Lux's Farewell

Chapter 434 [0430]

With Taric's awakening of self-awareness, the battle can finally be declared over.

However, for Lux, the end of the battle is not the end of the whole incident.

Next, rewards and punishments for the entire incident are the top priority of everything—especially how to deal with the demons, which is directly related to the smoothness of Lux's next move.

"Will the noble council really be willing to send them to the northern border?" On the way back to Dawn Castle, Lux asked with some apprehension, "The scale of today's turmoil seems to have exceeded expectations."

"Not necessarily at first, but now I dare to say for sure." Kalya saw it clearly, "The nobles may not care about the lives of civilians, but they must care about their own lives—now the Arcatraz Prison is no longer safe. A time bomb, how could they allow this time bomb to be placed in Xiongdu, beside them?"

"But what if they want to kill the mage directly?" Lux worried, "Wouldn't that be self-defeating and counterproductive?"

"No one wants to be this villain." Kalya chuckled, "Don't look at them all terrified to death, but believe me, absolutely no one will show fear; moreover, His Majesty Jarvan III is not a fool, just execute Ran Demon, that will only throw the entire Demacia into chaos, which is absolutely impossible."

"So, they will agree with both hands, hoping to send these demon-infected people to the border?" Lux nodded, and said with some understanding in her heart, "Keep the danger away from yourself, and at the same time show your kindness?"

"That's about it." Carya agreed, "The only variable is the Illuminati and Tarek."

Speaking of Tariq, Lux was also a little tangled.

There is no doubt that the current Tariq is completely different from the previous Tariq.

However, it is difficult to explain the gap with many nobles. If possible, Lux does not want the Illuminati to have any contact with the Titan, because once the Illuminati really has the background of the Titan, then Shuri The Sun God Sect of the Ma Empire is a lesson from the past.

The church with the true God and the church without the true God are completely different things.

Although Tariq is ready to use death to wash away all sins, Lux is very clear that what he has shown before is actually the will of the guardian giant, and has little to do with him-in the final analysis, Even if Tariq is a bit off the track at the moment, he is not guilty of death after all.

Therefore, when Kalya mentioned Tariq, Lacus hesitated.

"If I want to protect Tariq, I have a way, but Tariq needs to cooperate." Kalya's tone began to become a little subtle, "He can admit that he was bewitched by standing idly by, but bewitching him It should not be a giant, but a demon."

"Devil?" Lux blinked, unable to keep up with Kalya's train of thought, "What does this have to do with demons?"

"Tariq has nothing to do with demons, but if you say there is, then there is." Kalya smiled, "You chose to leave the center of power, and everyone is willing to give you this face—and, the Illuminati On the other hand, I must wish that Tarek was bewitched by the devil, and the climbers returned, but they no longer had Demacia in their hearts. This kind of blow would be fatal to the Illuminati."


Lux was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, blinked her eyes a few times, and finally figured out the logic - "Tariq was bewitched by a demon" was not the truth, but it was for herself, for the light, and even for Germany. Marcia best result.

Even because there are two demons imprisoned here in Karya, the camouflage can be done seamlessly.

For this best outcome, the truth doesn't matter.

Realizing this, Lacus was a little relieved, but also a little sad.

"Kalya, can't restoring the truth and getting the best results exist at the same time?" Lux asked in a low voice, "We all know that this matter has nothing to do with demons—maybe I can fool everyone, but I can't lie to myself."

"For individuals, sincerity is an excellent character." Carya comforted softly, "I am very happy to see your sincerity and kindness-but in the vortex of politics, sincerity will only bring about worse The result, because the current Demacia cannot tolerate your sincerity."

Lux was silent.

"If you are sincere, you should denounce their shamelessness and arrogance in the speech of the noble council, question the reason why they are now rich and well-fed, and clarify the development that magic can bring to this country." Kalya continued, " But you know, there's no point in doing that, and it's only going to make the situation worse."

Lacus remained silent.

"Because you are the eldest lady of the Crown Guard family, you can use milder means to change Demacia, but Demacia is not Vazuan, it is not a city, it is a kingdom spanning thousands of miles." Kalya His tone was low, "Kindness and kindness are your persistence and direction, but they must not be your means of doing things. I am a lesson from the past."

Lacus was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then she remembered what Kalya had said about the cause of the Icacia War - this made her terrified, and even shuddered.

"Goodness and ugliness are originally two complicated sides of human nature. Pursue one side completely without considering the other side. Even if the purpose is good and the means are bright, the ending will lead to the abyss." Carya sighed , "Lax, if possible, I don't want you to be contaminated by these things, but even reforms are not such a simple matter of treating guests to dinner. Once Fossbarrow's future development shows results, the temptations and transactions from all directions Even the destruction will come one after another, believe me, compared to violently overthrowing everything, using lies to temporarily appease a group of guys who are destined to be swept into the garbage dump is already a very gentle thing."

"...You're right." Lux took a deep breath, and a confident smile appeared on her face again, "I'm going to talk to Tariq, I hope he can cheer up and play with me. Let's play this game."


When Lux returned to Dawn Castle, the entire noble council stood up, welcoming her back like a hero.

Until the imperial meeting started again, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lux's face, waiting for her to speak.

Jarvan III, who presided over the meeting, did not keep everyone waiting too long, and quickly asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

"What the hell is going on here? What just happened?"

"Tariq was bewitched by the demon." Lux's face was calm, but it caused an uproar as soon as he spoke, "I just dispelled and caught the demon on him."

