Lux's Farewell

Chapter 44 [0043]

Chapter 44 [0043]

Lux didn't know how she got back into the room—along the carved corridor and through the spring garden, she seemed like a walking corpse without a soul.

When she regained consciousness, Lux was already lying on the bed.

The velvet sheets were extremely delicate, but at this moment, Lacus felt like a prick on her back.

Long Qinyu's quilt was very warm, but at this moment, Lacus felt icy cold.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, her mind was completely blank.

"Why did this happen?" Lux murmured, "My aunt, why did she destroy Ino?"

"Because Ino is not a member of the nobles." Kalya replied, "In Mithral City, the promotion of the disaster patrol knight has made her aware of your attitude. She needs to make you sober."

"Ino is innocent."

"Of course she knows." Kalya pointed out another fact coldly, "Otherwise, how could she rest assured that Ino will get along with you?"

"...Ino is also harmless." Lux became even colder, she wrapped herself in a thick quilt, shivering helplessly, "Ino won't talk nonsense."

"Only the dead will not talk nonsense." Carya sighed, "Do you still remember your awakening in Mithral City? You are willing to use the power of the nobles to improve the situation in Demacia as much as possible."

"I still remember." Lux said sullenly, "I always remember."

"But haven't you ever thought about where the power of the nobility comes from?"

This time, Lux was silent.


Yes, where does the power of the nobility come from?

Is the injustice that I hate the main way to maintain this power?

Has the person who uses this power also become a member of this order?

Every time I use this power, am I also maintaining this order?
If I eased the contradiction, wouldn't it make this cold order more solid and reliable?
Lux's thoughts began to slacken. She had just found her ideal, but when she turned around, she found that there seemed to be no way at all under her feet.

Even his own advantages are meaningless in the face of cold reality.

Thinking of this, Lux trembled even more—she seemed to have returned to the morning when she found out that she was infected with a demon, her pair of blue eyes were full of helplessness.

"It's time to make your choice, my dear student." Kalya said again, "Should I stay in the ranks of the nobles and slowly ease this contradiction, or take a brave step to completely change the Nature?"

"Of course it's the latter—but, Kalya." Hearing this question, Lux poked her head out of the quilt carefully: "Can I really?"

"Of course." Kalya replied without hesitation, "A thinker I respect once said something, Lacus, and now I can give it to you."


"Hope doesn't matter what exists, what doesn't matter what doesn't matter. It's just like the road on the ground; in fact, there is no road on the ground, but when there are many people walking, it becomes a road."

"When there are many people walking, it will become a road—thank you, Kalya!" Lacus lifted the quilt and held the hilt of the saber, as if holding a warm torch, driving away the road before her. Bone-piercingly cold, "'s a pity that my aunt and I walked on different paths."


With Kalya's help, Lacus finally calmed down.

The cruelty of her aunt made it hard for Lacus to accept, but luckily there was still room for things.

At least, Tiana didn't know that Lux already had an "anti-thief mentality"-in this case, the power of Lux's nobles was somewhat limited, but at least it can still be used now!
As long as he makes good use of this power, maybe Lux can save Ino!
Even in a slightly more drastic way!

Then, just when Lux calmed down, took a shower, and planned to plan the next move with Kalya, someone knocked on the door of her bedroom.

It's Augsa.

After learning that Lux seemed to be in a bad mood, Augesa took the initiative to come over to comfort her daughter.

In her opinion, Tiana's choice was a little too drastic - Lux was just kind-hearted, so she wouldn't use such harsh methods.

However, she did not oppose Tiana in the end, because at least on the issue of nobles and commoners, she and Tiana were on the same side.

So Augsa didn't talk about Ino, but just chatted with Lux.

Compared to the calm Tiana, Augsa made Lux relax a lot.

Lux's condition seemed to be improving visibly with the naked eye.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Augesa took the initiative to end the topic.

Then, when she got up, she seemed to remember something, and asked the servant to hand over a dress to Lacus—she was going to attend a wedding on behalf of the family in a few days.

