Lux's Farewell

426 Tariq doesn't care [0422]

Although satisfied with the statement made by the Cardinal of the Illuminati, Jarvan III still defended Lacus. According to the procedure, Lacus had not yet completed the step of "accepting the trial of the Silent Man and confirming his identity". I also secretly pointed it out, but as soon as Jarvan III spoke, Lacus was already a climber.

Being named by Jarvan III, Lux, who had been prepared for a long time, was naturally not in a hurry.

Continuing to ignore Tariq who was still trying to get close to her, Lux stood up with a smile, and started her speech loudly.

If the Illuminati grasped the painful foot of the back door that the noble council could not let go of the punishment of the stone crown, then the moment Lax opened her mouth, the cardinal, who had been relieved before, frowned.

Because her first sentence of self-proclaimed "Sinner Laxana".

The cardinal never expected that Lacus would be so ruthless that she would call herself a sinner!
As the tone settled down, the cardinal's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

However, it's not over yet.

After setting the tone, Lux quickly revealed her own theory: success in ascending the peak is not about gaining glory, but being lucky to inherit the destiny, and the essence of the punishment of the stone crown is redemption!

On the one hand, she agrees that there is a person who climbs the peak to represent the kinship, but on the other hand, she thinks that the kinship is Demacia, not the person who climbed the peak, and climbing the peak can barely wash away the guilt, which is not worth boasting at all.

According to her theory, the return of the peak climber is exciting, but the next step should not be to publicize the peak climber, but should focus on publicizing the Debang heavenly family.

It's not over yet, and then Lux also made a cryptic statement, expressing that she is willing to "stay away from wealth and honor, and guard the northern border", raising the tone, and even directly setting it to the sky!
Not to mention the cardinal now, even the nobles were dumbfounded by Lacus's speech—we just hope that you will come to the stage to fight Tariq, prevent the Illuminati from meddling in government affairs, and not let you directly drag Tariq Ke blew himself up!

If you go to the northern border, you will cut off your future!
Those barbarians in the northern border will always find some excitement from time to time every winter. Every time, the scale is small, but they are all elite. Pot, even if Demacia's northern defense line is solid, it is not a place for people with lofty ideals to go.

You are a climber, a witness of Demacia's favor, and an envoy of God!

With such a heavy identity, you can make use of it, as long as it is not too much, because of the correctness of the punishment of the stone crown, the noble council can only admit it with a pinched nose.

Well now, Lax just opened her mouth as the sinner Laxana, implying that she will give up her identity as the Crown Guard family and go to the northern border to suffer... So you are really a model of nobility?
The nobles at the meeting were all dumbfounded.

However, Lux's ultimate move is far from finished.

After finishing talking about guarding the northern border, she changed the topic, and then talked about the people in the kingdom who are not shrouded in light—in order to raise the topic of demon-infected people, she made up a story about a climber without any psychological barriers, saying Some people who were exiled because of the demons also wanted to climb Mount Targon for salvation.

Just when everyone was wondering why Lacus said that, Lacus finally expressed her purpose tactfully.

"The people of Demacia are bathed in the sun, but there are still some people who can't get this light. They, like the climbers, are waiting for salvation."

"I grew up listening to the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters. The Angel of Judgment Kyle taught us to be righteous, and the Angel of Redemption Morgana gave everyone who lost their way a chance to change their ways."

"As a sinner, I hope to lead these demon-infected people to the northern border, and use the awe of the barbarians and the stability of the northern border to prove their loyalty, bravery, perseverance and tenacity."

"Although the mountains in the northern region are not as majestic as the Targon Peak, I believe that the people loyal to Demacia, even those who are infected with demons, can still welcome their salvation."



When Lux finished speaking her opinion and sat down with a smile, the entire main hall of Dawn Castle was silent.

No one could have imagined that on this occasion, under such circumstances, Lacus would say something like this—she doesn't care about authority or family at all, and she really wants to atone for her sins!

Not to mention the bishop of the Illuminati, even Jarvan III was dumbfounded.

In a daze, even an old fox like Jarvan III couldn't help thinking "this is the real climber", and almost agreed with Lacus on the spot.

If the speech of the Cardinal of the Illuminati was to hand over the handle of the knife to Jarvan III and give him an excuse to suppress the nobles, then Lux's speech was even more considerate than the intimate padded jacket.

Lux directly attributed everything that the climbers returned to Demacia's kin, not only indirectly favoring Jarvan III, but also backstabbing the noble council. After all, once Lux's statement is widely recognized, it will be considered After returning from the peak, the victims of the punishment of the stone crown should also stay away from power. This is obviously an invisible restriction.

And cleverly, although this is more or less a kind of backstab, the nobles of the noble council are actually quite willing to accept it-after all, the victims of the punishment of the stone crown are all problematic. If you are in a high position, then everyone is somewhat unacceptable.

What's more interesting is that Lux was the first to stand up and take the knife on herself. I went directly to the bitter cold land in the north to defend the border for the country. I set an example. What else can you say?

