Lux's Farewell

439 [0435] Magic Nobility

Facing Ryze's meaningful gaze, Ino blinked with a dazed expression.

what are you looking at me for?

Look at the world rune in your hand!

"Miss Ino." Although he is not very convinced of Ino's attitude, Ruiz still plans to give it a try, "The world's runes appear frequently, I hope to have a reliable disciple who can learn magic from me, and one day I will be lost. Time, help me end my madness."

Ino was a little confused.

"Are you talking about me?" She stretched out her finger and pointed to her face, "I have a teacher!"

"I know, you said it before." Ryze's tone was a little helpless, "but for the safety of Runeterra—"

The Rune Guardian prepared a speech, but looking at Ino, he finally closed his mouth.

Although this little girl is not very old, she is already the elder of the Silent People, and she may still have a high status in Demacia. Thinking about it, it is indeed impossible to abandon everything and follow her to work hard throughout Runeterra, looking for danger in the open. world runes.

Realizing this, Ryze's face inevitably showed a touch of indelible bitterness.

In fact, when Ryze accepted Brand as his apprentice, apart from the fact that the other party had a good talent in magic and might inherit his mantle, the important point was that Brand had nothing to worry about.

Ryze, who has been working for the world runes for thousands of years, knows very well that protecting the world runes is doomed to be a lonely road. As long as you make a choice, you are destined to always walk on the road.

In the wind and rain, never stop.

Moreover, once someone is contaminated with the power of the world rune and is unwilling to let go, even if it is a friend, Ryze can't show mercy-this kind of thing is too cruel for a person who cares about it. In Ryze's view, only Those who have nothing to worry about can keep up with their own footsteps.

Apparently, Ino is not.

For a long while, Ryze could only shake his head, forcing out a bitter smile.

"Okay, you can leave." The Rune Guardian did not continue on this topic, but slapped his hand on the ground again, "Miss Ino, see you next time!"

The next moment, the azure blue arcane brilliance lit up, and Ryze's figure was connected with the world rune, and gradually turned into a phantom, disappearing into the secret room, leaving only the unknown Ino looked at the place where the arcane brilliance dimmed in confusion.

After a long time, she shook her head helplessly, casually made an ice ball, attached Yi Yi Xing Hui to it, and carried it back the same way.


When Ino walked out of the secret room, a group of elders of the Silent Man quickly surrounded him.

"What's going on inside?"

"What's wrong, Lord Guardian?"

"Why can't I feel the power of the elder?"

"Too bad, did something happen?"



Although these silent people's elders are usually calm, after losing the blessing of the power of world rune echo, they are still somewhat flustered.

It is difficult for ordinary people to be open-minded about the gains and losses of power without walking on the edge of life and death like Grandma Ling.

"The matter is more complicated." In desperation, Ino could only bite the bullet and give a vague answer, "The world runes in the secret room are getting out of control. For the sake of safety, Your Excellency Guardian needs to transfer them. Go elsewhere for multiple seals..."

Ino's explanation surprised the elders of the Reticent Man, and then, a few quick-tempered guys couldn't help raising their tone, questioning what Ino said.

These people who had lost their strength swarmed up, which meant that Yinuo would never let it go until he explained everything clearly.

Seeing this scene, Ino couldn't help but frowned slightly.

These silent elders are so excited, is it aimed at themselves, or is it because they have lost the power of the world rune?
If it's just the former, the problem is not difficult to solve; but if it's the latter, then I'm afraid the Silent Man will need to spend some time to clean it up.

Now Yinuo knows how dangerous it is to be addicted to the power of world runes!

If these silent people's elders are like Grandma Ling, and the current agitation is a withdrawal reaction, then things will be troublesome!
Just when Yinuo's expression gradually became dangerous, Grandma Ling, who had been silent before, finally stood up.

"What are you screaming about?" Although the old lady has no magic power, she still has some prestige for the silent people, and she calmed down the noisy crowd with a single voice, "Why, without the power of the elders, you will live Can’t go down anymore? I don’t even have any magic power, so don’t I have to be busy every day?”

For many years, Grandma Ling, who had always been the elder of the silent people, was still able to calm down the situation. Once she opened her mouth, the situation was finally under control.

"Everyone knows what is kept in the secret treasury." The old lady continued, "And what the organization has experienced, and those who can become the elders should also know-we are the guardians of Demacia , without this power, do we have to give up fulfilling our obligations?"

Many elders looked at me and I looked at you, but most of them were speechless.

