Lux's Farewell

424 [0420] Imperial meeting

Lux finally succeeded in convincing her family to accept her approach and support her to get a new fief - preferably Fossbarrow.

After confirming this point, Pete and Tiana got busy, and the two of them left in a hurry to prepare for the imperial meeting of the noble council tomorrow.

And Augesa is helping Lacus refer to tomorrow's imperial speech, and find an angle to subtly express her desire to go to Fossbarrow.

"Shouldn't you tell His Majesty directly?" Lacus, holding a command sword, was a little surprised, "After all, it's about His Majesty Sentu..."

"Ahem." Speaking of this topic, Augesa coughed twice subtly, "Let's not get involved in the affairs of the royal family."

Don't get involved in the affairs of the royal family?

What does this have to do with the royal family?
When Lacus was full of doubts, Kalya quietly answered her doubts.

"Jiawen III is not a direct descendant of Sentu, so it is best not to directly mention Sentu in such a place. It involves the issue of legal system, which is somewhat sensitive-and even if you don't talk about it, Jiawen III will not refuse You went to Forsbarrow."

Lux understood, and quickly settled down, and prepared tomorrow's speech with her mother.


When Pete and Tiana returned, it was already late at night.

Although they were quite tired, they still brought back good news—at the imperial meeting tomorrow, someone in the noble council will support the Crown Guard family, and the demon seekers will also agree that "dealing with demons in the territory is far better than exiling them." It is more convenient and reliable to go abroad.”

The only fly in the ointment is that it is impossible for the magic seekers to guarantee the stability of magic, and they will only provide possible help within their own jurisdiction.

However, this is enough.

On Lux's side, the contents of the imperial speech have almost been prepared. In this speech, she focused on the responsibilities that climbers need to bear. With the attitude of "noble model", she crazily made a high profile, carried out self sacrifice.

After professional beautification, obtaining a large area of ​​fiefdom has become "defending the frontier for the kingdom"; relaxing the management of magic has become "reducing the pressure on the kingdom's ban on magic"; normalizing magic within the necessary range has become "using labor Consume the excess energy of the demon-infested"——In short, although what Lux wants to do is to use the demon-infected people who are usually excluded in Demacia to develop production, but in her description, Fossbarrow is simply To become a large-scale magic prison.

From the perspective of aristocrats, Lacus’s speech is undoubtedly very palatable. Anyway, even if she is tossing, she will at most go to a place where the birds don’t shit, even if it is really tossing. It has nothing to do with everyone.

Moreover, since Lux will appear with Tariq tomorrow, as Lux begins to speak, the pressure will definitely be given to Tariq.

Compared with Lux who accepted the punishment of the crown of stone and put amazing pressure on the nobles, Tariq was forced to perform the punishment of the crown of stone, which was pure dereliction of duty.

Lux did not commit any major crimes of dereliction of duty, but in a duel, she was unwilling to accept a draw because her weapon was broken, and she accepted the punishment of the stone crown in order to maintain the dignity of the nobility!

And you, Tariq, are out-and-out dereliction of duty!

After becoming a peak climber, Lux has not yet become self-satisfied, and wants to stay in the northern border forever, so what face do you Tariq have to take over as the cardinal and stay in Xiongdu?
Illuminati wants to use this opportunity to extend its tentacles into government affairs?

The Imperial Council with the participation of the Council of Nobles was originally the highest political meeting in Demacia. The nobles were troubled by Taric before, mainly because the identity of the climber was too special, and the Illuminati still had a considerable public foundation. Yes, if the side frame is pulled too hard, the Illuminati will have a hard time getting through.

But now that Lux has come out to take care of it, the noble council can make things clear on the surface, and even bite Tarek and the Illuminati directly.

Sometimes the name is useless, and sometimes it weighs more than a thousand catties.

