you still don't want to tell me why the Silent Man It’s what it looks like now, but presumably it has something to do with the loss of control of the world rune—since then, the Silencers have gradually lost power and become a fringe organization, right?”


"Just treat it as your acquiescence." Ino glanced at the silent man who hesitated to speak, and continued to say, "The Illuminati will rely on a climber who will not be recognized by his relatives after returning from the summit, and there will be a dispute with the noble council. The idea of ​​secular authority, now, if there are two mountaineer mages to support, will the Silent Man stand up and preside over the normalization of Demacia magic?"

Hearing what Yinuo said, the mute man finally couldn't maintain his expressionless posture anymore. He stared wide-eyed and stared at Yinuo in front of him in a daze. His lips trembled, and he could hardly speak a word.

"Magic is not dangerous, out-of-control magic is the most dangerous." Satisfied with the reaction of the silent man, Ino continued to explain his opinion, "The silent man should know this better than anyone else."

"Forbidden magic... Forbidden magic is the foundation of Demacia." The Silent Man tried hard to argue, "If magic is rampant, the result will inevitably be out of control. The history of the Silent Man has proved this, so Demacia has to implement forbidden magic. system, so that all possibilities of getting out of control are eliminated in the bud."

"That's because the Silent Men have no orthodox magic inheritance." Ino shook his head, "The first batch of Silent Men should have come from Shurima, right? Why was magic so prosperous in the Shurima Empire, but magic never appeared? What about the out-of-control situation?"

This rhetorical question seems to be a heavy blow, completely breaking down the psychological defense of the Silent Man in front of him - if he hadn't seen the glory of the Shurima Empire, the Silent Man would not have taken the risk to try to use the power of the world rune Let's maintain the "Demacia Law Code"!

We are all for Demacia, but in the end, the king and the outsiders suppressed us together. In the end, we changed from the defenders of the law to the silent people who hide in the shadows and can only hang out with religious lunatics!
"Miss Climber." He took two deep breaths and tried to calm down his emotions. "The Silencer never acts for his own power. We are the foundation of Demacia and we are responsible for this kingdom."

Ino raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"If magic can be normalized, it will be a great thing for Demacia." The Reticent Man continued, "So, please come with me—the Elders should be happy to communicate with you face to face."


Under the leadership of the Silent Man, Eno met the Senate of the Silent Man in a room that looked like a reading room in this underground laboratory.

It seems that it is because of trust, and it seems that they are very confident in their own strength. When these silent elders met Yinuo, they did not prepare any special security measures. friends generally chat.

"Is this Miss Peake?" The old woman who seemed to be the highest among the elders smiled and showed a kind look after seeing Ino, "It's really young and talented to be able to climb Mount Targon barefoot." Why!"

"It's just the blessing of the sky." Yinuo also smiled, "It's still incomparable to a person like you who has developed the ice blood to the extreme."

After being directly told the details, the smiling old woman's expression froze immediately, and it took a moment before she put on an exaggerated dazed look.

"I'm so old-fashioned!" She took out a pair of exaggeratedly large spectacle frames from her arms, and put them on the bridge of her nose tremblingly. What's your name, an exile like me?"

"Just call me Yinuo." Yinuo nodded politely, "What about you?"

The old woman adjusted the frame of her glasses, and two pieces of crystal-clear ice quickly filled the frame—then, the cloudiness in her eyes no longer looked at Yinuo: "I, everyone likes to call me Grandma Ling .”

"Grandma Ling." Ino didn't care about the other party's prostitution, "If I hadn't met you, I would never have believed that the leader of the elders of the Silent Man was actually a Freljord."

"Hey, I've said it all, I'm just an exiled old bone." Grandma Ling didn't care about the offense in Yinuo's words, but waved her hand, "Little Tag told us everything you said Yes, it is indeed a young man's idea, full of drive."

Ino didn't speak, waiting for the other party's follow-up "but".

"However, the matter of the Reticent Man is actually far more complicated than you imagined." Sure enough, after a half-word of praise, [but] it came as promised, "The religious lunatics of the Illuminati have always been like that, jumping out whenever they get a chance After all, this kind of jumping is useless, just let them go, the silent people should not be involved in this kind of thing."

"Then what is the attitude of the Silent Man towards magic?" Eno didn't comment on this evaluation, "I think it's good for Demacia to maintain the current situation?"

