Lux's Farewell

433 Tariq's Awakening [0429]

Unlike the guardian protoss who doesn't care about the eyes of mortals, Lux needs to pay attention to the influence-so, she can't use those powers that "look evil" carelessly.

If you have to use it, it is best to avoid the sight of others.

And this is the main reason why Lux and the Guardian Protoss are fighting higher and higher.

Flying high, the people below will not be able to find that there is something wrong with the power used by Lux.

So, the question is, what kind of power is wrong with Lux that makes her avoid the eyes of others?

The answer is also very simple: Lux used the power of darkin mixed with demonic breath.

This kind of mixed power is pure negative energy, which belongs to the kind of negative energy that mortals can't sleep at night and have nightmares all night long. If everyone really sees Lux manipulating this kind of power to fight, I'm afraid there is no need for the Guardian Protoss to say anything, the interrogation within the noble council will bankrupt all of Lux's plans.

Of course, the guardian protoss, who doesn't care about mortals' opinions at all, would not have thought of "complaining", which is the most lethal move for Lux. Four distinct powers!
Lux herself is a user of elemental magic, and has a solid theoretical foundation and operational ability of elemental magic.

And after climbing the Giant God Peak, she accepted the baptism of the glory of the heavens, and the power she used naturally carried some power of the heavens, which is also reasonable.

If that's all, then the guardian protoss can still easily suppress Lacus - the protoss is a celestial creature, and Taric, who has been trained a lot, is also extremely strong. Manipulating this body, the guardian protoss will naturally have a lot small advantage.

However, as Lux continued to pull, the two sides came to a high altitude, Karya began to exert force, and things started to go wrong.

The power of the darkin is an out-and-out pollution to the protoss, and it needs to be handled with care.

The power of demons can be demagogic and dangerous.

The guardian protoss didn't know that the demonic power "used" by Lux was actually fake. In essence, it was just the illusion caused by Kalya's brief leakage of demonic breath after imprisoning and sealing two unlucky demons.

In the perception of the Guardian Protoss, apart from her power as a spellcaster and the "stolen" power of the heavens, Lux is backed by a darkin and a demon!
In one-on-two, the Guardian Protoss still thinks that I have the advantage, but in one-on-three, he naturally needs to be as careful as possible, and this care naturally gives way to the rhythm of the battle, making Lux the leader of the battle.

However, due to her lack of strength, even if Lux seized the battle rhythm, every move made the Guardian Protoss stand ready, but the pressure she could provide was still very limited.

If you continue to persist like this, then Lux will soon be like a donkey in Guizhou, and will be seen through by the guardian protoss. At that time, the guardian protoss will forcefully prop up the glory of the heavens, and I am afraid that Lacus will run away in embarrassment.

Lux was bluffing for time.

So, what's the point of her bluffing like this?
The reason is also very simple - when she was entangled with the Guardian Protoss, Kalya was trying to awaken Taric's own will.


Although Taric can be favored by the guardian giants, he must have some characteristics that fit the concept of the guardian giants.

However, unlike the normal "believers accept the radiance of the heavens and voluntarily become the body of giant gods walking in the mortal world", Tarik's current state is undoubtedly closer to seizing the house.

The Guardians did not accept Taric's memories and emotions.

This kind of seizure obviously has great side effects - judging from the previous performance of Atreus, the will of the mortal who was seized has not dissipated, but has been suppressed, and he can still "see" what the protoss wants to see. Everything you can see, but you can't control your body.

It is based on this that Kalya chose to deal with the Guardian Protoss itself by awakening Tarik.

Once Tariq's own will is awakened... the Guardian Protoss wants to easily control this body, it is already impossible!
However, awakening a suppressed will is actually very difficult. If it was before capturing Nocturne and Evelyn, Kalya would not have thought about it at all.

But with the nightmare demon in hand, Karya felt that this method was worth a try!
So, at the beginning of the battle, Kalya approached Nocturne and ordered the demon to empower him.

Nocturne naturally scoffed at Kalya's order—you want me to wake up a mortal with the power of nightmares, so I'm going to wake him up?
Who are you?The head of the ten demons?

Facing the uncooperative Nocturne, Kalya was not in a hurry, because in his hands, there was another demon.

"Wake him up, or I'll tear him apart and feed him to Evelyn."

In this way, through a simple "negotiation", Nocturne honestly provided the power of the demon to deter the Guardian Protoss, and quietly began to set up traps against Taric.

As a result, Tariq, who could only tremble in the corner of his consciousness, seemed to have passed through an "apocalypse" again—this time, he saw a completely different path.

The Guardian Protoss won the battle, and Demacia became the kingdom of theocracy, but the giant gods aloof did not care about the lives of mortals. When Noxus invaded again, these cunning Noxus promised to convert to the belief of giant gods. As a result, many bishops and priests who occupied all the high positions in Demacia chose to stand by and watch.

Then, with the invasion of the Noxus army, Jarvan III and Jarvan IV died in battle one after another. Galen took the fearless vanguard and tried to conduct a beheading raid, but failed. Priests tear open their skins, only to have the information of the Resistance handed over to the invading Noxus...

The destruction of the kingdom, the wailing of parents, the death of relatives and friends, all these seem to have really happened in front of Tariq.

When the "Apocalypse" ended, Tariq was shocked to find that everything he saw just now seemed to be possible.

Although he agrees with the concept of "guarding all precious things" of the Guardian Protoss in his heart, after "seeing" with his own eyes that the Guardian Protoss doesn't care about the lives of mortals, he has to admit that the Guardian Protoss can protect A lot, but it doesn't protect Demacia.

For Taric, this nightmare seemed to put him on fire. After seeing the true face of the Titan, he had to reconsider his choice.

