Lux's Farewell

436 [0432] Vault Guardian

Although Lux wanted to pack up the supplies and set off immediately, from the imperial meeting to the award ceremony, at least half a month of preparation time was required.

No way, the Earl of Laxana is almost the highest title that Demacia has added in the past 50 years——Demacia has not held a large-scale conferring ceremony for too long, and now the kingdom needs such a ceremony. Inspire people!
Even the aristocratic lords who don't care much about the life of the common people have to restrain themselves a little after the demon-infested riots, and take this opportunity to paint cakes for the common people.

"As long as you have the ability, you can also jump from a commoner to an earl."

Although this statement is somewhat nonsense in Demacia, it is not a lie.

After all, even though Lux is the little princess of the Crown Guard family, in theory, she is still just a commoner.

However, her "civilian" is not the same concept as the "civilian" of the people of Demacia.

In short, the conferring ceremony of Lux is destined to be a grand event in Xiongdu anyway. At that time, countless people will take to the streets to witness the birth of a countess in the magnificent square and "understand the whole story of the previous battle."

Because after the conferring ceremony, she was about to leave Xiongdu and the Crownguard Manor again, and Lacus had been with her mother during this period of time—Augusa was naturally reluctant to part with her daughter again.

Although Lux said that there is a "fast track" from Fossbarrow to Xiong, Augsa is still reluctant to part with Lux.

Augsa doesn't understand magic, so she doesn't know how fast this "fast track" is, but as the mistress of the Crownguard family, she knows how much energy the head of the family needs to put in, not to mention that Lux's fief is located in the frontier !
Every winter, the barbarians of the Freljord will choose to go south. At that time, the northern border of Demacia will almost be under martial law. At that time, Lux will stay in the fief no matter what, and stand ready.

Therefore, starting from today, every new year and every birthday in the future, Lux needs to stay in Forsbarrow.

Even if she has become a climber, in the eyes of Augusta, Lacus is also her most beloved little daughter!
In addition, in order to "raise sponsorship" for Fossbarrow, Lacus also needs to participate in various banquets and dances in a noble and exemplary manner, so she really has no way to devote more specific time before the start of the knighting ceremony. in the midst of work.

Compared to Lacus, Ino is very busy.

After handing over the incarnation of Lund's old god to Kalya, Ino seemed to become Lacus's secretary again, helping Lacus to run back and forth in Xiongdu.

Although Eno was also a peak climber, she did not stand on the bright side like Lacus in the end—in fact, only a few people knew her identity as a peak climber, and the noble council and Jarvan III didn't even know that there was such a thing. Person No. [-] has suffered the punishment of the stone crown.

This identity hidden in the shadows gave Ino great convenience. Coupled with the connections of the Reticent, she can freely handle many things that Lux is not easy to come out to.

What, you ask why the Silent Man provided Ino with great convenience?
Because she is now one of the Reticent Man's own!

After discussing with Lacus, Sona and Kalya, Ino accepted Grandma Ling's invitation to replace her as the elder of the Silent Man.

According to Grandma Ling, the Silent Man invited her to join because of the consideration of asking her to assume some responsibility for the Silent Man organization, but it also represented the Silent Man's full support for the construction of Forsbarrow.

So, after comprehensive consideration, Eno chose to join the Silent Man.

At present, most of the things that Yinuo needs to deal with are about magic and demon-infested people-after some arrests, all the demon-infected people who escaped from prison were arrested except for a very few lucky ones return.

After seeing the hope of freedom for a while, but finally being arrested and returned to prison, each of these demon-infested people seemed very irritable, and what Ino had to do was to help Lacus appease these irritable demon-infected people first.

In addition, according to Grandma Ling, due to the turmoil in the capital of Demacia, there is a guardian who is likely to ask the Silent Man to question, and as one of the planners of this operation, Ino needs to face the guardian Your inquiry.

Yinuo tried to ask Grandma Ling about the identity of the guardian and the content of the question, but unfortunately, Grandma Ling didn't know either.

"Your Excellency the Guardian left very little information inside the Silent Man, and it seems to be intentional." The retired old lady explained with a smile, "But don't worry too much, Your Excellency the Guardian only cares about the hidden treasures. Thanks to you, I didn’t really use its power, so this question should also be a routine question.”

"Then when will this questioning start?" Yinuo couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, "I've been very busy recently, and Lacus will be conferred soon, and then I will leave Xiongdu to meet her Let's go to Forsbarrow together!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Grandma Ling still said with a smile, "Your Excellency the Guardian is very busy, but his actions are also very fast. Believe me, he will definitely come to Xiongdu before the award ceremony..."


The legendary guardian did not keep Ino waiting too long.

Three days later, when Ino was about to leave after finishing her inspection and appeasement in the Arcatraz, a messenger dressed as a Reticent found her in a hurry.

"Elder Ino." After seeing Ino, the other party took off the hood on his head, it was the silent man who was "tortured" by Ino back then, "The Elder will send me to inform you that Your Excellency the Guardian has arrived. "

The silent man looked excited, with a bit of envy in his tone, as if he really wanted to meet the guardian, like Ino.

Keenly aware of his attitude, Ino was a little bit strange—unfortunately, today, because Lacus needs to attend a party, Karya will go to "on-site guidance", and there is no one around Ino to discuss, so she can only press her heart Doubtful, he nodded and ran towards the secret hiding place of the Silent Man.

When Yinuo came here, all the elders had already waited outside the secret hiding place, and the retired Grandma Ling was also among the crowd.

