Lux's Farewell

456 Ino who left home [0450]

Relying on his special talent, Silas finally gained a foothold in the Freljord.

In the south, Lux led the soldiers to carry out the vigorous "pull the colossus" operation. As the cooperation of the soldiers became more and more proficient, Galio also gradually changed from releasing water to relaxing.

Just when Fossbarrow was about to usher in their new lord, Ino took Carya, connected with two dragons, and finally arrived at Fossbarrow.

The journey went smoothly, the only "little problem" was that Ino failed to pick up his parents and brother.

They did not want to come to Forsbarrow with Ino.


In fact, after seeing Eno, Eno's parents' first reaction was "Eno escaped from prison".

They didn't ask about Ino's experience in detail, but after cooking her a table of their favorite dishes, they tactfully asked for Ino to surrender.

"The current sheriff of Secret Silver City is a respectable and decent person." Her father persuaded in a dry tone, "He has always disliked demon hunters... Even if we don't claim our identity, we will It is best to go and say hello to him through the elders in the village."

Eno, dumbfounded, could only explain that he was no longer a prisoner, and that he was now working for Miss Laxana—oh, it should be called Earl Laxana—and he had a decent status. This trip was not to escape, but to hope Pick up the family and head to Forsbarrow.

In order to enhance her persuasiveness, Eno even briefly described her legendary experience during this period.

It's a pity that, for the honest farmers who have lived in the countryside of Mitril City all their lives, even if Eno consciously removed a lot of things that were difficult to tell, the experience along the way was too bizarre.

According to Ino's father, these experiences of Ino's are completely stories that "even the bards in the tavern can't tell". Even if there is nothing wrong with it, they still can only be skeptical.

No way, it is always difficult for people to believe in things beyond their cognition, and it is not an easy thing to convince a person, even a close relative, with just words.

Fortunately, at this time, Yinuo's brother came back from vacation and brought back some news about Xiongdu.

After he met Ino, he was overjoyed—although his sister seemed to be a great person, he didn't feel any jealousy, but praised her achievements with envy in his words.

At this time, Yinuo finally knew about his brother's experiences over the years.

After Ino left, his elder brother got his wish and saved a pair of armor, bought an old horse, and successfully entered the ranks of the army in Mithril City.

Compared with other noble children who have been trained since childhood and a few talented people, his talent is not outstanding. Although his strength is not small, he can only be regarded as a mid-range figure among the recruits of the same period.

But fortunately, his luck was not bad. In the second year, he encountered a siege of the Freljord barbarians-different from the previous barbarian sieges, it seemed that because of the disaster, this time the barbarian siege The city is quite weak and weak.

In the process of defending the border, he made some meritorious deeds, and finally became the captain of a reconnaissance team from an ordinary soldier, and became a real knight.

During this process, he heard some news that "Ino and Miss Laxanna are relatively close" and some legends about the punishment of the stone crown, but Mithral City is too far away from the city of Demacia. In addition, the reason for the punishment of the stone crown was rather special, so he could not get any accurate news in the end, so he could only use some half-truth and half-false news to comfort his parents.

Until now.

The news of Earl Laxana's conferment has already come. Although Ino finally did not disclose his identity as a climber and chose to join the Silent Man, the whole person is not even officially recorded, but combined with the previous true and false news From the looks of it, her elder brother almost understood her special status now.

Under his explanation, the second elder finally understood that his girl was already considered a big shot, and now she was working for the new Earl.

Seeing that her parents finally recognized her current identity, Ino finally spoke up and put forward the purpose of her trip: she hoped that her parents and brother could go to Forsbarrow with her to start a new life.

But beyond Yinuo's expectations, her parents chose to refuse at the same time after a moment of silence about going to Fossbarrow to enjoy the blessing together.

They are already accustomed to life in Mitril City. From childhood to adulthood, from the prime of life to the twilight years, all their sweat has been poured on this land, and all their interpersonal relationships have been maintained nearby.

Young people can pack their bags and start again, but for people of their age, the inseparability of their homeland is the remaining part of life.

Yinuo wanted to persuade her again, but her brother shook his head slightly, signaling her not to persuade her any more.

"I'll take good care of my parents." He looked at his younger sister with a smile, "But you, I heard that the weather in Forsbarrow is very cold, and it's near the front line of the barbarians in the north... I'm afraid it's not as good there. Miraz is safe, and I've seen the barbarians of the Freljord, and they're brutal."

Ino blinked.

"Although this is not very good... But if possible, I actually hope that you can come back to Mithral City." Seeing Yinuo's disapproving attitude, her brother finally lowered his voice, "This is our place after all. The place where you grew up, if possible, I think you would also like to return to Mithral City, right?"

Ino blinked, but didn't give an answer immediately.

"Count Laxana's newly acquired territory should require more experienced people, right?" The elder brother continued in a low voice, "Maybe we can work it out and see if we can transfer you back and replace them with someone more experienced in governing the place." to Forsbarrow."


"I mean, maybe you can try to come back." Facing Yinuo's gradually subtle gaze, his brother's expression gradually became cramped, "This way we can live together..."

Ino didn't answer.

She could see very clearly that her brother had no clear idea of ​​Lacus's identity, nor did she understand what it meant to be a powerful Earl.

If he guessed correctly, the words he said now were all let him know intentionally or unintentionally——Forsbarrow is bitterly cold, and Earl Laxana needs skilled hands.

