Lux's Farewell

435 Earl Laxana [0431]

Faced with Jarvan III's request, Arzhen was naturally the only one.

So, he was brought in front of Lux—many nobles gave way to a fairly spacious place, allowing Arzhen to feel the energy that makes it hard to sleep just by looking at it.

Arzhen was pissed off by Di Litong before.

After seeing the battle between Lux and Tariq, even if Al really didn't get the news in advance, he could only say what Lux wanted.

More importantly, what Lux showed was Evelyn's strength, and Evelyn was the murderer of the murder.

In this case, Arzhen didn't hesitate, nodded and said yes, confirming that the owner of the devil power in Lacus' palm was the murderer of the embassy's murder: "That's right, I was in the embassy the day before yesterday. After careful investigation, this strange energy tortured me so much that I haven't had a good rest for the past two days!"


With the "third-party witness", the logic of the whole incident seems to have formed a closed loop very smoothly: Tariq, who had returned from the summit, was unwilling to go to the embassy where the murder happened, and wanted to make up for the damage caused by his dereliction of duty. In the end, he was bewitched by the demons who stayed there, and fell into extreme paranoia, which is why he made mistakes.

Now that Lux has set things right, Tariq has also repented, and the two of them worked together to severely injure the demon, and finally they did not make the same mistake again...

For this explanation, both the noble council and Jarvan III had subtle expressions.

In their view, this is quite a coincidence, but the evidence is here, and there is Arzhen to testify, no matter how weird the thing is, it barely makes sense.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, such a result may be better for everyone.

Silas' escape from prison was an accident. Although Tariq's performance was a bit problematic at the beginning, at least the escape of the devil-infested man did not have a bad impact-except for the casualties of the garrison soldiers, only the Grand Plaza was taken by Gary O stepped on part of it.

The nobles didn't care about the casualties of the guards. What they cared about was that the Illuminati had a big stumble.

The cardinal who vowed to abdicate to the virtuous did not realize that Tariq was bewitched by the demon. When Tariq was bewitched by the demon and tried to expand the chaos caused by the demon, he even strongly agreed with it, almost making a big mistake. .

After this incident, let alone the Illuminati reaching out to the secular realm, Jarvan III did not directly pursue the responsibility of the Illuminati, which is already giving them face-although today’s imperial meeting did not involve the issue of the Illuminati, there is no accident If so, the cardinal will leave his post after the meeting to go to a secluded place, lest the entire Illuminati be questioned.

For the noble council, this is undoubtedly a brilliant victory!

You Illuminati are not good, and you don’t even know if there is something wrong with the climbers. In this kind of time, you should talk less!
As the biggest contributor to deflated the Illuminati, the peak climber Lux will naturally be rewarded.

Rewarding Lux was originally a headache, but Lux herself asked the northern border to guard the frontier and give the devil-infested a chance for self-salvation... Then everyone naturally agreed with it!

Look, what a good person he is, he smashed the wishful thinking of the Illuminati, and then he didn't take credit for it, and directly applied to go to the place where no shit in the northern border. Praise hard!

Anyway, compliments don’t require money, and we don’t need to cut out a piece of territory. If boasting people can solve the problem, why not do it?

All of a sudden, praise and compliments poured into Lacus like a tide, and she seemed to be a model for all the nobles in Demacia once again!

Amid all the praises, Lux clearly maintained her sanity—or rather, these people's praises were in her expectation, and the more they praised, the more ridiculous Lax thought they were.

What Karya said is correct. These people are a group of people who are destined to be swept into the garbage dump. They only have their own interests in their eyes, and they have completely lost their responsibility and responsibility as a country's decision-makers!
Therefore, no matter what kind of praise she faced, Lacus insisted on her goal and never let go: she wanted a name to go to the northern border, and a name to save the demon-tained!

Facing Lux's request, after some deliberation, the Imperial Council finally made a decision.

Laxanna Crownguard will be awarded the title of earl, independent from the Crownguard family, and Fossbarrow and surrounding areas without lords will be granted to her as a fief.

Due to the bitter cold on the border, Earl Laxana does not need to pay taxes to Xiongdu within five years, and the taxes are halved within ten years.

Of course, considering that Fossbarrow has basically no tax revenue sent to Xiongdu at present, it can be said that even if it is allocated here, it will not be able to collect much money in the first ten years, and the royal family of Xiongdu will still make money.

Regarding the military issue, this part is also relatively easy to solve.

According to the rules of Demacia, the lord whose fief is located on the border is eligible to support a private army according to the local conditions—unlike the lord in the hinterland of the kingdom who usually only arranges magistrates in the fief, the lord whose fief is located on the border Don't dare to rely solely on the legions stationed nearby.

You know, Demacia has always followed the route of elite soldiers. Although almost all Demacia soldiers wear armor, and those who can ride horses have war horses, the number of them is not many.

Relying on the advantage of water transportation in the kingdom, Demacia's elite soldiers can be quickly assembled and transported from various camps, but they are somewhat incapable of defending the border. Therefore, for border defense, Demacia has always implemented local militia garrisons + elite troops Policy for soldier support.

The location of the Fossbarrow area is important, and it is the regular route for the Freljord barbarians to go south to plunder. It is obviously not an easy task to maintain the defense here.

When Fossbarrow had no lord, Xiongdu had to increase the number of Fossbarrow Legion, use the elite soldiers as the militia guarding the city, and at the same time directly demand local supplies from the Fossbarrow people, plus The supply of supplies from Shangxiongdu has maintained the stability of the local area, preventing the barbarians of the Freljord from breaking through the pass and going south to plunder.

And now that Lacus is going to become the lord of Fossbarrow, she naturally has to assume the military responsibility of being the lord!
Anyway, you still have to redeem those demon-stained people. Since it is salvation, then you should all be militiamen.

In this way, Lacus easily obtained the policy conditions for freely recruiting militias. According to the consensus of the noble council and Jarvan III, as long as you can afford it, you can serve as soldiers in the entire Fossbarrow area, as long as you don’t let the northern border The savage broke through the line of defense, everything is easy to say.

Obviously, the defense of the northern border was regarded as a burden, and they dumped it on Lux, but Lux readily accepted it.

She has been to Fossbarrow. Although the geographical conditions do not look very good there, is it worse than Narima Jie, which has a snow mountain on one side and a desert on the other?

For the noble lord, Fossbarrow is a barren land where you can't scratch the ground, but for Lux, it is a new beginning where you can really show your talents!
Moreover, Xiongdu even "supported" more than a thousand devil-infected people with all their strength to follow him!
More than 1000 talents good enough to need to be imprisoned in the Arcatraz for mages!
You know, when they were in Zaun, Lux and Ino picked and picked, and they just found more than 100 children with good mage talents.

It's good now, with a wave of the noble council's hand, all the prisoners in the Arcatraz are under the management of Lacus!

Although many of these prisoners harbored resentment towards Demacia, in Lux's view, most of them could be reformed except for a very few diehards.

Moreover, on the surface it looks like there are more than 1000 demon-infected people, but don't forget, behind every demon-infected person is a family of their own!

Their families would be happy to come to Fossbarrow as long as they felt that Fossbarrow didn't exclude them and that magic was not wrong here.

Demacia is very large, and Demacia has a large population. As long as they gather together, even if it is only a population related to magic, it is enough to support Lux's ideals and support a huge revolution that will completely change Demacia and even the entire Runeterra. change.

Even if Lux doesn't have much capital for the time being, this backcountry, which is not paid attention to by Xiongdu, can still amaze everyone after careful watering!

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