Lux's Farewell

Chapter 437 [0433]

Amidst a burst of scalp-numbing deep laughter, a huge fireball fell from the sky and hit it not far from the two of them—then, the ball of fire spread out and became a person.

Well, it's a little bit of a stretch to say that this guy is human.

At best, this guy is somewhat humanoid. Although he has arms and legs, there is a very destructive flame flowing in his body, as if it will explode in the next moment.

In Yinuo's magical perception, this guy is not so much a human being as an existence that is close to an elemental creature.

"Is this your new disciple?" Pyro looked Ino up and down, his face full of flames couldn't see the expression clearly, "It's really biased, teacher, you gave her the power of the rune, but it seems like you are guarding against thieves. Just beware of me."

"Don't talk nonsense." Although Yinuo didn't know the grievances between the master and the apprentice, he retorted immediately, "My teacher is not him—much better than him."

While talking, Eno found that the fire man's attire was indeed somewhat similar to that of the guardian.

"Hahahahahaha!" Pyro laughed heartily after hearing the words, and after a while, he continued, "I like your joke, because of this joke, I will give you a chance to live— -roll!"

Ino couldn't help frowning at such rebellious words, she looked at the guardian beside her from the corner of her eye, waiting for the old mage's reaction.

After all, I was sent here by him.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." The guardian shook his head slightly, "Teleporting you away here will take him away too... We don't want to see such a thing."

"So, I was forced to get involved in the grievances between your master and apprentice?" Yinuo couldn't help snorting when he heard that, "This is not a good thing to be thankful for."

"I'm sorry." The guardian said sorry, but his tone was still extremely calm, as if he wasn't the one apologizing at all, "but now we'd better deal with him—he has been eroded by the power of world runes, Completely turned into a lunatic."

"I'm not crazy!" Hearing what the guardian said, Pyro snorted disdainfully, "I'm just embracing the real power, I'm not as hypocritical as you, you can obviously..."

It's a pity that the guardian obviously didn't intend to listen to him rambling here, the dazzling arcane brilliance lit up, countless mysterious runes flowed along the guardian's arms, and finally turned into two real beams of light from the palm of his hand, attacking immediately To the fire man.

"Brand!" the guardian called out his name, "You have completely forgotten what I taught you, whether it is the price of strength or prudent planning!"

While speaking, the flowing arcane runes had already come to this burning man, and the astonishing arcane power formed a cage, wrapping his whole body in it, and it seemed that it might be directly sealed at any time.

"Ryze!" Pyro also raised his hands at the same time, and in his palms, the destructive red fire light also went berserk, "Abandon your pointless insistence, we were born to use world runes The power of you - you have this talent, even above me!"

"Stupid." All the tattoos on Ryze's body lit up, and the azure blue arcane brilliance completely overwhelmed the destructive red flames, "You think you have mastered power, but in fact you have already become a slave to power!"

"Well said!" This time, without waiting for Brand to speak, Ino slapped his hand first, "Mr. Ritz, the guardian, your student has turned into this ugly appearance. It's because of absorbing the power of world runes that I can't control... In Shurima, the person who controls the power that I can't control is called Bakai, have you seen Bakai?"

"Shut up!" Before Ryze could speak, Brand said furiously, "A mediocre person deserves to comment on gods?"

As he said that, the furious Brand even ignored the arcane power that Ryze was pressing on and pressing on him, and split part of the power, turning it into a rolling fireball, rolling towards Ino come.

It seems that Eno imitated his teacher very well, and it angered Brand as soon as he opened his mouth.

Facing the oncoming fireball, Ino unhurriedly summoned three consecutive ice walls. Amidst the hissing of ice and fire, the three ice walls shattered one after another, but the fireball that was so powerful before was also in the steaming white mist. It disappeared, and Brand's blow didn't seem to cause any trouble to Ino.

"This is the power of the world's runes?" Ino refreshedly threw all of Kaya's rhetoric to Brand during the simulation training, "This will make you inhuman, Ghost or not? Is it really worth it?"

Ino, who usually doesn't talk very much, is an old hermaphrodite when he speaks in battle, but it is already very difficult for Brand to deal with Ryze, and he really doesn't have much energy to deal with Ino—in this case , he finally realized that his previous calculation seemed to be wrong.

Don't look at Brand now who is human or ghost, but he is very aware of his teacher's ability. If it is just a head-to-head confrontation, the chances of winning for both sides are between [-] and [-]--because they have already fought against each other. It's the second round!

In fact, Ino's judgment was correct. Ryze had just returned from Shurima. In Shurima, he and Brand had fought once for the world rune—the aftermath of the battle between the two directly destroyed an ancient In the end, Ryze found an opportunity to start the winding path and left the battlefield.

Seeing Ryze leave, Brand thought it was because the other party consumed too much magic power, which was not as good as himself with the world rune as the source of magic power, so he turned into a flame and chased all the way north.

But unexpectedly, Ryze seemed to have another reason for leaving the battle before!

Just now Brand suddenly shot at Ino, on the one hand, it was because Ino poked his sore spot, on the other hand, it was also because he wanted to cause a little disturbance to Ryze in this way.

With a master's move, everything is within a hair's breadth. Compared with Brand allocating part of his strength to find trouble for Enoch, if Ryze wants to save Enoch, no matter whether it is the magic power consumed or the energy involved, it will be more difficult. Far better than Brand.

The result is good, the young girl in front of her is not a soft persimmon, it seems that this time the plan to snatch the world rune from Ryze has failed again.

What a bad luck!

This time it's okay, Brand steals chickens and loses money, and spends part of his energy trying to find trouble for Enuo, but in the end he is completely suppressed by Ryze.

Seeing that the arcane cage is about to close, if he can't counter Ryze, he might be sealed up—Brand is quite aware of the power of Ryze's sealing technique!

In this situation, while trying his best to tear at the gap in the arcane cage, he turned into a huge fireball again, and suddenly jumped into the sky, as if he wanted to repeat the same trick, turning into a flaming meteor and flying away.

Can't beat it, can't you run away?
Good idea, but alas, this isn't a one-on-one fight, and Ryze has a helper on his side.

It's even more pity that the helper on Ryze's side... is also very good at controlling spells.

The next moment, when Brand finally found the crack in the arcane cage,
When his body suddenly jumped up, large tracts of ice thorns spread over him. Although these sharp ice thorns could not cause any fundamental damage to Brand, who had long been integrated with the world rune, they still More than enough to stop him from escaping.

When Brand steamed up the flames and destroyed the ice thorns that prevented him from leaving, he found in despair that an arcane cage that was both real and illusory had been constructed.

After the white mist dissipated, Brand seemed to be an exhibit locked in a glass cylinder, perfectly contained in the azure blue arcane cage.

Then, while Ino was looking at Brand carefully, Ryze untied the scroll behind him.

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