"Do you still remember the Dili who left Miriam City with you?" Augesa seemed unaware of the feud between Dili and Lux, "His son, Gao Kan, is getting married recently—— The target is the daughter of the Laurent family, and you will be the representative of the Crown Guard family at the engagement ceremony."

"The daughter of the Laurent family... the first daughter?" Lux was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a rather unexpected tone, "Fiona Laurent? I heard that she is quite good at swordsmanship!"

"That's right, it's her!" Augesa nodded, looking very happy, "I heard that Mr. Sebastian was very satisfied with Gao Kan's performance before, so when Di Li proposed marriage, he Agree without hesitation!"

"That's the first daughter of the Laurent family." Lux blinked, "I've heard her name before."

"Dilly is also a member of the Crownguard family, and this will not humiliate them." Augatha raised her face proudly, "Speaking of which, the Laurent family is also in decline. When I was young, the name of Sword Dance Waltz The number is resounding, but now, the whole family does not have a single person who can make a move..."


Lux had just calmed down a little, but now it became bad again.

That Miss Fiona, Lux has also met several times.

Although she is an out-and-out alien among the nobles of Demacia, in Lux's eyes, she is very respectable - Fiona has amazing sword skills, and has always dared to fight and act , She doesn't lie to people, although this makes her popularity and reputation in the aristocratic circle not very good, but Lux appreciates it very much.

Sometimes Lux would even think, if she hadn't become a mage and hadn't met Kalya, then becoming Fiona would have been the best result, right?

But now, I suddenly learned that Fiona was going to marry that Gao Kan...

Thinking of Dilly, Lux felt as if she had swallowed a fly—no, it was like eating a mouthful of a fly, feeling extremely disgusting.

At this moment, she suddenly recalled a question she once asked Kalya.

"Are the choices in life always this difficult? Or is it only when I was a child with innocent wishes?"


"I want to rescue Ino, and I don't want Gao Kan to climb high branches!" After Augsa left the room, Lux clenched her saber tightly, "You are right, the power of nobles can be used , but cannot be relied upon!"

"Have you made up your mind?" Kalya confirmed for the last time, "This will be an extremely difficult road."

"This is the path I am willing to choose." Lux said firmly, "At least I have you and Sona by my side, right?"

"That's really good, Comrade Lux." Kalya had a rare excited look, "Now, I have a big plan that can solve all problems!"

"Big plan?" Lux, who was originally decisive, couldn't help being stunned when she heard what Kalya said. "Wait, you've already planned it? When did you plan it?"

"Just now, when I learned that Gao Kan was going to marry Fiona." Carya chuckled, seemingly in a good mood, "There was still a little problem with my plan, and no one could ignite the key fuse. Now With this wedding, everything will be easy to talk about!"

"Wait a minute! The fuse?" Lacus quickly interrupted Kalya, "What are you going to do? I just don't agree with my aunt's idea, I don't want to destroy the whole family!"

"The fuse is just a metaphor, a metaphor for a... well, a big event with great vigor, don't worry, it's not a bad thing!" Kalya reassured, "As long as the plan goes well, even your aunt will be proud of your performance, Take the initiative to help cover up Yinuo's affairs and let her follow you!"

"How is this possible? It's not like you don't know her attitude!" Lacus said incredulously, "She needs to think about the family, and she hopes that I can be like her. How could she do this?"

"This is the ancient wisdom from Shurima! Even if you run away from home and Demacia, they will help you escape." Kalya is extremely confident, "As long as you report your safety on time, even Augatha will not Too worried-"

"Can you still run away from home? Leave Demacia?" Lux said incredulously, "It is impossible for them to allow me to leave Demacia!"

"It won't be allowed now." Kalya chuckled, "But who can say for sure what will happen in the future—by the way, the annoying Dili will also be unlucky because of this..."

"...Really? You didn't lie to me?" Lux blinked, "Specifically... tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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