Everyone in the noble council was stunned.

How does this even involve the devil?

In Demacia, demons are already an ancient legend. At this time, Lux suddenly opened her mouth and said that Taric was bewitched by demons... Is this okay?
Just when everyone in the noble council looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while, the cardinal, who was already haggard and crumbling, quickly stood up as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Miss Angel is right!"

Good guy, Lux just mentioned a demon here, and the cardinal here just called her an angel?

what angel
Flying sisters?
Looking at the Cardinal who seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw, the expressions of everyone in the noble council were a little too exciting for a moment.

"I'm not an angel, I'm just a climber." Lux who was suddenly interrupted was stunned for a moment, but she immediately rejected the hat that the cardinal put on, "But just now, I was indeed in the tower. Ke felt the breath of the devil."

As she said that, Lacus raised her left hand, and in her palm, a black shadow that looked disturbing quickly emerged. Several nobles subconsciously glanced at it, and then all of them showed disgusting expressions. color.

Could it be that there really are demons?

All eyes turned to Tariq, who was missing an arm and a leg.

"There are really demons." Tariq, who is not good at lying, tried his best to maintain a calm expression, "This is because I was too careless-in fact, when I came back from the summit, I went there Abandoned the embassy, ​​where I found a cunning demon...I thought I defeated it, but in fact it took advantage of my pride and controlled me."

Everyone in the aristocratic council heard the words, and their expressions were a little subtle.

"Now that I think about it, the tragedy at the embassy was the work of the devil. Demacia, which is thriving, does not have the chaos it likes. That's why it created the tragedy, making it impossible for the Valoran Mutual Aid Alliance to be established."

For this kind of rhetoric that obviously has the meaning of throwing blame, it is not acceptable for everyone to accept it for a while, and there is no evidence for not accepting it, so no one directly questioned it, but everyone looked at Jarvan III. Hope What can His Majesty say.

But Jarvan III thought for a while, and soon had an idea.

"As for the tragedy at the embassy, ​​I have already invited someone to deal with it." In the anticipation of everyone, His Majesty the King said unhurriedly, "Since Tariq said so, Laksana still has the power of demons." The remnants, if you let him take a look, you should be able to see clearly."

Hearing what Jarvan III said, everyone in the noble council quickly understood the meaning behind the words - obviously, the professionals here were mages that Jarvan III invited back from abroad before the climber came back.

Although there are silent people in China, the embassy murder case involved foreign envoys after all, so it is undoubtedly more convincing to invite a "neutral person" to come.

As a result, everyone in the noble council nodded, agreeing with Jarvan III's opinion, hoping to invite that professional to come and have a look.

There is no need for foreign envoys to attend the imperial meeting, so if you want that professional to come, you need to send someone to invite it—and during this period, the imperial meeting quickly reached a consensus on the chaotic issue of the demon-infected person.

As Karya expected, when Lux once again raised the hope of releasing the demon-infested prisoner from the enchanted prison and sending it to the border for "redemption", all the nobles nodded in agreement.

No one wants to have a ticking time bomb around them all the time.

However, some people still have different opinions on the punishment of the demon-infested. Considering that many demon-infected people follow Silas to fight against the garrison soldiers, they think that just letting them go to the northern border to guard the frontier is not a punishment at all.

For these guys who confronted with force, they must punch hard!

As for this point, Lacus has already had a plan. She proposed that these demon-infested people can be redeemed through labor, and let them repair the old fortresses in the north, build roads, and build bridges—"Compared to letting They are wasting their time in prison, it is better to let them contribute to the construction of the kingdom."

Regarding Lux's statement, everyone's first reaction was "how can a demon-infested person work honestly?" However, when thinking of the battle between Lux and Tariq just now, and Galio's attitude of crushing all living beings, They suddenly discovered that it seems that the devil-infested person can indeed work honestly!
Hey, don't tell me, this sounds really feasible!

Then, when everyone began to discuss the responsibilities and obligations that Lacus would have to bear after going to the northern border, the guards came to report that the Argen special envoy had arrived outside the castle, waiting for an audience.

"Please come in."


Arzhen, who entered Dawn Castle, was no longer as chic and calm as before. He was trembling and walking on thin ice.

This is not the first time he has come to the capital of Demacia, nor is it the first time he has met Jarvan III, but it is indeed the first time he has realized the awe-inspiring side of this country.

In the past, Arzhen thought that Demacia was just a country of warriors. Although their country was large, populous, and rich in products, Demacia, which rejected and banned magic, was nothing more than that to him.

It's just a guardian dog!

Even though his own Abmark does rely on Demacia, in his heart, Arzhen is still full of dissatisfaction-this is the unique sense of superiority of Faye.

But today, after carefully observing the battle in the sky, Arzhen's little sense of superiority was crushed to pieces.

There are mages in Demacia, and they are beyond the level of my knowledge!
If Al really can understand the existence of Galio, then the battle between Lux and Tariq is a real fight between gods for him!

Looking at Arzhen's appearance that was almost sweating profusely, Jarvan III understood the reason after a little thought, and an indescribable sense of comfort welled up in his heart. Even though the old king tried his best to control it, the corners of his mouth finally Slightly upturned.

"Special Envoy Argen." Jarvan III said with a smile, "Miss Laxana said that she found the murderer of the embassy case, and he was a demon. What do you think, Mr. Special Envoy?"

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