After all, the world rune has been transferred by Ryze. Even if someone is tempted by the power of the world rune like Grandma Ling, they should gradually wake up now.

"It's not that we can't accept the loss of the power of the elders." Someone stood up and explained, "It's just that things must be made clear—Your Excellency Guardian, I don't know where you are, and only Miss Ino is talking about the world talisman in vain. Wen was transferred away..."

"Why, don't you believe it?" Grandma Ling narrowed her eyes, her expression became quite dangerous, "Pomesi, you little snow bastard! Are you worthy of questioning Miss Yinuo's words?"

"Me!" The middle-aged male mage named Pomes turned red instantly, "Grandma Ling, don't be so rude——"

"I'm rude? You're rude!" Grandma Ling's gray eyebrows were completely erected, and her speech speed was obviously faster, "When you broke the rules and promoted you to be a veteran, and you finally accepted the power of the veteran, it was you, a snow bastard. I almost couldn't withstand the temptation of strength, and slammed my head against the door of the secret room!"

Such an act of reversing the old score made Pommes's whole face turn pale in an instant, but what Grandma Ling said was the truth, not all the silent people could withstand the temptation of the power of the world's runes after they became veterans.

"If it hadn't been for the old man to help you, you would have been finished!" Grandma Ling's mouth was like a machine gun, and she spoke faster and faster, "With your little magic control, you still want to see the world runes for yourself? Take a look and smash your head against the wall again? This time, the old body has no magic power, so I can't save you!"

Pomes wanted to say that he was no longer what he used to be, but in the end he could only grit his teeth and turn his back in the face of everyone's subtle gazes.

Ino had no expression on his face, but secretly laughed in his heart—this method of exposing the dark history is indeed a time-tested method for veterans.

No wonder Teacher Karya always likes to pull people's pigtails!

Well, in the future, I must be cautious in my words and deeds, and be cautious in my words and deeds!

"I was tempted by power, and I almost couldn't hold it back. If it wasn't for the help of Miss Yinuo, I would have become a slave of power at this time." Seeing the other party shut up, Grandma Ling finally gave up on this snow bastard, "One by one! Are you still excited about this group? Why, do you really want to take a look at the world runes, and then all become slaves to the world runes, and be cleaned up one by one by the guardians?"

When it came to "being cleaned up one by one by the guardians", everyone finally calmed down completely, and each of them kept silent, and finally did not say a word.

"The change has come. It's a good thing to go out without the world rune at this time, but you all look like this. Have you really forgotten the mission of the Silent Man?" The old lady was still relentless, "The Silent Man Your mission is to defend Demacia with magic! Not to pursue powerful magic!"


"Okay, don't shrink your necks and pretend to be snow chickens here." The old lady waved her hand, "Anyway, there are no world runes in the underground of Xiongdu, and the Arcatraz has been emptied. After that, let's pack our bags and follow Count Laxana, go to the north!"

Hearing what Grandma Ling said, many silent people spoke up again, saying without exception, "If you have a family and a job, it's not good to go to northern Xinjiang." Vicious incidents like murders" and so on.

And looking at the performance of these silent elders, and thinking of the experience that she was almost reduced to a power slave, Grandma Ling didn't force her in the end, she just said that she was going to the northern border. , or with yourself.

However, no one spoke, and no one wanted to leave with Grandma Ling.

In the silence, Ino once again had a new understanding of what Karya said about "restarting the stove".

When it comes to the overall quality of a mage, the Silent Man—especially the elder of the Silent Man—has no idea how much higher he is compared to the demon-infested man in the Arcatraz.

But for Yinuo, she would rather be a disgruntled demon-infested person than accept these silent people with their own thoughts.

They are used to their current life, and they are used to a life where they can legally use magic but others cannot. In a sense, although these people are also mages, they are the privilege of Demacia just like the nobles of the noble council. By.

Thinking of the past few days in and out of the Arcatraz, and communicating with many demon-infected people, Yinuo finally had a clearer understanding of Demacia's magic and demon-infected people.

In this magic-forbidden country, all mages who can use magic are privileged, without exception.

Thinking about this clearly, Ino's eyes looking at the elders of the Silent Man became as peaceful as when Lacus looked at the noble council. For her, the only thing worth caring about in the Silent Man was the remaining Next their history and magical heritage passed.

A little disappointed, Grandma Ling turned and left the door of the secret room.

Yinuo also smiled and left with her.

In front of the empty door of the secret room, there are only a few silent elders left. You look at me, I look at you, and they are all silent.

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