Lux's Farewell

446 【0442】

446 【0442】
"That's it!" Kalya said confidently, "I am too familiar with dragons—I have seen all kinds of elemental dragons and even rare ancient dragons."

"The ancient dragon sounds very ancient." Ino blinked, "Is it a dragon that has lived for a long time?"

"It's actually a giant dragon that has absorbed enough elemental power." Kalya chuckled, "The lifespan of an elemental dragon is actually not very long. Only a few dragons that have absorbed a huge amount of elemental power can break through the limit and push themselves Tempered to become a more powerful existence, that is, ancient dragons, all the ancient dragons that break through naturally have a long lifespan, but if human intervention, ordinary elemental dragons can also break through into ancient dragons."

"Using artificial infusion of a large amount of elemental power?" Ino thought thoughtfully, "Can you even use this condition to bargain with the elemental dragon?"

"That's right." Kalya confirmed Ino's guess, "So, Fossbarrow has the basic conditions to raise an elemental dragon. There are a large number of mages gathered there, and the elemental dragon will be happy to live nearby. The escaping elemental tide nourishes—and as a landlord, we can naturally recruit elemental dragons as our soldiers, and everyone wins.”

Although Ino wanted to complain about Karya's win-win theory, but according to what he said, it seemed that this was indeed beneficial to both parties, and in the end, Ino could only nod.


Even if you can find the elemental trajectory left by the dragon's flight, it is not easy to keep up with the speed of the elemental dragon.

For people walking on the ground, the complex ground conditions around Green Tooth Peak will greatly hinder the speed of movement. Even if the flying speed of this elemental dragon is not fast, it may be difficult to keep up.

Fortunately, Ino's ice floes can also be regarded as "all-terrain automatic mounts" in a sense. Without counting the mana consumption, they can move forward quickly in a way that is close to "flying close to the ground". The flight path of the elemental dragon.

In the end, at the western foot of Green Tooth Peak, Ino finally saw with his own eyes that the elemental trajectory of the elemental dragon's flight disappeared into the dense forest at the foot of the mountain in front of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ino steered the floe into the dense forest.

The trees here are very luxuriant, but because it is located on the bank of a big river, most of the trees in the dense forest are medium and low trees such as bridge willow, Demacia watertail, and green-toothed elm.

Considering the height of the elemental dragon, although the forest is dense, it should not be able to cover the dragon's figure.

However, after two laps in the woods, Ino did not find any giant dragons—moreover, not only were there no elemental dragons, but there was no elemental trajectory caused by the actions of the elemental dragons.

"It's really strange." Kalya, who failed to find the elemental dragon, was also a little surprised, "From the elemental trajectory just now, this is at least a sub-adult individual, and it is almost impossible to be other did it disappear in the elemental trajectory? place, didn’t even see the shadow of a giant dragon?”

Ino naturally couldn't answer this question, she could only grin, and then drove the ice floe into the woods again, trying to find the disappeared dragon.

This time, the elemental dragon still didn't see it, but in the woods in the wilderness, Ino found a young girl.

Um, wait, girl?
There is no village and no shop behind here, so why is there a lonely young girl whose face cannot be seen clearly?
You know, the ecological environment of Demacia is very good, especially in the border mountains and hills such as Greentooth Peak, Renwall, and Irwindale. Not a lot at all.

Ordinary people come alone to the dense forest in the wilderness, it is almost like giving a buffet to the beasts!

Now that this girl appeared alone in a place probably hundreds of miles away from the nearest village, Yinuo immediately realized that something was wrong.

With a heart of vigilance, Ino propped up an ice shield while steering the ice floe and approached carefully.

"This girl." After dozens of steps, Yinuo finally said, "Are you lost?"

The other party did not answer.

"If you get lost, I can take you away." Ino continued to approach while continuing, "It's getting late, there are very likely to be beasts here!"

"It's you who should leave here." The two sides got closer and closer, and the other party finally stopped being silent, "Stay away from here, mage, I feel the magic power on you..."

Is this also a demon?
In Demacia, among the demon-infested people, in order to avoid being exiled or imprisoned in the magic prison, they ran to live in the deserted wilderness by themselves. This is also the case.

Then, just when Yinuo was about to say a word or two of comfort, she finally saw the face under the hood of the other party.

This is a very wild face, and there are even scale-like jade-like red and black lines on the cheeks - when seeing this face, Yinuo's first impression was ferocious and wild.

Yinuo's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately landed on the opponent's eyes. Then, she saw a pair of snake-like pupils with erect pupils.

Looking at this face, Ino immediately remembered what Kalya had said when he told him about Yalong Dog.

