Lux's Farewell

443 [0439] The tacit understanding of the three giants in the north

Reserve soldiers are all young people, and young people tend to be more energetic—unlike old foxes who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles, they are more receptive to the agitation of ideals.

In addition, Lacus is not a pure picture, so there are not a few young people like Sithlia who originally aimed to be a fearless pioneer but ended up joining Fossbarrow's private army.

However, painting cakes is a moment of joy, filling the crematorium, including the dragon and bird knights, many plans are still in a state of not even writing a word at this time. If you want to realize your promise, Lacus still has a lot of early stages Preparations to be done.

These jobs are not enough for Lux alone, even if Eno is added—after dealing with the matters of the Silent Man, Eno needs to go to Secret Silver City to pick up his parents. to Forsbarrow.

Moreover, because of Yinuo's special status, she can do some things, but she can't do some things. In this case, it's Sona's turn to act.

Although there is no personal guidance from Kalya, Sona is very familiar with the noble etiquette of Demacia now, and she can come forward to help when Lux is at a loss.

However, although Sona is very happy to go to Fossbarrow, she still needs to find a way to convince her adoptive parents before she can actually go.

The Bouviers didn't want Sona to go north with Lux.


"Sona, you've grown up, and Barrett and I have no intention of interfering with your choice, but believe me, going to Fossbarrow is not a good choice." Lestara said earnestly, "The northern border is bitter and cold, Winters are long and on the fringes of civilization, not a place for a decent man."

In this regard, Sona can only pluck the strings to give her own response: "It is the bitter cold that needs help more. Lux needs my help, and I hope to really do something."

"Are you going to give up music?" Lestara wondered, "You're about to become the principal organist of the choir—it's not an easy honor, and if you go to Forsbarrow, Then I’m afraid we have to start all over again.”

"The meaning of music never lies in the status I gain through music." Sona pursed her lips, her fingers plucking the strings quickly, "but in what kind of power the listener draws from it."

If someone else said it, Le Stara would only think it was high-profile, but Sona is different—after spending the New Year together, she knows exactly what kind and persistent soul her adopted daughter has, "Share the music band The power to come" has always been Sona's persistence and desire.

"There are also many people in Xiongdu who are willing to listen to your music." Le Stala tried to make the final bid, "We can prepare a concert, a large concert, with a solo session."

"But no matter what kind of concert, the result will only become a social venue—and most of the people who can come to my concert will not care about my expression, and don't need this power." Sona just Shaking his head slightly, "Vigorous music is not found in grand halls, perhaps the slogans of countrymen are often more powerful."

Sona's response made Lestara narrow her eyes slightly.

Although Mrs. Bouvier is also a senior philanthropist, the meaning of a philanthropist is to "give money to the poor".

But at this time, Sona's attitude is more like "standing by the side of the poor", which is not just charity.

However, this only made Lestara a little surprised by Sona's willingness to let go of her figure - after all, Fossbarrow is the fief of Lacus, so in her opinion, a large part of the reason for Sona is that Hope to help.

"Fosbarrow is still too dangerous." Seeing that Sona couldn't be persuaded at all, Lestara could only shake his head helplessly, "I can't just sit and watch you just set foot on the road to the north."

"Lax will keep me safe—and, you know I'm not helpless."

"The barbarians and unusual bandits in the northern border." Lestara shook his head again, "It is rumored that there are powerful spellcasters in the northern border that can even drive glaciers..."

"If you're really worried about Fossbarrow's safety, maybe you can pay to help repair the city wall." Sona skillfully changed the subject, "As long as Fossbarrow's fortress is safe, no matter the blizzard in the Freljord Or a barbarian, they can't pose any threat to me."

"When Kashina went to join the army, I didn't even sponsor the army." Lestara objected subconsciously, but finally smiled bitterly, "Sona, to be honest, I was very happy to see you I have become close friends with Lacus, and I respect every choice she makes as a model of nobility—from the perspective of nobility, I can't find any reason to prevent you from following her to the north."

Sona pressed her fingers to the strings.

"But as your mother, Sona, I really don't want you to spend the rest of your life in the bitter cold of the northern border, and the beautiful music flowing from your fingertips can only echo in the country station full of earthy smell. "Le Stara continued, "You and Kashina are the best gift God gave me and Barrett. Demacia is blessed by God, so that Tarek and Lux ​​can return safely after climbing the peak—— God favors me and Barrett, so we have you two good children."

Sona lowered her head slightly.

"If you must go to the northern border, I will come forward to help contact some people." Lestara finally made a concession, "But, Sona, you must not worry me."


"You are my baby, the baby given to me by God, you should not taste the pain in that barren land."

"That's not pain." Sona smiled and finally plucked the strings again, "Besides, you can also come to Fossbarrow, perhaps, only by witnessing the birth of an unprecedented, prosperous city in the north can make people feel happy." Are you completely relieved?"

"Young people are really confident." Sona's music successfully made Lestara laugh. "Building a place is not so simple! Don't look at the great business of the Bouvier family, but even if I give all my belongings, it is impossible Really improving the environment in Forsbarrow…”



Perhaps it is because Sona's persistence is regarded as a girl's pursuit of dreams, and perhaps it is waiting for Sona to realize that the reality is difficult. In the end, after making a series of requests, Lestara finally agreed to follow Sona. Lux's choice to go to the North together.

She even generously provided Sona with a considerable part of her staff to form an "exclusive caravan from Forsbarrow to Xiongdu".

Well, in Lestara's view, the caravan is just a name. The real purpose of these people is to protect and serve Sona, and help him pass the news along the way.

