Lux's Farewell

Chapter 425 [0421]

As soon as Tariq said a word, not only the nobles looked worried, but even the cardinals and all the bishops in the crowd began to have a straight rise in blood pressure.

My Excellency Dengfeng, why do you say you have nothing to provoke His Majesty?
Although Laxanna is young, she is a model of nobility after all, so why can she sit in the center majestically because of your words?

Apart from disgusting His Majesty Jarvan III and annoying the nobles, does this kind of invitation have any practical significance?

And the development of the matter was exactly as they expected. As if she didn't hear Tariq's compliment, Lax pulled Jarvan III with a smile and let him sit in the middle seat.

Under such circumstances, the bishops can only sigh silently—Tariq’s attitude of not caring about ordinary opinions has given the Illuminati a chance to carry the banner of climbers to intervene in government affairs; Will intentionally or unintentionally bring trouble to the lighting.

Forget it, there are gains and losses, calm down, calm down!
After such an embarrassing scene, everyone in the main hall seemed to have forgotten the previous situation, and continued to start the process of today's imperial meeting step by step.


The predecessor of the imperial meeting was when Demacia was not yet established, the ancestors gathered around the campfire, and each family sent out a representative to discuss the next course of action and division of labor.

At that time, the ancestors of Demacia walked through the flames of war, and the road was full of difficulties. If they were not careful, the entire army might be wiped out. They must be completely united in order to continue walking. Therefore, in the bonfire meeting, no matter what the final result of the discussion is, Everyone must do their best.

Usually, Oren is highly popular, and many military commanders can make a decision with one word, but at the bonfire meeting, he can't say what he says, at most he can come up with his own method to persuade everyone to agree.

Later, with the founding of Demacia, the status of the people participating in this meeting changed from refugees to nobles, but its essence has not changed. It is still the people who hold the power of Demacia together to discuss the future of the country.

In the relatively long history of Demacia, whether it is the transfer of royal power, the mobilization of large-scale wars, or the national policy of banning demons, the starting point without exception is the imperial meeting.

A king's order may lead to death, but the decision of the imperial council often has a far-reaching impact, because the imperial council represents the wishes of all the rulers of Demacia. Unless the country is completely changed, latecomers must respect the imperial council the result of.

With such origin and significance, the seriousness of the imperial meeting is naturally extraordinary.

After everyone was seated according to their positions, Jarvan III stood up and delivered a short speech, naming the main purpose of this imperial meeting: the discussion on the next position of the climbers in the kingdom, and the current new situation. The general direction of Demacia.

The former is a specific problem, and a conclusion must be drawn; the latter is a discussion topic, which requires everyone to brainstorm.

However, on such a serious occasion, even though Tariq and Lux ​​were seated across Jarvan III from left to right, Tariq still bypassed Jarvan III as if no one else was there, and flattered Lax crazily.

Although his voice was not loud enough to interfere with Jarvan III's speech, it still made the usually good-tempered King's face turn red.

In such an embarrassing and humiliating situation, the bishops and cardinals at the Illuminati seat already wanted to cover their faces with their hands. As soon as Jarvan III finished speaking and announced the start of the discussion, the cardinal was the first to stand up. .

Originally, he shouldn't have gotten up at this time—he shouldn't have just thrown Wang Bo at the beginning—but Tarik was about to lose control, and the good-tempered His Majesty Jarvan III was about to lose his temper. The cardinal couldn't sit still.

The bishops are not fanatical priests of Rakkor. The essence of their jumping up and down is for secular power.

People whose purpose is secular power naturally cannot foolishly think that they can establish a divine kingdom on earth with a single call, so according to the internal consensus of the Illuminati, what they should do is to please the king and then share the profits from the nobles Power is right.

After all, with fewer and fewer fiefdoms to seal, His Majesty the King has become less and less pleasing to the nobles. At this time, he came to take some eye medicine and brighten his attitude, so that he could get something out of the nobles' hands.

But they never expected that before the main topic of the imperial meeting started, the climbers on their side would soon annoy the king, and if Tariq was allowed to go on like this, there would be nothing to talk about!

"Someone has returned from the summit, this is God's favor for Demacia!" The cardinal stood up and chose to continue Jarvan III's rhetoric, "And the climber is the one who is favored by heaven! , it should be widely advertised, so that all Demacians know that the kingdom is a family member!"

Obviously, His Excellency the cardinal is sensible, and he didn't say much about the identity of the protoss, but directly put the topic on the ground, and it fell on the matter of publicizing the identities of Tarek and Lux .

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this statement.

In addition to stabbing Lacus on the "identity confirmation", his purpose is also very clear - as long as the identities of the climbers are publicized, then their status and positions will naturally not be lowered. .

