The next step in the conferring ceremony is to go to the fiefdom.

However, unlike other noble light vehicles, Lacus set off for Fossbarrow this time, followed by thousands of demon-infested people.

In order to protect them well and prevent them from escaping, in addition to the demon-infested ones, Lux will also bring a thousand private soldiers who have just passed the medical examination and received simple training.

Together with the accompanying merchants and craftsmen of the Crownguard family, the Bouvier family, and the Laurent family, the number of Earl Laxana's entourage to the fief of Forsbarrow came to nearly [-].

For the Demacians, the 3000 people gathered together is not a small number——Demacia, which follows the policy of elite soldiers, except for the two absolute strategic locations of the Gate of Sorrows and the Green Tooth Peak, even in the In Xiongdu, the number of garrisons is less than [-]!

There are a lot of issues that need to be considered in all aspects of the migration of such a team. Even though Kalya has left many relevant guidance plans before leaving, the implementation is still a severe test for Lux.

How to maintain logistical supplies?
How to deal with the demon-infested teammate?
How to maintain order in the army?
At this time, Lux's men no longer had well-trained and self-organized workers in Zaun. My own "new order", and at the same time let the already panic-stricken demon-infested people realize the difference between themselves and the demon-seekers...

Thousands of threads are mixed together, and anyone will feel dizzy.

Lax, who can't be perfect for the time being, wisely chose to focus on the big and let go of the small, first to strictly control the training of her own private army - this private army is her real foundation, only by grasping this private army can she control Fossbarrow is in control of the order he expects!
And if you want to control an army, according to Carya, you can start from four aspects: logistics, rewards and punishments, prestige, and name.

In these four aspects, Lux needs to do her best to do her best.

Needless to say about the logistics, although all the resources of Lux are either provided by the family or sponsored by friendship, they are at least sufficient.

The rewards and punishments are also very clear. There are no combat missions yet, and the rewards and punishments during training are clear at a glance, and it is easy to convince the soldiers.

Prestige is Lux's strong point. Whether it is the identity of the climber or personal strength, it is a way to gain the approval of soldiers and accumulate personal prestige. Although she has not yet been able to prove that she has the ability to command, but the same, These soldiers are also rookies - Lux, who is used to suffering, eats, lives, trains and sleeps with these soldiers without any burden. There is no specialization at all, and it is more than enough to calm them down.

In the end, in name, after thinking about it, Lux divided this part into two: On the surface, she is the lord of Fossbarrow, and it is natural to command this army, but other than that, in the conscription She has been understanding the ideals of the soldiers since the beginning of time.

For ordinary Demacians, ideal is an extremely luxurious word.

In other words, in the eyes of most Demacians, being a soldier with a clear path to advancement is considered an ideal.

This is not enough.

Karya said it well, if an army wants to become a strong army, it must know the reason for fighting. For the Demacians, joining the army means that they can defend Demacia, gain a clear promotion path, and become My lord, this is what most Demacian soldiers think.

Therefore, when faced with the invasion of foreign enemies, the Demacians will always explode with amazing combat power. Even if the king dies on the battlefield, the soldiers will still persist in fighting, so as not to retreat in an instant and collapse.

But Lux believes that this belief is good, but not enough.

In her plan, Fossbarrow's army will not only face foreign enemies from the northern border, but more likely the conservative forces within Demacia—this army will not only defend Fussbarrow in the future. Spiro, and Fossbarrow's new order to be born!

Therefore, she must make these soldiers agree with this new order and make them willing to fight for it!

Although Fossbarrow's reform has not yet begun, and this new order has not yet appeared, but it does not prevent Lacus from letting these soldiers understand her intentions.

Under the pretext of "lack of manpower" and "lack of magistrates", at the request of Lux, the first thing the Forsbarrow Army left Xiongdu to do eliminate illiteracy.


Sithlia didn't quite understand why Earl Laxana asked everyone to get together to read and write at night after trekking every day.

Sithlia is literate—in other words, there is a huge difference in cultural level between the Demacian soldiers and the Noxus soldiers at the prenatal education level, and they are not completely illiterate.

Demacian soldiers who follow the route of elite soldiers generally can read and write in the simplest way, can read and write their own names and simple sentences, and can recite military regulations.

It is impossible for a person who cannot write his name to pass the reserve assessment.

But according to Earl Laxana, Fossbarrow has a vast land and few people, and these thousand private soldiers will all be officers in the future, so it is not enough to just know how to read and write.

This kind of rhetoric more or less has the meaning of drawing cakes. If you want to be an officer in the future, then let’s talk about it in the future, so you shouldn’t be in a hurry!

If you were talking about a nobleman, the soldiers might not be willing to study together at night while working hard during the day; but Lacus is not an ordinary nobleman after all, she seems to be well versed in the spirit of conformity, and she is the leader of the crowd. When I was in doubt, I directly named a few people who had their own clear ideals.

"Sislia, you are going to become the Flying Wing of Fossbarrow. If the dragon and bird knight can't clearly explain the investigation results, can you pass?"

Among the soldiers in formation, Sislia, who was suddenly called upon, stood up straight, blushed subconsciously, and replied loudly, "Not qualified!"

"Zha Langze! Didn't you say that you want to form a shield formation, a shield formation that is more elite than the Fearless Pioneer Shield formation?" Lux called the name again, "You can understand how to carry out a shield formation without literacy and no inheritance. Command? How do you compare with the Fearless Pioneer?"

A big man who looked like a bear stood upright, he didn't seem to know what to say, and finally he could only say "Yes!"

