Lux's Farewell

Chapter 47 [0046] Engagement Ceremony

Chapter 47 [0046] Engagement Ceremony
The action of the Illuminati to summon the Silencers did not delay their "daily business" of presiding over the wedding celebration.

Three days later, at the engagement ceremony of Gaokan Guanwei and Miss Fiona Laurent, the Bishop of Xiongdu Diocese of the Illuminati stood in the position of host with a happy face.

Because the Mianwei family has always been relatively low-key and the area of ​​the manor in Xiongdu is limited, the engagement ceremony was arranged to be held in the church of the Illuminati—no way, the number of guests who came to congratulate is too many!

Even though the nobles are messed up in their jobs, they have always been clean when it comes to intrigue.

The Crown Guard family, which has always had a bad relationship with its offshoots in the past, is supporting a relative from Mithral City with great fanfare this time. Maybe this represents a change in their attitude?
You must know that in the past ten years, the cooperation between the Crown Guard family and the Royal Family Light Shield was too close for the nobles.

Aristocratic model sounds like a great name, but for ordinary nobles, it has the same meaning as "other people's children".

The attitude of the Mianwei family to fight, I will not claim credit, and I will rush forward when the country has something to do, has made many nobles feel extremely uncomfortable-even though Augsa's wrist is smooth and clever, but the Mianwei family is in the hands of the nobles. It's still somewhat out of place.

As an aristocrat, you don't collect money, don't strive for merit, and don't support relatives, what are you doing?
To fight for the throne?
If it's an invitation to fight for the throne, then it's okay to say that the throne of Demacia is not eternal. Although the Light Shield family has successively produced several generations of kings, it's okay to take a break and toss around at this time.


However, the Crownguard family is still famously loyal, and there are not many descendants, and the only generation of descendants is Galen. Considering Galen's well-known naive personality, this is not a fight for the throne at all. look.

This made the nobles of Xiongdu a little uncomfortable.

Augsa had complained about Pete, saying that his honesty had made him unpopular.

But in fact, the main reason for this poor popularity should be that Pete doesn't know how to live with the light...

Under such circumstances, if given the chance, the nobles would be happy to cause trouble for the Crown Guard family—it’s a pity that this family is really ruthless, the men are full of loyalty, and the women are all good at dancing, so they can’t find trouble if they want to. arrive.

In the current Demacia, there is no "unwarranted" appearance.

Therefore, when it comes to the Crown Guard family, I don’t know how many nobles will swear in private that "the king's loyal dog"!
And this time, the "king's loyal dog" of the Mianwei family finally began to help the side branch to seek status!

Such news, how can it not make the nobles excited?
The Crownguards are finally going to be like us, and be one of us!

That's right, nobles should be responsible for their own families!

It is precisely based on this expectation that even if this is just an engagement ceremony of a side branch family, the nobles of the entire Demacian capital are almost in full force.

Come on, join us like a true nobleman - stop being the king's dog!


Because of expectations, the polite smiles of the noble guests showed some sincerity.

However, as the protagonist of the ceremony, Fiona didn't even have a polite smile.

This is her engagement ceremony.

But she is like an outsider.

Nor is she the one who calls the shots.

And the one who was engaged to her was a playboy whom she totally despised.

Although Fiona's father, Sebastian Laurent, is very optimistic about Gao Kan, and believes that Gao Kan's communication skills can make him rise up in the aristocratic circle of Xiongdu, but in Fiona's eyes, Gao Kan It's just rubbish.

Outright rubbish.

His abilities might be able to be a private in the Fearless Vanguard, or a squad leader in the Rangers, but Fiona doesn't like this level at all.

Even when they met for the first time, because of Gao Kan's habitual frivolity, Fiona gave him a merciless blow on the spot—in the name of sparring, she easily lifted Gao Kan's saber away.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a guest, Fiona would even scratch the other party's smiling face on the spot!

It's a pity that this time's dismounting seems to have had the opposite effect.

