Lux's Farewell

452 [0446] Two Worlds

Ino cleaned up his hands and began to divert to Mi Silver City.

And in the capital of Demacia, Lux's conferring ceremony has finally officially begun.

The majestic and majestic square that had been trampled by Galio several times before was finally repaired. Not only that, the royal family also funded and built a high platform specially used for the honor ceremony. A platform for speeches.

There is no doubt that Demacia will hold a special ceremony for this conferring ceremony.

No one knew Lax's real plan. From the perspective of Jarvan III and the noble council, Earl Laxana was an out-and-out model of nobility, and once again used a method that was almost self-sacrificing to stop the tentacles extended by the Illuminati.

Although gratitude is a rare quality for politicians, for those who are "not a threat to themselves", people usually do not hesitate to treat them with a little face.

Look, we have a lot of respect for climbers!

On the day of the conferring ceremony, gongs and drums blared, firecrackers blared, red flags fluttered, and there were huge crowds of people.

As the host of the ceremony, after the ceremony started, Jarvan III gave a king's speech "doing his part".

"Today, we stand here together to celebrate the birth of a new nobleman and the emergence of a brand new noble family..."

"Miss Laxana, our climber, she returned from climbing Mount Targon, representing God's favor for Demacia; she found the demon murderer who caused the embassy tragedy, and reported to those worthy friends and guests Resentment; she smashed the despicable Silas' conspiracy to set off civil strife, and guided the coerced demons to meet her own redemption. She used her own efforts to interpret fairness, justice, forgiveness and sacrifice..."

"And these spirits are exactly the Demacian spirits that every Demacian cherishes!"

"In order to praise this spirit, to carry forward this spirit, and to announce to the world Demacia's pursuit of fairness and justice, after the agreement of the Royal Council of the Noble Council, today Ms. Laxana is awarded the title of Earl, and Fossbarrow Designated as her personal territory..."

"We sincerely hope that she can bring this precious spirit to the north, to the borders of the kingdom, so that everyone can bathe in the glory of Demacia..."

"Today, I stand here in the name of the King of Demacia, and I bestow upon you the scepter. I hope that you will be able to overcome obstacles like the ancestors who have been on a rough road..."

"Today, I stand here in the name of the King of Demacia, and I bestow upon you my seal. I hope you will continue to struggle like the ancestors who never give up..."

"Your title represents the glory of Demacia, and your name will be praised by the world together with the sages of the ancestors!"

"Heaven's Blessed Demacia!"

Jarvan III's speech was not too long, but it was easy to understand.

The kind old king first talked about the achievements of Lacus, and then traced back the glory of the ancestors to explain that "Laxana became the earl because she, like those ancestors, represented the glory of Demacia." .

Then, Jarvan III announced the decision of the imperial meeting, demarcated the scope of Lux's territory, and publicly announced her rights and obligations.

After saying this, he took the scepter and seal that he had prepared earlier from the new cardinal of Xiongdu, and solemnly handed them over to Lux.

Under the attention of everyone, Lacus took the scepter representing military power and the seal representing political power handed over by Jarvan III with both hands.

When she turned around, held them high above her head, and showed them to all the spectators participating in the ceremony, bursts of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd!
In the eyes of the people who participated in this award ceremony, today should be the most glorious day for Earl Laxana.

Becoming an aristocrat is what most Demacian civilians aspire to, and the smiling Lux on the stage may be the true reflection of their "Demacian Dream".

In the eyes of the nobles watching the ceremony, today is a day for Laxana to seek benevolence.

After today, she will be far away from Xiongdu and away from the public's sight. Their feelings towards this noble model are somewhat complicated. Now that she is "harmless", many people even feel regretful.

(Of course, regrets are regrets, no matter how regretful they are, no one intends to keep them)

After getting the scepter and seal, Lux's conferment was officially completed.

Next, she will deliver a speech in front of thousands of spectators who have come to watch the ceremony in the magnificent square as Count Laxana.

This is an honor that only the first generation of nobles can have, and it is the "only chance in this life" in the true sense.

However, what people didn't expect was that although Lux always had a smile that met social expectations, her speech on "achievement and fame" this time was unexpectedly brief.

"I will inherit the will of the ancestors and take the glory of Demacia as my duty." Lux's voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears, "I will never change my resolve."

The crowd once again burst into applause and cheers.

Although Lux was too young, most of the residents in Xiongdu had seen the chaos before, and also witnessed the scene of Lux wielding a lightsaber fighting high above the sky.

Therefore, for the new Earl Laxana, everyone has only endless envy in their hearts.

