Lux's Farewell

448 How to train your dragon [0444]

448 How to train your dragon [0444]
When Iva woke up, she was in a prison of ice.

As a fire elemental dragon, Iva naturally hates ice—in fact, not only ice, she will feel very uncomfortable when she comes into contact with other elements besides fire element, just like shadow creatures will feel uncomfortable when they come to Runeterra. Like dissipating and distorting, although the elemental dragon is a flesh and blood creature, it does have an elemental side.

However, what surprised Iva was that facing such an icy cage, she didn't feel any chill or bone-piercing, and even Ben Long felt an indescribable comfort as if he had been lying in a crater before. ...

What's happening here?
Iva raised his head, his eyes fell on his injured and broken left wing, and he was shocked to find that the torn membrane had been repaired, but on the repaired membrane, the originally dark red scales had now turned into shimmering light. Silver-white fine scales with blue brilliance.

Blinking, Iva's eyes flashed with human confusion.

How did I change my appearance?
Iva struggled to get up, but her body seemed a little too weak. Even if she tried to support her body with her wings, she couldn't hold it up. On her chest, the once powerful dragon heart, Now it is shrinking slowly, gently, and regularly.

Someone tampered with him!
Iva really wanted to smash the cage and find that despicable person, but unfortunately, in such a state, it was difficult for her to even move.

Ivar needs a break.

Helplessly lying on the cold ground, Iva realized that there was actually a piece of solid ice under him.

"Are you awake?" Just as Iva was still trying to remember what happened before, a gentle voice appeared beside her, "The transformation was successful, Miss Iva, you are already a frost dragon .”

"Who's there?" Iva turned his head hard, "Who is it?"

"it's me."

Under Iva's astonished eyes, she saw a piece of gravel that seemed to be like red gold appearing out of thin air, and then gathered sand into a tower, converging into an elegant body - and compared with Iva's body, this body at least twenty feet high.

Ivako had never seen such a giant.

On this giant's face, a mask made entirely of gold completely covered his own face, and the corners of the mask's mouth were raised exaggeratedly, making the whole mask look festive.

However, I don't know why, after Iva saw this smiling face, the whole dragon couldn't help shivering, a kind of fear from the heart spread silently, making it almost impossible for her to control herself.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Iva, I have no malicious intentions." The giant spread his hands, passed through the ice cage, and sat down generously beside Iva, "Look, I didn't pull out your tendons, and I didn't covet your heart, didn't even draw blood, and even generously transformed your attributes into ice that is more suitable for the environment, and healed your trauma—"

"You did it?!" Iva roared angrily, but to her surprise, what she roared was not a dragon roar that made people tremble, but an ancient byte language, "You What did you do to me?"

"A trivial modification." The smile on the mask grew wider, "How about changing from flames to ice, do you think this ice cage makes you very comfortable?"

"...This is shameless blasphemy!"

After a moment of bewilderment, Iva opened his mouth wide and began to breathe out—however, what she never expected was that the other party just snapped his fingers lightly, and the cold ice that she finally brewed The breath just got stuck in his throat, turning into a squib.

"Don't get excited, Miss Iva." The giant shook his head, "You haven't quite adapted to the ice element yet, and your body is also very weak. Blind anger can easily hurt your own body—so, it's best to be quiet now. Cultivate, and wait for the time to return to Runeterra."

"Return to Runeterra?" Iva was a little confused, "Who are you? Where is this? What are you going to do?"

"I am Karya, the contractor of the elemental dragon; this is my world, and it is also one of the training schools for the elemental dragon to advance to the ancient dragon; I want to make a deal with you."

Eva was dumbfounded.

She has never heard of Kalya, but she heard a certain dragon slag mention the contractor of the elemental dragon and the academy for further study—according to what the dragon slag said, it is precisely because there is no longer a contractor for the elemental dragon in Yixutar , There is no ancient dragon training academy in Shurima, so he left himself and went to continue Orcan, borrowing the help of a thing called "Vidalian", and embarked on the path of the ancient dragon.

Although the facts proved that the dragon slag was just running away with an excuse and was irresponsible, but the elemental dragon contractor and the training academy seemed to be real?

And also met by himself?
An indescribable joy filled Iva's heart, and she almost instantly thought of how she was promoted to the ancient dragon and the hammer dragon slag.

However, the giant dragon is not a fool. Although Iva's thinking went astray at the moment of emotional excitement, she quickly came to her senses and looked at the giant in front of her with hesitation.

"Are you an elemental dragon contractor?" She growled softer, "How do you prove it?"

"You are not the elemental dragon of Yixu Tal, right?" The other party did not answer this question, but asked instead, "It seems that you have not received the knowledge inheritance inside the elemental dragon?"

"Answer my question!" Ivar urged, "Now is my time to ask."

"I changed your element attributes, and this is the proof."

Eva was speechless.