For Lacus's speech, both Pete and Tiana thought it was very appropriate. Seeing that the time had come to midnight, after confirming that there were no omissions in the speech and telling Lacus to recite it carefully, Pete, Ogg Sha and Tiana finally let out a long breath and left the small restaurant.

Lux, who returned to her bedroom with this manuscript, also let out a long breath, and then, before she lay on her bed and fully stretched herself out, Eno spoke immediately.

"Sona came here just now, because it was too late, so I went back first." She lowered her voice and said, "Sona said, His Majesty doesn't want the Crown Guard family to be too prominent, there is indeed a lot of people in the Illuminati. Contradictions - In addition, the most important thing is that recently, things about Tarek and the climbers have become taboos in the Illuminati. I am afraid that the Illuminati are not sitting still... I just don't know if they know Know the news of your return."

"Let's just assume they know." Sona's news mainly served as a confirmation and reminder to Lacus. After thinking for a while, she finally shook her head slightly, "Our plan is fine, according to Karl According to what Teacher Ya said, at the imperial meeting tomorrow, everyone except the Illuminati will be our friends, no matter what the Illuminati thinks, they are doomed to fail!"

"I think so too!" Hearing this, Eno also showed a confident expression, "The Demon Seeker, the Silent Man, the Council of Nobles, His Majesty the King... are all on our side, and the Illuminati is destined to be unable to take Demar West Asia has become a kingdom of ignorance like Targon!"


The next morning, Lux got up early and began to freshen up.

After many years, the little princess of the defending family finally put on her own princess dress again, once again filled with dazzling jewelry, once again, under the reminder of Carya, she became that dignified and elegant, with extraordinary temperament model of nobility.

Then, led by her father and aunt, she took a carriage and entered the Castle of Dawn through the open main gate.

Wherever the carriage went, all the nobles bowed their heads in salutation. No matter how much they hoped that Lacus and Tariq would die together, on the surface, they still needed to show the greatest respect and humility—after all, the identity of a climber is equal to Yu Angel.

After Lux's carriage, Tariq also rode through the gate on a tall horse.

Unlike the invisible carriage, Tariq on the white horse put great pressure on the nobles present. Tariq was already tall and handsome. Can't look directly.

Under his brilliance, the tall white horse seemed to be dyed with a layer of rose-colored brilliance, and every crisp sound of the horse's hooves on the ground seemed to step on the hearts of these nobles.

Tariq's expression was careless, as if everything here was not worth his attention, but his movements were always extremely elegant, and his awe-inspiring demeanor even contrasted with the vulgarity of these nobles who strictly abide by etiquette.

This gem-like appearance put great pressure on the nobles. After truly feeling the power of this peak climber, many nobles who originally wanted to let him go with Lacus, even silently missed him. That little girl who always has a straight face.

Only then did they realize that although Laksana was too exemplary and pressured, compared to this Tarek, she was more or less approachable.

Lux, who was in the carriage, was naturally ignorant of the thoughts of these nobles. After she stepped out of the carriage, although she kept her eyes fixed on etiquette, she looked at her side and herself from the corner of her eye. Taric standing side by side.

Then, Lux was shocked to find that Tariq was also looking at her, and she was looking at her undisguisedly, with her head tilted, and her face showing appreciation.

The eyes, as if staring at some rare treasure, made the goosebumps stand up under Lacus' long skirt.

"Miss Laxana." Before the meeting started, Tariq even lowered his head slightly, and took the initiative to talk to Lax, "I've heard about you. They say that you are an artist and have unique insights into beauty."

Lacus kept her expression on the face, but she was already stunned in her heart—what's the matter with being so familiar?

Moreover, I gave you a good meal on Mount Targon, why are you acting like nothing happened now?

Did you fall off a mountain and break your head?
Lux, who couldn't figure out the situation, simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, as if she hadn't heard it, and still maintained her own demeanor, simply ignoring Tariq's words.