Snake pupils and scales, this is completely in line with the characteristics of the dragonborn that Kalya told himself!

Dragonborn in human form, could it be...

Trying to control his expression, Ino kept reminding himself in his heart, "Be polite and don't have too much prejudice against the relationship between dragons and humans."

"Get out of here." The other party obviously didn't know what was going on in Ino's mind, and urged him directly, "You're right, this place is very dangerous—so, leave quickly."

"Did you see a dragon?" Ino calmed down, his eyes fixed on the other's face, "I saw a dragon land in this forest."

The other party obviously didn't expect that Yinuo would ask this question so directly, and the panic flashed across his face.

Although she shook her head quickly, Ino didn't even need Karya's reminder to read the "correct answer" from her face: she saw the dragon.

"Don't be nervous, lady." Ino spread his hands, showing no hostility, "You see, I am a spellcaster myself, so I don't have any hostility towards magical animals..."

"Get out of here, hurry up!" The other party obviously didn't intend to listen to Yinuo's explanation, "She's coming!"

Ino, who was interrupted, was a little confused.

What's coming?

That dragon?
It's just right here!

Shyvana was anxious.

This dense forest by the river was the place she had carefully selected for her decisive battle with her mother.

There are lush trees here, which is convenient for oneself to hide and launch a surprise attack; and it is located near the water, the rich water element resources can greatly suppress the mother's fire element affinity.

Although almost every battle between Shyvana and Iva before ended with being unilaterally beaten and had to flee in embarrassment, but between the pursuit and escape all the way, Shyvana has also discovered many things that seem insignificant to her. small advantage.

Compared to Ivar who loves the fire element, Shyvana can also use the power of some other elements to fight besides the fire element—although the breath is also dragon flames, and other elements are not as easy to manipulate as the fire element, but at least it will not is a side effect.

In addition, the conversion between the human form and the dragon form is also an important advantage of Shivana. Although the human form is fragile and easily injured, its body is smaller, more flexible, and harder to detect. It can escape from Iva's hands. Changing form at any time is a great contribution. Every time when she is almost killed by her mother, Shivana will restore her human body and hide in the battlefield of chaotic elements, so that the furious Iva can't find herself for a while. Then wait for an opportunity to escape.

It is precisely because of these advantages that Shyvana chose this dense forest at the foot of the riverside as the venue for the next battle with Iva. Here she has elemental advantage bonuses, and she can attack and retreat, and can also defend. Wait for work with ease.

As a result, what she never expected was that when she was resting in human form, waiting for Iva to come and launch a surprise attack, some mortals would come close to her!
If mortals come here, isn't that making trouble?
Therefore, Shivana didn't care about what Ino said, and kept urging him to leave - she had just revealed her dragon form, and if nothing else happened, Ivar was already on the way!
It's a pity that Eno doesn't understand the grievances between Shivana and Iva at all, and is still following his own ideas to convince the other party that he has no hostility, so that he can "talk about win-win issues."

Fortunately, Karya realized something was wrong.

"This dragon is very unusual." Kalya stopped Ino from continuing to chat, "She is not an elemental dragon in the normal sense, but an individual with a special mutation."

"Wait, you mean, she's an elemental dragon?!" Ino's eyes widened in astonishment. "She's not a descendant of humans and dragons? But that dragon?"

"How can humans and dragons easily give birth to descendants!" Ino's words made Kaya almost breathless, "I told you about the requirement of hybridization of magical creatures in Nerima Jie - how can humans and dragons have such a thing?" possible?!"

"But she does seem to fit the characteristics of a dragonborn." Although Yinuo realized that his thoughts had gone astray, he couldn't help explaining, "Besides, you never said that a dragon can become a human." look!"

"So she should be a very special existence." Carya couldn't say anything for a while, and could only barely explain, "However, generally speaking, special mutant individuals will be rejected by the elemental dragon—maybe It was for this reason that the Ssangyong Club, which was the old gatekeeper before, was for this reason."

"So when she said 'it's coming', she actually meant another elemental dragon?" Ino suddenly asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Let's look at the attitudes of both sides first." Kalya already knew, "Besides, we haven't seen the other dragon yet. If it is the descendant of an old friend of mine, then things will be different."


Just as Ino and Kalya were communicating silently and quickly, in the sky, another elemental dragon left a long fire elemental trail and roared towards the river.

Compared with Shyvana, the element trail left by Iva is undoubtedly hotter, and different from Shyvana's cautiousness, Iva did not act under the cover of clouds and mists in the mountains, but just so unscrupulously and carelessly in the green The Demacian garrison at Tooth Peak flew overhead, heading straight for Shyvana.