She really wanted to ask another question, "Why did you change my elemental attributes to be the contractor of the elemental dragon", but she couldn't ask it out—it seemed that this should be the content of the "internal inheritance of the elemental dragon" that the other party said?

"Take it easy, little girl."

As if looking at a child, this strange giant stretched out his hand, wiped Iva's nose, then gently grabbed her forehead and horns, then rubbed her slender neck, and helped her completely spread out. Double Dragon Wing.

Under the caress of this pair of big hands that seemed to be full of magic power, Iva's entire dragon completely relaxed, and lay limply on the ice.

"As a dragon contractor, I have seen more elemental dragons and ancient dragons than you have ever seen—so, believe me, I even know your body structure better than you."

Iva's originally relaxed face suddenly became stiff.

"That's right, I did personally dissect a few disobedient dragons." The other party still said to himself, "But that's because they wantonly destroy human villages and cities, relying on their own strength to create damage, I Do you think Miss Iva would not do this?"

Ivar blinked his eyes, then nodded mysteriously.

"That's right." The giant seemed very satisfied, "The elemental dragon contractor is the witness of the cooperation between humans and elemental dragons. I can help you become an ancient dragon, but as a price, you have to recruit for me... ..."

As he spoke, he introduced in detail the contract rules he made with the elemental dragon as the contractor of the elemental dragon.

According to the contract, the elemental dragon needs to be recruited by the elemental contractor and fight for the elemental dragon contractor in the form of allies; and as a reward, the elemental dragon contractor will give back the elemental dragon's abundant magic power and help The elemental dragon checks the body, detects magic power, and guides it on the path of the ancient dragon.

This is a win-win contract in the true sense, but the degree to which the two parties win is somewhat different—it is not an easy task to be recruited to fight, and if they die in battle, the elemental dragon will have no reward at all.

Therefore, in the contract, the elemental dragon can designate a "beneficiary dragon". If he dies, the other party does not need to be recruited, and can also enjoy the direct upgrade service from the elemental dragon to the ancient dragon.

But it is a pity that for Iva, this one is not the same-she is not a highly socialized "cooked dragon", but an out-and-out wild dragon. There is not much willingness to raise offspring, and most of the time, behavioral decisions are completely based on instinctive bestiality.

It was also for this reason that she regarded Shivana as a shame, and vowed to kill her along the way—if it was exchanged for the elemental dragon of Xutar, maybe Shivana would be regarded as a treasure by them!

However, although this contract is an "unsecured contract", Ivar doesn't have any room to negotiate conditions.

Precisely because most of the time he is driven by animal nature, Iva is somewhat bullying.

Now that she is in a weak state and has just been forced to change her elemental attributes, it is the time when she is powerless to resist; and the other party is unfathomable, and seems to be very familiar with the habits and body of the dragon. According to the principle that the dragon is under the eaves, you have to bow your head", Iva can only honestly follow the other party's will and sign the elemental dragon contract.

So, under the guidance of the other party, according to the other party's request, Iva slowly "draws" a number of mysterious stripes connected together on the ice surface under his body by exhaling.

When the lines were closed, a strange light lit up, and after the light dissipated, the wondrous rune that Iva had just drawn was imprinted on her chest.

This is the first time Iva has come into contact with the power of the contract - when this cunning elemental dragon agreed to the contract, he still thought of making false claims, and turned around and ran away when he regained his freedom. With just an ordinary heartbeat, she could feel the power of the contract.

Are you really playing? !


In the small world, Carya is successfully carrying out her own dragon training business.

Outside the small world, Ino and Shivana are also getting to know each other through small talk.

Shyvana is not a talkative person (dragon), so most of the time Eno is talking and Shyvana is listening-however, when Eno occasionally mentions Piltover and Zaun, They quickly found a common topic.

Although she grew up in Piltover, Shivana knew almost nothing about Zaun. Her adoptive father absolutely forbade her from getting close to Zaun. Any bad thoughts are bad.

Under such circumstances, Shyvana wanted to visit Zaun since she was a child. Although people in Piltover said that Zaun was dirty and messy, but because of her special background, Shyvana had always believed in her own eyes. Not someone else's description.

Unfortunately, until the Noxians showed their influence on Piltover and Shyvana was forced to move, she never got the chance to actually visit Zaun.

Therefore, she asked Ino a lot about "what kind of city Zaun is".

She obviously asked the right person this question.

As one of the investigators of the Shuangcheng Social Survey, and as the secretary-general of Zaun, Eno can spread his hands and say, "No one knows Zaun better than me."

Although a lot of specific data can no longer be remembered (after all, not everyone has the amazing memory and mental arithmetic ability of Kalya), Ino still knows all aspects of Zaun.

In her narration, Shyvana clearly felt the amazing vitality of a new city.

