Lux's Farewell

Chapter 451 Extra Chapter Part 1 Sona: The Vitality of Music

In Demacia, enjoying music is a very common, but somewhat luxurious thing.

The reason why the music is ordinary is that in rural taverns, there are often bards resident there, and they only need to pay three or five coppers to get them to take out the five-string or seven-string qin in their arms. , moved quickly.

Although most of the time, they play the tunes passed down from generation to generation, and the content is also familiar stories. Generally speaking, there is no novelty, but at least the price is fair.

If you want to hear more new products with a little color... then you have to pay more.

For the conservative Demacia, this is already a very "exciting" entertainment project - if it is more exciting, it will be illegal. If the magistrate finds out, he will be invited to sit in the security station up.

However, although it is not expensive to hire a bard to play and sing a song, in Demacia where the commodity economy is not developed and most farmers rely on self-sufficiency, it is not expensive for people with spare money to hire a bard to play and sing a song. many.

After paying the taxes to the nobles, the peasants need to keep enough food for the family for one year and seeds for the next year, and the rest can be considered for sale.

Most of the proceeds from the sale will be used for the new year’s daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, clothes and tools, and those who are free to go to taverns to listen to music will mostly be labeled as "prodigal".

So, don't look at these bards staying in the tavern with their pianos all day long, and there is a limited supply of free drinks from the cooperative tavern owner every day, but in fact the bulk of their income comes from the master of ceremonies such as weddings and funerals and play.

After all, who is a decent person who has the time to go to a pub every day and spend his hard-earned money listening to tunes?

And if someone wants to listen to a little "more advanced" music, then they have to work a little harder-the choir of the Illuminati will hold a tour in Demacia, and every time they go, they will be in the auditorium of the local Illuminati Set up a stage outside and play the music of the Illuminati.

Different from folk music, the choir of the Illuminati has always maintained a study of music, and has always hoped that music can be innovated. Therefore, almost every tour will change the content of the performance. For ordinary people who have little exposure to music, Illuminati The choir tour is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to get in touch with music up close.


Sona, who was on tour for the first time, was not used to this chaotic environment.

Sona, who was born as an orphan, is not a young lady who does not eat fireworks, otherwise she would not take the initiative to participate in the front line of the show.

After all, for most "high status" choir musicians, this kind of tour often means a vacation in the country, and they don't need to descend to play for those who have "no taste".

Their performances will only appear in the banquet halls of the local lords.

But Sona was different.

Unlike Lux, who purely uses art as a tool, Sona also has something to pursue in terms of music. Standing on the stage during the tour and performing in front of the public is not only because of Sona's respect for nobles and commoners. Treating everyone equally is also because she is pursuing more energetic music.

She wanted her music to be echoed by commoner audiences, not polite compliments from aristocrats.

But in the very beginning, she played poorly.

Not to mention getting feedback, amidst the sound of the piano, even the audience in the front row showed a drowsy appearance, which undoubtedly made Sona quite disappointed.

Is your own music so uninspiring without using magic?
A senior who often participated in such performances answered her doubts.

"What you just played almost brought tears to my eyes, but it was too tactful for the audience in front of me."

Sona blinked.

"For them, music is a novelty, something that allows them to relax after busy work, rather than something that takes extra time and energy to understand."

Sona suddenly realized.

This was the first time she clearly realized the huge difference between commoners and nobles.

It was also the first time she was pleasantly surprised to realize what was missing in her previous music.

In addition, this also answers a question that has always troubled Sona: the noble council has always strictly guarded against the Illuminati's influence on the grassroots, and even imposed many restrictions on the Illuminati's missionary work, but why did the lords everywhere Will support the tour of the Illuminati.

Before, Sona thought that this was because the local lords needed the internal information about Xiongdu revealed by the Illuminati, and that the Illuminati took advantage of the gap between the foreign lords and the nobles of Xiongdu.

But now it seems that this is not a kind of confidence.

Maybe the people will be happy to listen to the novel music brought by the Illuminati, but they will not take the time to understand the religious meaning.

Only the most straightforward and direct missionary sermons can truly let the people understand the intention of the Illuminati.

After figuring this out, Sona quickly developed a brand new style in her follow-up performances. She chose the songs that are most easily accepted by ordinary people and are often used in weddings and funerals, and great sadness and joy as the basis. Adapt and extend the original folk song repertoire.

Unsurprisingly, this kind of performance was a great success. This time, no one was drowsy, and the audience in the front row even yelled loudly and with red faces.

After the performance, Sona even heard someone vowing, "When I marry a wife, I must invite this lady to play", but she was ridiculed in turn, "You dare to invite her, your new wife will twist your ears." come down".

Although the vulgar words made Sona blush, she also felt the vitality contained in the music once again when she was blushing—perhaps, the vitality of music is not only in the music itself.

It is more about the needs and desires of the audience.


Carya's Little Classroom·Illuminati Tour Performance:
In the case of being squeezed out by the noble council, the Illuminati thought of many ways to expand its influence among the people. In addition to the most effective charity, the Illuminati also made a lot of effort in the field of art.

However, it is a pity that these efforts often have little effect-many noble children will "deviate" and move closer to the Illuminati because of their pursuit of art, but among the people, the art of the Illuminati has hardly caused a splash.

Perhaps, more concise teachings are the correct direction for the development of the Illuminati. Without this foundation, other efforts of the Illuminati will ultimately be nothing but castles in the air.

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