Lux's Farewell

444 Where is the elemental dragon [0440]

Unlike the time when he crossed the Dasai Desert, Ino will "tour more places for tourists" this time - according to Kalya, if you want to find the traces of the elemental dragon, you have to start with the legend of the dragon.

"Even if it's just rumors about the Yalong legend, it's not groundless."

However, compared to finding the elemental dragon, in Ino's opinion, taming the elemental dragon to form an elemental dragon cavalry regiment is more difficult.

You know, even people like Ino who haven't read too many history books have heard many stories about the first ancestors of Demacia, under the leadership of His Majesty Oren, slaying evil dragons and opening up bases.

Why did Demacia form the Knights of the Dragon Bird instead of the Knights of the Dragon?Don't you like it?

That is impossible to tame the dragon!
The elemental dragons are all grumpy, and they will not let go after being "invaded" in the territory, let alone domesticated and domesticated into mounts.

"Elemental dragons can be domesticated, and among magical creatures, domestication is not too difficult." Carya explained cheerfully, "At least it is easier than Huiyang. Huiyang is sometimes stunned and needs to be pressed They can drink water with their heads, but the heads of giant dragons are brighter, let them know what is good or bad, and they will calm down."

Karya's words made Ino a little sluggish.

The Hui sheep are the kind of creatures that bathe in the light of the heavens that she has seen on Mount Targon. According to Kalya, they can absorb the light of the heavens and grow fat. After being crossed by the Shurima Empire and local sheep breeds, they are finally bred into I bought the pan sheep, a specialty of Nerima Jie.

But...that's sheep!

Can a dragon do the same?

"There are not many dragon-born creatures in Runeterra." Seeming to have guessed what Ino was thinking, Kalya continued to explain, "Argon dogs, earth dragon lizards, water dragon pythons, sea dragons...there are only images and dragons. Similar, but some do contain the blood of giant dragons. Elemental dragons are nothing more than wild beasts with high affinity for elements. Speaking of which, they are not much different from the Huiyang sheep you have seen. The Shurima Empire once tamed dragons."

"But there seems to be no trace left." Eno blinked curiously, "Is it completely submerged in the dust of history?"

"It's because the Shurima Empire gave up on taming dragons." Kalya smiled wryly, "Compared to the giant doman beasts and super earth-digging sandworms domesticated in Shurima at that time, the elemental dragons really eat too much resources. gone."

"Are they edible?"

"It's very edible, very picky, and most importantly, it has high requirements for the environment." Speaking of this, Kalya's tone was also a little helpless, "Elemental dragons not only need to eat meat, but also need to eat meat when the concentration of elements is extremely high." Their growth depends not only on eating, but also on absorbing the elemental energy in the natural environment—the elemental dragons are divided into many subspecies, mainly because of the different natural conditions and the different elemental powers they absorb.”

"Forsbarrow's production is poor, so even if we find and domesticate the elemental dragon, we still can't afford it?"

"The barrenness of Fossbarrow's products is for humans, not for elemental dragons." Kalya said with a smile, "Fossbarrow is located at the junction of the Freljord and Demacia, and the climate is in the frigid zone The level of the transition to the temperate zone, and the vast ocean is not far to the west - the hunting of the elemental dragons can completely rely on their own predation."

"Ah?!" Ino was even more confused, "Taming the elemental dragon, don't you have to worry about it?"

"For elemental dragons, managing elements is more important than managing food." Kalya continued, "As long as sufficient elemental energy is provided, even if Fossbarrow doesn't care about food, there will still be elemental dragons willing to come. Nest here."

Yinuo nodded, and finally said in a daze: "It's like on the north coast of Shurima, people will always build ports in places where the weather conditions are not so harsh and the hydrological conditions are suitable for navigation?"

"Yes, it is the nature of creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and the elemental dragon is no exception." Kalya agreed with Ino's metaphor, "So, don't worry, as long as we find traces of the elemental dragon, we dare not Guaranteed, but at least two or three squadrons of dragoons, Fossbarrow, can hold out!"


