Lux's Farewell

Chapter 428 [0424] The hero is here!

Silas, who was trying his best to draw magic power from the magic stone, got a little windfall.

Along with the magic power stored in the walls of the Arcatraz, a kind of magic power that contained heart-pounding power was extracted by Silas.

Silas had never seen this power before, had never been in touch with it, and did not know that it came from the world rune-even if what the Silent Man preserved was only a fragment of the world rune, and it was still in the The state of being sealed, but the magic power escaping from it is enough for Silas to change the situation of the battle by himself.

Maintaining a look of disdain on his face, Silas tried his best to control this power that far exceeded expectations, and as this power gathered in his body, magic lines emerged on his shirtless shoulders, as His breathing and movements made the ground tremble.

The garrison soldiers who were advancing like a city wall could no longer maintain a rigorous formation at this time. The soldiers' feet were unstable, and the spears in their hands could no longer be as dense as before, but even so, they still tried their best to maintain the organization , and quickened his pace, and ran towards Silas.

These warriors clad in rune steel armor believe that magic cannot harm them!
However... Although magic will be absorbed by rune steel in large quantities, magical creations and objects controlled by magic will not.

Just ten steps before they came to Silas, when the mage could almost be killed by stabbing the spear in his hand, the paving stones on the ground moved.

The astonishing magical power seems to be a pair of invisible big hands, holding up these stones, forming a wall, and then, when the guards quickly changed their formation, they planned to directly break through the blockade of the wall under the cover of the kite shield At that time, the wall seemed to come alive, rolling straight towards the guarding soldiers.

Caught off guard, these garrison soldiers who were just about to break through could only hold a spear with one hand and protect their heads with one hand, and the originally neat formation was instantly disrupted.

This is not over yet.

Although it was not easy for Silas to control this unexpected power, after trying twice, he quickly found a shortcut - if you can't control it, then don't control it!

With a grin on his face, the two forbidden magic stone shackles on Silas' wrists were thrown to the ground. The next moment, Silas drained out the magic power he had drawn before!
The magic stone can carry magic power, but the ground can't!

With Silas's "indiscriminate discharge", the entire area around the Arcatraz, earth and rocks were flying, the ground was shaking, and the soil and stones that were forcibly injected with magic power were flying around. In the entire area except Silas, All the rest are untenable.

The garrison soldiers lined up were hard to resist, but after such a toss from Silas, the first batch of garrison soldiers who rushed to the scene had been completely dispersed.

At this time, the garrison soldiers had long lost their former aura. All of them were disgraced, turned upside down, and their shiny rune steel armor was also pitted by flying gravel.

What's more, Silas just gave "special attention" to the commander of this team, and now the captain in charge has half of his body buried in the soil, and several stones are continuously falling on the ground. It hit him on the head, and he lost consciousness.

The garrison soldiers who lost their command and were in a disordered formation all had crooked armors. Although when the ground stopped trembling, they all tried to pick up their weapons and gather together to continue the attack, but behind Silas, The demon-stained people who saw this scene with their own eyes lit up.

They do fear the mageseekers, the regular army.

But as Silas made a move and turned the battle situation upside down, these demon-infected people were surprised to find that the elite of Demacia... was nothing more than that!

The morale-boosting demon-infestors resorted to their own means one after another, all kinds of magical auras lit up all of a sudden, and all kinds of strange spells and various strange forms attacked the entire team of guard soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Silas laughed.

Although in his opinion, the magic power of these demons fighting side by side with him is pitiful, and their own strength is not worth mentioning, but their actions are of great significance.

These people are all the way with themselves!

However, before Silas could laugh a few times, a ray of light came suddenly in the direction of Dawn Castle.

In Silas's perception, this stream of light could be said to be as fast as lightning, and it came to him in the blink of an eye.

What surprised Silas even more was that in his magic perception, when the streamer stopped, he seemed to see the stars in the sky.

That's right, for the smiling big man in front of him, the power in his body gave Silas a feeling that can only be described as unfathomable. Facing this guy, Silas could barely feel a kind of danger, but in the end What kind of danger, what is the reason for the danger, he has no idea.

"Stop it." The guy who seemed to be overflowing with starlight said with a smile, "Don't destroy this quiet beauty."

