Lux's Farewell

Chapter 43 [0042] Noble Friendship

Chapter 43 [0042] Noble Friendship

In the story Silas told Eno, he was "failed to prevent the birth of this tragedy".

But in fact, Silas killed people-even if he did manslaughter at the time.

In addition, Silas also concealed part of his own abilities, and this part of abilities has been dug out after the review and exploration of the demon seekers, and appeared in the report in front of Lux in the form of paper records among.

Silas hides the part of himself that can devour magic and use it.

In Silas's confession, he did not admit this, and in his "entry report", his description of his abilities was relatively vague, "can see magic aura", "can perceive and touch magic" Class words.

But Silas obviously didn't know that the demon hunter had a deep understanding of the magic stone - when his guard captured the little girl, he used the gray seal magic stone specially used to absorb magic power , but judging from the fragments of the magic stone left over from the scene, the gray seal magic stone has not failed.

In other words, it wasn't the little girl who killed the magic seeker and her father, and then died because of the magic power.

It was Silas who made contact with the little girl, and then the uncontrollable surge of magical power poured into him, which finally caused the terrible explosion.

Judging from the results of the report, Silas probably did not do this on purpose.

It was based on this judgment that his punishment was eventually set to life imprisonment on the charge of manslaughter.

There is nothing wrong with the verdict itself.

But behind the verdict, there are big problems!
Why would a child who committed murder become a terrorist in the eyes of the public?
Lux thought it was because he had killed the mageseeker at first.

However, in Silas' file, there is another related case recorded - before the magic power broke out, the supervisor who trusted him died because of a conflict.

Comparatively speaking, the nature of that conflict was even worse, some demon seekers died, and it was an out-and-out intentional murder, but almost no one in Demacia knew about it.

Lux, who discovered this, immediately realized something was wrong.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of her great reputation in Miyin City.

Behind this "hot event", I am afraid it is not simple!
Well, the problem is coming.

Why is Silas such a hit?
If you think about it in the way of nobles... Lux only found one possibility.

This was to keep Silas from saying things he shouldn't have said.

A manslaughter child, his words are believed.

And a notorious murderer, no one will believe his words!
Don't forget, Silas can see magic power, he is very clear about the relationship between nobles and magic - in order to ensure that he can't leak this secret, when the wanted release was released, he characterized it as "absolutely evil" Mage".

In this way, even if he said something while fleeing, no one would believe it.

In this way, Silas successfully became a household name in Demacia. After being arrested, this "household name" also saved his life by the way. After all, according to the law of Demacia, minors will not be arrested. sentenced to death.

Having figured out the cause and effect, Lux leaned on the back of the chair helplessly. The facts of this passage are a bit too heavy—objectively speaking, Silas was actually very innocent at the time, and the main reason for this tragedy was Germany. Marcia doesn't have the proper magic prohibition system.

But judging from the current state of Silas, it seems that the long-term imprisonment has made him a lot of extremes. Lux doesn't even know whether she should help him... Wait, something is wrong!
Thinking of Lux here, she suddenly realized a very serious problem.

Is there any danger in Eno and Silas being "prison mates"?
Silas is serving a life sentence, so he won't reveal those secrets, life or death doesn't matter.

But not Eno—she could have heard these secrets from Silas, and then brought them out after she was released from prison!
Lux is well aware of the weight of those secrets!
"Kalya!" Realizing this, Lux quickly sorted out the file, put it away, and hurriedly left the Demon Seeker's archives with her sword in hand. "I feel like something is wrong!"

"I just realized something is wrong, Lacus, your reaction is a bit slow." Kalya sighed, "My son, I am very disappointed in you as a teacher—"

"Now is not the time to be talkative!" Lux jumped a little anxiously, "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"I already said that in Mithral City." Kalya said with an innocent tone, "Remember, 'When the conflict breaks out, you will find that everything will go crazy', you Are you ready?"

"This is too crazy!" Even though Lux thought that she had seen the bottom line of the nobles many times, she still felt cold at this moment, "What are they going to do to Yinuo?"

"Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots." Kalya calmly gave the judgment that Lux didn't want to hear. "About this matter, I suggest you talk to your dear aunt."

"Aunt?" Lux was dumbfounded. "What does this have to do with her—wait!"

