Lux's Farewell

420 [0416] Comrade Galio

420 [0416] Comrade Galio

An unprecedented warm feeling filled Galio's whole body.

Compared with Galio's huge body and amazing magic capacity, the magic power flowing from his shoulders was at best a trickle.

However, while this trickle is nourishing Galio, who has not been charged for a long time, it is also trying to probe Galio's internal structure.

As the "big sister" among the many students of Karya in this generation, Lux's magic theory foundation is undoubtedly the most solid one, but even so, facing the huge statue of justice, what she can do is only for Galio prepares the simplest exercise circuit.

If you really want Galio to move freely like the constructs of the ancient Shurima Empire, then I am afraid that he will have to undergo a complete transformation—Kalya personally presided over it, and even dismantled part of Gary from the inside. Ao's body, and at least five people with the theoretical level of Lacus as assistants.

Why is there a high level of construct manufacturing in Shurima, but not many are actually made?It’s not that Shurima people don’t like constructs, but that it’s too difficult to make and maintain. The magic of Shurima has not been popularized enough that people who cannot cast spells can learn magic theory and repair constructs. body level.

Even if according to Karya's vision of "magic industrialization", the separation of magic talent and spellcasting talent is truly realized, and the construct is still a high-end "high magic level technology". In the current Demacia, Galio can move , It is already a miracle produced by the ultimate stacking + Noxus vomiting blood assists.

With the influx of Lux's magic power, Galio felt the "numbing" feeling that the little man said for the first time.

"You're injecting me with magic, aren't you?" Galio said in surprise, "I like your magic, little man, can you tell me your name?"

Although Galio is trying to whisper, for the Colossus of Justice, even if it is a whisper, it is actually somewhat similar to Rolling Thunder - if Lux hadn't propped up the magic shield for the first time, I am afraid that "the Colossus of Justice can talk" the second time The day is about to become the headlines in the Xiongdu of Demacia.

And even if Lux had reacted in time, some people in the caravan who had just left not far away still turned their heads, looked at the Colossus of Justice in the distance, and murmured why there was still thunder on a sunny day.

"My name is Lux." While controlling her magic power, Lux reluctantly opened her mouth, "I'll talk about something later, when I get your magic circuit done..."

Galio, who originally wanted to move his body to drive away the crows that landed on his feet, said in a "low voice", and then obediently settled in place.


Time passed minute by minute.

Two hours later, Lux finally sorted out the complex magic power circuit in Galio's body. To be honest, she never dreamed that the magic power circuit in Galio's body would be so complicated. Or they were combined abnormally, Lux couldn't understand at all, but it was still greatly shocked.

In order to prevent the arbitrary modification of the magic circuit from directly destroying Galio, Lux had to spend another two hours to start anew, designing a simple magic circuit for him specifically for "low-power sports".

Through this magical circuit, flying, running, jumping and the like are impossible, but it is still possible to move like a sequelae of cerebral thrombosis, and this is already the limit of what Lux can do.

By the time this step was barely achieved, the sky was already dark.

On the other side of Dawn Castle, the bell representing the king's meeting has not rang for a long time. Seeing that there is still time, Lux simply leaned on Galio's neck, let out a long breath, and began to teach Galio to use This set of brand new magic power circuits started to move.

Lux has been a student for nine years, and it is the first time that she is a teacher.

Fortunately, although Galio has no magic education, he is instinctive in manipulating magic power. In addition, the magic power circuit is already in his body. After some simple learning, he can get started quickly.

Even at the beginning, Galio was not very familiar with the magic power circuit in his body, and he was not very used to this method of "needing to use the magic power circuit like a prosthesis to move himself", but after realizing this way, he didn't need to After absorbing a large amount of mana and being able to move freely, Galio only had surprises in his heart.

If Lux hadn't asked him to keep quiet and not move around, Galio would have jumped up excitedly by this time!
"Hey, I can move now!" Galio moved his fingers in a small range under the cover of the night, and happily shared with Lux, "There is no need to absorb a lot of magic!"

"That's right." After confirming that Galio can indeed move, Lux also heaved a sigh of relief, "Of course, your ability to move is not very strong now, and you should not be able to flap your wings normally. At this point, you still need to Just be patient."

"Okay, okay." Galio hurriedly agreed, and then asked belatedly, "You haven't told me your name yet!"

"My name is Lux." Lux sat on Galio's shoulder with a smile, "Just call me Lux."

