Lux's Farewell

440 【0436】Khan

After recognizing the face of the "magic nobleman" of the Silent Man, Ino returned to the Crownguard Manor in relief.

She made up her mind that there was no need for her to care about the opinions and interests of these silent people anymore—as long as they didn't make trouble for herself.

And just when Eno wanted to share her harvest with Lacus, she was surprised to find that Lacus still hadn't returned to the Crownguard Manor even though it was getting late!

Not only was Lux absent, but Augsa, Pete, Tiana, and the Crown Guard family were also absent.

It's so weird.

Ino, who couldn't find anyone, asked the butler, but the butler didn't know much about it either—he only knew that Augsa, Pete, Tiana and Lacus had gone out together, but he didn't know exactly where they went.

Helpless, Eno could only get up and leave the Crownguard Manor, and go to the Bouvier family to see Sona.

Then, to her surprise, Sona wasn't there either!
But although Sona was not there, Lestara was at home—after learning that Ino was Sona's friend and the elder of the Reticent Man, she explained Sona's whereabouts with a smile.

"Sona and Lux ​​went to recruit soldiers outside the city together."

"Recruitment?" Ino's eyes widened in surprise, "None of them have military positions, so why did they go to recruit soldiers?"

"It's not a military recruit, but a garrison for Count Laxana's territory—considering the pressure on the defense of the northern border, His Majesty specifically allowed Lacus to recruit some soldiers from the reserve to follow her to the northern border .”

"This is really rare." Ino blinked, "This is the first time I've heard that a lord can recruit private troops from the regular army."

"It's not actually a reserve." Lestara shook his head and explained, "This year's reserve recruitment in the Kingdom has just begun. The tests haven't even started yet... His Majesty allowed Lacus to recruit private troops from these reserves, also considering the long distance from Xiongdu to Fossbarrow."

Lestara didn't say it clearly, but Ino could understand the other party's meaning: When Lacus went north to Forsbarrow, she would definitely bring a large number of demons with her, although Lacus and Ino were confident that they could control them , but the matter fell into the eyes of Jarvan III, maybe it would not be so safe.

Moreover, the silent man who should be responsible for assisting the transfer in theory does not want to leave Xiongdu at all.

At this time, Yinuo couldn't help but think of the excuses of those silent people who refused to leave Xiongdu before - in addition to the difficulty of leaving their homeland, there is another one that "the nobles of Xiongdu also need protection".

It is not a lie to think about it, and it is even possible that the Silent Man has reached some tacit agreement with the noble council, and it may be that he intends to become the magic garrison of Xiongdu.

Under such circumstances, escorting a group of demon-infected people to the northern border naturally became a big project.

If you want to deliver them safely, if you send troops to guard them, it will definitely take a lot of time and money to go back and forth.

In addition, the gap between the garrison soldiers of the Xiongdu of Demacia and the demon-infected people is really not small, so Jarvan III simply allowed Lacus to recruit private soldiers from the reserve soldiers registered in the Xiongdu.

For His Majesty, sponsoring this private army to go to Fossbarrow must be less costly than mobilizing an army from other places to Xiongdu, escorting the demons to Fossbarrow, and then mobilizing them back to the station—and , Sponsoring the private army is still considered the king's grace, and it is beneficial without cost, so why not do it?

After thinking about this, Ino politely bid farewell to Le Stara, and then went straight back to Crownguard Manor.

She didn't go out of the city to look for Lux, because she knew very well that she didn't know anything about recruiting soldiers, so there was no point in going out of the city at this time, she might as well go back to Crownguard Manor to study.

I will leave Xiongdu soon, and I will go to Forsbarrow by then, and I don't have so many books to read!

Carrying her own small backpack, Sithlia stood in a long line that looked like a meandering river, padded her feet and watched the line move forward bit by bit at a desperate speed creep.

This little girl from the Yuncong countryside came to Demacia Xiongdu for the first time, and she has not yet adapted to Xiongdu's biggest feature - the large number of people.

Although both Yuncong and Xiongdu are directly subordinate to the king, neither the city size (if Yuncong's village can be considered a city) nor the population size of the two are of the same order of magnitude.

In fact, even Tobysia, an important transportation and commercial hub in the south of Yuncong, is not on the same order of magnitude as Xiongxiong in terms of population and city size. For a little country girl from the past, she was dazzled by the crowds of heroes.

Tightly guarding her small backpack, Sithlia took a long time to find the recruiting office in the east of Xiongdu.

That's right, Cecilia is here to join the army.

As the eastern gate of Demacia, the surrounding area of ​​Green Tooth Peak is not only of great strategic significance, but also rich in products, so it is different from the northern region, including Tobysia, Yuncong, Karens, and Rock Township, the surrounding areas of Green Tooth Peak, They are all territories directly under the royal family.

