Lux's Farewell

Chapter 447 [0443] Three Dragons

Since Ivar was waiting for Shyvana to emerge from the river, her flight altitude was not high.

This low-altitude flying state not only gave Ino a chance to intervene in the battle, but also allowed Shivana to seize the opportunity when Iva was trying to get rid of the shackles of the ice prison, and stepped forward to give Iva a heavy blow.

Although Shivana's throat-locking blow was not enough to cause fatal damage due to her size and bite force, but for Iva, being bitten by the Nirvana meant that there was no chance of escape.

Falling heavily on the ice floe, she could only watch helplessly as the large expanse of ice spread, and sharp ice thorns pierced out from under her body, piercing her dragon wings and scratching her scales. A, let himself and Shyvana be twisted and entangled together.

Then, when Iva was trying his best to get rid of the entanglement of the rebellious woman, Shivana finally let go of her neck—but before Iva could breathe a sigh of relief, Shivana's words almost made her very angry .

"Hurry up!" Shyvana said hurriedly, "Don't worry about me, bury me with her!"

What a rebellious girl, you really would rather die by yourself than drag me along!
Iva doesn't know why Shivana is doing this, but she doesn't intend to go to hell with this rebellious girl—in fact, giant dragons are very life-saving animals, and Shivana can keep escaping from Iva's hands even though she is not an opponent. The main reason is that Ivar doesn't want to get hurt too badly.

In Iva's view, it's not worth exchanging injuries with this rebellious woman, let alone exchanging lives for lives?

So, when Shivana opened her mouth, regardless of her left wing being torn apart, she abruptly broke away from Shivana's entanglement, kicked off with both feet, lowered her head and used the dragon's horn to abruptly push away the enveloping Ino. The ice prison above his head.

Must fly!
As long as he flies into the sky, that annoying mage will have nothing to do with him!

Iva's escape went smoothly. Ino seemed to be brewing a large-scale spell, so he didn't distract himself from strengthening his ice prison. After Iva paid the price of tearing the skin of his left wing into strips and breaking a section of his tail, He really pulled himself out of this icy prison!
Although the flying posture became crooked and the climbing speed was pitifully slow, Iva still raised his head and let out a happy roar.

You damned mortals!
You pissed me off!
I, Iva, the Evil of Dragon Flame, even if I lower my head and beg for that dragon slag in Xutar, you will have to pay the price in blood!
Despicable Demacians!

Shameless rebel!

You are screwed!
Iva has the determination to take revenge, but unfortunately, this determination came a little early - because when she screamed up to the sky, her huge dragon body had not yet escaped from Yinuo's spell casting range.

You know, because of the icy blood, when Ino releases frost spells, he generally doesn't need to prepare. It basically belongs to the state of "pressing both hands on the ground, and whatever you want will appear".

But this time, judging from the fact that Ino's spellcasting had a rather long spellcasting delay, and that she was indifferent even when Iva broke away from the control of the ice prison, the spell she prepared was definitely not ordinary.

And the reality is the same - even Karya needs to contribute to help build part of the spell model, and the master and apprentice work together to complete the "bankrupt version" of this spell.

When the spell was completed, the ice floes under Ino's body completely disappeared, but when she was about to sink into the river, a huge elemental dragon nearly a hundred feet long and made entirely of frost rose up in the river. head.

Ino shook his dizzy head, and after heaved a sigh of relief, he finally sat safely on the dragon head.

The giant dragon Iva stared dumbfounded at this ice dragon, which looked like a living elemental dragon, and stopped abruptly in the middle of its happy roar—you know, as an adult dragon, Iva's body length includes the tail , just less than fifty feet.

Moreover, like most elemental dragons, Iva is also slender. She has wide wings, a slender tail and neck, and she is quite flexible whether she is flying, gnawing or pounced.

But this ice dragon is different, it is completely made of ice, and its flight relies more on magic, so its body is quite thick and strong.

