Lux's Farewell

Chapter 430 [0426]

Galio, who had been kicked, felt very wronged at this moment.

Although the stone statue doesn't feel pain, his left leg is temporarily unable to move—and all this is thanks to the strange little man in front of him.

"Which side are you on?" Galio looked at Tariq's apparently Illuminati attire, obviously a little confused, "Why don't you help them?"

"The struggle of mortals is meaningless, only beauty and preciousness are worth protecting." Tariq shook his head impatiently, "Get out of the way, big man, don't step on this flower—"

"The little people lost their lives when they fought together!" Galio was a little bit angry, "You are so powerful, if you don't stop them, you are still paying attention to a flower?"

Snorting angrily, Galio stepped forward with a slight limp, intending to drive away these mages who came from nowhere.

"Wait a minute!" Tariq shot again, stopping Galio's footsteps, "Be careful, don't touch the statue!"

Galio staggered again, tripping over the suddenly reinforced statue.

Then, just when he was about to lose his temper, Lux arrived.

"Tariq." Lux, who had been holding back for a whole morning, drew his sword out of its sheath without the slightest hesitation, "Go back to the heavens, what you are guarding is not Demacia!"

Lux's sudden rudeness confused Tariq, but what made him more concerned was the broken saber in Lux's hand.

Kalya unabashedly flaunted the unique aura of his darkborn, and Tarik—or the Guardian Protoss—sensed it, and immediately changed his face in a second.

"It's you! The climber who Lie Yang said, carrying the dark descendants, is you?!"

"You just know?" Seeing Tariq's appearance, Lux curled her lips in disdain, "I met Tariq on Mount Tarik, and you gave him some strength , Unfortunately, he was still knocked off the cliff—"

"It's really you!" This time, Tariq no longer had the noble and unreasonable attitude before, and instead gritted his teeth, "The blasphemer who got mixed up with the despicable darkin, I didn't expect that the brilliant sky would be I will take care of people like you!"

"It's not up to you to decide what the sky will be like!" Lacus snorted coldly, "Mortals have gone through hardships to reach the peak, but they are plundered by despicable people like you. Now your true colors have been exposed, and Demacia no longer has you." It's a safe place!"

"This is his glory!" The guardian protoss said something creepy in a natural tone, "His will is too weak to bear the responsibility of guardianship. I control his body and exercise the responsibility of guardianship. , for him, this is the greatest glory!"

"Nonsense!" Lux retorted on the spot, "You didn't even accept his memory, and you didn't even know anything about his past. You just took a fancy to his body—otherwise you couldn't possibly not know me!"

"Why do I need to know about a mortal's past, why should I accept a mortal's memory?" The guardian protoss asked back as if listening to a joke, "He is in good health, but without my attention, how could he climb to the top of Mount Targon? He can stand here, it is all given by me!"

"So, have you asked him?" Lux snorted, "Or, do you think that anyone who climbs Mount Targon is willing to accept the loss of the Titan?"

"It's not to bear the glory of the giant god, so why bother to climb?" In the hands of the guardian protoss, a star-studded warhammer finally took shape, "On the contrary, you, mortal, have stolen the majesty of the heavens and destroyed the order of the heavens. , in the name of guardianship, I will give the order destroyers a trial!"

As he said that, the Guardian Protoss rushed to Lux like a ray of light, raised his warhammer, and smashed it straight at Lux's face.

Lux had been prepared for a long time, and naturally she ran away immediately - after truly seeing the horror of the protoss, she would not be foolish enough to think that she could confront the guardian protoss head-on.

Of course, it's not Lux's style not to fight back after being beaten. When her figure collapsed, the broken sword in her hand also burst into light, and stabbed at Tariq who was wielding the hammer. Both hairs were suspended in the air. You After chasing me, they quickly became a ball.

And the devil-infested and garrison soldiers who used to be in a group before are now in a daze.

They separated on both sides of the grand square, staring blankly at Lux and Tariq who seemed to be two entangled rays of light in midair, and for a moment they didn't know what they should do next.