After realizing Fiona's amazing sword skills, Di Li decided on this daughter-in-law.

He and Sebastian hit it off, and the two quickly agreed on the marriage.

For Di Li, he got a daughter-in-law who can fight. Fiona has such sword skills, and she will definitely have a lot of achievements in the army in the future.

For Sebastian, the Laurent family has climbed to the top of the crown guard—the current Laurent family is no longer the family that frequented swordsmen 300 years ago. Among them, the Laurent family has no achievements, and the dazzling sword dance waltz is becoming more and more unsuitable for this era. If no changes are made, the decline of the entire family will sooner or later!

If there is an opportunity to hug the thigh, it is natural to grasp it firmly!

In this way, a political marriage in which everyone gets what they want has been finalized.

And Fiona, who was the party involved, was the last one to know the news among almost everyone - even many guests received the invitations before she knew that she was going to be engaged.

Fiona was naturally unwilling to accept such a fate of magical realism.

You know, since she was a child, she has been rebelling against the various expectations placed on her.

The mother found the best craftsman in Demacia and made a lifelike doll for her, but Fiona gave the doll to her maid, turned around and picked up the sword of her elder brother, and coerced him to secretly teach her fencing.

Her father hired ingenious tailors and avant-garde designers to tailor the colorful clothes for her, but Fiona made a straw man herself, put the clothes on the straw man, and used them as weapons for practicing thrusting and parrying. object.

Fiona is also proud of Laurent's surname, but she is more eager to use the sword in her hand to prove that Laurent is not inferior to anyone!

Then, when she was there, she learned the ridiculous news that she was about to get engaged--Fiona couldn't accept it anyway.

She tried to reason with her father, and she swore that she would use her sword to win glory for the family, and she didn't need to use marriage to gain status.

But Sebastian turned a deaf ear to her words, and just told her to be a noble lady after marriage.

In the end, the father and daughter broke up unhappy.

Even though it was the eve of the engagement, when the family was busy preparing for the ceremony, Fiona was cleaning her saber.

Now, she appeared at the engagement ceremony, looking at the beaming guests with a blank expression.

She didn't know what these guys were having fun with, and she didn't want to.

And the guests actually didn't care about Fiona's own thoughts, even if her face was frosty, no one cared.

Many marriages between nobles occurred after the clubbing of mandarin ducks.

No one would care about those poor mandarin ducks.


According to their status, there are more and more guests.

Finally, with the official entry of Laxana Crownguard, the representative of the crownguard family, just thirteen years old, and the arrival of the king's envoy with the emblem of the light shield, the bishop, as the host, officially announced the beginning of the engagement ceremony .

Amidst the soundtrack of the choir, the ceremony proceeded in an orderly manner one after another. Gao Kan was extremely excited, while Fiona was like a marionette.

In the parent's speech, Dilly and Sebastian both expressed their recognition of their children and praised the glorious history of each other's family.

And one engagement token after another was also shown to the guests - Fiona looked at these "my favorite dolls" and "the books I have read the most" blankly, feeling an indescribable absurdity in my heart .

No, it should be said to be absurd!

When did you play with dolls yourself?
How can I have any favorite books?
Unfortunately, no one cares.

Finally, amidst warm applause, the engagement ceremony came to the final stage.

Wearing a black robe, the bishop stood between Gao Kan and Fiona, and asked the last two questions.

"Mr. Gaokan Crownguard, are you willing to work hard to prepare for marriage and make a promise of marriage?"

Gao Kan was beaming, even though he was pretending to be calm, Fiona could still see his impatience.

"I am willing."

"Ms. Fiona Laurent, are you willing to make an effort to get ready and commit to marriage?"

Fiona smiled for the first time, her smile was as warm as a spring breeze blowing over a snow-capped mountain, but still icy cold.

"I reject!"

 Thank you readers for being the leader of [Team Downstairs is a Pig]!

  After Jiageng was put on the shelves, it was originally planned to be put on the shelves for [-], but now it is [-]--is it very sincere!

(End of this chapter)

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