As a native of Yuncong, if Sithlia wants to join the army, she will not join the private army of the nobles, so she does not need to prepare her own weapons, armor and horses like the people of Miyin City.

Of course, even if the material conditions are relatively easy, it is not easy to become a glorious Demacian soldier in Yuncong, because compared to taking the path of becoming a nobleman's private army and then turning from a private army to a regular one, wanting to be a soldier in Tobyssia Direct entry into the military requires rigorous testing.

After all, it is the territory directly under the king!
Although Sisilia is small in stature, she has been lively and active since she was a child, and she has a flexible mind. She is not only tough, but also patient and vigorous. She successfully passed the primary test at Tobythia's reserve conscription office and was awarded Bought the carriage ticket to Xiongdu.

With excitement, Sislia rode in a carriage carrying summer grain, went west along the waterway, and arrived at the capital of Demacia. Then, just when she thought she was about to usher in a bright future, ruthlessly Reality hit her hard.

If you want to enlist in the army, you must first line up.

Reserve soldiers who have passed the reserve service test have a certain degree of freedom of choice-according to each individual's own characteristics, they can choose to report to different armies with their own seal of seal.

Sithlia has heard of the heroic deeds of the Fearless Pioneer since she was a child, so her goal is naturally to join the Fearless Pioneer and become a member of the Fearless Pioneer!
But the problem is, Sithlia thinks so, and others think so too!

So, at the recruiting office, Sithlia found desperately that even though three registration windows had been opened at the Fearless Pioneer registration point, the length of the queue was still the sum of the queue lengths of the other registration points.

Moreover, since the requirements of the Fearless Pioneer are the strictest, the speed of this long team is much slower than other teams!
Sisilia is very patient, but no matter how patient you are, you will inevitably feel a little restless after waiting in line for two hours.

Jumping up again to look in the direction of the recruiting office, Sithlia's eyes swept over the frustrated faces of several big guys who came out of the recruiting office-seeing that these strong guys failed the test, Cecilia was both grateful and nervous.

Fortunately, I have lost a few competitors, and I am nervous because I don't know whether I can pass the test.

Seeing that the line was still very long, Sislia shook her head slightly.

After standing here for a long time, she felt a little hungry in her stomach.

There are still a few pieces of bread in Sisilia's small backpack, but Sisilia doesn't plan to eat it now - not because she is worried about delaying her test results, but because those few breads are Yuncong's specialty hard bread , without hot soup, even if I want to eat it, I can't eat it.

The helpless Sithlia decided to look around to distract herself, and the more she thought about being hungry, the more hungry she felt.

Then, looking around, her eyes quickly fell on the newly opened recruiting window not far away.

"Northern frontier army?" Seeing the newly opened recruiting window displaying a sign, Sithlia blinked in disbelief, "Isn't the northern frontier army usually served by private troops?"

"That's recruiting private troops." Hearing Sithlia whispering to herself, the chestnut-haired young man behind her curled her lips and said in a slightly ostentatious manner, "You are from out of town, right? ? Then you may not know, that is the window for Earl Laxana to recruit private troops."

"Earl Laxana?" Although Sithlia had a good understanding of the military system, but after mentioning the name of the noble, she could only turn her eyes dark, "Why did she recruit private troops here?"

"Earl Laxana is a newly conferred earl." Maybe it was because she was too boring, or maybe it was because she finally found an opportunity to show off, this young man who was as thin as a bamboo pole answered all questions, "Her territory is in the north, listen She said that she was going to take all the devil-infected people to the northern border, so His Majesty the King allowed her to recruit private troops in Xiongdu, and then went directly to the northern border, as if to go to Fubailou?"

"It's Fossbarrow?" Sithlia blinked her eyes, she was committed to becoming a fearless pioneer warrior, and she had some understanding of the kingdom's geography, "Is she the lord of Fossbarrow, the key to the north? "

"Well, it seems to be the name." Shouzhugan thought for a while, then nodded, "Anyway, they are places with bitter cold, and they are definitely incomparable with Fearless Pioneer!"

Sithlia agreed with what he said, "The private army is incomparable to the fearless pioneer", but she disagreed with the reason why the thin bamboo pole said, so she just nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

Seeing that Sithlia stopped talking, this thin bamboo pole was also a little boring. After muttering a few words to himself, he finally closed his mouth.

Then, just as Sisilia was about to jump up again to see where the front line was, several people in exquisite armor came to the recruiting office and walked to the recruitment window for the Northern Frontier Army.

Just as Sislia was staring enviously at their shiny armor and the slender sabers around their waists, thinking about when she could have this outfit, behind her, the thin bamboo pole let out a low sound. Low exclaimed.

"Ms. Fiona! Why did she enlist?"

"Fiona?" Sithlia, whose imagination was interrupted, blinked. "Is she famous?"

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