Lux's Farewell

Chapter 429 [0425] Guardian protoss, what exactly are you guarding!

The sudden appearance of a hero made the faces of all the devil-infested people ashen.

Although Galio may not hit a few people when he lands so straight, his arrival means that the garrison soldiers who were already in chaos once again have a backbone and a means to resist magic.

Not to mention that the appearance of this guy will greatly improve the morale of the guards—after Galio appeared, the offensive and defensive momentum will be different!

The devil-infested demons gave up the "landing point" of the grand square to avoid being directly trampled to death by Galio.

When Galio approached the ground, the entire grand square was almost emptied, and it seemed that this aggressive hero could only smash the sculptures and floor tiles on the square.

And at this moment, Tariq, who had always seemed to stay out of it and was completely uninterested in the battle between the two sides, suddenly moved.

Just when Galio was about to land, a shining star fell from the sky, covering the graceful sculptures in the grand square, making these fragile sculptures stronger and unbreakable.

Galio, who fell from the sky, didn't seem to land on the square this time, but it was almost like falling on the steel plate—no, it should be said to be worse than falling on the steel plate.

The grand plaza strengthened by Tariq was so solid that Galio didn't get any buffer. After landing, Galio's body shook violently and almost lost his balance. What's more, his left leg stepped on a small On the small flower bed, a flower bed that was originally so small would have been crushed by his foot, but after Tariq reinforced it, Galio lost a toe instead.

"Go away, you dirty big man!" Tariq did not hide his dislike for Galio at all, "Your inner chaos wasted your elegant appearance, such an ugly person wants to destroy this wonderful square?"


The nobles on the balcony of Dawn Castle couldn’t see the specific situation of the battlefield clearly—even if the battle line advanced all the way to the grand square, it was already very close to Dawn Castle, but looking from a distance, no matter whether it was the devil-infested person or the guards The shape is pitifully small.

Several nobles who had served as real commanders saw the battle line being compressed step by step, and the garrison soldiers retreating step by step, their brows were already furrowed. They waited for a long time for Tarik to make a move, but saw Tarik turn into a After Liu Guang rushed to the battlefield, it was difficult for the naked eye to catch his actions.

Therefore, seeing that the situation of the battle is not right, someone has already requested to mobilize the reserve army to go to war.

Faced with this kind of request, before Jarvan III responded, the Cardinal of the Illuminati was the first to stand up and object.

After finally finding a chance for Tariq to show himself, let no one ruin it!

Then, while the cardinal and the military nobles were fighting each other, Xin Zhao found a hex telescope from nowhere and handed it to Jarvan III.

As a free export version, the accuracy of this Hex telescope is mediocre, and the field of view is slightly distorted, and there is no scale line that specifically indicates the distance-but even so, through this Hex telescope, Jarvan III still knows He saw the situation on the battlefield.

It's okay not to look at it, but after just a glance, Jiawen III's complexion suddenly turned iron blue.

In the field of view of the Hex telescope, the soldiers of the garrison were forced to retreat steadily, but Tariq seemed to be fine, instead he focused on the flowers and plants on the roadside, and the graffiti on the murals, and did not make a move at all. I mean to help!

What are you guarding? !
Then, just when Jarvan III's blood pressure began to rise sharply, Tariq finally reacted—His Majesty the King saw him summon Shining Stars with his hand, covering the grand square.

What kind of magic is this?

Suppressing his own dissatisfaction, Jarvan III expected this kind of magic to show a miraculous effect.

Then, he saw Galio descending from the sky, stepping on the reinforced flower bed, his huge body staggered and almost fell down.


Jarvan III angrily put down the hexascope, and looked at the cardinal beside him without blinking. If the eyes were lethal, the cardinal would have been cut to pieces by now.

As for the cardinal himself, he was already dumbfounded.

Although the specific battle situation is not clear, the Starlight summoned by Tarik and Galio who fell from the sky can still be seen clearly.

On the balcony on the second floor of Dawn Castle, the entire noble council, together with Jarvan III, the Bishop of the Illuminati, the Steward of the Demon Seeker, and the Elder of the Silent Man, witnessed Tarek's betrayal on the spot.

"This is guardianship, isn't it?" Jarvan III tried to calm his breathing, and said each word after a pause, "Tell me, my lord bishop, the 'noble guardian star spirit' you mentioned, In his heart, what is worth protecting?!"


The cardinal was sweating profusely, and he, who was always eloquent and known for being good at debating scriptures, seemed to be tongue-tied at this moment. He said "I" a few times and "he" a few times, but he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

By now, everyone has seen that the "God Envoy" identified by the Illuminati has no intention of protecting the nobles of Demacia, the safety of Demacia, or even the people of Demacia. , in the eyes of others, there is no need to protect such an ordinary and mediocre person at all!
Just such a guy, is he worthy of Demacia's praise?

If it wasn't for the fact that he was a climber, Jiawen III would have put him in prison!
Inside Dawn Castle, the atmosphere began to become delicate.

Everyone's eyes, either angry, helpless, disappointed, contemptuous, or gloating, all focused on the cardinal.

Under such pressure, the cardinal seemed to be in a vegetable state, almost speechless.

The air was dead still.

"Your Majesty." In the silence of everyone, Lux finally spoke this time, "Let me solve this problem...Tariq has forgotten his homeland during the climbing process, and now he is no longer Another Demacian."

If these words were put at the beginning of the imperial meeting, it would be that Lacus was attacking Tariq, but when he said it now, he undoubtedly won the acquiescence of everyone present - even the cardinal and all the bishops. Sometimes there is nothing to say.

They are indeed bishops of the Illuminati.

But the Illuminati, the Illuminati of Demacia.

The aloof Tariq drew the boundary between himself and mortals with his own hands, making everyone realize that his current position has long since ceased to sit on Demacia's side.

"Go, child." In the silence of everyone, Jarvan III nodded softly, "Go, end this chaos, didn't you say that you can control those demon-infested people? Then let everyone see See what a climber should look like."

As Jarvan III put the accent on the word "should", the cardinal, who had already aged beyond 01:30, turned pale at this moment.

And Lux ​​didn't even look at him, just accepted the order, then passed him with her head held high, spread a pair of wings of light, and flew straight to the grand square.

Looking at the sky, Lux who spread her wings and flew towards the magnificent square, even the nobles who are against the Crown Guard family, and the Illuminati who have conflicts with Lux, have to admit that her back is just like the one in the legend. The Winged Sisters... are exactly the same.

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