What is this scenario?
Who are the two in the sky?

Why did they fight?
What should we do next?
It wasn't just these people who were confused—on the other side of Dawn Castle, the nobles who originally planned to watch Lux quell the commotion of the demon-infected were now confused.

Why did Tariq suddenly attack Lux?

Don't look at Kalya who took the initiative to show his identity as a dark descendant, and it was Lux who tore up Tarek's wound, but they were all sensible and didn't intend to take the initiative, they were just talking about it.

Anyway, Dawn Castle couldn't hear what he was saying, so he had a more correct attitude, and it looked no different from normal communication.

However, the Guardian Protoss doesn't think about this—he doesn't care what mortals think, so when Lux revealed that the Guardian Protoss didn't accept Taric's memory at all, it directly did it brazenly, which looked like It was like attacking Lux suddenly!
Since both sides were suspended in mid-air in advance, even many nobles and bishops of the Illuminati who did not have a Hex telescope clearly saw the scene of "Tariq attacking Laxana".

"Mobilize the reserve troops!" Jarvan III's face sank, "Go, mobilize the defensive crossbows, and aim at Tariq!"

After the order was issued, all the bishops and cardinals of the Illuminati seemed to have been smeared with a layer of ashes on their faces, completely losing their luster—but they still couldn't open their mouths, and they didn't even have the idea of ​​mediating.

The cardinal who had said before that he was going to abdicate to make up for the virtuous, was almost in a state of breath at this time. He never thought that the protoss he relied on would actually be such an existence!

Holy shit!
No, we must cut off Tariq as soon as possible, he is not a protoss, he is clearly a demon heretic pretending to be a protoss!
That's right, there must be a problem with the silent people, there is a problem with their previous certification!
Thinking of this, the cardinal opened his mouth and was about to throw the blame away.

However, the silent elder, who had been prepared for a long time, expressed his attitude first.

"Not all protoss have justice in their hearts." Grandma Ling's old voice sounded first, "When the cardinal supported Tarik before, the old man said that this matter needs to be handled carefully. According to the records of the silent man, the star Spirits often don't understand what loyalty is..."

This kind of words full of meaning of dumping the pot sounds a bit harsh on this occasion-but this does not prevent many people from glaring at the cardinal.

"Fortunately, things haven't turned to the worst." Grandma Ling continued, "The Silencer applied for special means to restrain the demon-infested and help Miss Laksana suppress Tarek."

Hearing that the silent people who usually don't express their attitudes all stood up, Jarvan III finally nodded slightly after pondering for a while.



With Jiawen III's approval, Grandma Ling finally let out a sigh of relief.

Things have developed to the point where Tariq is treasonous, which she never imagined—although she knows that protoss and mortals have different cognitions, but even for her, seeing Tariq with her own eyes does not stop her from being infected. The demons rioted, prevented Galio from landing, and took the initiative to attack Lux, which is really too magical.

Before that, Grandma Ling only knew that Protoss might be an asshole.

But she never thought that Protoss could be such a bastard.

Originally, according to the plan, she should take this opportunity to get rid of the responsibility of the Silent Man and cut off with the Illuminati, but because Tarek made too much trouble, she simply gritted her teeth and beat the dog in the water harder. Minute!
The "special means" that Jarvan III just applied for is really special, because within the Silent Man, there is only one special means that can only be used with the king's consent, and that is the world rune fragments!

Although it is very dangerous to use world rune fragments in Xiongdu, Grandma Ling knows very well that an uncontrolled protoss is actually more dangerous than world runes. As the "verifier" of Tarek's identity, Grandma Ling He knows better than anyone else the fineness of the Guardian Protoss!
Now that you have offended the protoss, you can only offend to death!

Even if the guardian asked later, the source was not with us, but with the Protoss!
Thinking of this, Grandma Ling hurried back to the half-ruined Arcatraz Prison, and tremblingly ran to the secret place where the world rune fragments were stored.