However, Sona was overjoyed by this - when they were discussing how to develop Fossbarrow before, one of the considerable difficulties the plan encountered was the lack of specialized merchants.

Le Stara's decision is tantamount to helping her!

For this reason, Sona flattered Le Stara with music, which made the mistress of the Bouvier family feel annoyed and funny.

For some reason, after watching Sona get permission and let out a sigh of relief, Lestara had a subtle illusion of "girls looking outward".


Lux is still organizing the recruiting operation in an orderly manner.

With the support of the Bouvier family, Sona started the formation of her own caravan, and this caravan will also be responsible for some of the transportation tasks related to the Colossus of the Templar Stone.

After confirming that only a few of the Silencers were willing to go north with Lacus, Ino finally completed his mission in Xiongdu and was ready to set off for Miyin City.

And at this moment, a whole new problem arose.

Who will Carya take?

If it is said that the "Big Three" of Lacus, Ino, and Sona have their own division of labor, then Kalya can only be described as lack of skills at the moment.

In Xiongdu, in addition to conscription, Lacus also needs to prepare for the conferring ceremony, which involves a lot of noble etiquette issues, and Kalya needs to help with personal guidance.

The formation of the caravan on Sona's side and the preparation of the first batch of goods also require Karya's reference.

Not to mention Yinuo's side. Although you can ask a guide if you don't know the way to Miyin City, in addition to picking up your parents, Yinuo also needs to go around the northern border to prepare for Fossbarrow's future flight. Wing troops look for available mounts.

It seems that it is a good decision for Kalya to stay in Xiongdu. There are Sona and Lacus here, and Kalya can be regarded as "one person for two purposes". But in comparison, Ino's need for Kalya is less It is just needed.

In the end, after some discussion, they decided that Ino would take Kalya to set off.

"Isn't it just the conferring ceremony!" Lacus said confidently, "I'm leaving anyway, and now I'm Earl Laxana, and occasionally they don't conform to noble etiquette, so they can't say anything!"

In this way, three days before the start of the conferring ceremony, Ino quietly left the capital of Demacia with Kalya, and began to move towards the direction of Mithril City.


From Demacia to Miraz, this road Carya can be regarded as "revisiting the old place".

The last time she took this northward road, Lacus was still an underage child. At that time, she rode in a carriage and chatted with Karya all the way, from the weeds and flowers by the roadside to the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky.

It was also that trip to Mithril City that made Lacus truly feel the thick barrier between the nobles and commoners of Demacia like a moat.

But now, when he went to Mithral City again, the person who took Carya had been replaced by Ino.

Perhaps because of her age, Ino's curiosity is not as strong as that of Lacus - she doesn't care about the names and habits of the weeds and flowers on the roadside, but cares more about the study of magic.

On the way, she told Karya in detail all her experiences after meeting Ryze, which she hadn't explained clearly to Lacus and Sona before.

"The guardian of the world's runes, can use scrolls with similar functionality to the magic stone?" After Ino finished speaking, Kalya also pondered a little, "Sorry, Ino, this time, I'm afraid I can't answer you On the one hand, my understanding of world runes is limited; on the other hand, Runeterra is not stagnant, so I have no idea about the technology you mentioned, at most I can get some from your description Just guessing."

Although it was expected, Ino was still a little disappointed when Kalya gave such a response.

"However, Ino, why did you tell me about this alone?" Kalya asked back, "When you were in Xiongdu before, you just said things that the silent people didn't want to leave-why did you have to tell me this time?" Hiding it from Lux?"

"Lax has enough things to worry about." Ino smiled and gave an expected answer, "Moreover, only those who have personally touched the world runes can feel the palpitating power... …Mr. Kalya, the rune guardian named Ryze has actually given me a lot of inspiration. In my opinion, if I can, I may be able to bear the dark side around Lax."

"It's a good thing to have this kind of consideration." Carya said with a smile when he heard the words, "But, Ino—you have to trust Lacus, you can actually tell her that you have encountered some things related to world runes, but these things are for the sake of To be on the safe side, it needs to be kept a secret.”

"This..." Eno blinked his eyes in surprise, "And then? Just say you want to keep it a secret?"

"That's right." Kalya said as a matter of course, "I don't ask you to tell everyone everything, but rather than bear everything in silence, I hope you can frankly express the view that some things need to be kept secret—— Although you and Lacus have a tacit understanding, which can be regarded as the same mind, but if you just rely on the tacit understanding and division of labor between the two parties in silence, then the rift will naturally arise. I have seen many such things, and bear it silently. For everything, it is better to directly explain what can and cannot be done.”

"However, what if Lux asks?" Ino was still a little hesitant. On the one hand, she didn't want to hide anything from Lux, and on the other hand, she really didn't want more people to know about Ryze, " So should I say it?"

"If you made it clear that you need to keep it secret, why would Lacus ask?" Kalya laughed when she heard this, "Although she is sometimes very curious, she still knows it—she will trust you to keep certain secrets You have to believe that she won't hold grudges because you failed to 'tell everyone everything'!"

Ino blinked, and seemed to understand a little bit.

"You, you just care too much about what Lacus thinks of you!" Kalya continued, "Actually, you know that as long as you make it clear that it's hard to explain, Lacus will understand you, but in your heart you always Worried about Lux being dissatisfied—how could she be so ignorant!"


"Okay, stop thinking about it, let's go, looking for the traces of the elemental dragon is not an easy task!"

"Elemental dragon?" Ino's eyes widened, "Isn't it a dragon and bird?"

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