With Tariq's personality, his job is the job of the Illuminati!

When it comes to administrative ability, the Illuminati thinks that they don’t need noble gentlemen, what they need is an opportunity to intervene, and now, Tariq is that opportunity!
In addition, the nobles know that the climbers are those who have suffered the punishment of the stone crown and returned from the summit, but in the eyes of Demacia civilians, these people are the people of heaven. Since heaven favors Demacia, what organization is better than the light? What better way to "welcome the heavenly family"?

Therefore, there is only one main policy of the Illuminati, and that is to praise!

Hold on to the status of Gao Dengfeng, hold the status of Gao Dengfeng, and then use this banner to intervene in the government affairs of Demacia!

The Illuminati should not be a charity-only group. We are no worse than nobles who only know how to sit on the ground and collect money in governing the local area. His Majesty Jiawen, look at us?

Although Jarvan III knew very well that the motives of the Illuminati were impure, he still couldn't help being moved by the cardinal's speech.

It's not that he is not firm in his position, but that in Jarvan III's view, the power of the nobility is indeed a bit too great.

Although there were royalists like the Crown Guard and Bouvier among the nobles, but looking at the posture of the Crown Guard family after it became powerful... Jarvan III naturally felt worried.

Since becoming king, Jarvan III has been diligent and conscientious, internally suppressing traditional aristocrats, supporting royalist aristocracy, maintaining toughness externally, and avoiding direct military intervention on the one hand. It can be said that Jarvan III is still very good at being a king. qualified.

But politics are never perfectly balanced.

The royalist aristocrats supported by Jarvan III cannot continue to protect the emperor forever, and to support the royalist aristocrats, they need to come up with real fiefdoms-there are noble fiefdoms everywhere in Demacia, unless Jarvan III can forcefully shuffle the cards and directly Confiscate the fiefdoms of a group of nobles, otherwise this road will soon become impassable.

Under such circumstances, Jarvan III really needed a knife to cut off the increasingly greedy tentacles of the nobles.

Now the performance of the Illuminati is clearly telling Jarvan III that he is willing to become this knife—listen to the words of this cardinal, what is "you can't let the glory be confined to one place in Xiongdu", what is "you should take advantage of this sky Dependents, magnificent German scene"?
This clearly means to take advantage of this excuse to expand the influence of the central government and gather the power in the hands of the nobles.

I went to bite with the noble council, and share the results of the bite with His Majesty.

If it was a war between theocracy and kingship, then Jarvan III should be on the side of kingship.

But if the Illuminati only tore apart the authority of the nobles in a limited way, the meaning would naturally be quite different.

Moreover, Tariq is not the only one who climbed the peak. If he is afraid that the light will be difficult to control, isn't there Laksana?

In this way, although he was still wary of the Illuminati, Jiawen III still showed a thoughtful look on his face, as if he really listened to the Illuminati's thoughts.

The nobles in the back row couldn't see clearly, but the nobles in the front row didn't look very good after seeing this scene.

The subtext that Jarvan III could understand, these noble gentlemen could naturally understand as well.

You bastards of the Illuminati, are you really good at provoking? !

This time, I learned how to be good, no longer confronting His Majesty directly, and turned to trouble us, right?

They felt dissatisfied, but they couldn't speak for a while—what the Illuminati said was, after all, Demacia's absolute political correctness, and it couldn't be refuted.

Isn't there a person who climbs the peak?

If you don’t admit this, you must deny all the identities of the climbers, and then shake the punishment of the stone crown. As we all know, the punishment of the stone crown is a back door opened by the nobles. If the noble council dares to say that the punishment of the stone crown is nonsense, Najiawen III beheaded a group of nobles every minute.

They are all aristocrats, except for a few who are really determined, who doesn't have any dirt under their ass?
Why is the identity of a climber so honorable?
When Demacia was established back then, the achievements of the Feiyi sisters were one aspect, but the nobles who opened the back door through the excuses and could not be punished as doctors were another aspect.

Because of the punishment of the stone crown, the king of Demacia is essentially the leader of the great nobles. He does not have the power to completely dispose of a certain noble. Unless the nobles are crazy, they will not deny the identity of the climber anyway!
So, when the cardinal finished his speech and sat down with a smile on his face, the faces of the nobles turned sour. They looked at me and you, and all turned their attention to sitting next to Jarvan III, as if Closing his earplugs, he generally ignored Tariq's rambling Lux.

"What the cardinal said is indeed reasonable." Seemingly aware of everyone's gaze, Jarvan III smiled and turned to look at Lacus, "However, you should always ask the person involved——Laxana Crownguard, You are also a climber, so just tell me, what do you think about this matter!"

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