Lux's Farewell

438 Ryze and the world runes [0434]

Ever since he met Ryze, Ino was actually curious about what the scroll behind him was for.

Now, she finally sees it.

When the scroll was unrolled, what appeared in front of Ino were magic power circuits overflowing with arcane brilliance!
Although the specific content of the magic power circuit cannot be seen clearly with a quick glance, Eno is very sure that it is the magic power circuit!

This... how is this possible!

If the flow of magic power is the torrent of a big river, then the magic power circuit is the riverbed of the big river!

Only the forbidden magic stone made of rune trees can withstand the surge of energy brought by the torrent of magic power!
If a tattoo is to draw a magic power circuit on the body and use one's own flesh and blood to withstand this energy surge, then drawing the magic power circuit on paper can only be described as unimaginable.

What kind of paper and what kind of ink are needed to accommodate and restrain the surging magic power?

Moreover, after seeing Ryze unfold the scroll, the violent magic power quickly gathered in his palm. Ino dared to say that even a giant magic-forbidden stone slab could not hold this level of magic power circuit.

From Eno's point of view, it's no longer important for Ryze to seal Brand's spell. What's important is that after the unfolding of this wonderful scroll, there is an unexplainable gap in the magic theory she's currently studying for the first time!
Rubbing his temples, Ino calmed himself down while trying to find something he could understand.

However, whether it is the material of the scroll, the type of ink, or the magic circuits of many strange shapes, Ino is at a loss.

Among Carya's few students, Ino was a practical school with insufficient magic theory. After encountering something beyond his own learning content, he could only be at a loss and silently wrote down what he saw.

On the other hand, Ryze handled Brand well.

Since Brand himself has been locked to the world rune, killing him directly will directly stimulate the power of the world rune, so Ryze can only choose to seal it up.

After mobilizing the huge magic power in the scroll, Ryze strengthened the arcane cage that held Brand, and then found a rune tree with a hollow interior, and placed him in it.

The scroll was unfolded again, and this time, the green light lit up, and the originally hollow rune tree began to grow unusually rapidly, closing the hollow in the trunk within a few breaths, completely wrapping Brand in the within the trees.

As the bark was completely closed together, Ryze was obviously relieved. Even for world runes, the combination of arcane cage and rune tree imprisonment was enough to suppress Brand.

As long as he patrols regularly and checks frequently, he should not be able to escape.

"Miss Ino, thank you for your help." After turning around the tree twice, Ryze, who had confirmed that the seal was infallible, finally looked at Ino who seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, "Without you, once Brand If you escape, things will be troublesome."

"Let's be realistic." Eno looked at the blue-purple-skinned rune guardian in front of him, and chose to speak straightforwardly, "As a reward, I hope you can tell me about the relationship between the silent man of Demacia and the world's runes." relationship between."

"You want to know history?" Ruiz couldn't help raising his brows at Eno's request, "At this moment, there are not many people who are interested in the past in the pile of old papers."

"You can only see the future if you know the past, my teacher always said that." Ino explained naturally, "Besides, as a member of the Silent People, I am also very concerned about that period that even the Silent People's secret books are not willing to record. history."

"You should have already guessed it." Ryze put the scroll behind his back, showing a rare smile, "Those Demacians, they found a fragment of a world rune, and used it to perfectly realize a A strict law code, the result almost led to the loss of control of the power of runes."

"Then you took action to solve the problem." Ino nodded, "But why did you leave the world rune in Demacia?"

"Why do you think I did it, not my teacher or an earlier predecessor?" Ryze asked back, "Also, you seem to think that world runes shouldn't stay in Demacia?"

"Peak climbers have a different understanding of eternal nature." Ino said in a natural tone, "As for why I don't think the world runes should stay in's because the world runes are dangerous and difficult to control."


Ruiz looked at Ino silently, motioning for her to continue talking.

"You were willing to help Demacia solve the problem at that time. Naturally, you didn't want to see the runes of the world destroy Runeterra like they did during the Rune Wars. A hidden danger."

"So what do you think I should do?" Ryze asked with a smile, "Be righteous and take away their world runes?"

Ino didn't speak, but nodded.

"Hahahaha!" Ryze leaned against a rune tree, and rarely let out a hearty laugh, "Well said!"

Ino looked at Ryze suspiciously.

"That's what I did." After laughing, Ryze continued to explain, "There is not a single world rune in the secrets of those silent people."

"No world runes? I clearly feel..."

"I feel that the secret room is extremely dangerous. It seems that there is a world rune hidden in it, right?" Ruiz shook his head. "Even the elders of the silent people can use the power of the world rune."

Ino nodded.

"It's just a compromise." Ryze shook his head again, "Dangerous runes should not fall into the hands of mortals who can't master it, it will not only hurt others, but also hurt themselves—I used a little trick , leaving the echo of the world rune there, don't worry, there is not a single world rune hidden in the underground of the capital of Demacia."

"However, Grandma Ling was clearly lured by the power of the world runes a few days ago, and almost fell into madness." Yinuo narrowed his eyes, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes, "I don't think that if it is just the echo of the world runes , is enough to make Grandma Ling lose her mind."


Hearing what Ino said, Ruiz's expression became serious.

If another person made such a judgment, Ryze might not believe it too much—it is difficult for people who have not been exposed to the power of world runes to truly understand the amazing temptation that world runes bring to people. , is the desire for power from the heart.

As long as there is a person who desires power, no matter what the reason for his desire for power, he will inevitably be tempted by the world rune.

But Yinuo is different, Yinuo is one of the most sober people Ruiz has ever met.

If Eno said that it wasn't the reverberation of the world rune that caused people to lose their minds, then there might be a real problem with Demacia.