"Think about it? The reaction is quite quick." Carya smacked her lips, "This Ms. Tiana is quite a decisive person—there is no simple person who can be called a model of nobility."


Returning to the Crownguard Manor in a hurry, Lux soon saw Tiana in the study after asking the servants.

"Back?" Tiana, who was reading a travel book, raised her eyes and glanced at her niece, then gently put down the book in her hand, "Going to the Arcatraz again?"

"What's going on with Ino?" Lux raised her head and looked directly at Tiana, "The next door to her is the notorious Silas!"

"It's a juvenile delinquent." Tiana smiled slightly, with a look of indifference, "Silas was once a juvenile delinquent—it's normal for her to be locked up there."

"But Silas is not just a juvenile delinquent!" Lux tried hard to contain her impatience, "He holds a lot of secrets about magic inside the Demon Seeker!"

"Oh, you discovered this?" Tiana was stunned for a moment, and then smiled gratifiedly, "It's only been half a month—my dear, you surprised me again."


The surprise for Tiana was pure shock for Lux—her premonition came true, and things did turn out to be the worst.

"Honey, I also agree with some of your views." Tiana saw Lacus' astonishment, reached out and took off her headband, and helped her stroke Lacus' long golden hair, "That little girl called What's the matter... Ino? She's a nice kid, but she's not in the same league as you."


"So friendship should be born in the right place, like you and Miss Sona - your friendship is praised." Tiana helped Lacus tidy up her somewhat frizzy hair, and put on a haircut for her again. Hoop, "Considering that you are the future of the Crown Guard family, you shouldn't get too close to those commoners."

"...Is it just because of this?"

"I can understand your disappointment with those worthless relatives." Patting Lacus on the shoulder, Tiana said earnestly, "But among the nobles, there are people as sensible as Di Li!"

"Dilly is not a sensible guy!" Lux gritted his teeth, "The reason why he defected so quickly is because his son found out that I was not in the hotel—"

"I know that." Tiana nodded, and smiled indifferently, "He confessed this to me—but you should understand that it's actually nothing."

"...He is no different from those bastards." Lux finally couldn't help raising her tone, "The same bullshit, the same dirty!"

"There's a big difference. He has good eyesight and obeys the rules." Tiana shook her head, as if she was helpless at her niece's stubbornness. "This is his value."

Aunt's words made Lacus speechless—on the surface she just seemed to be thinking, but in her heart, there was already a turbulent sea at this moment.

Di Li is no different from those trembling nobles in Miyin City who were fined!

Lux can tolerate the complicated etiquette of the nobles, because it is at best a meaningless and harmless act.

She can't tolerate Dili's escape from punishment because he obeys the rules and knows how to stand in line-she can ignore Dili's plot against her, but she can't accept Dili's promotion every step of the way!

More importantly, these words came from the mouth of my most respected aunt!

"This is against justice..." Lux could only protest hard, "How could this be?"

"Nobles communicate with nobles, commoners unite with commoners, this is the justice of Demacia." Tiana did not hide her attitude, "Honey, you are too close to a little girl named Yinuo."

"Kino is innocent..." Lux pursed her lips, and whispered her last plea, "She doesn't know anything..."

"From your performance, she already knows." Tiana shook her head, "This is the law of Demacia, silly boy—at your age, many people will sprout emotions that shouldn't be, in fact , I'm glad you just made a friend you shouldn't have, and didn't get too deep in love, that's the real trouble."


"Twelve years old is an age full of emotions, I can understand it." Tiana looked down at the silent Lacus, "So, I hope you can cut off the fetters that shouldn't exist——My dear, you are my The most gifted kid I've ever seen, don't think about meaningless things, just relax and everything will be fine."


"The Demon Seeker will take care of everything." Tiana picked up the book again, "My dear, don't be sad, time will heal your pain."

 Regarding the story of Silas, interested readers can go to the short story "Heart of Demacia", which records the circumstances of the accident in detail-roughly speaking, it is the total number of demon seekers in Silas's team. Three people, one of them was very kind to Silas, the other was very wary of him, and in one operation, the one who was kind to him was seriously injured by the resisting mage, so they came to a farm for help, here A little girl was found and it ended up being a tragedy.

(End of this chapter)

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