Lux's Farewell


If you want to carry out a magic reform in Fossbarrow, the army that maintains order in Fossbarrow is the project that Lux must focus on.

Eno has been learning about the desires of the demon-infected in the Arcatraz Prison recently, hoping to find an effective communication channel with them, but Lux also knows that tolerance and kindness alone cannot solve the problem.

To establish a new order in Fossbarrow, it is necessary to combine leniency and strictness. While giving demons a new way out and showing their new value in life, they must also be able to restrain them and not let them rely on magic to wantonly destroy the order .

In this process, Fossbarrow's army will undoubtedly play an important role—in Lux's plan, although Fossbarrow will not implement military control, the army does have to be responsible for the basic order before the basic order is established. security maintenance.

In this case, Lux's comprehensive requirements for soldiers in the army are naturally relatively high, so this recruitment is the top priority.

Even if the reserve team all passed the preliminary assessment this time, Lux still needs to choose the best from the best.

Originally, Lux was worried that she would not be able to recruit enough outstanding soldiers, but now that Fiona is here, she has a solution in her heart as soon as she rolls her eyes.

Sislia, who was still squirming slowly on the other line, quickly saw the huge portrait that had been hung up before the oil paint had fully dried.

In this portrait, Fiona is standing in the position of referee in the arena, holding the rapier with one hand in a heroic manner, and holding the other hand forward, stretching out her index finger, as if pointing to the poster. people.

In the background of the Demacia emblem above her head, a line of extremely tense accompanying text makes people's eyes shine.

"Lyfossbarrow, the North needs you!"

This is Demacia's first professional recruiting poster ever.

During these years of living in Zaun, Lux has fully understood the Zaun-style slogans and Piltover-style advertisements. This conscription poster incorporates this exaggerated pop art style, adding A work of Demacian elements.

On the poster, Lux boldly adopted the most gorgeous color scheme, the blue Demacian emblem, the military cape and the red slogan, and the short hair contrasted sharply.

In the picture, Fiona is leaning forward slightly, as if she is welcoming a contestant to enter the martial arts competition. Considering Fiona's status as a judge of the martial arts competition, although the poster does not clearly state it, it clearly gives people a sense of "joining in". The Fossbarrow Private Army is the Road to the Tournament" subtle hint.

More importantly, in Demacia, art is not actually popular.

As an agricultural feudal kingdom, Demacia's conservatism can be said to be reflected in many aspects. Although there is an army as a channel to maintain the flow of the kingdom's class, in other respects, this country is still surprisingly ignorant.

Because of Lux's art support association before, it caused a wave, and painters who were underappreciated for money condescended to paint portraits of ordinary businessmen in other places—and even the works of these street painters who were not perfect were still regarded as It is a precious work that can be handed down to future generations.

But now, as the "top streamer" of Demacia's art circle, Lacus has personally drawn a recruitment poster for the reserve soldiers in the latest and direct way, using Fiona as the prototype, and the result is natural is sensational.

The huge huge poster immediately attracted the attention of all reserve soldiers. Even those who didn't know Fossbarrow or Lacus began to inquire about the recruitment of soldiers in the north.

Then, the more they inquired, the more surprised they were.

Earl Laxana is the only real earl in recent years, and the future is boundless!
Fiona, the referee of the martial arts competition, came in person and volunteered to join her in the army!

When enlisting in the army, the earl made a promise that there would be additional border subsidies!
I don't know if I don't inquire, but after inquiring, I found out that the new Earl Laxana is full of sincerity in terms of treatment and future!
Under the favorable conditions, this promotional poster by Lacus successfully attracted the attention of the reserve soldiers, and quickly made the place of Fossbarrow known by more people, while hardly anyone cared about it before. At the conscription window, there was finally a small queue that wasn't too long.


As the sun set in the west, looking at Fiona with brighter red hair on the huge poster against the glow of the sun, Sithlia's heart was moved.

Although I am sure that my dream is to join the Fearless Vanguard and become one of the most difficult elite soldiers in Demacia to join, but after seeing the huge recruiting poster and hearing from the "informed people" around me, After hearing more and more news about Fossbarrow's conscription, Sithlia still inevitably had the idea of ​​"should I go and see".

Anyway, the line here is still long, if you continue to line up, I am afraid that you will not be able to line up until late at night.

Just like that, Sithlia quietly changed teams with her small package on her back.

