Lux's Farewell

457 Investor Shivana [0451]

Ino, who failed to pick up his family, hurried on the road very fast.

Without needing to take care of his family, Ino could continue to ride Iva directly to the west, and it only took one day to fly from Mithril City to Fossbarrow.

It is also interesting to say that the blood connection between Iva and Shivana was originally the connection between her trying to find and kill Shivana, but now it has become the "kite string" in Kalya's hands.

When Ino met her family in Miraz, Shivana in human form could stay with her as a companion in Miraz, but Ivar in dragon form could not.

Therefore, according to Karya, Iva can move freely in the nearby mountainous area, waiting to be recruited.

Hearing this, Iva promised well on the surface, but turned around and ran away, running all the way north to the Freljord - it can be considered very clear that it has been transformed into an ice element The dragon is gone, so as long as you fly north, you can always get rid of that dangerous guy.

It's a pity that after Shivana found out that she was far away from her, she immediately notified Karya.

Then, Karya decisively activated the contract and forcibly recruited Iva.

The conscripted Iva flew north desperately, but in the end he could only flap his wings in mid-air - he could only be arrested by Shivana, and then Kalya took care of him.

While imprisoning Evelyn, Kalya has done a lot of research on "how to make her feel pain without hurting Iva".

After this time, Iva became completely honest as if he had accepted his fate.

Ino, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, felt a little subtle - I don't know if it was her illusion, it seemed that Karya acquiesced in Iva's escape this time.

It seems that Teacher Kalya is just waiting to clean up Iva!

However, Ino, who has learned about Iva's past from Shivana, can understand Karya's thoughts very well.

Shyvana, who can communicate and reason, is a special case.

Like most elemental dragons, Ivar is a cunning beast at heart.

As for the beast, it's useless to talk and negotiate. Only by punching her hard can she understand who is the boss.

According to Karya, before becoming an ancient dragon, the elemental dragons had wisdom, but not many.

Therefore, the essence of taming dragons is still taming animals.


When Ino arrived at Forsbarrow, Lux was still leading the soldiers bitterly along the glacier track Lagario.

This means that Eno does not have Fossbarrow's official identity at this time, and the specific work cannot be carried out for the time being.

However, although the administrative work can't start yet, the investigation of Fossbarrow can be carried out first--taking advantage of this opportunity, Mr. Kalya just happened to bring Shivana with her, so that she can better integrate into the human race. Come among the society!
So, just like when Lux and Ino first arrived in Piltover, before Lux arrived, Ino and Shivana split up and started the first social and economic survey of Forsbarrow.

There is nothing to say about Eno's investigation. She has conducted specific investigations in Piltover and served as the secretary-general in Zaun for three years. She is already familiar with this kind of social investigation-although she Her appearance is not as friendly as Lacus, but if necessary, it is not difficult for her to chat with people and collect information.

And Shyvana is more troublesome.

Even with Karya's personal guidance, her appearance and identity directly made it difficult for her to communicate directly with people.

Although Fossbarrow people are considered hospitable, no matter how enthusiastic they are, they are generally unwilling to accept a guest who hides his head and shows his tail.

Not to mention conducting social and economic surveys, even with Kalya's encouragement, Shivana mustered up the courage to chat with people, but she often got guarded eyes and wordless silence.

This situation made Shivana quite frustrated. She was willing to come here because she believed Ino's statement that "she can integrate into Fossbarrow", but judging from the current situation, she wanted to be accepted by the people here. But it is not easy.

However, Karya has his own way of dealing with this.

"A different person, people are wary of her not because she is different from themselves, but because they don't know why she is different from themselves." After Shivana hit a wall for a day, Kalya gave her own Explanation and solution, "The people of Fossbarrow have never seen you like this. They don't know whether you are a good person or a bad person, so they will always be wary of you."

Hearing what Kalya said, Shivana could only nod silently.

