Lux's Farewell

427 [0423] Liberator

Although she didn't quite understand it, Lacus remained calm as Karya said.

Facing Jarvan III's gaze, she even said gracefully, "Since Tarek is willing to help, it would be great." Her broad-mindedness is simply touching.

In this way, under the leadership of Jarvan III, the participating nobles simply came to the second-floor balcony of Dawn Castle, and looked down at the scene of the incident where the smoke billowed in condescension.

Although the distance is far away, since there are not many buildings near the Arcatraz Prison, the nobles with better eyesight can even see the terrifying hole on the wall of the Arcatraz Prison, which looks like a monster's huge mouth - just like the report of the guards Likewise, someone did break through the walls of the Arcatraz!

From a distance, the prisoners in the prison were like ants in an anthill, pouring out continuously. Looking at this posture, Silas not only broke the wall of the Arcatraz, but also opened the prison of all prisoners!

And farther away, a group of Xiongdu garrison troops that had quickly assembled were rapidly advancing towards the Arcatraz Prison. Their formation was neat and their armor was shining, which made people feel at ease.


Looking up at the sky, the morning sun was somewhat dazzling to Silas who had been in the underground prison all year round.

Having been a prisoner for a long time, he was used to the cramped and dark cell. When Silas successfully destroyed the wall and came under the sun, the dusty smell in the air seemed so fresh.

Swinging the long magic stone chain on his wrist, Silas grabbed the weapon in the hands of a demon seeker who surrounded him without turning his head, and then pulled it hard to hold it in his hand.

In Silas's perception, this stick was stained with a lot of magic.

There is no doubt that the magic power contaminated on it is the residue left by the demon hunter who captured the demon.

The remaining magic power seemed to be the clearest evidence, silently accusing the atrocities and persecution of the magic seeker, so Silas absorbed the magic power without hesitation, and applied it back to the magic seeker.

Mixed magic power flowed through the body, followed by a burst of pain mixed with numbness. Before the magic hunter had time to say a harsh word, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Silas snorted disdainfully, kicked the obstructive guy to the base of the wall, and then shouted loudly.

"Come on, mages who have been persecuted for no reason! Come with me!" Silas said in a loud voice, "Come, come with me, and go to those noble gentlemen to seek justice!"

Some of the demon-infected who were rescued by Silas picked up the weapons of the demon hunters and gathered around Silas, and some of them did not look back, and went straight into the alleys of Xiongdu, facing the city wall. They rushed in the same direction, and some even became more determined and rushed to the residential area not far away, planning to plunder when the demon hunters had no time to manage law and order.

There are hundreds of people, all kinds of demons who can be imprisoned in the Arcatraz. They have either committed crimes or have strong magic power. If these thousands of people are released by Silas, it is really not much different from a wasp nest .

The chaos visible to the naked eye centered on the Arcatraz Prison, and spread rapidly to the surroundings visibly.

Chaos brings destruction, but Silas doesn't care.

Someone might be unlucky in the chaos, but so what?

At this moment, Silas just wanted to rush into the Castle of Dawn, and let those high and mighty people see the wrath of the little people!
However, before that, he needs to get past these annoying soldiers in front of him.

Looking at the soldiers coming in front of him, Silas showed a cruel smile—once upon a time, becoming a Demacian soldier was his childhood dream, because his parents said that becoming a soldier and making meritorious service in the war is the only way to become a soldier. A chance to become a nobleman.

It's a pity that after discovering the talent for magic, his cowardly parents brought him in front of the magic seekers and asked him to "surrender himself".

What's wrong with being a mage?

It's obviously not my fault, why should I surrender myself?
A mage is not a mistake, but a talent, a talent far beyond ordinary people!
Magic is not terrible, what is terrible is those mediocre people who are jealous of mages!
Now, I, Silas, want to prove that the power of magic is endless!
After mastering the true meaning of magic, no one can stop me!


The assembled garrison soldiers raised their shields, straightened their spears, shouted slogans, and walked in neat steps, like a city wall, pressing towards the demon-infected people in front of the Arcatraz Prison.

As a soldier of Demacia, it is his duty to fight against the evil mage, so even if the people gathered here are all Demacia, the soldiers still did not hesitate at all, without the slightest hesitation.

Mage, damn it!

The tips of Zhang Yu's spears were shining with carefully polished spear blades. These extremely sharp spears were straightened up, and then fell horizontally, and were placed on the kite shields of the first row of soldiers. After going up, following the footsteps of the soldiers, it rose and fell like waves.

Facing the spears approaching slowly like a forest, the demons gathered around Silas wavered.

People who have not received professional training, even mages, will feel fearful when facing professional and fully armed soldiers.

What's more, Demacia's garrison soldiers are the most elite group. How can they be ordinary people who can be dispatched to defend the kingdom's capital?

Seeing these demon-infested people wavering, the slogans of the queue leaders began to speed up, and the frequency of the soldiers' footsteps also accelerated-the iron boots stepped on the street, booming, as if they were stepping on the hearts of these demon-infected people.

Then, just when they thought a massacre was about to begin, Silas parted the crowd and came to the front of the garrison soldiers.

"Don't panic." Swinging the forbidden magic stone shackles on his wrist, Silas looked relaxed, "The power of magic is beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

As he said that, Silas stuck out the shackles and put them on the outer wall of the Arcatraz Prison, as if the real light rolled along the enchanted stone shackles and gathered on Silas's body.

Under the flow of magic power, mysterious lines emerged on Silas's skin, as if they were newly carved tattoos. As if the magic power had found a channel, it quickly gathered along these lines and came out of Silas's chest. Then it exploded suddenly, dyeing his whole body with a bright color.

The next moment, Silas retracted the shackles and moved forward.

And with the pace of Silas, the ground began to tremble.

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