Lux's Farewell

Chapter 432 [0428] Are you the old god?

The so-called elemental reverberation refers to the extra spell power that the caster imitates when using elemental spells to imitate a certain powerful existence.

In other words, simulating a dragon with fire is not only coooool, but it can actually get a certain amount of spell power boost.

For this phenomenon, Carya only knows what it is, but does not know why. According to the results of magic experiments done by Carya, too deliberate magic itself will increase the difficulty of magic construction, so the elemental echo is usually "handy." .

Magic is about practicality.

But the destructive power and spell stability displayed by the ice python in front of him undoubtedly surpassed Kalya's cognition of elemental memory, so that after hearing Grandma Ling's explanation, Ino subconsciously thought that the other party You are lying to yourself.

"I am a descendant of the priests of Lund." As if knowing that Ino did not believe her, Grandma Ling sighed and continued to explain, "The giant python of Lund used to be an old god my ancestors believed in, but in the Longji Mountains, He was finally defeated by the immortal thunder, and most of its power dissipated, only a small part remained in the blood of the priests who believed in him, and has been passed down to this day."

"The power in the blood?" Ino asked, "Is it the same as the ice blood?"

"It's the same as the blood of the ice." Grandma Ling nodded, "In the ancient ballad, the priest who wanted to avenge the Lund Python found the Frost Witch and begged the Frost Witch to give them the power of revenge. The power of ice gave these followers of the serpents, making them members of the Iceborn."

"And you are one of them?" Yinuo glanced at Grandma Ling's white hair, "But you don't seem to be anymore."

"Not only am I not an Iceborn, I'm not even a mage now." Grandma Ling shook her head slightly when she heard this, "I can't even feel the existence of magic power—in my blood, those I The power I was once proud of is completely gone now, and I who lost these are just an old woman in her dying years."

"Blood deprivation?" Ino recalled what Kalya did to Sivir in Shurima, and immediately blurted out, "The Frost Witch is not here, so, is this big python the incarnation of the Londo you mentioned? "

"How is this possible." Grandma Ling shook her head subconsciously, "That's just an elemental echo, don't you little girl know what an elemental echo is..."

"Elemental Echo is very clear to me!" Ino narrowed his eyes, "I know better, Elemental Echo is absolutely impossible for you to create such a giant python, and Elemental Echo is even less likely to make you lose all the power of your blood!"

Grandma Ling blinked her eyes, as if she didn't quite understand what Yinuo meant.

"The incarnation of the old god." Controlling the trap, Ino licked the corner of his mouth, showing a relatively fanatical side, "The teacher has always regretted that he didn't study an old god!"

"What are you going to do?!" Grandma Ling was shocked, "Yinuo! Are you crazy?! This spell is not so easy to control, you don't understand what it means at all!"

"No, it's because you don't understand me." Yinuo took a deep breath, "I'm sure I'll eat this boa constrictor!"

The next moment, in Grandma Ling's astonished eyes, a layer of star-like "armor" appeared on Yinuo's body. The eye-catching but not dazzling light made her feel a little dazed. At that time, this layer of starlight had started from Ino's palm, and flowed to the body surface of the python which was struggling violently along the previously drawn magic circuit.

It seemed to have sensed a fatal crisis, and the giant python's struggle became more intense, but Ino's arm connected to the magic power circuit did not move at all.

Inside the tunnel, the temperature dropped further, and a fine layer of frost quickly climbed up Grandma Ling's body. After losing her ice blood, she could only retreat to the distance while looking for something to keep out the cold, and hurriedly put it on body.

Soon, this layer of starlight completely covered the python's body surface, and after being fully "adapted", the patterns that were only floating on the surface began to become deeper and deeper.

In the beginning, the starlight was the projection of the star dome floating on the surface of the giant python's body, illusory.

Then, the starlight turned into lines drawn on the scales of the giant python, floating on the surface.

In the end, Xinghui turned into an unbreakable brand engraved in the python's body.

When all the starlight gathered and the magic power circuit was completely closed, Ino finally let go of his hand—then, the giant python's huge body seemed to be deflated, and immediately lost its activity.

The body made of solid ice cracked inch by inch, and the original brilliance of the ice body suddenly became dim.

And between the cracked ice, a real and illusory "small python" is struggling with all its might.

On this boa constrictor, which was not much different from a loach, the star array that Ino had depicted before was still delicately engraved on its body at this time, even if the golden cicada shed its shell, it could not get rid of it.

"The seal is a great success!" Although his face was pale and his magic power was overdrawn, after creating a piece of solid ice and catching the small boa constrictor, Ino was still full of excitement, "Teacher can finally study the old god this time!"