"Let's go, I'll go and have a look with you." Ruiz got up immediately, "It's not too late, let's go, let's go!"


Ino tried hard to see the way Ryze used the teleportation spell, but unfortunately, even though her eyes widened, she only saw that Ryze had memorized the scroll, squatted down, and slapped his hands on the ground That's all.

The next moment, a blue teleportation circle appeared at his feet, covering Ino in it.

The next moment, an almost distorted squeezing sensation hit, and when Ino regained consciousness again, she was already outside the door of the secret room of the Silent Man base.

Is this gone?

Is space magic so simple to use?
However, after regaining her senses, she shook her head helplessly.

That's right, magic is actually not that difficult - making an ice wall by yourself is actually just a slap of your hands on the ground?

The main reason is that Mr. Kalya talked about space magic too mysteriously, and the world of simulation training is quite special, which made me have unrealistic expectations.

Although the scroll of Ryze was indeed a bit unexpected, but now it seems that he seems a little nervous...

Just as Ino was getting used to the dizziness after the teleportation, Ryze had strode out of the teleportation circle.

"Who is Grandma Ling?" He asked eagerly, "Grandma Ling, stand up!"

The silent people who were waiting for Ino to return after obtaining the authority of the elders were stunned, but fortunately, everyone had seen Ruiz. Although they didn't know what happened, Grandma Ling still stood up.

"it's me."

"follow me."

Ruiz grabbed the old lady and was about to take her to another place for a "private chat". However, when he touched Grandma Ling's body, the rune mage's eyes widened unexpectedly.

"Your magic power is gone?"

"That's right." Grandma Ling nodded, "The power in the blood has been deprived, and all the magic power has been exhausted."

After learning this, Ryze let go of her helplessly, and turned his gaze to the door of the secret room.

After thinking for a moment, Ryze simply pressed his hands on the left and right sides of the door.

Accompanied by a special flow of magic power, this door, which seemed to be "impossible to open at all" inside the Silent Man, opened miraculously.

"Yino, you come with me." Ryze turned around and greeted, "Everyone else, stay outside the door, absolutely forbidden to enter!"

Many silent people look at me and I look at you. Although they don't know why, they can only nod in the end.

The next moment, Ryze took Ino with him, and finally strode into the secret room of the Reticent Man.

There is no lighting facility in the secret storage room, and the place where the eye can see is dark.

As he got farther and farther away from the entrance, in Ino's field of vision, only the bald head shining in arcane light was left walking in front of him.

"Do you want lighting?"

Although Ino used to travel through the Shadow Realm and was quite used to the darkness, she couldn't help but ask at this moment.

"It's best not to." Ryze replied in a low voice, "Don't interfere with the flow of magic power here..."

While talking, in front of the two of them, a light spot like the reflection of a star on the water surface finally lit up, and not far away, a green-looking "stone" was quietly floating in front of Ino and Ruiz.

"Is this the echo of the world rune?" Ino asked while suppressing the throbbing in his heart, "Are you sure this is not a world rune?"

Ruiz kept silent, but untied the scroll behind his back again, affirming Ino's judgment with actions.

In order to prevent himself from being really seduced by the power of the world rune, and to prevent himself from interfering with Ryze, Ino stepped back decisively and stood far away.

And Ryze, who saw Ino leaving, seemed to be slightly relieved, and the movement of his hands was also accelerated a bit-after the scroll was opened, the amazing arcane energy surged again, and the suspended in mid-air That world rune seemed to sense danger, and began to want to "escape".

Naturally, Ryze would not let this world rune escape. The astonishing arcane energy gathered in his palm was gathered, and it became an arcane cage just like the one that sealed Brand before. The cylindrical cage is perfect Covering this world rune with great force, making it impossible for this world rune that seems to be fleeing to escape.

With Ryze's stable seal, the world rune, which seemed both real and illusory, became a bit more ethereal——Different from the world runes he had previously sealed, this world rune seemed to have no entity. It really looks like rune echo!
Looking at the world rune that was temporarily sealed by him, Ryze's old face did not show any relief, but instead frowned and remained silent.

Where did this world rune... come from?

Ryze didn't dare to feel the power rashly, but he can be sure that the world rune once obtained by the Demacians has been put away properly by himself, and he specially checked it not long ago!
The restriction on the door of the secret room is also intact. In the restriction set by Ryze himself, the magic power circuit was completely specially arranged by him. No one except Ryze knew how to open the door.

Therefore, this world rune was completely born by myself!
The only question now is whether the world rune will be born naturally, or will it be born relying on the rune echo-if it is the latter, it is okay, at most Ryze will work a little harder and connect the world rune when dealing with the problem of the world rune Text echoes are processed together.

But if it's the former...

Although there was no hair on his head for a long time, the rune mage still felt a tingling scalp.

No matter what the reason was, Ryze felt that the burden on his shoulders was a little heavier.

Traveling all over Runeterra alone, storing and sealing world runes is already very hard work, now we have to consider the echo of runes and be vigilant about the birth of new runes.

Even Ryze, who is like an iron man, will be tired.

Then, when Ryze was in a trance, an indescribable feeling came to his heart quietly, and the world runes in the seal flickered slightly, as if expressing the desire of "I am willing to accompany Ryze".

Realizing this, Ryze woke up instantly, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, he directly added a triple seal to this special world rune.

Then, after he confirmed that the seal was stable and isolated the breath of the world rune, an old thought that had been but was helplessly dispelled climbed into Ryze's mind again.

"Maybe, I need an apprentice—not only to help me seal and collect world runes together, but also to give myself a decent end when I can't hold on one day."

Thinking of this, Ryze's scrutinizing gaze finally landed on Ino.

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