"So, you need to give yourself an identity that they can accept." Carya continued, "I'm afraid the current Fossbarrow can't directly accept a dragon, but besides a dragon, you have other identities .”

"Do I have another identity?" Shyvana was a little puzzled, "Ivar's daughter?"

"No, no, I mean, you're still Mrs. Piltover!" Carya chuckled, "Didn't you grow up in Piltover?"

"Ms. Piltover?" Shyvana blinked in surprise, "So, I want to get along with them as Mrs. Piltover?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed this statement, "Although the comprehensive socioeconomic survey has not yet started, Ino and Lacus have been here a few times before-compared to other Demacian cities, Forsbarrow people are more business-minded, and even if an investor from Piltover seems a bit strange to them, they should be more willing to accept it."

Kalya's approach surprised Shivana.

She never thought that Mrs. Piltover could also serve as another identity to cover up her identity as an elemental dragon.

However, if you think about it carefully, Kalya’s method might really be effective—although I don’t know the specific data, Shivana can be sure that the distance from Forsbarrow to Piltover is already more than ten thousand miles. up.

People here may have heard of Piltover, but they probably don't know what Mrs. Piltover looks like.

Just like when Shyvana was a child, her friends thought her horns were some kind of hex device, what happened to Lady Piltover's horns?
However, after figuring this out, Shyvana soon realized something else.

I have no money at all, what kind of investor do I have no money?

As for this point, Kalya has obviously considered it long ago.

"Investors may not carry a lot of cash. Fossbarrow's commodity economy is underdeveloped. Even if you want to buy something at this time, Fossbarrow may not have anything to sell to you!"


Under Karya's guidance, Shivana used her own cloak as the raw material to cut a simple coat and a Piltover-style OL skirt for herself.

Although she didn't have high heels, Shivana herself was tall and tall. Wearing this slim coat and short skirt, she really looked like a Piltover plutocrat.

However, although the appearance condition seems to be no problem, even with Karya performing simultaneous interpretation, Shyvana will still show timidity as soon as she speaks.

No way, although she has a very kind personality, she has nothing to do with extroversion at all——Compared to proactively communicating with people, Shyvana actually prefers and is used to staying silently among the crowd.

Fortunately, Karya also has his own method for this.

"Look at you in the mirror, Shyvana." Before going out, he gave Shyvana a special card training, "That's it, remember your current appearance, with no face The expression is fine."

"But, shouldn't the businessman be acquainted?" Shivana obviously didn't understand what Kalya meant, "If I have no expression on my face, then I don't look like a businessman from Forsbarrow, right? "

"You're an investor! You're not a peddler selling gadgets!" Kalya corrected, "Have you forgotten the character background I prepared for you?"

"A young man who left Piltover and competed with his elder brother for the right of inheritance, and wanted to prove himself." Shivana had a good memory, "I came to Forsbarrow because I thought it was the gateway to Freire from Demacia. Zhuo De's fortress has good business potential."

"That's right, that's it. You are a young man with a rich family who urgently needs to prove himself!" Kalya warned, "Your age is your greatest advantage. Everyone is more tolerant of young people."

"But even if my identity is real, the locals still don't want to talk to me?"

"You are different from Ino." Kalya explained, "Ino is originally from the north, so she can go directly to chat with the locals, and she can chat with them for an hour after breakfast-but you should do Yes, go to the Forsbarrow Chamber of Commerce and get to know more people through the local chamber of commerce.”

"Chamber of Commerce?"

"That's right, the Fossbarrow people have their own chamber of commerce, and they sell their local specialties to Xiongdu. You should visit them—as long as you win the trust of the chamber of commerce, it means you have won the trust of all the Fossbarrow people." .”

Blinking her eyes, at this moment, Shivana seemed to finally understand something.


The Fossbarrow administrative area is very large. According to the geographical and administrative division of Demacia, the entire "Fossbarrow area", so the social and economic survey of Fossbarrow must be a task that takes a lot of time and energy.

