Lux's Farewell

418 Seeking common ground while reserving differences

418 Seeking common ground while reserving differences
In the past, Lux, Ino, and Sona also had various speculations about the way the Silent Man judged the climber.

They guessed that it might be based on the perception of the energy of the heavens, or it might be that the Silent Man maintains some kind of connection with Mount Targon, but they never expected that the silent man's way of making judgments is so simple and rude—— You will know after one fight.

However, if you think about it in retrospect, fighting may really be a good way to test, no matter whether the energy of the heavens or the secret connection, there is always the possibility of falsification, but the fighting power and fighting method cannot be faked.

After all, there are records of those who suffered the punishment of the stone crown. Their fighting methods before departure and after their return are completely different, and their own strength has doubled. This is the best way to prove it.

Thinking of this, Ino couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"So, do I pass the test?"

"Of course." Grandma Ling showed another smile on her face, "Although he has the blood of ice, he didn't use the blood of ice to fight. The people who climbed the peak are really amazing!"

"It's not as good as you, you can use the power of world runes at will." Yinuo Ruo pointed out, "Now it seems that the power of magic is not uncontrollable, is it?"

"Don't test me anymore!" Grandma Ling shook her head, then stood up, motioning for Yinuo to follow, "Let's go, we need to have a good chat, there are some things that you are qualified to know now."


Following Grandma Ling, Yinuo and several other veterans of the Reticents changed conference rooms.

"Sit down, sit down." Opening the door of the conference room, Grandma Ling touched a crystal ball, and the whole conference room instantly became brighter, "Sit casually... Yinuo, do you want to sit down?" Interested in joining the Silent Man?"

"Ah?" Ino, who was asking Kalya about the principle of this magic lamp, was suddenly recruited, and he was obviously stunned for a moment, "Join the Silent Man?!"

"That's right, come to the Silent Man to be the patriarch." Grandma Ling nodded seriously, "Didn't you say that you want the magic of Demacia to be normalized, the normalization of magic is definitely inseparable from the Silent Man's inheritance, so, you Wouldn't it be a good choice to join us?"

As she said that, the old lady blinked her eyes, looking very optimistic about Ino.


Such an anti-customer-oriented solicitation made Eno quite speechless - he came to find the Silent Man after he made it clear that there was someone behind him. In this case, you still want to recruit me?
I don't know whether I should say that Grandma Ling has a big heart, or that she has courage.

Following Yinuo's silence, the meeting room fell into silence, and the atmosphere became a little delicate. At this moment, a silent person came in from the outside, walked quickly to Grandma Ling, and whispered something in her ear. sentence.

Hearing his whisper, Grandma Ling's expression became more subtle, and her gaze at Yinuo was full of scrutiny again. When he finished speaking, turned around and left the meeting room, the smile on Grandma Ling's face had disappeared. gone.

"Miss Ino." The old lady sat up straight, "Can we be honest with each other?"

"Of course." The corners of Ino's mouth were slightly upturned, and under Kalya's reminder, he had already guessed the reason why the other party changed his face again, "The cornerstone of honesty and cooperation, I hope to cooperate with the silent people to promote the development of Demacia magic normalization."

"Then, Ms. Ino, what do you think of the Demon Seeker?" Grandma Ling unconsciously twirled her fingers, "How can the Demon Seeker exist after magic is normalized?"

"The magic searcher is the magic security officer." Although this question surprised Eno, she still gave the answer immediately, "The boundary between magic and ordinary people."

"The boundary between magic and ordinary people?" Ino's words surprised the old woman, "I thought you would think that they should be the supervisors of magic."

"You must understand magic in order to supervise magic, which is impossible for a magic searcher."

"So, with all due respect." Grandma Ling showed her frank side as a Freljord, "What is your relationship with the Demon Seeker? The fact that you were tortured by the stone crown is completely on the side of the Demon Seeker. working."

"I have nothing to do with the Demon Seeker." Hearing this question, Ino couldn't help laughing, "The Demon Seeker operated and I suffered the punishment of the Stone Crown, mainly because when the noble model of the Crown Guard family suffered the punishment of the Stone Crown, Need a bodyguard."

"Lakshana!" Granny Ling showed a surprised expression for the first time when she heard the words, "Then since you're back..."

"That's right, she's back too." Ino smiled. "You don't have to worry about the reforms that promote the normalization of magic causing large-scale chaos. Miss Laksanna knows it well."

"It's really interesting." Grandma Ling leaned back again, and finally leaned on the back of the chair, her expression became intriguing. What? The Council of Nobles, the Demon Seekers, and us, the Silencers, together encircled and suppressed the Illuminati, this skill is truly terrifying!"

"It's just a chance meeting." Yinuo nodded reservedly, "It seems that Grandma Ling is willing to join us?"