From the Xiongdu of Demacia to Mithral City, along the way, Ino stopped in almost every large town for a day or two.

Everywhere she went, she would inquire about the largest local tavern, find the most famous local bard, and then listen to a song about "Dragon Quest".

These ballads were quite interesting to listen to at first, but after hearing them too many times, Ino’s head hurts a bit—the stories of these bards are all similar, and they often tell about events in the long, long past. It makes people feel tired and panicked.

It's a pity that every time Ino asked "Are there any new stories", most of the bards can only say that Demacia is well-mannered and peaceful, and no evil dragon dares to come here to make trouble.

This is more embarrassing.

Fortunately, the journey from Xiongdu to Mihril City is long enough. After hearing the story that His Majesty Oren smashed the dragon's head with a hammer and used the dragon's skull to make armor, Ino finally heard the story of A different story.

When he endured the nausea, listened to an ancient ballad, and routinely asked if there were any new tricks, the bard's expression became subtle.

"Girl, what I just played is the most classic piece." The bard gently stroked the strings while making a common gesture, "And I personally am composing a brand new piece recently , it is related to the evil dragon, but no one has heard this song..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yinuo simply printed three gold coins on the table.

The bard's eyes brightened obviously, and he swept the three gold coins into his pocket as if by magic, then sat upright and cleared his throat.

"Ah, this generous lady." He held his body like a performer in the Illuminati choir hall, "Please sit down, I have the latest "Double Dragon Club" here, please enjoy it !"

Ino nodded slightly.

The next moment, the bard undulated the strings of his short harp and began singing a brand new repertoire.

"The hillbilly who keeps the door always, his mouth never locks the door"

"Even in the old guard, people know Kalifen"

"Califon, the big braggart, no one takes him seriously"

"In his shriveled mouth, the mound at the door is a thousand feet high"

"When you meet a child when you go out, you say they are yordles"

"Whenever he came to drink, the drinkers laughed and asked"

"Califin, Califfin, who have you seen again?"

"There are giants hundreds of feet tall, and the stars fell from the wilderness last night"

"There is still a giant dog in the mountains, with scales and armor like a dragon's body"

"Califin doesn't admit it, he insists that what he saw is true"

"The Great Desolation Starfall has something to do with it, if you don't believe me, look up at Pan Sen"

"Noxian dragon dog, grinding teeth and sucking blood like thunder"

"What he said this time is not false, he saw dragon marks in the mountains"

"The drinkers laughed wildly when the glass fell, and they all said that the old man was messed up again"

"To the west is the Green Tooth Peak, the permanent garrison of the German Legion"

"Whoever has the strongest dragon-slaying technique must be Da Oren back then"

"Lightshield royal family Oren descendants, how can there be a dragon seeking death?"

"The old man took out three coins and wanted to bet with the alcoholic on falsehood"

"If there really was a dragon, the drinker would be named Caliphin"

"Drinkers don't believe the old man's words, they only agree to see the dragon scales"

"In exchange for an iron armor, the old man ran to the mountain"

"The country bumpkin who always guards the door has never locked the door with his mouth"

"The bet is passed on from ten to ten, and everyone laughs at Carliffin"

"Who would have thought that when the old man returned, he would have three scales in his hand?"

"Five paw prints from the wound on the left back, and a tooth mark on the right chest"

"There are really dragons on the Green Tooth Peak, or are there two dragons?"

"Double dragons are both good and evil, the old man's gold coins are exchanged for dragon scales"

"The drinker is happy when he sees the fish, and pretends to be a relative"

"After secretly stealing dragon scales, go to the wizard to sell dragon scales"

"The dragon arrives before the wizard, and the dragon seeks the scales"

"The old door, the old door, there will be no door from now on"

"Always keep the door, always keep the door, never see Caliphin again"



The bard didn't lie, his piece was indeed in an unfinished state, the melody was almost repetitive, and it sounded like rap—but in terms of content, the story in it was very clear.

Not far from Demacia, east of Green Tooth Peak, in a place called Old Gate, there is a braggart named Califin, who said he saw a dragon, and then bet with someone on a father-son game.