(Actually, the flying module of this ice dragon is provided and controlled by Kalya. Elemental flight is an advanced application of elemental magic, which requires a considerable degree of skill. Ino now has sufficient magic power, but he does not know this spell; and As one of the manipulators of Monolith Fortress back then, Kalya is quite familiar with this spell.)
Unlike the nimble Ivar, this ice dragon flaps its wings symbolically, like a sky fortress, although because Ino didn't spend much effort on shaping its shape, this ice dragon looks a bit unintelligent , but the magic ripples rippling in the space when he acted still gave Iva a creepy feeling.

Eva obviously wouldn't know that this ice dragon was made by Ino and Kalya. She could only feel that this ordinary-looking little girl was more terrifying than that dragon slag just by doing it alone!

That dragon slag clearly said that he returned to continue Tal in order to advance to the ancient dragon!
Are mortals so scary?
Forget it, I don't want to deal with that rebellious girl anymore, let her be dealt with by Long Zha, I'll slip away first.

Anyway... this ice dragon looks clumsy, probably not very flexible.

Thinking of this, Iva flapped her wings and ran away without the slightest hesitation—even considering the serious injury of her left wing, which would affect her flight, she also took the initiative to breathe dragon flames to the lower left, intending to speed up her climb and escape.

Can't afford to provoke, can I still not hide?

It's a pity that she really can't hide.

Elemental flight is not an ordinary flying spell. This kind of spell is specially used to free elemental creations from the shackles of gravity. During the Shurima Empire period, a flying city was forcibly floated, allowing it to freely avoid various attacks of void creatures. And cracking rays!
Under the effect of the elemental flying technique, the elemental creations are not only not affected by gravity, but also have amazing carrying capacity-so, Kalya does not need to apply the elemental flying technique to the entire ice dragon, but only needs to apply the elemental flying technique to the ice dragon. Casting spells on part of the body is enough to make it fly freely in the air in various jaw-dropping ways!

You know, even the elemental dragon is extremely dependent on its wings when flying!

But this ice dragon, those wings are actually used to deceive people, just to make Iva think that this dragon is not flying fast!

Obviously, the "simple-minded" Iva was fooled.

She tried her best to fly, pull up, and even did "breath boost" at all costs, but finally reached a height of [-] feet. When she looked up, the ice dragon had already rushed in front of her.

Eva was dumbfounded.

Then, she was astonished to find that this ice dragon seemed to be mocking and irritating herself, so she didn't act any more. The pair of wings remained motionless, completely relying on it, and the magic kept flying!
Although he was still running for his life, Iva still let out roars full of hatred.

It's a pity, no matter how angry she is at this time, it doesn't make sense.

The Frost Giant Dragon, which was waiting for work, opened its mouth, and a mouthful of icy breath came towards it.

Iva never expected that the breath of this artificial ice dragon was really similar to the breath of a dragon—when the breath was added to her body, she only felt a bone-chilling chill that made her soul almost tremble !
As a layer of fine hoarfrost began to spread on the body surface, Iva had no choice but to stop climbing to the sky with the breath of the dragon, folded his wings, and began to descend on his own initiative.

The speed of this ice dragon is too fast. If you escape head-on, your wings will be injured, and you will not be able to escape no matter what. You should be more flexible and look for opportunities to go to the mountains!

Interesting to say, in the past, Shivana relied on the mountains and forests to avoid Iva's pursuit. Unexpectedly, now, it was Iva who went to the mountains to avoid the pursuit of this set of ice dragons!

It's a pity that Iva obviously didn't know how amazing the speed of this ice dragon was - just as she descended and accelerated with the force of the dive, the frost dragon also followed a trajectory that was almost completely parallel to her, It started to move down, and while moving, it kept breathing the dragon's breath.

This is not the most excessive.

The most exaggerated thing is that in order to keep spraying Iva all the time, this ice dragon flies with its butt forward and head down when it descends, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

Even Iva, who had made up his mind to run for his life, couldn't get angry after seeing this scene--good guy, you created such a dragon shape, in fact, to confuse me, right?
According to the flying method of this "Frost Dragon", why don't you be a hockey puck?
Do you want to kill the dragon?