She had completely recovered from the injuries she had fought with Shivana, and this time, she would not give Shivana any chance to escape!

Absolutely not!

Feeling the positioning brought by the blood, Iva came straight to the river, and after circling twice in the sky, he took a deep breath.

Shivana grew up rapidly during the battle with Iva, but why didn't Iva understand her "reverse girl" more and more?
Shyvana has used the despicable act of sneak attacking in disgusting human form more than once before. After confirming that Shyvana is nearby through the perception of blood connection, Iva simply spit out dragon flames and ignited the fire. The woods by the river!
Rather than waiting for you to sneak attack, I might as well startle the snake directly!

The raging dragon flames fell from the sky, and the scorching dragon fire made the green leaves in early autumn quickly wither and turn yellow, and then they were completely ignited.

Even though it is located by the river and the water content of the trees is extremely high, after Iva swooped down and took a deep breath, they still burned quickly!

Under the high temperature, the fire began to spread rapidly. After Iva breathed out, he quickly raised his flight altitude, and began to circle the forest again, waiting for Shivana to appear.

The weak human form cannot withstand the high temperature of the dragon flames. If you don't want to be roasted, Shivana, a rebellious woman, must show the dragon form!
And in such a low forest, as long as you show the form of a giant dragon, you will definitely be discovered by me—want to ambush me with a favorable environment?You are still too young!

Facing Ivar's behavior of using "field magic" from the beginning, Shivana really had no good way.

The human form is too fragile. As the fire spreads, if I don't want to be burned to death, I can only turn into a dragon!
Now it seems that tricky delays will not work. Realizing this, Shivana looked at the "stunned" Ino again, and reminded in a low voice: "Avoid the fire and run to the east."

After she finished speaking, she let out a roar, and her body underwent an astonishing change quickly.

The scales spread rapidly from her cheeks and arms, and soon covered her whole body. With the spread of the scales, her limbs and body were also rapidly elongated. Under the hood, it was originally like an ornament. The normal head horns also stretched, connected, and fitted together. In just a few breaths, Shivana transformed from a wild girl into a slightly slender sub-adult individual dragon!
Spreading her wings on the ground, Shyvana flapped her wings and flew straight into the sky in a way that was almost "catapult start", pounced on Ivar who was hovering above the flames.

Seeing the appearance of the rebellious girl, Iva let out a triumphant roar—elemental dragons have high IQs. Although most of them had no language skills before becoming ancient dragons, their roaring tones could clearly express their emotions.

In Iva's roar, there was pleasure, excitement, excitement, and a bit of violent bloodlust.

"Did you find anything?" Ino summoned the ice floe again, away from the increasingly vigorous fire, and asked Kalya, "Is this new dragon your familiar...familiar dragon? "

"No." Kalya replied quickly, "She is not a descendant of any ancient dragon I know."

"How did you tell the difference?" Ino asked curiously, "It's been so many generations!"

"After all, they are old comrades who have fought side by side. The ancient dragons related to the Shurima Empire have superb control over the power of the elements." Kalya explained as if casually telling the story of an old friend. , "And under the leadership of those ancient dragons, many elemental dragons at that time had certain spell-like abilities."

"That is to say, all the elemental dragons related to the Shurima Empire use some magic?" Ino blinked, "Elemental magic?"

"It's not casting spells, it's just using elements instinctively." Kalya denied the idea of ​​elemental magic, "How should I put it... The elemental dragon is rough and thick, and has amazing elemental resistance, so they can use the most primitive The method, directly manipulating the elements, is different from building a spell model and infusing magic power in casting spells. The elemental dragon directly gathers the power of the elements, and then sprays them out. I don’t know exactly what it can do, but it always has destructive power.”

Ino was a little stunned when he heard this—the description of spell-like ability is really apt. If it is really what Karya said, then this is indeed not a spellcasting.

"These two dragons have no intention of using spell-like abilities, and they move their mouths as soon as they come up, so it must be that the wild dragon has not escaped." Kalya concluded, "I am afraid that the wild dragon is not very good at communicating, and you have to rely on your fists to speak. "

"But I think which one that can become a human seems to be able to communicate?"

"So for these two dragons, we have to treat them differently." Kalya concluded, "In this case, let's make a difference first!"


Shyvana struggled to cope with Ivar's attacks.

As a "mature" female dragon, Iva is not only physically strong, but also has a lot of experience in hunting and fighting.

Except when she met a scumbag many years ago, she was once bullied by the other party's weird tricks that looked like dragon's breath but not dragon's breath, and finally became a mother half-heartedly, she had never met an opponent.

