Lux's Farewell

Chapter 455 [0449]

In the hasty escape, Silas quietly passed the end of summer and missed the last tenderness of early autumn.

When he wore a thick fur coat, carried a small bag, climbed the Flying Dragon's Spine Mountains, and finally arrived in Freljord, it was late autumn.

And the late autumn of the Freljord was far beyond Silas' perception.

Even though Silas had put on the heavy winter clothes "very interestingly", when the cold wind called "Anivia's breath" by the Freljord people blew past, he still clearly felt the pain. the cold.

When he started sneezing for the fifth time, Silas finally realized that he might still be unprepared.

In this case, Silas has two options.

The first is to walk down, risking frostbite, to find a Freljord barbarian colony, and see what the Freljord does.

The second is to turn around and return decisively. Before going deep into the Freljord or going to a colder place, return directly to Demacia to avoid accidents.

The former is risky, and the latter is risky as well.

Needless to say, the difficulty of moving forward, Silas can clearly perceive that the coldness of the Freljord may not only be due to the low temperature, but also the magic power rippling in the air.

As for backing off...

No way, during the turmoil in the capital of Demacia, Silas's escape alone attracted too much attention. After arriving in the northern border, he went north to the Freljord with all his heart, and he used magic unscrupulously. It was stolen from head to toe, except for the chain on the wrist - in line with the principle of saving money, he didn't think about the follow-up at all when he did it. Although it was said to be stolen, it was actually almost the same as robbery.

In other words, what he did in the northern border was not covered up too much, leaving too many traces.

Under such circumstances, if he turns around now and returns to Demacia, what greets him is likely to be a net of heaven and earth.

A dilemma belongs to yes.

However, this seemingly difficult question did not make Silas hesitate for long.

The trembling Silas almost said without thinking, he extinguished the idea of ​​returning, gritted his teeth and chose to continue north.

Making this decision is not because he thinks going north is safer and more likely to get out of the predicament. The main reason is that he never wants to return to the cage.

He had made up his mind to say goodbye to the prison the moment he opened the walls of the Arcatraz.

Going further north, unable to withstand the severe cold of the Freljord, is nothing more than death—and even death is better than returning to the dark cage!

Farewell, prison!


Solva rode on the back of a majestic Juvask wild boar, and followed the plundering team of the Winter's Claw tribe, advancing quietly.

Solva's riding skills are not very good. Compared with driving these large wild boars with rough manes, she is actually better at doing some sacred and noble things-for example, serving the gods.

Even after the era of the three sisters, the gods of the Freljord have become the "old gods" in most people's mouths, but it is undeniable that the power bestowed by these old gods still flows in the form of blood in Freljord. The bodies of the shamans of the Realjord infect their souls.

However, it is a pity that in the eyes of the raiders of Winter's Claw, "serving the old gods" is neither sacred nor noble, and it is probably only a little stronger than the weakness of the Avarosans .

Although it is said that since Sejuani defeated Korzia in a duel and became the battle mother of Winter's Claw, the whole tribe no longer respected the Frostguard Priests and instead yearned for the power of the old gods, but most of the Winter's The scarred warriors of the claws only long for the power of the gods, but are often hostile to the gods' servants.

Solva knew exactly what these unbelievers were thinking, and she found this idea both funny and sad.

You yearn for the power of the gods to fight against the priests of the Frostguard, but when this power is within your reach, you are timid and hesitant to move forward...

It was just like when I joined this team - obviously many raiders in the team wanted to welcome me from the bottom of my heart, but on the surface, they always kept a close distance from me.

Thinking of this, the corners of Solva's mouth couldn't help but drop.

At this moment, the surrounding wind and snow began to become violent at a speed visible to the naked eye, and large snowflakes came with the wind, slapping Solva's exposed skin painfully—even though the temperature here is terribly low , but Solva did not wear a heavy fur coat, but simply put on a fur vest, completely exposing his arms in the wind and snow.

However, she didn't feel cold.

The gift of the old gods made her not afraid of the blizzard in the Freljord. After all, the severe cold of the Freljord is just "Anivia's Breath", and Solva is "Servant of Volibear". ", who is worse than whom?

Even compared to Solva, the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Juvask wild boar under her was a bit irritable in the snowstorm-even with its thick fur, it didn't seem to like the snowstorm very much.

Stretching out his palm, Solva tried to appease the irritable Juvask wild boar, but unfortunately, after being exposed to Solva's power, the animal seemed to become even more irritable. It twisted its body uneasily, Almost offered Solva from behind.

Solva, who had no choice but to hold on to the rein, could only give up this "comfort", and instead used his riding skills, which he was not good at, to deal with this trouble.

While struggling to clamp his legs, a thought that could be called blasphemous appeared in Solva's mind—the Juvask wild boar is so repulsive to the power of the gods, is it really a descendant of the old gods?

No, no, how could the descendants of the old gods become beasts without wisdom?

This must be the nonsense of the Notai people!

Then, before Solva could begin to repent, the leader of the Winter's Claw Raiders, known as the Mother of the Scars, came to her on her own initiative.

"Be quiet!"

The tyrannical warrior looked to Thorva, and to her mount.

As Fleena spoke, the wild boar under her crotch, which looked far more majestic than Solva's, stared fiercely at the mount that was trying to overturn Solva, together with its owner.

Watched by three dangerous eyes (Fleina's right eye is pure white, and a long scar almost bisects her right half face), the Juvask wild boar under Solva's crotch is finally quiet After it got down, although it was still whining dissatisfiedly, at least it no longer dared to make any big moves.

Seemingly satisfied with her deterrent power, the corners of Flaina's mouth moved upwards in satisfaction, and even the hideous scar on her face squirmed like a long centipede.

