Lux's Farewell

Chapter 419 [0415] The third way: Lacus and Galio

Chapter 419 [0415] The third way: Lacus and Galio

Since the troops are divided into three groups, it is natural that each group has its own goals.

Sona was inquiring about Lestara's tone, and added Peter who was going to meet Jarvan III, representing the opinions of nobles who are close to the royal family.

Ino took Carya deep into the depths of the Arcatraz, in order to determine the situation of the Silent Man, and if possible, he could attract the Silent Man to act together.

As for Lux's journey, what she has to do is to prove it to the noble council and convince them that magic will not get out of control. The greatest power will always be in the hands of the nobles. The normalization of magic is also beneficial to the nobles. of.

Unlike Sona and Ino, the difficulty of proving a certain thing is far greater than figuring out the attitude of some people.

Especially regarding magic, no matter how you look at it, it is not a simple matter to get the noble council to agree to loosen the chains tied around the neck of magic.

In order to achieve this goal, Lacus, Ino, and Sona spent the most time sorting out their thoughts, and finally dismantled the problem with the help of Kalya.

The premise of profit is stability, and it is to convince the nobles that magic will not overthrow their rule, and even allow them to rule better.

For those who understand magic, this is an out-and-out false proposition-magic will bring about changes in production and will react on the entire structure of society.

However, due to the prohibition against magic for too long, in Demacia, except for a few nobles who are closer to the magic hunters, the silent people or the Illuminati, most of the nobles don't even have a basic concept of magic !
As the vested interests of the entire Demacia, they are naturally worried about magic, but this worry is not that the wide application of magic will promote the awakening of the common people and affect the rule of the nobles, but that magic is too dangerous and threatens To the safety of the lives and property of noble gentlemen.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, Lux must find a way to dispel their worries.

At this point, the method Lux ​​chose was to prepare a very restraining "bridle" for the violent and unruly magic.

Why did Silas have amazing destructive power, but was only imprisoned in the Arcatraz instead of being executed directly?

Although there is a bit of "humanitarianism" in it, more importantly, in the eyes of those who can determine Silas's fate, he is not a threat at all.

A young man who is not a threat can naturally be thrown into a dark prison, and let him live to show his kindness.

The same is true for magic.

If the nobles find that even if they loosen the shackles on magic, they seem to be able to control the situation, then if loosening the shackles is profitable, will they try it?
And now what Lux has to do is to give the nobles who don't know enough about magic an illusion, an illusion that "we can actually control the strength of magic jurisdiction".

When Eno visited the Reticent Man, he gave Silas a chance to escape from prison.

At the same time, Lux quietly came outside the city to help replenish the energy of the giant statue of the forbidden magic stone sleeping here.

When the turmoil suddenly subsides, the noble gentlemen will find that the magic is only mediocre, as long as they master the forbidden magic stone, they can completely control it.

Then, just come to Lux and let Galio show the convenience that a little magic can bring to noble gentlemen... At that time, I will not be afraid that the noble council will not stand on my side!

Just like that, with brisk steps, Lux climbed over the city wall and slipped to the foot of the Justice Colossus outside the gate of Xiongdu.

Then, seeing no one around, she spread her wings of light, and quickly ran onto the statue's shoulder.

The next moment, she put her hand on the statue's shoulder.

"Wake up, big man."


Outside the capital of Demacia, on the only way in and out of the city, the giant stone statue Galio, carefully sculpted by the master sculptor Duran, is always watching.

Although the summer has come to an end at this time, the wind in the evening has gradually become cooler, and the number of caravans traveling to and from Xiongdu has gradually decreased, but when those businessmen from all over Demacia gathered outside the city of Xiongdu, When the city sold and bought enough goods and set off to leave, the long caravan would still pay attention to the statue as they passed by.

Because of the Artist Support Association, in recent years, more and more artists have come to Demacia Xiongdu to make a living. Some of them are extremely talented and have received sponsorship from the association, while some have been cruelly judged as "insufficient talent" Or they were euphemistically said "the future is promising", but they failed to become famous and attend noble banquets.

Juxiong is not easy. Most of these down-and-out artists who are good at painting have changed jobs and become professional painters. When caravans from all over the world come to Demacia Xiongdu to do business in summer, I will draw a picture for them as a souvenir. portrait works to earn money for living in Demacia Xiongdu.

Although even a down-and-out painter is not something a single traveling merchant can afford, but if many traveling merchants from the same place form a caravan, and everyone pools their money together, they can still invite a painter to splash ink and leave a trace. Vice picture scroll.

For ordinary people, painting is a rare thing, and being able to leave their own appearance, even if it can only stay with many people, is a big enough thing for them to hold their heads high!

And as the iconic "building" of the capital of Demacia, Galio, the Colossus of Justice, is the background chosen by caravans in many places—no way, although the magnificent square, Dawn Castle, and Hall of Valor in the city are more representative Sex, but the sheriff obviously won't allow so many people in the caravan to stand there in threes and fives to spend a morning or an afternoon blocking traffic.