Facing Shivana, Iva felt that "the pressure is there, but not too much",
Shivana's body is still too slender, and her fighting skills are also extremely immature. Under the attack of Iva's fierce minions, she can only barely support herself in a hurry, almost without any chance of counterattack.

Every time the four dragon wings of the two dragons slapped each other, Shivana couldn't bear it.

The two dragons gnawed at each other, and Shyvana was always injured more seriously.

Relying on the advantages of his body, Iva completely suppressed Shivana, and even part of his attention was able to prevent Shivana from quickly escaping from his hands as before.

This time, Iva can be said to have made up his mind to wipe out this shameful rebellious girl on the spot!

Injury for injury, blood for blood!

In such a fierce battle, Shyvana will soon be unable to hold on.

Her unformed scales were too fragile in front of Ivar, and she didn't even need to chew on them, even the scratching of the dragon's claws could lift Shivana's armor.

Although this injury is not fatal and the pain Shivana can bear, but as the battle progresses and the injuries gradually accumulate, the damage caused by Iva's mouth and claws to Shivana will only become more and more serious. serious!

If this continues, Shyvana will not be able to hold on sooner or later!
The planned raid was destroyed by a fire, and Shivana had no choice but to start a backup plan and began to approach the water actively, intending to use the abundant water elements for self-healing and weaken Ivar's combat effectiveness.

In a distressed posture, Shivana plunged headlong into the big river beside the forest, and the dark red dragon's blood directly stained a section of the river red.

Seeing this situation, Iva let out a roar of excitement, and followed up without hesitation, plunged into the river, intending to drown this rebellious girl in his own blood.

However, after a while, Shivana got out of the water, and the condition of the whole dragon seemed to be much better; but behind her, when Ivar got out of the water, she was a little sick, obviously sick. Something is wrong...

Obviously, the two dragons have completely different adaptation levels to the water element. The water element can nourish Shivana's body, but it will make Iva fall into a weak and misfired state.

After discovering this problem, Iva could only temporarily slow down his attack, while falling behind Shivana, while shaking his body, until he completely got rid of this wet feeling, he opened his mouth again and sprayed a A flame.

Bending his slender neck, Iva let the not-so-hot dragon's breath sweep through his scales, and the spirit of the whole dragon was lifted.

After tidying up his state, Ivar threw himself at Shivana again, and started to tear off the other's scales again.

After a fight, Shivana, who was unfavorable in the battle, repeated her old tricks and fell headlong into the water again.

But this time, Iva, who had learned his lesson, did not rush into the water foolishly, but hovered at a low altitude above the water, waiting for Shivana's appearance, so that he could deal a fatal blow to her!
Iva could see clearly that although this rebellious girl could be nourished by the water element, it seemed that she was not able to swim for a long time and use the water to leave.

The dragon's blood surging in the river marked the location of Shivana, and Ivar was waiting where the blood was gurgling, waiting for Shivana to show her head!
Then, just as Iva waited for the rabbit, on the bank of the river, a piece of ice floe began to spread rapidly—on the ice floe, a mortal girl with long silver-white hair was galloping towards the battlefield.

Iva, who was waiting for Shivana to show her head, glanced at the mortal who appeared at this time, and impatiently breathed out a mouthful of dragon's breath, intending to clean up this lifeless ant.

However, what she never expected was that when the dragon's breath was exhaled, a burst of cold low temperature that even a giant dragon would feel began to spread across the river.

Under the extreme cold, the fiery dragon fire breath was exhausted in mid-air. Within three feet of Iva, snowflakes began to float in the air, fine frost appeared on her scales, and then began to rapidly Spread, forming a thin layer of ice shell at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, Iva finally realized that something was wrong, and she flapped her strong and strong wings with all her strength, while sweeping through the ice floes on her body surface, while trying to get out of the extreme cold range.

But at this moment, Shyvana under the water ejected and started again.

Caught off guard, Iva was directly bitten by the neck, the two dragons twisted together, and finally fell from a low altitude in unison, hitting the freshly frozen ice at the same time.

Ice chips splash.

 Kalya's Small Classroom · Spell-like Ability:
  After cooperating with the Shurima people, many elemental dragons have learned the same way as humans, gathering elemental energy and then throwing it out-however, they don't build spell models like humans, so that the elements Force forms spells in a relatively stable and purposeful way, but uses it purely as a dangerous energy group to attack the enemy. This method is called a spell-like ability by the University of Shurima, except for the elemental dragon In addition, there are many magical creatures with similar spell-like abilities.

  PS. Today's chapter is relatively long, and it doesn't feel good to break the chapter, so I posted a big chapter. It's a bit late, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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