By her side, Grandma Ling was stunned.


For a moment, the old lady didn't know whether she should find a way to persuade the other party to let go of the incarnation of the old god worshiped by her ancestors, or ask the other party's teacher status.

After being stunned for a moment, Grandma Ling could only reluctantly change the subject.

"You consume so much mana, what about Laksanna? Tariq is not easy to mess with!"

"Tariq is indeed not easy to mess with." Ino nodded, "However, compared to Laxby, he is not good enough."


If Grandma Ling was in the Grand Plaza, she would definitely understand why Eno said "Tariq is not enough to watch"-although at the beginning, Lux could only avoid the edge of Tariq's attack, but after hitting Fighting, Lux miraculously regained the upper hand!

From the beginning, Lux wielding the Broken Blade was unable to face Tarik's war hammer, and soon became back and forth with Tarek!
Moreover, Tariq is becoming more and more irritable with the naked eye!
It seems because of what Lux said?
It's a pity that the two of them fought higher and higher. Even the devil-infested man and the guard soldiers who were directly below the battlefield didn't know the specific content of the conversation between the two.

But anyway, things were looking better for everyone except Tarek.

Without Tariq's obstruction, Galio let go of his hands and feet, and the many demons who had the upper hand were forced to retreat steadily. Instead, the guards quickly organized the team between his broad wings, ready to launch again attack.

During the period, Silas planned to repeat the same trick, using a large-scale spell to disrupt the formation of the guarding soldiers, but just as the magic was shot, Galio jumped over on one foot——the next moment, the magic power poured by Silas seemed to be returning from all rivers. Like the sea, it was completely absorbed into his body by Galio.

Feeling that the situation was not good, Silas tried to mobilize the magic power in Galio's body. Although he didn't understand the production process of this colossus, he was made by the magic stone anyway, so he could mobilize the magic power stored in the magic stone. Can mobilize the magic power in Galio's body!
Unfortunately, things went a little differently from Silas's imagination.

When Silas threw out the chain, put it on Galio's feet, and tried to extract the magic power in it, he was shocked to find that although the magic power in Galio's body was huge, it was sluggish and obscure. There was magic power, but he couldn't mobilize it himself. !
Silas was dumbfounded at this moment, and before he could find a solution, the Colossus of Justice hopped on one leg and ran over him.

How to do?
What else can I do, run!

Silas turned around and ran, running all the way.

However, in Galio's cognition, Silas is clearly the chief culprit of this turmoil. Although he doesn't know how to capture the thief first, but Galio knows very well that if this nasty little man is not dealt with, it will A battle is not a victory!

Although Galio could only hop on one leg because of his injured foot, but considering his height, even if he hopped on one leg, his moving speed was much faster than Silas!
Moreover, there is nothing around the grand square that can provide cover for Silas, and the support of the reserve force is coming not far away. In this case, Silas is almost inescapable!

Under all kinds of crises, Silas turned his gaze to a demon-infested man who was fighting side by side with him.

This guy seems to have the ability to manipulate the wind. Ever since he broke out of the Arcatraz, he has been following Silas. When many people were shaken, he did not hesitate at all.

Every time he looked at Silas, his eyes were full of reverence, which made Silas very useful-so, although he didn't know his name and identity, Silas originally wanted to support him to be himself Deputy.

It's a pity that in this critical moment, this "future deputy" can only sacrifice one or two things.

The next moment, Silas threw out the chain on his wrist, and put the chain of the Temperament Stone on the demon-infested person.

The devil-infested face was overjoyed.

Then, just when he thought Silas was going to take him away, there was a terrible suction on the chains of the magic stone.

Mobilizing his talents, Silas temporarily gained the ability to manipulate the wind.

Facing Galio's pursuit, Silas suddenly soared into the air, Feng Xu walked against the wind, and his speed suddenly accelerated!

Seeing this, Galio also tried to flap his wings to take off, but he didn't have the legs to rely on, and he didn't absorb enough magic power. He tried twice, but in the end he couldn't fly again—this is Xiongdu after all, if If they didn't fly up and fell down, they would kill many innocent people!

In the end, the Colossus of Justice could only pinch the unlucky bastard who had just been drained of magic power by Silas, and threw it to the guard soldiers, and then cooperated with them to clean up the demon-infested people who tried to escape in all directions.

Seeing this scene, the nobles on the balcony of Dawn Castle heaved a sigh of relief without exception, and then everyone turned their eyes to the sky.

There, too, the battle between Lux and Taric came to a close.

I don't know if everyone's eyes were dazzled, but the light-forged broken blade in Lux's hand seemed to be faintly black against the backdrop of the dark clouds.

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