Unlike the Fearless Pioneer's recruiting side, Lacus mobilized a large number of contacts and strength in order to recruit a sufficient number of reserve soldiers as soon as possible, and started the selection of the reserve soldiers who came to apply in a way that was almost an assembly line.

Moreover, unlike the Fearless Pioneer who cares more about physical fitness and obedience tests, the selection on Lux's side not only includes physical tests, endurance tests, but also cultural level tests (literacy) and intelligence tests (come a game The Showdown of the King's Claims).

Sithlia, who wasn't considered a big man in the first place, showed amazing ease in the face of these tests - especially in the duel of the king's assertion, she even used feint tactics to perfectly deceive the chess player who was duel with her , got a big win.

Cullen, the butler in charge of recruiting data, was quite surprised by such a perfect performance. He immediately gave Sicilia a "perfect pass" evaluation, and hoped that Sicilia would show her reserve certificate, and he would go directly to it. register.

However, what he never expected was that Sithlia showed a relieved look after learning that she had passed the test, and then declined the registration with a smile.

"My first choice is Fearless Pioneer." Although a little embarrassed, she still said truthfully, "I'm very sorry."

When Cullen heard this, his brows inevitably frowned—however, he still shook his head considering the lady's previous remonstrance.

"Miss Sislia, believe me, the army in the northern border is no worse than the Fearless Pioneer. Our lady is a climber, and she is the only earl in the kingdom in recent years. I think it can explain this army very well. meaning."

"I understand, I understand!" Sisilia nodded again and again, "But joining the Fearless Pioneer was my childhood dream..."

"Joining the Fearless Pioneer can only mean that you have inherited the glory of that team." Just as she was trying to explain and express her apology, a voice sounded, "But join us, you will create our common glory with your own hands, and from then on The unrivaled glory."

Sithlia tilted her head in surprise, and then saw a blond girl with a bright smile staring at her.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Laxana, Laxana Crownguard."

"Your Excellency!" Sithlia, who suddenly saw Lacus, was at a loss, "It's an honor to meet you——"

Under the "science popularization" of the well-informed person around her, Sithlia already knew Lacus's identity and some of her experiences.

Whether it is her status as a noble model, or her upright performance in the duel, and her selfless choice after returning from the summit, Sisilia was amazed and heartbroken from the bottom of her heart.

Although the current Sithlia does not have the idea that "nobles and commoners should have no difference", which can be called "rebellious", she still vaguely feels that Lacus, who is not discriminated against because of her noble status The act of shirking responsibility is very respectable.

Coupled with the somewhat bluffing identity of the new earl, Sislia looked both excited and nervous.

"I heard that someone beat the professional chess player I invited in the king's assertion matchup, so I came over to have a look." Lux has never been pretentious in non-noble gatherings, "Then I heard about your Dreams—don't be shy, joining the Dauntless is a great dream, and it shouldn't make you blush."

"Thank you Earl for your understanding." Sithlia froze for a moment, and then hurriedly bent down to salute, "I just want to try..."

"Now you have proven your talent and potential." Lax pulled Sithlia past, "So, why not set a more challenging goal?"

"It's already very challenging for me to join the Fearless Pioneer." Sithlia lowered her voice, "I saw that many people failed the test."

"Trust me, Sithlia." Lacus also seemed to be chatting, and said easily, "You deserve a more glorious path--I think your chess record, in terms of the king's assertion, you are very good at using flying Wing to gain an advantage for himself?"

"That's right." Although she was still very embarrassed, when it came to her field of expertise, Sithlia still raised her head, "A properly used flying wing can confuse the opponent, interfere with judgment, and at the same time be able to surprise, Attack them unprepared."

"Then do you want to try being a real flying wing?"

Sithlia blinked her eyes, her breathing seemed to be stagnant.

"The Northern Territory is different from other places." Lux continued with a smile, "Fosbarrow is planning to form a brand new team of dragon and bird knights. With your achievements, you are very hopeful to join it."

"Even become the captain of the team, and truly lead the Flying Wings to descend from the sky and catch them by surprise."

"How about you, do you want to think about it?"



Maybe it's because of the longing to soar in the clouds, maybe it's because Lak shared the wrapped hard bread with him indifferently, maybe it's because the youthful spirit of young people is always the best in the world.

In the end, Sithlia took out her reserve certificate and became a member of the Fossbarrow Frontier Army.

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