However, no one knew that at this moment, Lux, who greeted the public with a smile, was thinking "I will come back" in her heart.

This time's departure is a completely new beginning for Lacus. She will keep her feet on the ground in Fossbarrow and start to accumulate her own strength. One day, she will definitely come back!

People who also thought "I'll be back" were Silas.

Silas, who absorbed some of his comrades' magic power at the critical moment, chose to go all the way north after leaping over the wall and leaving the capital of Demacia.

Demacia's household registration management is not strict, but due to the conservative atmosphere and the undeveloped flow of goods, no matter where it is, an outsider who hides his head and shows his tail is really too conspicuous.

Knowing this very well, Silas, after "borrowing" a robe, wrapped the long chain of forbidden magic stones on his wrists around his arms, took the initiative to shave off his beard, and concealed his appearance as much as possible, and then Started a crazy escape all the way,

Silas, who had escaped for his life once and was arrested, knew very well that the best way to avoid the pursuers was not to lie to the pursuers, but to leave here directly before the local sheriff received the news. Go to the next target location, so as not to be blocked by the magic seeker.

And this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do—for this kind of urgent news, Xiongdu has always used dragon and bird knights to deliver it. In less than two days, large cities with dragon and bird habitats will Received a message from Silas.

Therefore, Silas never took the big roads or big cities along the way, but just took country roads and slept in the wild. Even if it would be more conspicuous, it was better than leaving too many clues in big cities and being blocked.

As for the ultimate goal of escaping... Silas has many options.

First of all, Noxus - as the old opponent of Demacia, Noxus not only does not reject magic, but also quite pursues it. Silas believes that with his talent, even in Noxus, there should be no magic. How many people can compare with myself.

However, even though he was wanted by Demacia, Silas was still unwilling to go to work for Noxus—not that he had any grudge against Noxus, but Silas simply felt that Noxus was unworthy.

No way, in recent years, Noxus can be regarded as "a house leak happens to rain all night". First, the Ionian War was reversed and almost went to sea; then the civil war began, and the brothers fought against each other.

During this period, Noxus tried every means to disrupt Demacia's martial arts tournament, but in the end it achieved the reputation of the Demacia Shield...

After a lot of tossing, Silas's perception of Noxus is already "a dying empire".

Although the strength of Noxus is actually very strong, you can't ask a prisoner who has been in prison for more than ten years to have a deep and clear understanding of the international situation.

After excluding Noxus, the many duchies in the Valoran continent sandwiched between Demacia and Noxus are also impossible.

Even Noxus looked down on them, so how could Silas look down on these duchies and city-states?
Escaping is only one aspect. Apart from escaping, Silas is also longing for and brewing revenge.

Damn nobles, damned demonseekers, damned colossi, and that damned Laxanna!

Obviously, Silas would not be willing to just spend the rest of his life incognito after escaping from prison. He longed for revenge, eager to clean up all the nobles, and let the demons in Demacia understand that being demonized is not a mistake, but an unparalleled task. talent!

To complete his revenge, Silas needs to find a place that supports him enough to carry out his revenge.

He doesn't even look down on Noxus, not to mention the many city-states and duchies that are sandwiched between Demacia and Noxus and can only be used as superfluous?
After excluding a lot of options, Silas found embarrassingly that he didn't know anything else except these.

In desperation, he took the risk of being discovered, sneaked into a town, sneaked into the town hall at night, and took a map from the wall of the office hall.

After escaping the town in a hurry, Silas spent a long time looking at the map.

Then, watching, his eyes fell on the Freljord in northern Demacia.


There was no question that Silas had never been to the Freljord—not even much to the North when he was working for the Morgseeker.

In Silas' cognition, the Freljord is a relatively cold and desolate place, where a group of "uncivilized" barbarians live. Looting - gone.

For the coldness of the Freljord, Silas obviously did not have an objective and clear understanding.

In his opinion, cold is not terrible, and cold is also a kind of power.

Considering the magic of the girl who inspired him, Silas thought that perhaps he was capable of handling the cold.

With this in mind, Silas put away the map and began to turn his head north.

Traveling all the way and staying at night, Silas felt the "coolness" brought by the high altitude and high latitude, and after "borrowing" a lot of heavy clothes, he finally came to the northern border of Demacia.

Taking out a little bit of the rope he had saved up, he started climbing—according to the marking on the map, as long as he climbed this mountain, he would leave the land of Demacia and enter the Freljord.

There, I will accumulate my own power, and then bring this power back to Demacia, and let those despicable and shameless nobles see my anger and revenge!
Tremble before magic!

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