Should I stand on the side of mortals and my motherland, or abandon Demacia and embrace the bright sky with all my heart?

Subconsciously, he looked at Lacus.

He thought of the Lux he had seen before, the battle with Lux on Mount Targon, and many things about Lux.

At this time, Tariq suddenly discovered that although Lux was not pious and deviated from "justice" in the popular sense, at least for Demacia, she had been doing her part.

If the only option is to embrace Tianguang, then Tarik might not hesitate at all.

However, Lux gave him another option, a choice to bring the brilliant light into the world.

Lux, wielding the light blade, seems to have been trying hard to prove to Tariq that embracing the skylight and walking in the world are not mutually exclusive. Embracing the skylight alone can also make the stars cover all living beings brilliantly.

At this moment, Tariq's original heart to the giant god was shaken.

And as Tarik wavered, the movements of the Guardian Protoss began to become sluggish.

Just as there is always a price for power that does not belong to oneself, there is also a price for taking away a body that does not belong to one's own.


Sensitively discovering the changes in the Guardian Protoss, Lux's eyes lit up.

Taric's will has awakened!
"Tariq!" Lux raised her voice, "You climbed Mount Targon yourself, think about what you saw and heard along the way!"

"Is the life of the Lakkor people who don't have enough to eat, don't wear warm, can only struggle to survive, and paralyze themselves with beliefs really happy?"

"Do you choose Demacia or Rakkor?"

"The ancient history has proved to us that the giant gods cannot bring human development, they only cherish the things they think are precious!"

"Could it be that the eternity you're looking forward to is the loneliness of being cut off from all emotions and relationships and being ostracized in a certain corner of your body?"

"That's not a noble sacrifice, that's eternal imprisonment!"

Tariq's struggle with consciousness intensified.

"Shut up, you despicable bastard full of deceptive words!" Sensing that something was wrong, the Guardian Protoss finally became anxious, "Use the power of the devil to confuse Tarek, how could Tarek follow your mind! "

"The power of the devil?" Hearing what the guardian protoss said, Lux laughed loudly. "It's the power of the devil, but it's my trophy!"

"Big words!" Sensing the restlessness in his body, Guardian Xingling gradually calmed down, and couldn't help snorting, "A cunning person who uses the power of demons, what else can he quibble about?"

"The attribute of power never represents the position of the user. Do you think that those who use the power of the heavens are nobler than humans?" Lux said quickly and clearly, "And, the second king of Demacia, His Majesty Centu, I have used the evil sacrifice ceremony, and used the power of shadows to grant myself a thousand years of eternity!"

"Listen, this is the ambition of mortals. In order to pursue your eternity, you will do whatever it takes!"

"But during the thousands of years he has continued by whatever means, he has been fighting demons every day, struggling in the cycle of life and death!" Lux's voice was strong and powerful, "For someone like you who only cares about the power attribute From the poor man's point of view, he is a self-willed degenerate, but to every Demacian with a conscience, he is a self-sacrificing hero!"

"What a hero, but a blasphemer who uses the power of corruption to perpetuate himself!"

"In the eyes of you giant gods, mortals should thrive and wither like grass and trees. Only you can live in the heavens and watch the vicissitudes of life." Lax had fully understood Kalya's sense of giant gods at this time, She pressed the light blade with her hands, and spread her wings completely, "You have never really experienced the feeling of a small mortal - Tian Xingjian, mortals strive for self-improvement, no one is born to be a servant of fate!"


"Tariq!" Lux clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and raised the lightsaber high above his head, "I've heard the story about you at the Martial Arts Conference, think about when you faced Urgot, you fought with your back At that time—don’t let down the self who never gave up!”

The next moment, Kalya directly restrained all her aura, and Lacus tried her best to pour all the magic power into the broken blade in her hand.

The light blade, which was originally extremely dazzling, became even more starry at this time, and the overflowing celestial energy turned into a real starlight, entangled on this originally inconspicuous broken blade.

As if she had practiced countless times, Lux slashed with her sword.

Where the sword light came, the clouds seemed to be split open, and the sunlight passed through the gaps in the dark clouds, entangled with the starlight on the blade in Lux's hand, making it almost impossible to look directly at.

Seeing this scene, the guardian protoss summoned the celestial radiance without hesitation—the same as if the eternal star radiance descended from the sky, and it was about to cast down like a spotlight and cover Tarik's body.

But at the moment when Xingguang was about to join his body, the body of the Guardian Protoss suddenly struggled.

With this struggle that seemed to be epileptic, one arm and one leg of Tariq were thrust out of the range of the starlight.


The Guardian Protoss's eyes were about to tear apart—at that moment just now, Taric fought his own body injury and forcibly seized part of the control, which made his originally impeccable defense appear flawless!

At the same time, Lux's sword light swept across.

The part of Tariq's body covered by the starlight was unscathed, but the exposed arms and legs were instantly wiped out.


The Guardian Protoss wailed in pain, and on the star dome behind the thick dark clouds, another constellation crack appeared.

Seeing the unfavorable situation, the will of the Guardian Titan came out of Tarik's body in an instant, and without any hesitation, he returned directly to the heaven to lick his wounds—although Lux's blow just now was not fatal to the giant, it still required a long time. recuperate.

Above the sky, Tariq, who had lost the power of the giant god, and Lux, who had exhausted his strength, began to fall downward at an extremely fast speed.

Then, when the two lost their balance and were falling faster and faster, a pair of big hands reached out and caught them firmly.

"It's weird." Galio tried to put on a smiling expression, and said to Tariq, "Although you are missing an arm and a leg, I always think you are much more pleasing to the eye."

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