"The Reticent will never be a scapegoat who keeps turning his back on the light." The old woman shook her head, "Besides, everyone is a mage, and they all know something about magic. They are all Demacians. There are some things that you can see, let's see It is also very clear.”

After a confrontation, both sides showed a lot of sincerity—so, the communication between Yinuo and Grandma Ling gradually became smoother.

The basis of the cooperation between the two parties is the expectation for the normalization of magic in Demacia. Whether it is Lux and Ino who have returned from the summit, or the silent man of all mages, they all hope that magic can appear in Demacia openly.

Under this premise, the two sides have a certain amount of hostility towards Tariq and the Illuminati because of their different positions. Needless to say, Eno's side, and the Silent Man's side, as Grandma Ling said, are not As for giving the light all the time, it will be a scapegoat.

Although mages and protoss can be regarded as spellcasters, the gap between them is even bigger than mages and civilians. They are not the same people at all.

With the above affirmations, there will be [sameness] that seeks common ground while reserving differences.

Then there is the basis of mutual trust between the two parties.

After Yinuo revealed her identity, in the eyes of the silent people, she represented the Crownguard family—no matter what the purpose of this noble family was, whether it wanted to compete for the throne that had always been held by the Lightshield family, or was it normalized by magic? The tide calls the wind and the rain, but at least it is certain that Ino is not a traitor and does not want Demacia to fall into chaos.

To put it bluntly, the Crownguard family is a pure vested interest in the current order of Demacia, so for the current Demacia system, what they should hope is to tinker and make progress by the way. Climb up, rather than completely tearing down and starting over.

And in the same way, the silent people are willing to hide in the shadows and act low-key under the background of the ban on demons, which also represents their recognition of the current order in Demacia-it is not an exaggeration to say that if it is Sera who came to the door today Si, even if he said exactly the same thing as Ino, the Silent Man would try his best to take him down completely.

With the cornerstone of trust and the foundation of cooperation, it means that the two parties can really sit down and talk.

Talk about actions, the distribution of benefits, and the specific expectations of both parties.

In this regard, Grandma Ling actually had expectations—although Yinuo seemed to be advancing and retreating slowly, in her opinion, this was largely due to the other party's plans.

Once it comes to the specific negotiation of the content of cooperation, Yinuo must not be the opponent of these old foxes on his side.

After all... Ginger is old and spicy!
Grandma Ling's judgment was correct. The ginger is indeed old and spicy, but there is an older ginger on the opposite side.

When it came to the specific content of the cooperation, she was shocked to find that Yinuo grasped all the scales extremely accurately.

Whether it is the content of history, the channel of voice, or the division of power between the two parties, Eno knows everything.

After a simple round of negotiations, Grandma Ling suddenly found out that she seemed to be at a disadvantage. After a closer look, if the current pace is followed, it seems that everything will be done by the silent people, but almost all the prestige belongs to Laksana... …

Good guy, there is no such thing as taking advantage of it!
"You lack the sincerity of cooperation!" Realizing that she has been brought into the rhythm, the old woman angrily plans to rely on the old to sell the old and start over. "The silent people can use classics to prove history, but we cannot propose this on our own initiative!"

"If you didn't propose it on your own initiative, what's the difference between identifying the climber and interpreting the oracle before?" Enuo laughed when he heard the words, "If it's just to make a stamp, why does the silent person stand on the stage?"

"Because Demacia needs a guardian of magic."

"But even in the regular army, there is a difference between fearless pioneers and rangers!"

"Little girl, don't be too arrogant, pushing an inch is not the way to cooperate!"

"Don't be too anxious, old man, be careful that the magic power is out of control and you can't control the world rune!"

"Do you still know that there are world runes? If you want to normalize magic, this topic cannot be avoided."

"Then just keep it as it is, how about you continue to keep this powerful and precious power underground?"






If you just look at the appearance, it seems that Yinuo and Grandma Ling will fall apart in the next moment.

But in fact, in this debate, the two sides have touched each other's bottom line and real requirements little by little.

If there is no accident, they will be able to reach a rough cooperation intention tonight.

And just when Yinuo and Grandma Ling were fighting with each other, Lax finally left the Mianwei Manor and headed outside the city of Xiongdu in the third route of three divisions.

Different from the previous two routes of covert operations, Lux's route is destined to make some big moves - because her target is the Forbidden Stone Statue standing outside the capital of Demacia.

She's going to power up the Colossus of Justice!
 Karya's Small Classroom: The Interpretation of the So-called Oracle:
  The "interpretation of the oracle" of the Illuminati is actually not too religious. It is essentially an interpretation of the ancient texts of Demacia in the later period of the Rune Wars-Kalya asked Lux ​​to leave it to mislead The symbol of the Illuminati was the recording method used by the ancestors of Demacia at that time.

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(End of this chapter)

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