"Of course it's good." Grandma Ling nodded, "It's safe and sound, there's no war, order is in order..."

Grandma Ling's attitude made Yinuo a little uncertain. She seemed to really think so, and her expression gradually changed from sharp to soft. Beside her, the other silent elders also seemed to have the same opinion. Hearing Grandma Ling say that, she took it for granted.

"Something's wrong." Ino smiled and patiently listened to Grandma Ling's chatter, while holding the hilt of the sword, "Mr. Kalya, there seems to be something wrong with them!"

"There must be something wrong!" Carya urged quickly, "Quickly get up and take down that old woman - she is using the power of the world rune!"

Although Yinuo didn't find any trace of energy flow, out of trust in Kalya, she put her hands on the table and stood up suddenly.

Following her movements, a large piece of solid ice, like a glacier breaking, suddenly attacked the smiling Grandma Ling.

"Young people nowadays... damn it!"

Facing Yinuo's spell, Grandma Ling seemed to think that she could easily dissolve it with a wave of her hand, but as the ice was about to add to her body, she realized that she couldn't control the ice made by Yinuo at all!

The cracked ice shot out like a razor. If it wasn't for the amazing agility of the old woman, she would have been pierced by these ice blades at this time!
She no longer had the ease she had before, and Grandma Ling, who was out of shape, just felt confused.

How could this be? !

You must know that in the battle between the ice bloodlines, especially the battle between the ice bloodline casters, the blood concentration is a very important part, which is related to the caster's ability to control the ice.

The thicker the blood, the more able to control the ice, and even simply and rudely seize control of the opponent's ice!

Why does Grandma Ling engage in an attack that doesn't talk about martial arts at this time?
Because after she recognized the icy blood on Yinuo's body, she thought she could handle this young man completely.

Regardless of whether she is a climber or not, no matter what her status is, Grandma Ling has the confidence to suppress her with the power of world runes.

If she doesn't find out, she will be imprisoned in the rune prison; if she finds out, she will be suppressed by herself on the spot!
Just as Yinuo didn't control the Silent Man before to take his life, Grandma Ling didn't take Yinuo down to take Yinuo's life. If you promise to cooperate, the leading party must be a silent person.

It is precisely based on this consideration that she will quietly invoke the power of the world runes hidden in the secret of the silent man, trying to suppress Ino; she will let the spell come to her like a breeze after Ino made a decisive move. Only in front of him did he fight back.

However, what she never expected was that it was true that Ino used ice elemental magic, but the ice elemental magic used was not brought by the ice blood!
Ino's way of casting spells is an upright elemental magic!
Originally, she wanted to take down Yinuo calmly, but Grandma Ling, who misjudged the situation, lost the initiative directly, and her whole body burst back in disgrace.

However, her body retreated sharply on her side, while Yinuo's side was gaining momentum.

Large expanses of ice spread like a forest of thorns in this relatively spacious conference room, forcing the elders of the Humorous Man to leave in embarrassment—and during the period when Yinuo cleared the venue, although Grandma Ling Tried to launch a counterattack, but it was difficult to be effective.

After only a moment, this Grandma Ling was cornered.

"You are really a climber!" After creating an ice wall and controlling it to crush a lot of ice thorns, Grandma Ling's tone was no longer as calm as before, "So much magic power, so young At your are much trickier than that Tariq!"

"You also fought against Tarek?" Ino smashed the ice wall made by the other party, and asked with some surprise, "Why? He also wants to cooperate with the silent man?"

"How can the protoss have a crush on a group of mortals hiding in the shadows... Naturally, it is to test his identity as a climber!" Grandma Ling cast a spell again, and a round ice ball swept past, crushing a lot of ice, "Otherwise, how do you think we confirmed the identity of the climber?"


"Okay, stop, I won't use the power of the world rune anymore." The old lady waved her hand, signaling Ino to stop fighting, "This time, we can sit down and have a good talk. This old bone is about to be torn apart by you."

 Carya's Small Classroom Elders:

  The mage who has entered the extraordinary realm is called the elder among the Silent People, and the group composed of elders that decides the matters of the Silent People is the Elders of the Silent People.

  PS. Gan, the update is getting late, the update time will resume at [-] pm tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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