It's not an exaggeration to say that Lux's speech is like putting Tarek on fire (of course Tarek himself doesn't care).

I am afraid of comparison in everything, and there is no result in the empty alignment. Only a positive comparison can be seen at a glance.

Lux just admitted that she failed in the duel. You Tariq caused the envoy to be killed due to negligence. The influence has not been completely eliminated yet!

I have already gone to Beijiang to guard, can you still hold a high position?

As for Lux's last speech, the meaning of atonement with the atoner brought her level to a higher level.

Although the essence is to focus on the development of spellcasters and to reflect the production innovation that magic can bring as soon as possible, but under Lux's narration, it seems that she is really compassionate and considerate of others. General empathy.

If it is in normal times and there is no part about going to the border by myself, then this kind of rhetoric is likely to be considered high-profile or has other intentions.

However, there is a long section of self-sacrifice in front of it as a foreshadowing. Even a person with a darker mentality cannot directly point out that Lacus has other plans. The biggest difference between the Holy Mother and the Holy Mother is that the former will cut his own flesh, so that people can't talk Can say!
But at this moment, Lux's body seemed to be shining with the radiance of the Virgin, making it almost impossible to look directly at.

Then, amidst the silence, Tariq spoke again inappropriately.

"Miss Laxana, you are so clichéd!" He pouted and shook his head, expressing his dissatisfaction directly, "You are so beautiful and charming, why should you be contaminated by those ignorant, ugly and vulgar mortals?" Woolen cloth?"

As soon as he said a word, the atmosphere of the whole venue changed suddenly.

Although the nobles of Demacia may not care about the happiness, anger, food and clothing of the common people, and it does not matter whether the demon-infested people are exiled abroad or sent to the northern border, at least they recognize that the common people are human beings just like themselves.

Although I wouldn't do this myself, at least for Lacus's behavior, everyone needs to have some respect, even superficial respect.

But when Tarek opened his mouth now, things changed completely.

This is no longer as simple as "regarding oneself as a high-ranking nobleman", it is clearly "treating mortals as inhumans"!
At the seat of the Illuminati, the cardinal and a group of bishops barely maintained their composure, but their expressions were distorted as if they were about to cry in the next moment.

Of course, these lord bishops really wanted to cry—they tried their best, but they never expected that the confrontation had just begun, and before they could retaliate when they were at a slight disadvantage on their side, the protoss lord on the other side would blow himself up on the spot!

Are you here to mess with us?

Don't you uphold the will of the gods?
Is the god like you who are not stingy?
The bishops who joined the Illuminati for power felt that the future was bleak, while the bishops who have come to this day for their faith really felt the disillusionment of their will.

They thought that this self-proclaimed Guardian Protoss was just too proud to talk to mortals, but now it seems that he is clearly ignoring the life and death of mortals, and he is not at all the "incarnation of justice" described in the historical records of the Illuminati. "!"
What the hell!
The next moment, when many people were about to stand up and vent their anger on Tariq, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

"Report! There was a riot in the Arcatraz Prison, and the serious criminal Silas escaped from prison. He is destroying the walls of the Arcatraz Prison and releasing more prisoners!"

Hearing this news, the nobles in the imperial meeting were all paralyzed.

Silas's name is still very intimidating. He is one of the few mages who killed the magic seeker in recent years. Speaking of this name, many people have the impression.

Besides, and more importantly, this guy is destroying the Arcatraz!
The number of demon-infested prisoners imprisoned in the magic prison is not one or two!
On the contrary, the ashen-faced cardinal was overjoyed when he heard the words—he could no longer care about etiquette, so he immediately stood up and spoke loudly to Tariq.

"Your Excellency Guardian Protoss, if you don't stop it, Silas will destroy Xiongdu! This beautiful city will be destroyed!"

The cardinal knew very well that this guardian protoss had a special attachment to beauty, and the capital of Demacia was one of the few affairs that could be called beautiful in his opinion.

Maybe Tariq doesn't care about mortals, but he at least cares about the capital of Demacia!
Now as long as he makes a move to stop Silas, then everything is still too late!
As if "beautiful" had triggered a switch hidden in his body, and as if disappointed that Lux was stained with mortal ugliness, Tariq finally withdrew his gaze, and Shi Shiran stood up.

"Destroy this beautiful city?" The guardian protoss stroked his long flowing hair, and finally became serious. "That's not okay—who is Silas? I have to stop him!"

Before the words fell, Tarik had already turned into a stream of light and disappeared in Dawn Castle.

Lacus was in a hurry.

Silas' escape from prison was originally intended to give Galio a chance to show off and to secure the nobles' fear of magic. Now that Tariq suddenly rushed out, wouldn't it be a bad thing?
However, just as she was about to get up, Karya, who had been pretending to be dead before, stopped her with a laugh.

"Let Tariq go, and let Galio come too!" Kalya laughed out of breath as if he was holding back, "Just let everyone see what kind of thing Protoss is. !"

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