She wants to pick up this blue world rune fragment, defeat that rebellious protoss, and make the silent man no longer silent!
The era of the Reticent is coming, and from now on, we won't have to hide underground—wait, why is Ino here? !

"Grandma Ling." After seeing the old man coming, Yinuo's tone was a little sad, but also a little thankful, "Stop your steps, you have lost your mind."

"Lost your mind? What are you talking about?" Grandma Ling waved her hand impatiently, bypassing Enuo, and continued to move forward, "Lax is in danger, I must help her—"

"Stop it!" Ino raised his voice, "The power of the world runes is tempting you, haven't you noticed?"

"The power of the world rune is tempting me?" Grandma Ling's expression was a little confused, but she turned firm in an instant, "No, I need the power, the power of the world rune. Only with this power can magic work in Germany. Marcia raised her eyebrows—"

"Be sober!" Although she has only met Grandma Ling once, Yinuo has a certain affection for this grandma who has the same blood as her and has a similar position. She raised her voice and mobilized herself in a deterrent way. "Things are not out of control, and we don't need to use the power of the world rune, it is the world rune that is tempting you, think about the rune wars, think about the consequences and costs of that power being abused—"

"No, I won't abuse it, and I won't lose control!" When Grandma Ling raised her head again, her face was almost crazy, "The Silent Man has been silent for too long, we have already understood the mystery of the rune! Now, it is time Show Demacia the results of our practice—the great code will once again become the axiom of Demacia, and the expectations of our predecessors will become reality before our eyes!"

Seeing this situation, Ino finally gave up persuading, and the surging magic power centered on her, and began to spread rapidly to the surroundings in the underground of the Arcatraz.

Wherever the magic goes, everything freezes!

"Hehehahaha, you are jealous of me!" Grandma Ling laughed wildly, and at the same time mobilized the magic power in her body, confronting Ino tit for tat, "Ino, you are the one who covets the world rune, you who are on board Fengren, sure enough, he had no good intentions from the very beginning!"

The two "extremely cold hells" expanded rapidly, and then ruthlessly collided with each other.

Then, although Grandma Ling's world of ice and snow was closer to the wildness of the Freljord Icefield, under the pressure of Ino, it dissipated and retreated bit by bit.

"No, you can't take away my runes!" Grandma Ling gritted her teeth, and pressed her hands on the already frozen wall, "Londe, the great ice field, your devout believers are begging for your strength!"

The next moment, as if the violent ice had been ordered, it quickly gathered, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a terrifying ice python, biting directly at Ino.

In the mouth of this giant ice python, the extremely hard ice was slowly flowing and dripping like lava.

As this terrifying ice python plunged headlong into Ino's icy domain, the originally solid ice world was instantly shattered——Ino was astonished to find that there seemed to be something hidden in the body of this strange python. A power that can easily melt all ice.

Unable to figure out the details of Grandma Ling's magic, Ino did not confront her head-on. Instead, following Kalya's teachings, she began to lure the frost python to run around like a madman, while looking for the flaws in Grandma Ling's manipulation of magic.

Then, Yinuo quickly discovered that Grandma Ling's complexion began to turn red, and her hair color gradually changed from white to black!

Turning white hair into black hair seems to be a reversal of aging, but for the Iceborn, the silver-white hair is still a sign of the awakening of the ice blood!

Although this giant python is frost condensed, the essence of this spell is not the same as the frost magic of the ice bloodline - not only is it not the same thing, but it may also be a special spell for frost magic!
Realizing this, Ino created ice floes to avoid the attack from the ice python, and at the same time mobilized the few celestial powers in his body.

It seemed that Yinuo had no choice but to jump up and down to avoid the giant python's attack.

But Grandma Ling, who was controlling the giant python, didn't notice at all that at the place where the Yinuo ice floe passed, under the ice layer, a not very bright line was quietly shining with the brilliance of stars!
A huge python-catching net is weaving little by little, waiting for Yinuo to gather it!

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