Lux's Farewell

Chapter 445 [0441] Carya's Dragon-seeking Art

Take the Green Tooth Peak from Lithos, make a circle and then go to Mihril City. This detour will take thousands of miles.

However, Ino and Kalya are not in a hurry - Lacus needs a brief training for the reserve soldiers, and also needs to bring a large number of demon-infested people together, even after the knighting ceremony is completed and everything is ready, immediately To pull out the stronghold to go north, the road can only be meandering.

In this way, even if Ino took a detour, she might be the first to reach Fossbarrow.

After planning the course of action, the next step is to find the trace of the dragon.

At this point, Kalya taught Ino a set of "Looking for Dragons".

"Elemental dragons like to live in places where the elemental energy is full and active. Considering that there are traces of dragon fire in the dragon disaster of the old guard, you have to increase your sensitivity and pay attention to the fire element." activity level."

"Even if the elemental dragons don't plan to settle down or change the surrounding environment, their existence will inevitably leave ripples in the element's vision. This is the best way for us to find the elemental dragons. .”

Ino quickly understood Kalya's meaning, and quickly adapted to the new angle of viewing the world through elemental vision with elemental perception - the experience in the shadow world taught her not to rely on her eyes so much, but It is more dependent on one's own magic perception.

It is not difficult for Ino to open the elemental vision and use elemental perception instead of rough magic perception.

In this way, inquiring about the news of the dragon disaster all the way, Ino came all the way to the Green Tooth Peak on the border of the kingdom. When he arrived here, Ino had collected a lot of true and false information about the dragon disaster of the old guard.

And through Karya's analysis and sorting out, it can be confirmed that a serious dragon disaster did occur in the old gate, but there are different opinions on the cause of the dragon disaster. Some people say that the battle between two giant dragons affected Some people say that there is a dragon deliberately attacking the old gate, and another dragon comes to stop it.

But regarding the whereabouts of the two giant dragons, everyone unanimously said that "they went to the west"-and to the west of the old gate is the towering Green Tooth Peak.

Unlike ordinary people who think that "the evil dragon went to the Green Tooth Peak to seek death", Ino and Kalya knew very well that even though the Green Tooth Peak and the Gate of Sorrow are the places where the most troops are stationed on the border of Demacia, if they do not prepare a special In terms of strategy, no matter how many Demacia elites, there is actually not much threat to the dragon.

The garrison is aimed at the Noxians. Whether it is at the Green Tooth Peak or the Gate of Sorrow, the fortress of the Demacians is the only way for the Noxians to march.

Passes and mountain roads are the focus of the garrison.

The giant dragon can fly, as long as you think about it, the giant dragon can completely bypass the garrison fortress with a large number of soldiers, and fly over from the sky - so, even before people have climbed the Green Tooth Peak, Ino has already opened the elemental vision , even when he was on his way, he still observed his surroundings through elemental perception.

As a result, the giant dragon was not found, but many demon-infested people were found.

Along the way, Ino saw a large number of people with obvious traces of elements leaving Demacia with their families.

Among these people, some have active traces of elements on their bodies, while others are relatively quiet—the former have just awakened or have just been exiled; sickly.

Since the identity of the demon-infected person was exposed, Ino was first used by the lord to help her hide her identity. After the incident, she was sent to the Arcatraz, and then taken away by Lacus. "Usual encounters" with demons are less clear.

Seeing these exiled demon-infested people and those who drank the demon-suppressing potion now, Ino's brows inevitably frowned.

"This is simply disregarding human life." Feeling the magical power suppressed by the magic-suppressing potion of the demon-infected people in the field of vision of the elements, Ino couldn't help shaking his head, "The suppression of the magic power seems to solve the problem, but it is suppressed together with the magic power. , and the ability to control the magic power, even if the magic power is suppressed, it will grow with age, but the control power of the magic power cannot be exercised, once the suppression is lost... this is simply killing people!"

"So it is not advisable to completely ban magic. Magic is dangerous, but magic is not uncontrollable. The extreme conservatism that rejects any magic is also a kind of evil." Carya sighed, "What's more, Demacia's magic ban can't be done. to the level of equality - that's why we're reopening at Fossbarrow!"


The midsummer of Valoran has come to an end, but the grass and trees are still lush on Greentooth Peak.