If another person was here, Silas would absolutely ignore him and just throw a chain, but facing this person, Silas only felt a wave of heart palpitations, and he almost nodded in agreement and retreated nonchalantly.

However, in the end Silas still gritted his teeth and asked "why".

"Why?" The other party raised his brows with great interest, as if he heard some stupid question, "Because you destroyed the beauty—this city is a rare wonderful place in the world, although the ingenuity of ordinary people is still the same. Contaminated with a mundane atmosphere, but when gathered together, it barely has a bit of interest, so you can't spoil the beauty of this side."

Silas blinked and reflected for a few seconds before realizing what the other person was saying was that he shouldn't destroy the city.

"What about these soldiers?" Silas narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "What about them?"

"They're not beautiful."

Silas didn't really believe what this guy said. Judging from his background, he clearly came from the Dawn Castle. The one who can appear in the Dawn Castle must be a running dog of a noble family. He will not care about himself actions, regardless of the life or death of these soldiers?

But the pressure on Silas from the person in front of him is increasing. Although there is no impatience in front of him, Silas only feels that he will be crushed by the falling stars in the next moment—so, He tentatively flung out the chain, grabbed a soldier who was about to sneak attack him, and threw him directly to the ground.

With a muffled grunt, the soldier fell silent for an instant.

However, the person in front of him was completely indifferent to this, as if he didn't care about his business at all—even his eyes had left Silas, left the battlefield, and turned to the broken wall of the Arcatraz Prison, Looking at the decorative pattern on the wall, he shook his head while looking at it, and made a tsk-tsk sound, as if it was a pity.

So... this guy really only cares about the city?

Although he didn't know what was going on at all, Silas still took courage and launched an attack on the remaining garrison soldiers. In order not to offend this difficult guy, he deliberately used a relatively quiet moves.

Anyway, the formation has been broken up by myself, and in the ensuing small-scale battle, these soldiers have lost their greatest support!


Without organization and command, the dizzy garrison soldiers quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Although they were protected by rune steel armor, their casualties were not high, but at the same time, they couldn't stop these demons from swarming in the direction of Dawn Castle - after discovering that magic is difficult to directly harm those protected by rune steel After guarding the warriors, the demons began to use magic to manipulate the things around them that could be manipulated to fight without a teacher.

Fire can't hurt these garrison warriors, but picking up a spear and burning the tip of the spear red is very effective.

Frost can't hurt these garrison soldiers, but it can create a large ice surface on the ground, let these armored soldiers slide, and then swarm up to hold down their hands and feet, and use stones to "smash cans".

The elite garrison warriors have lost their greatest advantage, and there is an invincible Silas, who is seeing the retreat. Although there are still people who resist with all their strength, they are about to be swallowed up by the demons in general !
In just a quarter of an hour, the battle line broke from the Arcatraz to the Grand Plaza!

At this moment, above the heads of both sides in the battle, the sky suddenly dimmed.

A broad shadow cast from high above, swept across the chaotic front.

As if feeling something, among the garrison soldiers, the veterans who had participated in the border war suddenly cheered.

Amidst the cheers, everyone looked up at the sky, and then, they saw a huge colossus flying towards the battlefield with wide wings of the forbidden magic stone!

"It's the Colossus of Justice, it's Galio!"

"Galio has awakened!"

"The legend is true, Galio will protect us from evil magic!"

"Evil people, you are dead!"

"Assemble, assemble, welcome Galio's arrival!"


The garrison soldiers who were at a disadvantage almost burst into tears with excitement—this time, without any command or organization, all the garrison soldiers who still had combat effectiveness rushed to the edge of the grand square with all their strength. Regroup there, and then, together with Galio, launch a Jedi counterattack to completely defeat these hateful mages!
The noisy shouting quickly became orderly. While shouting "Galio" neatly, these guards rushed to the edge of the center of the grand square, leaving a large flat area in the square to wait for the Colossus of Justice that fell from the sky.

We are ready!

After flying to the predetermined position, Galio's wings have been fully opened.

The next moment, Galio's wings were folded, and his huge body sculpted purely from the enchanted stone was like the best blockbuster, attacking the chaotic enchanters in the square.

"Get out of the way, little people!" Galio's shout was like thunder, coming in bursts, "Galio is coming!"

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