Lux's Farewell

Chapter 46 [0045] Light Mark

Chapter 46 [0045] Light Mark
In Tiana's view, everything is under her control.

Although it was a bit false to say so, she did not lie to Lux.

In Tiana's view, everything she did was really for the good of Lacus.

As an aristocrat of Demacia, Lux must firmly stand on her noble stance, so as to bring the Crownguard family to a higher level.

Just like a noble family would choose to ruthlessly dismantle the free love of boys and girls, Tiana came to be the villain this time, destroying Lacus's friendship with her own hands and helping her cut off this unnecessary fetter.

Kindness is a good character.

But kindness always takes time, and if you get too close to the common people, it will bring trouble to the Crown Guard family!
Aristocrats can be kind, but they cannot give up their decency because of their kindness.

Tiana is very clear that because Lux's performance is too good, the entire Demacia hero does not know how many pairs of eyes are staring at her - so, every word and action of Lux must be carefully considered!

Even if Lux hated her as an aunt, Tiana didn't care.

She believed that Lux would understand her painstaking efforts sooner or later.

As for Solax's little actions outside the Arcatraz...

Tiana knew everything and didn't care.

As Lux is aware, her current power is largely due to her parentage - it is the status of the crown guard family that makes her respectable and allows her to do things that are not completely in line with the rules. matter.

And in the ranks of nobles, Tiana's power is much higher than that of Lux in every aspect, so Tiana knows exactly what Lax does.

No matter how much you dance, you are destined not to escape my palm!


However, the reality is slightly different from Tiana's imagination.

Tiana's painstaking efforts made Lux give up.

"You're right, Kalya." Lacus said with complicated emotions after leaving the study, "As long as you are in Demacia, you will be entangled in this complicated relationship."

"Power comes from status." Kalya said in a natural tone, "The limit of the noble just a model of the noble."

"But to be honest, I'm still a little unsure about your plan." Even after agreeing to Kalya's plan and starting to implement it, Lux is still a little shocked every time she thinks of this huge plan. Almost everyone in the capital of Demacia—from nobles to commoners, from mageseekers to the Illuminati."

"It's not taking advantage of it, it's just making the most of the situation. Most people got what they wanted." Kalya's tone was quite relaxed, "As for leaving Demacia, frankly speaking, one of the There is also a part of my personal factors, my current state has been relatively stable, it is time to get back some old things from the past."

"But you don't want to tell me what those are."

"You'll know when you see it." Kalya was still unwilling to say it directly, "It's hard to describe if you haven't seen it—"

"All right, all right, you always maintain a sense of mystery in some weird details." Lux sighed, "I don't know who said 'Mages who engage in mysticism are rubbish' back then. "

"It's not the same." Kalya didn't care about Lacus' sarcasm, "These things are just about my personal privacy, and have nothing to do with spells...Okay, Lacus, we should proceed to the next link Already!"

"Is your mark really reliable?" Lacus left the manor and came to the streets of Xiongdu in Demacia, "Sona can't help us hint too much, it will make her suspicious— —”

"Don't worry about one hundred." Kalya is very confident, "Although I didn't watch the Illuminati grow up, it is still born by me. I know many of the secrets that are unknown. After the mark you left, the silent people of the Illuminati will only think it is the real [God's Guide], and they will help you."

"You said you really experienced the era of the Flying Wing sisters, right?" Lux, who seemed to be just strolling casually, soon came near the city wall, "Kalya, tell me, the two Flying Wing sisters What kind of existence is it?"

"They are very thoughtful little guys." Kalya chuckled, "They are also very ideal, but they are not as firm as you after all... But it is not easy."

"That's it—" Lux nodded, "It seems that you have a very high opinion of me."

"But it's still the worst class I've ever led." Kalya said mercilessly, "That's nothing to say."

"You said Feiyi sisters are not as good as mine!"

"So I didn't teach them at all..."



While chatting with Kalya in her heart, Lacus squeezed like a fish among the bustling crowd at the city gate, and quickly got rid of the family's guards - when the guards came out of the city panting , When catching up with Lux again, the little princess of the Crown Guard family was at the foot of the Colossus of Justice, looking up at this huge statue of the forbidden magic stone.

The guards let out a long sigh of relief.

It seems that the lady is just in a bad mood.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that in a hidden place on the city wall, Lacus has left a wonderful mark and a series of inconspicuous and mysterious lines.

And just in the evening, the Illuminati choir returning from the tour passed by and saw this mark.

Sona, who felt that the seal was "artistically designed", memorized the appearance of the seal, and then drew it vividly in her sketchbook.

Then, Mrs. Bouvier, who asked Sona to have dinner, saw the mark "coincidentally". After she asked Sona where she saw the mark, she didn't even bother to eat dinner, and left the Bouvier family in a hurry that day manor.

As a secret document written in a secret format was copied many times and sent to various counties, the Illuminati, which seemed to be indifferent to the world on weekdays, suddenly acted vigorously and resolutely!


Because she has to pay attention to her "uneasy niece", Tiana's intelligence network has been very active recently.

On the second day after the Illuminati began to act, she learned the news that "the Illuminati has a big move" through her own unique channel.

However, although there are inextricable connections between the Demon Seekers and the Illuminati, even Tiana doesn't know much about this piece of top-secret news inside the Illuminati.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the Silent Man from the Illuminati, who usually ignores common matters and only serves as inheritors, is also dispatched this time.

After hearing the news, Tiana frowned subconsciously.

Those guys from the could they be active at this time?
You know, after the failure of the political struggle a hundred years ago, the Illuminati took the initiative to depoliticize.

Especially after the "secular faction" headed by the Bouvier family came to power, this sect has been silent for quite a long time.

To be honest, Tiana likes the current Illuminati very much.

In other words, who would not like a half-religious, half-educational organization that usually does charity, engages in art, and persuades people to be good?
But now, this organization has suddenly started to move, and it still looks like it's going to make a big deal...

In this way, Tiana had to be a little worried—she vaguely remembered that when the Illuminati tried to get involved in the political situation, none of their silent people participated in it, but this time, the silent people all took action, and things seemed to be a little bit wrong.

Fortunately, even though the actions of the Illuminati were a bit unexpected, her current task was not to cooperate with the Illuminati—this time when she returned to Xiongdu, Tiana was dedicated to correcting her niece and getting her back on track.

Although the actions of the Illuminati are big, they have nothing to do with him.

It's impossible for them to do this, it's because of Lux, right?
In comparison, it was the fact that the family guards said that Lux went out of the city for no reason to visit the Colossus of Justice, which made Tiana more concerned.

Her husband is the leader of the Demon Seekers, and she knows a little about the Colossus of Justice—at least she knows that magic can power the Colossus of Justice.

In order to avoid accidents, the Colossus of Justice was dragged away for repairs on the second day after Lux left the city.

Anyway, the Colossus of Justice needs regular maintenance, such as a touch-up of paint, this time it's just a little earlier.

 Galio... is also a cover, hehehe!
(End of this chapter)

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