"Light, Lacus!" Galio nodded, as if he had made up his mind, and repeated in a low voice, "Galio's mother, her name is Lacus!"

Hearing these words, Lux almost fell off Galio's shoulders with somersaults—for Lux, who was not long ago, it was too exciting to be called a mother directly, and, look at this" Child"'s size and age, this kind of appellation is simply too outrageous and outrageous.

"I'm not a mother!" Furious and anxious Lacus grabbed Galio's neck and emphasized loudly, "You have a problem with your understanding of mothers!"

"No problem..." Galio's tone was somewhat innocent, "They say that Mr. Durand is the father of the Colossus, and his ax carved my body... Now that you let me move freely, then you are my mother what-"

"No, no, no, it's not the same thing." Lux interrupted Galio with a headache, "You are different from us, you were made by Mr. Durand, he is your father, yes, as for I gave you the ability to move freely... that's because I'm your friend, and friends should help each other!"


"That's right!" Lux, who urgently found a set of rhetoric, emphasized, "Friends, friends should help each other!"

"However, I've seen a lot of people who call each other friends, but they don't help each other." Galio was aggrieved, "It's different from what I saw."

Galio's words of "knowing the sufferings and mundaneness of the world" made Lux couldn't help but look sideways, but she didn't intend to give herself the weird title of Mother of Colossus for no reason.

Lacus dared to say that if she really had this title, if Kalya knew about it, she would definitely become a model for his teaching in the future.

"Your senior sister Lacus, because she didn't learn how to make golems, the logic module of the empowered colossus has problems, and she finally had to be a mother"--Kalya can definitely say this!

Um, wait, speaking of Karya...

"You are the protector of Demacia, you want to protect Demacia, right?" Lux quickly thought of a way, "I also want to protect this country from cunning villains, so we are like-minded ,right?"

Galio thought for a while, and agreed with Lux's statement.

"So, we are comrades!" Lux patted Galio's neck, her tone excited, "Comrades should support each other, help each other, and trust each other!"

Galio had never heard of such a title.

But according to Lacus, it seems that there is no problem in saying so.

Thus, the Colossus of Justice finally nodded slightly, approving Lux's words: "So, I should call you Comrade Lux?"

"Not bad!" Hearing this, Lux crossed her hips with a smile on her face, "You're a quick learner, Galio."

"Comrade Lux, what should I do now?" Galio seemed to quickly enter the role, "Are there any cunning villains that I need to crush?"

"No, no, no, no, at least not now." Lux waved her hand upon hearing this, signaling Galio to relax, "However, after a few days, there may be big villains who want to destabilize Demacia. You clean up."

"No problem!" Galio didn't seem to care about waiting here for a few days, "Leave it to me, Galio is very good at fighting!"

"Well, and, before that, you'd better stay here and don't move around - on the one hand, it's because you consume too much magic power to act, and I can't add it; on the other hand, you have to cooperate Tell us about our planned actions, after that, I will introduce new comrades to you!"

"Okay!" Galio still agreed, "Leave it to me, Comrade Lux!"

At this moment, the bell of Dawn Castle rang, and the noble council ended its work for the day. Hearing this sound, Lux could only stand up and gave Galio a thumbs up: "As for the reason for the plan , purpose and requirements, I will tell you slowly later—then, see you later, Comrade Galio!"

"No problem, Comrade Lux!" Although Galio still maintained the motionless posture of the statue, imitating Lux's appearance, he quietly gave a thumbs up, "Then, see you in two days! "

With a wave of her hand, Lacus slid off Galio's body in a hurry, and after picking up a few lumps of excrement left by the crows, she pulled up the hood of her robe and rushed into the city.

The preparations for the Colossus of Justice are over. I don't know if Ino and Sona's actions are going well or not, and I don't know what His Majesty thinks.

If I were to go to see His Majesty tomorrow and face the noble meeting directly, I'm afraid I would have to put on that paragon of nobleman again.

What a headache!
However, Comrade Galio...


 Karya's Small Classroom: A Magical Circuit Formed Naturally:
  According to the results of Lux's careful investigation, there are quite complicated magic power circuits in Galio's body, which he can't understand at all. These magic power circuits may be left by Duran when he made the statue, or it may be that time When the green tooth peak impacted, it was left by the impact of excess magic power.

  PS. The playoffs are really interesting. I hope that this year's S game, LPL will achieve another glory, and then I can work hard to add more games!

(End of this chapter)

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