It's a pity that it's too late for Iva to realize this now.

Before she got out of the range of the frosty breath and changed her flight direction for the second time, the thicker ice layer had already wrapped her whole body.

The coldness eroded Iva's consciousness. Even if she tried to flap her wings and break the seal-like ice, her eyelids were still getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, Iva, whose body was completely stiff, plunged into the river. After splashing a lot of water, he quickly turned his belly up and floated on the water like a dead fish. drifting.

The next moment, Ino felt that a layer of solid ice floated up from under Iva's body, completely lifting her body up.

Then, the Frost Dragon under Ino's body was separated from its head, and its head was still suspended in the air with Ino on its back, while its body exposed a hollow cavity, which directly wrapped Iva's body in it, and finally turned into A large iceberg.

After finishing all this, Ino finally landed back on the iceberg, drifted along with the iceberg, and quickly rushed to the forest that hadn't completely extinguished.


Shyvana watched all this happen, her mind went blank for a moment.

What happened just now is beyond Shivana's understanding of human beings. In her perception, her adoptive father is a "normal human spellcaster". The only thing that can be done with Ivar's anger is delaying time.

But Yinuo completely defeated Iva in the frontal battle, and even easily sealed her in a thick iceberg!

Shivana didn't understand sealing spells, but she could clearly feel that even if she was face to face, she had lost the perception of being connected with Ivar's blood.

Is this... really something humans can do?

Or is she, like herself, a giant dragon in human form, and the creation of your frost dragon just now is just a disguise?
Just when Shivana's head was in a mess, Ino finally let out a long breath and found her on his own initiative.

"Let me introduce myself." Ino smiled and looked at Shivana who seemed to be a little confused, and created a small-scale blizzard, suppressing the dragon fire that had not been completely extinguished, "My name is Ino, yes Elder of the Silent Man of the Demacia Illuminati, an extraordinary mage."

Shyvana blinked her eyes. She didn't know what the light would be, let alone the Reticent Man. Fortunately, through her adoptive father, she at least knew what an extraordinary person was—an extraordinary thing, a dragon is an extraordinary existence.

For a powerful existence, Shyvana naturally had to maintain respect, so she nodded, and introduced herself in common language: "My name is Shyvana, I am... a dragon, the Yi who was defeated and sealed by you just now." Wa, it's my mother."

"Mother?" Ino's eyes widened in astonishment, "I saw her wanting to kill you!"

"This... this is a complicated story." Shyvana didn't want to say too much on this issue, "Because of my human form, she regards my existence as a shame, so she chased and killed me all the way."

Ino didn't speak, just nodded, but he couldn't help but complained to Kalya in his heart: "There is nothing wrong with what you said, the dragons are really just a group of beasts."

"But the one in front of you may be an exception." Carya said, "Talk to her more, maybe we will have unexpected gains."

"Miss Shivana." Ino continued with a smile when he heard the words, "I am currently forming an air force for the defensive city in the northwest of Demacia. If possible, I hope to invite you to be one of us." member."

"Me? Be one of you?" Shyvana's eyes widened in astonishment. "Are you inviting a dragon?"

"That's right, even because you are a dragon." Ino nodded without hesitation, "Forsbarrow invites anyone who is talented and willing to abide by order to join and work together to build a better future."

Ino's words made Shivana a little confused.

Don't think Shyvana is a dragon, but to be honest, her experience along the way has nothing to do with beauty.

Although her adoptive father was a greedy mage explorer, he chose to wash his hands after seeing Shyvana break out of his shell. This middle-aged man used his savings for many years and settled in Piltover , wanting to raise this baby girl who has a special fate with him to grow up.

In Piltover, although Shivana was born in a well-to-do family, her different appearance still attracted a lot of strange eyes—of course, due to the body modification of Piltover Hex, Her horns and scales are more often seen as a symbol of personality, so she had a good childhood.

However, because of the arrival of Lux and Ino, many things happened in the two cities. When the Noxus reached out, Shivana's adoptive father finally realized that Piltover could not stay any longer.