Then, the old man was getting stronger and stronger, and he really found the dragon, one good and one evil, and Kalifin exchanged three gold coins for three dragon scales from the good dragon——as a result, the people who bet with him simply recognized the father-son game. Steals his dragon scale and wants to sell it to the wizard.

As a result, the wizard didn't wait, and the evil dragon followed the scales of the good dragon, and almost completely destroyed the old door. Since then, people have never seen the bragging Calyffin again.

In this song, it seems to be to highlight that Califfin likes to brag. The bard said that he boasted that he had seen the Great Desolate Starfall, which made Ino’s expression somewhat subtle-if this is true, I’m afraid Ka Liffin didn't brag, because not long ago, it was true that the Great Desolation star fell.

Moreover, Yalong dogs do exist in Noxus, and yordles do sometimes disguise themselves as children...

Therefore, from Eno's point of view, this story is more like a black humor. It is clear that Califon is telling the truth, but among the ignorant countrymen, he has gained a reputation for bragging.

Of course, for Ino, what is more important is the news about the dragon in the story—considering that the Great Desolation Starfall is the pre-information of this story, it is possible that the time when Caliphin saw the dragon is not as long as now. How long!

Thinking of this, Ino generously distributed three gold coins again.

"This story is very interesting, where did you hear it?"

"It's at the old gate!" The bard quickly put away the gold coins again, "I'm a person who likes to travel around. Just over a month ago, I went to the old gate, and then accidentally discovered that there was a disaster."

"Dragon disaster?"

"That's right, the old door is really gone now." The bard smiled, "Because this incident is a bit legendary, so I asked the locals to see if I could add a new door to myself." material."

"So there is this song?" Ino asked with a smile, "It's a very interesting song, much fresher than the repertoire of His Majesty Oren's Dragon Quest."

"But most people still prefer classic repertoire." The bard said helplessly, "I tried to play it before, but everyone said the story was too fake-to be honest, sometimes I would think to myself, Could it be that I am that Califon, obviously I saw the traces of the dragon disaster with my own eyes at the old gate, obviously this story was collected from the person concerned, but these guys who have never left home for a hundred miles stand up and tell my story Fake……"

Although he knew that the other party's complaint was somewhat of a reward, but after confirming that there was indeed a dragon disaster in the old gate, and there were two dragons, Yinuo still gave him two more gold coins, and then left the tavern .

"Mr. Karya, do you think this story is true?"

"Probably." Kalya thought for a moment and said, "I asked you to ask him a few questions before. If you haven't seen the traces of dragon fire breath, you can't answer them."

"So, at least it's true that the old gate suffered a dragon disaster?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed, "As for the traces of the dragon, these are more likely to be hearsay... But at least this can be regarded as a direction."

"Is it only a direction?" Yinuo was a little surprised, "Shouldn't we go directly to Green Tooth Peak and the old gate from here?"

"I want to go, but I may not be able to meet you." Kalya said helplessly, "According to the information in the ballad, the two dragons came to Green Tooth Peak because of a battle. It's time for each family, so we can't hope to catch the dragon once we get to Greenfang Peak."

"So, we need to continue to inquire and collect information?" Ino suddenly asked, "Find the trace of the dragon bit by bit?"

"That's right." Kalya agreed, "The dragon disaster must be an explosive news. The closer we are to the old gate, the more information about the dragon-you know, we are not the only ones who have the idea of ​​the dragon. !"

"Not just us?" Ino blinked. "You mean, Noxus?"

"Although we don't like Noxus people, we have to admit that they are still a little level in some aspects. The cultivation of Yalong dogs has already explained the problem." Kalya affirmed, "If Noxus If people get the news, it is estimated that some people will be willing to take a look—even if the living dragon cannot be caught, the dragon's corpse is still a good thing."

Yinuo nodded, not knowing why he thought of Uzeris' underground auction house.

"So, let's go!" Kalya didn't know that Ino was slandering the health care trend he brought up in Shurima, and said in a cheerful tone, "Let's go, I haven't seen those elemental cuties for a long time! "

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