"I really want to see it." Listening to Ino's story, Shyvana finally showed some nostalgia and yearning, "Is Vazuan right? This feeling of being united is so good!"

For Shivana, who has been on the fringes of society all year round, there is nothing better than everyone being united and accepting each other. She was born as a dragon of a different species, and she does not lack strength or ambition. For her, power and wealth are meaningless, but tolerance, acceptance and unity that many people don't care about are precious to her.

"If you want, you can go back and have a look." Ino said with a smile, "Iva will no longer yell at you, and you can travel long distances by yourself to Piltover during your vacation. Husband, look."

"Really?" Shivana hesitated, "Iva will really give up chasing me?"

Subconsciously glanced at Iva's huge body lying on the ice, Shivana was astonished to find that the color of her body began to dim visibly to the naked eye?
This, what's the situation?
"Don't be nervous, it's normal." Ino reassured, "My teacher is transforming her attributes so that she can better adapt to the cold conditions in the north - the Frost Dragon is easier to absorb elements and advance in Fossbarrow. Ancient dragon."

"Iva might not easily keep her promise." Shyvana was still a little worried, "Compared to serving mankind according to the rules, she might be more willing to create destruction and kill."

"It's not a promise, it's a contract." Yinuo shook his head lightly after hearing the words, "A contract cannot be violated. If you accept power, you must bear the price of power. This is a fact that cannot be violated."

Shivana blinked her eyes, smacking at Ino's seemingly casual words, but subtly gained something.

"Speaking of which, Shyvana, do you have a teacher?"

"Teacher?" Shyvana was stunned for a moment. "When I was very young, my father tried to find me a teacher who taught me how to read, write and Hex technology."

"What about magic?" Ino nodded and continued to ask, "And how to control the body in the form of a dragon, how to control your own wildness?"


Shyvana did not answer, but showed a puzzled expression—obviously, in her opinion, this part of the content was something that the teacher couldn't teach.

Shyvana was the only dragon in human form after all, and no one had experience teaching her.

"Perhaps, I can introduce Teacher Kalya to you." Ino cheerfully recommended, "The teacher knows a lot, and he knows a lot about dragons. He may have a way to help you control the power of the dragon and curb the beastly attack." impulse."

"Really?" Shyvana's eyes lit up, "Will he be willing to help me?"

"Of course, I can guarantee that he will be very willing!" Eno patted his chest and promised tremblingly, "He will never reject a gifted student—in terms of knowledge, no one is more generous than him Generous!"

"But my father said that for a spellcaster, knowledge is the most precious source of power..."

"Don't worry, he will definitely be willing!" Ino glanced at Iva, who had almost completely turned silvery white, and said with a smile, "Come on, Shivana, call senior sister first!"

Shivana heard that, although her expression didn't change much, she always felt a little subtle in her heart - she found that this guy who was so cool in the battle would often bring a little bit of emotion when he talked about his teacher. banter.

This gave Shivana a strange feeling, as if... Ino's teacher is not a serious person!
Shaking her head, Shyvana shook off this offensive thought, and then looked at Ivar as well.

Even though he didn't meet Ino's teacher, he was able to remotely change Iva's elemental attributes. According to his father, the difficulty of casting spells from a long distance would be doubled. From this point of view, that Mr. Kalya was at least one An unimaginable powerhouse.

But according to Yinuo, such a powerful person is willing to bend down and unite everyone...

Perhaps, he is really a very suitable and respectable teacher for me?

Just as Shivana was secretly guessing what kind of person Kalya was, Iva, who had been unconscious before, finally opened his eyes.

She crawled up from the ice and sneezed several times uncontrollably, freezing and shattering the surrounding vegetation. Then she flapped her wings, planning to catapult off and soar into the sky.

Then, under her neck, an ordinary dull scale on her chest suddenly shone brightly. The next moment, Iva seemed to be a high paraplegic, and his body after this scale lost control. I fell headfirst.

"Kalya!" Lying on the ground again with his belly up, Iva twisted his neck and uttered a series of obscenities clearly in ancient Shurima, "I f*****,* ***! Carya, you ****, just wait for me—"

Although Shivana couldn't understand Ivar's words at all, but at this moment, she was greatly shocked.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Dragons and Contracts:
  The Shurima Empire signed an elemental dragon contract with some elemental dragons. The elemental dragons fought for the empire. The empire provided the elemental dragons with enough elemental magic power to support their evolution into ancient dragons. Therefore, during the Icathian War, Dushi also has many "guardian dragons".

  With the end of the war and the split of the Shurima Empire, the elemental dragon followed the "knowledge", left the increasingly barren Shurima, went east to continue Tal, and disappeared into the dense forest.

  Most of the elemental dragons active in places other than Exutal today are "wild dragons" without inheritance, while in Exutal, some elemental dragons still maintain their contracts with humans.

  PS. The main symphony of S12 came out this year, it's very nice!

(End of this chapter)

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