As the center of Valoran continent, it connects the Silver Glitter Mountains in the south and the Dragonspine Mountains in the north. Greentooth Peak seems to perfectly combine the advantages of the Silver Glitter Mountains and the Dragonspine Mountains - both the lush beauty of the Glitter Silver Mountains and the The grandeur of the Longji Mountains.

On the north and south sides of this east-west mountain range, two big rivers originating from the Longji Snow Mountain ran past, converging at Jandale further west, and finally merging into the ocean not far south of Xiongdu.

Because the water of these two rivers is not urgent, the water surface is wide enough, and the hydrological conditions are relatively stable regardless of drought or flood, they, together with the Tobysia River in the south, constitute the three horizontal lines of Demacia's water transportation.

Merchant ships went back and forth, either carrying the harvested grains from the Demacian Plain, or filled with various products from Nok Mochi, blown by the monsoon, traveling between the three big rivers. The conservative kingdom of Demacia has injected some unique vitality that belongs to business.

Although in the mouth of the bard, there is no gatekeeper in the mouth of the old gatekeeper, but in fact, the place name "Old Gatekeeper" itself comes from the name of the local people in Demacia-from the perspective of Demacia , this small city located in the east of Green Tooth Peak is the gateway to the entire Demacia.

Once through the old gate and the Green Tooth Peak, the army from the east can smoothly enter the endless Demacia Great Plains. In this plain where the water network is not dense but connected by large rivers, Demacia is boundless. Safe to guard.

Therefore, the Green Tooth Peak, which is located between the two rivers, can not only guard the two rivers from a high position, but also prevent the enemy from entering the Demacia Great Plains, has become the largest military fortress in the east of Demacia.

Even in a country like Demacia, which upholds the principle of elite soldiers, there are more than [-] permanent troops around Green Tooth Peak—you know, Demacia has no auxiliary soldiers, and even if it is not A super elite like the Fearless Pioneer, whose combat effectiveness in frontal combat is as good as ten Noxus-style regiments of [-] people including logistics officers, engineers, and auxiliary soldiers!

Considering the terrain of Green Tooth Peak, if it's just for defense, even if twenty battle groups want to take Green Tooth Peak, it will not be easy!
These elite soldiers are usually stationed in the various military fortresses up and down the Green Tooth Peak according to their respective establishments. Some of these military fortresses are protruding, and some are hidden. line of defense.

Several of the fortresses guard the passage into Demacia through the foothills of the Green Tooth Peak - tax collectors, soldiers and demon seekers will check the passing pedestrians, merchants pay taxes according to the bulk of the goods transported, and demons are banned get inside.

Shyvana stood on the hillside, watching the Demacians waiting in formation from afar.

Her eyes are very good, even if the guards of the fortress did not see her, she can clearly see the interrogation that pedestrians need to suffer when passing through the border—although most people pass through smoothly after paying the money, some people still touch those people. The stick in the blue-robed man's hand then weakened, and he was barred from passing.

Shivana didn't know that those blue-robed men were demon hunters, nor did she know that the sticks in their hands were "magic detectors" made of forbidden magic stones, but with the dragon's sensitivity to elements, Shivana was very Clearly, that stick can absorb magic.

It's too bad, it seems that even if I put on the robe and hood, I can't pass smoothly.

Shivana, who was sitting on the hillside, couldn't help shaking, her eyes fell on the lavender skin of her arms.

Although she knew that now was not the time to think about this question, but looking at her body, the question "Am I a human or a dragon" still naturally appeared in Shivana's heart.

According to his adoptive father, he found himself in a volcano in the east of Kalduga. At that time, he was just an egg. He wanted to sell himself, but he didn't expect that he broke his shell without warning. Out—Although the adoptive father claimed to be a bastard, he would not sell a little girl to the Noxians. Therefore, the relationship between Shyvana and her adoptive father changed from hunter and spoil to adoptive father and adopted daughter.

If everything ends here, then this should be a very warm story. The thief was infected by the baby's smile and gave up his wealth to become a baby daddy, but unfortunately, Shivana's mother didn't think so.

The dragon named Ivar regarded Shyvana's adoptive father as a despicable thief and regarded Shyvana as a symbol of his own shame. , she finally left the dragon's lair in the crater in a rage, and found Shivana through the connection between blood.

In the wrath of the dragon, Shivana's adoptive father was seriously injured and died, but this was not over yet. Iva not only wanted to kill the thief, but she also wanted to kill Shivana. Na Haosheng lives as if someone is mocking her for having her most cherished object stolen by a humble thief.

For Iva, his own dignity is obviously more precious than his daughter's life.