Therefore, after getting this information, my brother would naturally hope that he could return to Miraz. In his opinion, following a new earl to Fossbarrow is not as good as returning home to be a sheriff or tax collector. Happy to come.

For a moment, Ino really wanted to grab his brother and ask him who told him this, who wanted to go to Forsbarrow instead of him.

But Ino didn't do that after all, just sighed softly.

If possible, she really wants to tell her parents and brother about all her experiences, all her thoughts, and what she expects and wants to build in Forsbarrow. world.

Unfortunately, there are some things that cannot be said right now—at least not in a fair way.

For a Demacian, if they have not actually been to Shurima, seen the legacy left by the Shurima Empire and the blessings brought by the magical civilization, I am afraid they will find it difficult to understand the resolution of Lux and Ino .

Sometimes, even close relatives connected by blood cannot easily understand each other.

From their parents' point of view, the world is only as big as Mithril City. They were born and raised here, and never left in their whole life, let alone set their sights on the outside world.

They don't care about Fossbarrow, who is "far away in the sky" to them. For them, all they can do is tell their daughters to be down-to-earth.

In my elder brother's view, although the world is not as big as Mithral City, there are still places outside Mithril City that have little to do with him.

Although he had heard about Earl Laxanna, and knew that his sister, who was an obedient person, might have a bright future, but this did not prevent him from thinking from the bottom of his heart that it would be better to live a stable life in Mitral City.'s not a good place!

Going there to endure hardships, it is better to give up the position to those who want to cling, and go back to Miyin City to live your little life with peace of mind!

Yinuo had thousands of words, but when the words came to his lips, they could only be turned into a soft sigh.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what kind of rich legacy Kalya had left for Shurima, and realized the meaning of dreams for the first time.

Unknowingly, a thick barrier has been built between me and my family. Although they are blood relatives, they seem to live in two worlds.

"Why are you sighing?" Just when Ino was full of helplessness, Kalya suddenly said, "Although you can't talk to them about magic...but you can at least talk to them about your early days in Forsbarrow. The results of the investigation!"


"Tell them, you are going to build roads in Fossbarrow, build water conservancy in Fossbarrow, and cultivate terraced fields on the slopes of Fossbarrow!" Kalya said as if he was familiar with the road, "They may not agree with the industrialization of magic, Magic production matters, but they will definitely understand the principles of building roads and water conservancy, and they will definitely agree with the choice of opening up new fields!"

Ino was a little dazed.

"You can't keep your mouth shut and don't want to spread the word just because they can't fully understand your ideals!" Karya urged, "No one is born with this understanding, a huge plan has all aspects, but the people involved are not The plan needs to be fully understood - they just need to understand what they need to understand!"

Ino was taken aback.

At this moment, Yinuo realized that because of his brother's persuasion just now, his train of thought went astray.

Yes, maybe my parents and my brother can't understand the industrialization of magic, and the powerful power that magic can give in mass production, but if I make things more specific, I will explain that I want to work with Lacus in Forsbarrow Build roads, build water conservancy, open up terraced fields, then they will definitely understand what their work means!
Thinking of this, Ino's embarrassment and loss were swept away. She no longer stared at her brother, but thought about the future of Forsbarrow with a smile.

Yes, Fossbarrow is barren now, and at the forefront of the North.

But Eno believes that with the presence of a large number of demons, Lacus, and Karya, everything will be different there!
For the common people living in Demacia, magic is a dangerous existence.

But at the same time, for them, building roads, repairing water conservancy, and opening up farmland are very normal things-willing to organize these things is the greatest charity of the nobles in the eyes of the common people!

So, Eno began to vividly tell about what he saw and heard the last time he went to Fossbarrow, saying that there was no formed road there, and the caravan could only travel along the path of the glacier; But there is no such mature water resource as Miyin City; it is said that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and people even grow vegetables in the city...

As Eno changed the subject, both her parents and elder brother relaxed visibly—although they still hoped that Eno would come back, but after hearing Eino say that, they no longer objected to Eino's return. Fossbarrow is gone.

"Building roads and water conservancy is a big deal!" Ino's father took out his pipe, filled it with rough and broken tobacco leaves, lit it, and took a deep breath, "If Your Excellency Laxana trusts you, you must Work hard, 20 years ago, when Mihril City organized the dredging of shipping waterways, I was still the leader of the sub-section team..."

Father entered the mode of "I was back then", and Ino's elder brother also dismissed the idea of ​​making his sister return to Mitral City.

According to him, it was about development, and if those speculators went to Forsbarrow, I'm afraid they would screw everything up.

"Since Fossbarrow is employing people, let them stay here in Mithral City and be rice worms!"

This family talk finally ended with Eno's mother urging Eno's brother to marry him as a repertoire.

Seemingly understanding her daughter's decision, Ino's mother did not dictate her future and ideals, but decisively turned her gun and aimed at her son who rarely came home once, trying to arrange a blind date show for him.

Ino's elder brother ran away, and Ino's mother refused to let him go—and at this moment, Ino's father cracked his pipe and secretly slipped a small bag to Ino.

"Take it, it's your pocket money." He looked at his wife and son in the yard, and said in a low voice, "Building roads and water are both big projects, and they are very hard work. You are young. It's not easy to hold back the situation, you should be generous when you should be generous, and you must work hard at ordinary times, so as not to disappoint the trust of His Excellency the Earl."

Feeling the weight of this small bag, Ino remained silent.

"This is your father's coffin book!" The old man continued with a smile, "Also, don't forget to meet the right person, bring it back for a look, and I'll check it out for you..."

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