In contrast, the Colossus of Justice located outside the city is iconic enough, and the surroundings are spacious enough. More importantly, as long as there is enough space for painting and the most basic outlines are drawn, the Colossus and the people can be drawn separately.

Therefore, in the past few years, every summer, the place under Galio's feet will be extraordinarily lively.

The painters here earn a sum of money enough to stay in Xiongdu to become famous and pursue further studies, and the caravan leaves behind an iconic group portrait.

However, no one could have imagined that when they each got what they needed, the giant statue of justice, which had always been used as the background, was actually silently observing these little people.

In other words, no one knows that Galio, the Colossus of Justice, has always been conscious, but because of the lack of magic power, he is unable to act.

As a pure Colossus of Justice made from the Arcatria, Galio is qualified to be a construct in its own right.

Well, that's not the right way to say it.

It should be said that Galio, made purely from the Sorcerer Stone, can hold a maximum amount of magic power far exceeding most of the magic constructs in the ancient Shurima Empire. When the Shurima Empire was in its heyday, it could also be called "amazingly extravagant".

If you compare it horizontally, in Zaan New Port, the puppet transported by Zeli's pier uses less than one percent of Galio's amount of forbidden magic stones.

As Kalya commented, Duran's method of making Galio can only be described as a big brick - such a large piece of pure forbidden magic stone, even if it does not describe any magic power circuit, as long as it is full of magic power, it can still free movement.

Therefore, since the unlucky Noxus battle mage group "Arcane Fist" charged Galio with a certain amount of energy with arcane missiles on Green Tooth Peak, Galio as a construct life has been born consciousness.

It's just because the energy has not been filled, and there is no organized magic circuit inside, although Galio is always conscious, he can't move freely.

In this way, the huge statue of justice stood outside the city of Demacia, watching the little people coming and going as a landmark building.

Galio knew that he was created by these villains, so he instinctively wanted to protect them, but what puzzled him was that these villains would change their appearance little by little over time, and finally reappeared. Also missing.

At the very beginning, Galio thought that those villains who disappeared were the same as himself, and went to repair them regularly-although he had never seen any villain who would be as hated as himself by the crow shit, but thinking about it Even small people need to be repaired.

However, with the passage of time, Galio understood the words of those little people little by little, and only then did he realize that these little people are different from himself, and they will die.

Galio couldn't understand death at first. The death he could imagine should be the fragmentation of the statue. It wasn't until later, when a child who ran away from home cried at his feet, that he realized that death was the eternal sleep after the disappearance of consciousness. .

Just like when I hadn't woken up on the green tooth peak.

Galio, who understood this, was very sad. He didn't want these children who made their own little people and made their own little people to die.

Even after he learned that these little people would die of old age with the passage of time, just like he would be eroded by wind and water, he still hoped to prevent them from dying accidentally due to other reasons.

Therefore, Galio would try his best to move himself when Demacia needed it, and then punch those who violated these little people without hesitation!
However, the chances of punching heavily are rare after all.

Most of the time, Galio can only stand here alone, observing the little people around him.

In the past few years, more and more people have begun to draw portraits of themselves, which makes Galio very happy-he is very happy that he can be with those little people forever in the paintings.

Maybe these little people will go to the land of the dead, but at least they left those pictures.

And in the conversations of these people, Galio also remembered a name called Laxana. It was she who formed an organization called the Art Support Association, so that so many people who can draw came here to give themselves and Paintings of these little people who will die in the future.

Galio decided that if he could see that Laxana in the future, as long as she was not afraid, he must thank her.

Another caravan got his painting, got into the carriage with a wave, and left the capital of Demacia. Although Galio couldn't wave to them, he wanted to smile happily—it's a pity that the face of the Colossus of Justice didn't The ability to move, which made him a little bit lost.

Then, just as Galio was looking forward to tomorrow's "photo partner", a warm little figure landed on his shoulders.

The next moment, an astonishing magic power injected into Galio's body.

"Wake up, big man!"

 Karya's Small Classroom: Fist of Arcane Mage Group:
  The Fist of Arcane is the largest mage group in Noxus. During the Battle of Green Tooth Peak, the Noxians hoped to completely defeat Demacia's defenses through large-scale magic bombing.

  However, because the scale of the mage group is too large to achieve combined spellcasting, the attack method of the Fist of Arcane is to use the purest arcane to carry out the simplest attack-arcane missile.

  Then... the indiscriminate bombardment of spells bombarded Galio, who was not yet alive at that time, and successfully activated this giant statue made of forbidden magic stones into a magical construct.

  Then, the Fist of Arcane was disbanded.

  PS. The foreshadowing recovery of the Art Support Association, I didn't expect it!

  PSS. There is another chapter in the middle of the night!
(End of this chapter)

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