In the eyes of most people, this scar is ugly. The face it destroys and the flesh it turns up do not conform to the mainstream aesthetics in people's hearts.

But in the Freljord, especially the Winter's Claw in the Freljord, this kind of scar that represents the edge of life and death is the most attractive symbol of a person-here, the scarless is not a praise , but a mockery of contempt for rookies and novices.

No scar means no battle.

"The storm is coming." Solva, who didn't like seeing Flaina showing off her might, started a topic bluntly, "This year's Anivia's breath came earlier than in previous years."

Flaina didn't answer, but as if she had discovered something, she used her single eye, which still had vision, to firmly lock on the distance to the south.

"Did you find anything?" Sensing the other party's eyes, Solva narrowed his eyes slightly, "I didn't see anything."

"That's too bad." Flaina's tone was cheerful and stern. "Two good eyes, but my eyesight is worse than mine."

Solva gritted her teeth. Although she was upset, she had no excuse—in fact, she joined this raiding team because of the guidance of the gods. From the time she came, the people in the team Just have an opinion on her.

But because she is a shaman after all, after all, she represents the old beliefs of the Freljord people, and she also knows some knowledge that ordinary Freljord people don't understand, so they finally accepted her reluctantly.

Whenever there is a chance, these uninformed guys will use unsharp words to try to satirize Solva; and every time this happens, Solva will feel that they are a group of ignorant and pathetic guys.

You are not qualified to listen to the voice of the gods at all.

With a sneer in his heart, Solva looked expressionlessly at the direction Flaina was looking at. After she tried her best to squint her eyes, she finally locked a figure that seemed out of place with the ice and snow around her at the edge of her field of vision.

Judging by the height and the way he moves, it seems... a person?

It should be personal.

After all, this is not a snowman haunted area.

Solva blinked her eyes, trying to see more clearly—but unfortunately, with a sudden surge of wind and snow, this already blurry figure disappeared from her vision.

However, an indescribable palpitation came from Solva's chest. She seemed to be aware of it, but still seemed a little confused, and subconsciously urged the Juvask wild boar to move towards the south.

"Stop." Freina whispered, "Don't waste your energy, we'll rest here for a quarter of an hour, and we'll move on when the wind and snow calm down—it's our task to raid Avarosa, don't let us go because of you. Curiosity delayed the team's progress!"

"That might be a spy from the Avarosa people." As Solva advanced, he found an excuse for his actions that sounded like that, "They can always detect our raids in advance—— It is likely to rely on this kind of spies."

"He can't be a spy, because even a weak Avarosa can't foolishly walk on the moraine." Freina denied Solva's words, "It's possible that he walked like this When did he drown in the snowstorm."

"So, he is a warm-blooded person?" Solva continued to narrow his eyes, "Why did the warm-blooded person come here?"

"Who knows?" Flaina shook her head indifferently, "I heard that the Avarosa people are trying to trade with warm-blooded people... Maybe this is their messenger? I have to say, if that's the case , That warm-blooded man really sent a stupid messenger."

Not paying any attention to the sarcasm in Freina's words, Solva continued to push the impatient Juvask wild boar towards the looming figure.

She didn't know the identity of that person, but she was certain that when she stared at that figure, she felt an indescribable throbbing in her heart - when she received the will of the gods and chose to be in the winter when it was about to enter This is the throbbing when traveling with the marauders.

In the whistling wind and snow, there seemed to be a voice reminding her to get closer and have a look.

Solva's insistence made Flaina frown.

Now is the time when the wind and snow are strong. What the team should do at this time is to stay in a shelter from the wind for a short rest, recover their physical strength and mount strength, and wait for the wind and snow to calm down before setting off again.

They are the raiders of Winter's Claw, and their goal this time is to detour to the rear of Avarosa—although those cowardly guys have limited combat power in frontal battles, they will always build together to hate them, just like warm-blooded people. If the building is supported by the building, the effect of the frontal offensive is very limited.

But now, in the snowstorm, Solva seemed to be possessed, and ran towards a warm-blooded man lost in the snowstorm...

Flaina would love to restrain the team and watch her fend for herself.

However, considering the identity of the other party and the attitude of several superstitious guys in the raider team, even the Mother of Scars could only helplessly shake his head and signal the team to follow.

These young shamans who think they're inspired by the old gods are a real problem - if only all shamans were as calm and dependable as Udyr.


The closer he got to this warm-blooded man, the clearer was Solva's throbbing.

She watched as the outlander who knew nothing about the Freljord wore a ridiculous fur coat, struggled to get up and stumbled down, and finally stuck headlong into the snow, motionless.

Until Solva came to this guy's side and looked at the guy's figure carefully, she didn't find the source of this throbbing.

Well, there are heavy-looking chains on his wrists. Could it be that he is a slave among warm-blooded people?

Solva didn't think about the prisoners—the ruthless Freljord is not Demacia, and it's a luxury to eat here, so no one would foolishly support prisoners.

Here, the only ones bound by chains and shackles are slaves who do not obey discipline and do not work well.

Solva got off his mount, approached the "runaway slave", and carefully looked at the gray stone on his wrist that was shining with blue light.

This was not because Solva was fascinated by the gemstones, but because she found that it was not this person who seemed to cause her heart palpitations, but these gray stones.

However, before Solva figured out what was going on, the warm-blooded man who was almost dead in the wind and snow suddenly moved.

The chains protruded out like a python and wrapped around Solva's body. The next moment, an indescribable suction came, and Solva felt the cold for the first time after becoming a shaman.

Trembling, she finally fell on her back, but the warm-blooded man who was almost frozen to death before let out a long breath, and jumped up as if reborn.

"Thank you." He said in Demacian as he took off his robe and covered Solva with it, "I like your magic power."

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