"And you, Perth!" Lacus continued to call out, "You are the descendant of the ancestors of Demacia, the blood of the pioneers who were struggling in the past. If you want to restore the glory of the ancestors, so what if you just rely on brute force? Can it work?"




"Hey Manley!"




1000 people say that there is not much, and that there is a lot less. After Lux named more than 30 people with personal ideals in one go, whether it was because he was persuaded or because he was convinced of Lax's understanding of everyone, finally no more People objected.

Against a hammer?

Everyone knows that reading and literacy is a good thing, and the hesitation in their hearts is mostly due to the fact that they are marching during the day and working hard at night-now Count Laxana is directly appearing on the field, "leading the lecture", standing in the position of the soldiers In fact, they have no reason to refuse.

After all, lectures are always more tiring than listening, right?
Then, the soldiers who started the culture study were shocked to find that the culture class sounded... quite interesting?

Having been personally tutored and taught by the best special teachers in the Shurima Empire for almost ten years, Lux's teaching level is already quite excellent. Moreover, despite her young age, she is well-informed, although she is not as good as Kalya. Knowing astronomy and geography, but for these young people who have just joined the army, it is really a blow to dimensionality reduction.

In order to establish the firm belief of these soldiers, although Lux spoke Demacian, the narration was carried out from a historical perspective.

Remove the exaggerated praise of the nobles for their ancestors in the historical materials, condense the history into small stories, share them and tell them to many soldiers—tell the history of the ancestors following Oren to open up Demacia, talk about the pioneering Difficulties and achievements along the way.

With Sona performing the "soundtrack performance", it is obviously a cultural lesson, but in the eyes of the soldiers, apart from remembering some new words and grammar every day, it seems that there is not much difference compared with listening to stories ?
Lux's own words are very contagious.

And the stories that Oren led the pioneers to develop can be called legends, and the legends of the ancestors are indeed full of the heroism of epic stories.

In addition, these soldiers are also trekking with Lux, and Lux ​​is also taking the lead like Oren...

A very subtle feeling, as if the legendary history was reflected in reality, made the morale of the soldiers extremely boosted.

Talking and talking, even the demons who can take a break after dinner and move freely within the prescribed range also like to gather around the soldiers and listen to Lux telling stories—compared to the second day Soldiers who have to take advantage of the day to review, these demons are simply listening to stories and passing the time.

Then, as they listened, they heard the story of Kalya, the story of the mage who concealed his identity and saved Oren at the cost of his life.

This story has a big impact on everyone.

If there is no previous narration, I am afraid that the soldiers will not accept the story of "the evil mage once saved the life of His Majesty Oren".

But it is precisely because Lux speaks well enough and Sona's soundtrack can also arouse emotional resonance. Although the soldiers have never met the pioneer of Demacia, they also feel his generous heroism. ——For such a hero, even an evil mage, one should indeed have reverence for him!
However, for the accompanying demon-infested people, the feelings of this story are completely beyond words.

Demon-infected people have always been marginal figures that are not recognized. Even at the beginning of this journey, Lacus once said that "going to Fossbarrow is to welcome new students", but the demon-infected people still have no morale at all. Some people are still like walking dead.

For them, Lux's narration every night is more like a joy - the more glorious the ancestors, the more ironic they feel.

Until it comes to the part of the cultural relic dealers controlled by Carya.

If this story is told alone, the devil-infested people will only find it ironic and ridiculous.

However, when Lux clarified the follow-up and told about "those children who followed in his footsteps and followed His Majesty Oren, and later became the pioneers of the Illuminati and the Demon Seekers", many people's expressions became subtle up.

The status of the demon-infested is special. Objectively speaking, it is indeed unfair for Demacia to treat the demon-infected.

But in fact, most of the demon-infested people are willing to stay in Demacia if they can lose their magic power-this is a rather contradictory point for the demon-infected people.

As a Demacian, I grew up in Demacia. After discovering that I have been infected with a demon, the first reaction is usually not "Demacia treats me unfairly", but "Why am I so unlucky".

Because from a historical point of view, Demacia was established to avoid and fight against the lawless mages in Rune Wars!

Even a rebellious Silas, after being found to be infected with the devil, ended up "surrendering himself" to the devil searcher accompanied by his parents, because at that time he also thought that the devil was his bad luck and his own problem. A magical Demacia is a good Demacia.

What really made Silas "collapse" was that he discovered that the manors of the nobles were full of magical auras, and he discovered that the anti-magic policy was inconsistent with the nobles and the common people.

Even if civilians are infected with demons, even if they hide, they still have to be caught and dealt with. They either drink the magic potion, are exiled from Demacia, or are imprisoned in the magic prison. Searched.

Like Silas, there are very few people who can realize this, so most of the demons don't think that it is a talent.

It is Demacia who is unwilling to accept them!

You know, when Silas broke the outer wall of the Arcatraz, quite a few of the demon-infected who escaped with him did not participate in the follow-up riots at all, and just hoped to escape while taking advantage of the chaos—even if they were imprisoned in the forbidden prison. The magic prison, they still don't think it's Demacia's problem.

But the "artifact dealer from Shurima" in Lux's story is different. He is also a demon-infested person, and there is no doubt that he is a powerful person, but he finally completed self-salvation and became Delmar The founding father of West Asia - although he is special and usually not specifically mentioned, his name is still left on the wall of the ancestors in the Hall of Valor.

Therefore, after listening to this story, many of the devil-infested people were ridiculed, and many of them were secretly silent.

But no matter how they feel, this old story is still deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

Like a seed, waiting to be watered and nourished one day, to take root and germinate.

Long way to go.

Demacia has a long history, and Lux's has a long history.

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