As a Noxian, he knew exactly what a dragon meant to Noxus.

Therefore, when the Zaun mine exploded and Noxus exerted its influence without scruple, he immediately left Piltover with Shyvana.

Then, shortly after they left Piltover, Ivar's other dragon eggs hatched, and Ivar Benlong followed the guidance of the blood and found Shivana.

After a dragon fire, Shyvana lost her adoptive father and started a wandering journey from Stonewall Town.

Shyvana, who was forced to stand on her own, climbed mountains and ridges along the way, and truly saw the sufferings of the world——Different from when she was in Piltover, many city-state residents in Valoran rejected outsiders. Outsiders from normal people.

Since Shyvana grew up in human society, she instinctively longed to become a member of society, so in this case, she could only hide her figure in the shadows and hide her face under the hood , feeling a rare warmth belonging to order on the fringes of society.

The bestial nature of a dragon sometimes makes Shyvana yearn for blood, but where does the humanity of a human make her yearn for order and maintain kindness? During this torment, Shyvana has to avoid the pursuit from Ivar— — It is no exaggeration to say that it is a miracle that she did not completely fall into the darkness and become a real beast!
This unpleasant experience has developed Shivana's cautious character. On the one hand, she hopes to live normally in human society, but on the other hand, she is afraid that she will be rejected by others or that she will not be able to control her animal nature and cause disaster.

In the past, this was a one-sided desire, as no city-state would accept an outsider who seemed strange enough.

But now, Ino said generously that we need a talent like you, which made Shivana a bit vigilant in addition to being pleasantly surprised.

The last people who wanted to accept her were a few Noxus explorers, but these guys said that they accepted Shivana on the surface, but in fact they took a fancy to her peculiar appearance and thought she was a vastaya. Think she can fetch a good price.

That experience is one of the memories Shyvana is least willing to recall. Although those bastards have been destroyed by the dragon flames, after killing them, Shyvana almost completely lost her mind due to anger—if not At the last moment, she came to her senses. I'm afraid those bastards will not only be burned to death, but their bodies will not be left behind.

Once things got to that point, Shyvana simply didn't know what kind of things she would be dominated by animal nature!
"Where's Fossbarrow?" she asked cautiously. "And what do you mean by inviting me?"

Hearing Shivana's question, Ino's eyes lit up.

I'm not afraid that you have questions, but I'm afraid that you don't even want to ask!
"Fossbarrow is located in the northwest of the Kingdom of Demacia, and is an important border town of Demacia." Taking out the map and unfolding it in front of Shivana, Ino eloquently introduced, "Lord Lak Earl Shanna has been recognized by the kingdom, and a large number of demon-infested people have immigrated here to jointly build a city that is completely different from Demacia in the past..."

Shyvana blinked, noncommittal.

"In Demacia in the past, demons have always been an excluded group..."

Without Kalya's reminder, Ino was keenly aware of Shyvana's scruples and desires, so he directly focused the topic on "Fossbarrow is eclectic and doesn't care about membership" - Demacia is so forbidden. We all still firmly believe that magic is not a disaster, even if a person infected with magic is like this, let alone a kind dragon?

I've heard the song Double Dragon Meeting!
In order to enhance his persuasiveness, Ino even tapped the time and sang the "Double Dragon Club" that the bard sang to himself - just halfway through the singing, Shivana's face was completely red, and the high temperature warned .

However, the high temperature is high temperature, Shivana is still inevitably moved at this time.

If there is such a place where you can accept yourself and not treat yourself as a different kind or a slave... maybe you can go and see it?
"What about Iva?" Shivana interrupted Ino's gradually out-of-key singing, "What about her?"

"She will join us too!" Ino looked confident, "She will be the best combat partner of the Air Force soldiers!"

"How is this possible?" Shivana said incredulously, "Ivar is very cruel, and she won't be tamed easily."

"You can rest assured about this." Ino smiled again, "My teacher is the best dragon trainer in Runeterra who can persuade dragons!"

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