However, even if the investigation has not been completed, Karya has some basic understanding of this border city thanks to the blessing of Lacus and Ino who went north with the caravan.

At least during the chat between Lacus and the former caravan owner, Kalya knew that among the specialties of Forsbarrow, there was a plant called "ling ginger", which was very popular in Demacia.

According to the caravan owner, they grow in the cold wild permafrost and need professional ginger pickers to dig in spring.

After more than a month of drying, the roots of Lingjiang will be sent to Xiongdu of Demacia by caravans, and sold as spices, the price is quite high - but unfortunately, its output is very low, often The entire Forsbarrow ginger pickers have been busy all spring, and the dried ginger only looks like a few hundred catties.

And this time, Shivana wanted to play the image of "a businessman who is very interested in Lingjiang and wants to see if he can buy it in bulk and sell it to Piltover".

After several times of psychological training for herself, the expressionless Shivana finally came to the chamber of commerce in Forsbarrow.

Like most of the buildings in Fossbarrow, even the Chamber of Commerce's shop looked rather rough at first glance.

Winter is coming soon, and the payment for goods returned from the Chamber of Commerce before going to Xiongdu has been settled. At this time, the store is quite deserted, with only a few guys going in and out, and it looks like they are cleaning up the warehouse.

Seeing Shivana coming, these guys who carried the sundries were a little dazed—who is this?
Looking at Shyvana's horns in a strange way, a clerk put down the sundries in his hand and said, "We don't accept retail business here."

"It's not a retail business." Shivana shook her head expressionlessly, "I heard that this is where Ling Jiang is produced? I want to buy Ling Jiang in bulk."

"Then I'm afraid you came at the wrong time." Hearing this, the clerk couldn't help shaking his head, "Lingjiang is always in demand, and it won't be unsold when it is delivered to Xiongdu. Today's Lingjiang has already been sold out—the payment for the goods has been settled. , if you want Ling Jiang, come back next year!"

"Then do you accept reservations here?" Shivana continued following Kalya's guidance, "I hope to order a batch of Ling Jiang directly."

Hearing that Shivana was going to book Ling Jiang, the guy's expression finally became subtle.

"I'm not sure about this kind of thing." He shook his head slightly, "Please wait a moment, I'm going to invite our boss."

As he spoke, he motioned for Shivana to follow him, took her out of the lobby, and brought her to the side living room, asking her to wait here for a while.

After a while, Shyvana met the spokesperson of the Chamber of Commerce—it was none other than the owner of the caravan back then.

"Miss." After seeing Shivana, the caravan owner smiled and spoke first, "I heard that you want Ling Jiang?"

"That's right, I can pay a part of the deposit in advance for a large batch of Ling Jiang." Although Shivana didn't have much money at all, she still nodded and said, "I saw Ling Jiang in the spice shop in Xiongdu, Demacia, and the boss there said, Lingjiang is produced here."

"That's right, Ling Jiang is indeed a specialty of Fossbarrow." The owner of the Chamber of Commerce heard this, and the smile on his face became wider, "However, judging from your accent, it seems that you are not from Demacia, right?"

"Is it that obvious?" Shyvana pretended to be puzzled, "I thought I didn't have an accent?"

"Hehe, because only foreigners can call Xiongdu Demacia Xiongdu." The owner of the chamber of commerce explained with a smile, "And, judging by your attire, you are not the same as the locals."

"Hex technology!" Shyvana pointed to her head proudly, "Have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it, I've heard of it!" The owner of the Chamber of Commerce's eyes lit up, he wiped his hand from his waist, and took out a pocket watch, "You are Mrs. Piltover!"

"Oh? You know that too?" Shyvana's eyes fell on the pocket watch, "A wind-up pocket watch?"

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right, a wind-up pocket watch!" The owner of the chamber of commerce closed the cover of the pocket watch with a click, "So it's a friend from Piltover!"

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