Lux's Farewell

Chapter 449 About the red and blue of Demacia, briefly organize and talk about it

Chapter 449 About the red and blue of Demacia, briefly organize and talk about it

I'm about to write about the construction of Forsbarrow.

I am a bit ambitious in this part, hoping to write something different from farming in the usual sense.

In fact, from the very beginning of the book, many readers had doubts about "why there should be unity in the extraordinary world", and felt that this book was popular for the sake of popularity.

And this question is actually in the previous volume of Huangsha [-] Li. I have already given many answers through side descriptions-even in the extraordinary world, extraordinary power is not generated out of thin air. Unite more people and give them The opportunity for education, even in the extraordinary world, means more extraordinary people.

The threat of the void is always there.

But the last time the gap in the void was closed, the Shurima Empire was almost exhausted. So, if you want to really solve the problem of the void, is it useful to rely on one or two heroes?
In other words, can one, two, three, five, or dozens of heroes compare to Shurima's thousand-strong Ascension Legion?

Under such circumstances, shouldn't the best way be to set off a reform in Demacia, vigorously promote magic education, update the social structure, promote the industrialization of magic in Demacia, which has richer natural conditions and population resources, and let Demacia Can West Asia train and support an army that knows why it needs to fight the void and is capable of fighting the void head-on?

And to train this army, Demacia must face up to magic.

To support the consumption of this army, Demacia must increase productivity.

1 miserable peasants support a magic master to throw fireballs, no matter what, it is no better than [-] magic-educated farmers using magic or slag to catalyze farmland production, and [-] magic-educated workers manufacturing professional equipment and tools. Thousands of people who have undergone various professional educations perform social responsibilities and jointly pay taxes. Two thousand full-time mages throw fireballs.

In fact, although it is a League of Legends fan, there are two points in this book that I have been trying to emphasize repeatedly: one is that power always has a price, even the ascension ceremony of the Shurima Empire will always lead to the separation of the upper and lower layers The other is that the meaning of magic is not only about throwing fireballs, not just about fighting-compared with destruction, magic is actually more valuable in creation.

But to transform magic into productive forces, it is necessary to popularize education that makes magic controllable, to have a large government with a stable social structure, and to do great things with all its strength.

It is not an exaggeration to say that when it comes to "doing big things", it is impossible not to be popular.

Even if it’s just a League of Legends fan work that can’t be filmed and out of the circle, I also hope that what I write is a rich and logical Runeterra, not one that can conquer the world with love and peace with one person’s power Simple stories, I have written several of that kind of stories.

Many ideas were immature before, and I didn’t think about it clearly. I only had a vague concept and impression, so it was often difficult to justify myself after writing, and I had to introduce some new settings and the like.

The grades of this book are not bad, both the fluency and the content of the writing can be regarded as some progress, I am very embarrassed when I ask for leave, and it is a bit "non-mainstream" in the online text, so I can't help but say so much, I hope you all Readers can understand.

Sorry to be so blunt.

Then, here's the part of the picture that isn't visible:
In fact, the main purpose of this chapter is to ask for a leave of absence. Recently, I have learned a lot from reading, and I have reorganized the details of the red and blue parts, and it took me some time.

PS. Tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival may have to go out for dinner, and the supplementary update is estimated to be the day after tomorrow. I am very sorry.

Gan!I didn't notice that it was posted as a VIP chapter!I'm guilty!
I can't change it to a normal chapter, I will make it up for free in the next chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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