"Go, go quickly." The old woman urged with a smile, "With the guardian's approval, you can really gain the authority of the elder!"

Ino nodded upon hearing this, and then looked towards the door of the secret room.

On the door of the secret room, which once seemed impeccable and prevented Ino from finding the law of the flow of magic power, a mysterious sigil was shining with azure blue light, as if it was an activated keyhole.

Ino stepped forward, stretched out his left arm, and pressed the palm of his left hand on the mysterious talisman in the center of the door of the secret room.

With the smooth flow and injection of magic power, Ino's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, he seemed to have penetrated the space and came to a lush forest!

Shaking his head to dispel the discomfort caused by the teleportation, Ino narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the surrounding environment.

It looks like a forest here, but it’s not ordinary trees, but various rune trees—different from the tree species in Zaun, the rune trees here are taller, taller, and seem to have the ability to absorb magic power Also stronger.

Ino looked at these trees with great interest, felt the magic tide rippling around him, and soon had a vague guess about his location in his heart.

"You are here." Just as Ino was observing these rune trees and feeling the wonderful flow of magic power here, an old voice sounded, "You are Ino, the new elder of the Silent People of Demacia, right? "

"That's right, it's me." Ino turned his head and looked in the direction of the speaker, "Are you the guardian they said?"

There, beside a tall forbidden tree, a figure in a long robe and a hood was leaning against the tree, sorting out the scrolls in his hands—after hearing Ino's question, he quickly scrolled He picked up the scroll, carried it behind his back, and nodded.

Ino narrowed his eyes slightly.

Whether judging from the identity of the opponent's guardian, or the skin exposed outside the robe, and the magic tattoos shining with magic aura on the skin, he should be a spellcaster.

However, what makes Ino unacceptable is that if she only relies on her magic vision, she can hardly detect even a trace of the flow of the opponent's magic power - he is clearly standing there, but it seems that he does not exist there at all, and the tide of magic power flows from his body. Flowing around, but it will not cause even the slightest wave.

Is this really something a spellcaster can do?
"Let's make a long story short." The guardian didn't take off his hood, but sped up his speech, "According to the ancient contract, since you have been recognized by the Silent Man and become the elder, you have the right to obtain the original magic of communication." Part of the authority, but before that, I need to conduct a small test on you, lest you get lost in the power—"

"If the authority you said is the authority to use the power of world runes, then we can stop." Ino interrupted the other party's words, "I am not interested in world runes, and I don't want to be contaminated with such dangerous power .”

Ino's words seemed to surprise the guardian. He took off his hood and looked at Ino carefully.

When his eyes fell on Ino, Ino had a subtle feeling as if he was holding Karya, which made her frown and mobilized her own magic power, Resisted the opponent's detection.

"World runes are extremely dangerous, you are right." The guardian looked calm, but his tone was not as calm as before, "However, the power on your body is also very dangerous, whether it is ice blood or celestial energy, if you want to control It's hard to get up."

"That's why I'm still learning magic theory." Eno replied equally calmly, "Grandma Ling said you would ask questions about the turmoil in Xiongdu, ask questions quickly, I have something else to do—and, you are busy too, right? "

"What an interesting little girl." The old guardian remained calm, "How do you know I'm busy?"

"The cloak on your body has a strong Shurima style, and there are gravel in the pockets of the cloak. If I guess correctly, you have just been teleported from Shurima over a long distance." Ino replied, "And It should be Western Shurima."

"The answer is correct." The guardian nodded, "Then guess again, where is this place?"

"This is Renwall." Ino quickly replied, "Runwall's rune tree cultivation laboratory."

"Do you still know about the Rune Tree Cultivation Laboratory in Renwall?" This time, the guardian's calm face finally revealed a bit of surprise, "Although this is not Renwall, it still surprises clearly With icy blood, why do you know about Renwall's laboratory?"

"Everyone has their own secret." Yinuo also found a big tree and leaned against it, "So, it's useless for me to play a secret - if you want to get any news from me, you have to Give equal messages."

"Unfortunately, my curiosity has been exhausted in the long years." The guardian shook his head upon hearing this, "Since you are unwilling to accept the power of world runes, then I will send you back immediately..."

Ino was a little surprised by the other party's reluctance. She originally wanted to arouse the guardian's curiosity and doubts by means of non-surprising and endless words, so as to collect more information about the other party through message exchange.

In Yinuo's view, as long as he can collect effective information, Kalya can find out the details of this guy in minutes!

But what she never expected was that this Guardian Lord didn't seem to have the slightest bit of curiosity belonging to a mage, and he was really doing business. He said that he didn't need the power of the world rune, so he would send him back!
A little unwilling, Ino had a thought, and quickly thought of a good way.

"Wait a few minutes." She said with a smile, "Wait for me to get some samples of the rune tree."

Ino's original intention was to judge his location through the rune tree samples and help Carya collect as much information as possible.

But she never expected that the moment she said "sampling", this guardian, who had been very calm, suddenly became alert.

"You can't touch these rune trees." His tone was serious, even with an undisguised warning, "I'll send you away now, right away!"

Ino raised an eyebrow.

"Get out of here!" The azure arcane radiance lit up around the guardian, and the next moment, a circular teleportation circle appeared at his feet, "Come here, I'll take you back to Demacia!"

Then, before Ino could move, she saw not far behind the guardian, the sky was reflected in a dazzling red.

"Hahahahahaha!" A wild laughter sounded, and the guardian, who was already serious, frowned even more at this time, "My dear teacher, you left in such a hurry, did you not treat me well?"

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