"I thought it was a boring mortal looking at the sky, but what I didn't expect was that I really saw the brilliance of beauty in you." Unfortunately, even though Lux was quite indifferent, Tariq was still frighteningly attentive, "Fate is intertwined with you, and starlight overflows your body. You are not those false gods who are eager for quick success, nor are you the old gods who have not faded..."


If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Lacus would have liked to ask "Am I familiar with you?", but due to the character design and follow-up actions, she could only grit her teeth and shut up, and continued to pretend that she didn't hear it.

"This is not a hypocritical flattery, but a compliment from the truth from a giant god who is committed to protecting all good things." Seemingly aware of Lux's alienation, Tariq no longer used words to describe, but instead expressed his sincerity. The tone, talking about his own feelings, "Ordinary people will always absorb ordinary things, fall into the net of fate, struggle without knowing it, but you are different. You should not mix with these mortal people, you should be like me, living above the heavens, overlooking these mortal beings..."

Lux felt at a loss for Tariq's raving and praising words.

What is the web of fate?

What is a mundane thing?
What the hell is Tariq babbling about endlessly?
Does he no longer remember himself, or remembers himself but pretends not to remember himself?
Isn't he the giant star spirit?

Yesterday Eno said that the way the mute man tested the protoss was to fight with the protoss. Could there be something wrong with the test?

Or, when the Guardians took Taric's body, they didn't accept his memory at all?

But even if he didn't accept Tariq's memory, when he fought Tariq on Mount Tarik, it was clear that Tariq used the power of Tariq later, what is going on?

At this moment, Lux's head was full of question marks.

But she couldn't ask, and she couldn't even discuss with Kalya—in order to avoid being discovered, Kalya not only asked Lacus to redecorate the sword, but also completely restrained her aura. Before approaching Tariq, Kalya He gave some important instructions on etiquette, and then switched to silent mode.

Therefore, for Tarek's scalp-numbing words, Lux could only bear silently by herself.

As a result, the imperial meeting has not yet started, but Lux has already started to have a headache.


Fortunately, it didn't take long for the bell ringing in Dawn Castle to finally interrupt Tarek's endless words and save Lux's eardrums and skull.

Jarvan III, who was also dressed up to attend, brought Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao, and came out in person to welcome the return of the two climbers.

"Miss Laxana, Mr. Tariq, you are all heroes who have returned from the peak, and you are people who have been blessed by the name of God." The smiling Jarvan III handed over the scepter to Jarvan IV as if he was a grandfather next door. Here, he took the initiative to come up one by one, and grabbed the two climbers, "The past has been washed away in the pure white snow, and now, you return as pure as children—God favors Demacia!"

"Heaven's Blessed Demacia!"

"Heaven's Blessed Demacia!"

"Heaven's Blessed Demacia!"

As if they had been trained, the nobles shouted in unison.

After three beeps, everyone closed their mouths, and their eyes fell on the face of the smiling Jarvan III.

"Come on, hero of Demacia!" Turning around, His Majesty the King made a gesture of inviting him in, "Convey the will of God to us dull mortals!"

According to Kalya's instructions, Lacus nodded slightly, supported the saber with one hand, held the hem of the skirt with the other, and entered the main hall of Dawn Castle generously.

And beside her, Tariq seemed to be half a beat behind, quickly followed, and entered the main hall of the kingdom together.

After the two climbers started their actions, a group of nobles also entered the Castle of Dawn quietly and tacitly according to the etiquette.

In the main hall, a large circular table has been arranged early, and the tabletop of the Temperance Stone has been wiped down to a bright spot.

Unlike the usual imperial meeting, this time, the main seat has three seats.

This time, without waiting for Jarvan III to move, Tariq, who had been slow before, stepped forward and sat on the main seat next to him.

Then, after Jarvan III's wrinkles stretched a little, he naturally greeted Lacus.

"Please sit down, Miss Laxana." Tariq took it for granted, "Come to the middle, your brilliance should be like this."

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