In this way, Shyvana began a hasty escape journey.

Most of the time, creatures like giant dragons still have animal nature surging in their bodies. Shyvana tried to communicate with Ivar several times, but nothing worked—for giant dragons, the law of nature is that the strong take all , Ivar didn't think it was necessary for him to communicate with Shivana.

After all... look at Shivana's appearance, she has completely abandoned her strength as a dragon and become a weak human being!

As a result, while fleeing for her life, Shyvana doubted her identity for the first time: Am I a human or a dragon?
If it is a human being, why is my strength so much greater than that of a human being, why can I become a flying dragon, why do I desire fresh flesh and blood, and why does my soul desire to kill?
If it is a dragon, why do I think like a human, why am I not willing to accept the strong prey on the weak, why do I want to integrate into the human society and collective?

Full of confusion surrounded Shivana all the time, so she could only run for her life in a daze.

Along the way, the question of "who am I" has been lingering in her mind, making her restless.

Shivana is not willing to completely obey the animal nature in her blood, but she can't strip herself of her identity as a giant dragon. Every time she thinks about this problem, she only feels a headache.

In this way, Shyvana went all the way, avoiding her mother's attack, from the Valzhu Mountains to the Shimmering Silver Mountains, and then came to the Green Tooth Peak.

Shyvana is no match for her mother, so after hearing that there are "very powerful humans" in Greenfang Peak, she chooses to stay nearby, hoping to scare her mother away.

After all, for giant dragons who admire the weak and the strong, "people with the ability to slay dragons" should be something Iva would not like to contact.

Alas, Shyvana clearly got the huge discrepancy between epic and reality wrong.

Although the Demacian slaying the dragon occupies most of the Demacian folklore, in fact, even when Demacia was just established and Oren was driving wild beasts and dark creatures everywhere, the Demacians met There are also very few dragons.

The territorial conflict between humans and giant dragons is not that big, and the environment that giant dragons like is often unacceptable to humans—unless there are evil dragons entrenched on the traffic arteries, Demacians seldom fight with dragons .

Therefore, to Ivar, the Demacians are just annoying little flies, not enough to arouse his fear.

I'm Iva, the scourge of the Flame Dragon!
How could I stop chasing shame because of the obstruction of mere Demacian mortals?
Therefore, after locking Shivana's position again, Iva came aggressively, and the two dragons had a great battle at the old gate. The dragon fire that fell from the sky ignited a large number of buildings in the small city, forming a tragic battle Dragon disaster.

At the end of the battle, Shivana, unable to continue, voluntarily left the battlefield, and plunged headlong into the deep mountains and old forests of Green Tooth Peak in human form.

And after Ivar realized that Shyvana had escaped, he spent some effort to get rid of the interference of mortals, and then chased after Shyvana-as a result, when she also reached Green Tooth Peak, Shyvana had already hidden Into the mountains.

Although the blood connection told Iva that Shivana was nearby, she couldn't find Shivana's trace among the dark lights and mountains, so she could only leave angrily and find a place to lick her wounds. - Don't look at Shyvana being beaten badly by her, but Shyvana also left her a lot of marks.

Shivana, who was temporarily relieved of the crisis, knew very well that she could not stay here for a long time. After recovering a little bit, she got out of the deep mountain and planned to continue westward, completely entering the territory of Demacia, and then, at Green Tooth Peak. At the foot of the mountain, she found a Demacian checkpoint.

Shivana wasn't sure if these Demacians would let her in, so after hesitating for a moment, she simply found a no-man's land, turned into a giant dragon, and soared into the air with flapping wings.

She wants to bypass this line of defense from the sky!
The clouds and mist in the mountains of Green Tooth Peak covered the huge body of Shivana dragon. The Demacian soldiers who were checking the passers-by did not realize at all that a dragon had quietly crossed the line of defense they guarded and entered Demacia. West Asia.

However, although Shivana's movements could be concealed from the soldiers at the pass, they could not be concealed from Ino who was climbing the mountain. In the field of vision of the elements, Shivana's flight path was as clear as a plane's cable, even if it was blocked by clouds and fog.

Seeing an active trail of fire elements crossing the mountain and extending to the west in mid-air, Ino acted immediately.

"There really are dragons!" She summoned the ice floes and began to drift quickly between the mountains, while paying attention to the direction of the elemental trajectory in the sky, "Mr. Kalya, your dragon-hunting formula is really accurate!"

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