Lux's Farewell

Chapter 48 [0047] Young people are always too aggressive

Chapter 48 [0047] Young people are always too aggressive

Everyone is going through the process.

But Fiona, who was the engagement party, took the initiative to stand up at the most critical moment and broke the fixed process.

Fiona's choice was beyond everyone's expectations.

As a result, among the guests who didn't care about the engagement party at all, many of them didn't even realize the problem at the first time, thinking that what Fiona said was what I wanted.

As a result, an even more absurd scene appeared in the originally extremely absurd wedding—these people were still applauding subconsciously, but it turned out that most of the people around were silent and stared blankly at Fiona in the center of the auditorium , and finally stopped the applause because of embarrassment.

"I refuse." As if to let those who are not paying attention know their choice, Fiona announced her decision again loudly, "My life, I have the final say——I want to divorce! "

The guests present were finally in an uproar.

No one could have imagined that Fiona would voluntarily announce her divorce at the engagement ceremony!
Even if there are one or two rebellious boys and girls in every noble family in the male capital of Demacia, but in the past few decades, Fiona is probably the only one who unilaterally announces her divorce at the engagement ceremony!
Sebastian, who was originally cheerful, changed his complexion from rosy to livid after hearing his daughter's words.

And Di Li, who was also in a happy mood, was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Di Li knew that he was not doing well in Miril City, and maybe it might not be a plus for Lacus, so he chose to rely on Tiana to develop in the army.

And Di Li himself is unwilling to go to the front line to fight his life, and his son Gao Kan is not such a material. Now that he sees Fiona, who has amazing sword skills, he is naturally happy to promote this marriage.

In fact, he still admired Fiona's stubbornness, talented people always have a temper!
Dilly believes that Fiona will achieve something in the army, and her family will also be promoted by then.

He had even thought about it, if his son was not honest after marriage, he would simply break his legs—how useful this kind of wife is!

Di Li knew that Fiona was stubborn, and also knew that she looked down on Gao Kan, and there was no love between the two of them.

But... that doesn't matter.

In Demacia, in noble marriages, love cannot be said to be very important, it can only be regarded as none at all.

For nobles, marriage has always been a tool of union.


Love a hammer love!
But Di Li obviously didn't expect that Fiona's stubbornness has reached the point where she can ignore the noble rules!

He didn't even realize that Fiona's pride in herself was even higher than her recognition of her noble status!

Under such circumstances, Di Li could only tremble his lips, but couldn't say a word.

Before the guests had any reaction, Sebastian with a livid face strode towards Fiona. He grabbed his daughter and tried to cover her mouth regardless of his demeanor.

Please, are you my aunt? Don't say it!
In this case, you are going to offend the crown guard to death!

But alas, it doesn't make any sense.

Fiona just dodged lightly, dodged the pull from her father, and at the same time spoke out loudly what was in her heart.

"I'd rather die than accept this established fate at the mercy of others!"

The special acoustic structure of the church hall allowed Fiona's words to appear clearly in the ears of everyone present.

All the nobles heard this sentence.

And under the witness of the nobles, her words will truly determine her fate.


Just as Fiona finished speaking, Lux separated from the crowd and came in front of her.

"Miss Fiona Laurent—you are regretting your marriage in front of all the nobles!" Lacus frowned, her expression extremely serious, "I can think that you are challenging the reputation of the Crown Guard family?"

"I don't mean to offend!" Fiona finally stopped dodging the pull from her father this time, but stood still, first saluted slightly, and then said firmly, "But I really don't intend to get engaged... especially with someone like that A straw bag!"

"I'm so sorry, Miss Fiona." Hearing these words, Lark took off his gloves without hesitation, "For the reputation of the defending family, see you in the duel hall—I will I implore Your Majesty to witness all this!"

After finishing speaking, she simply threw the gloves into Fiona's arms, turned around and left!

Hearing these words and seeing the glove flung out by Lacus, the nobles who were just discussing in low voices with the idea of ​​watching a show were finally completely stunned now!
It is not uncommon for a duel to wash away shame.

But the problem is that under normal circumstances, according to the customs of Demacia, a noble duel can send a duel representative - after Lacus proposes a duel, he can choose a duelist as a representative!
However, Lacus' choice was to take off her own gloves, that is to say, she planned to play by herself!
In this way, it was impossible for Fiona to find a representative for the duel. Sebastian, who originally wanted to go out, could only stand there dumbly, at a loss.

Even though the current Lux is over five and a half feet tall, and looks like an adult, she is only 13 years old this year!

Now, 13-year-old Laxana Crownguard, in order to protect the family's reputation, formally proposed a duel to Fiona Laurent, who had turned [-], under the witness of the king!
For Sebastian, no matter the outcome of the duel, the family is doomed.

After realizing this, even though they knew that this was not the time to speak, the nobles present couldn't help but started whispering after making way for Lacus to leave.

Lux's choice is completely in line with the law of nobility.

But the problem is that she directly pushed herself up without leaving any room for maneuver. This choice is beyond reproach, but it makes people feel unbelievable.

However, despite the astonishment, in the hearts of many nobles, they were actually very happy to see this scene.

Although Lux is a model of nobility and a child of other families, although she is well-known among the nobility, it does not mean that everyone expects her well.

Although Lux once swung a stunning sword in Mihril City, in the eyes of the nobles in Xiongdu, it was probably too much bragging - no one has ever heard that the little crowned princess has practiced swords. , considering that the incident happened in Mithral City, it may be the internal momentum of the Crown Guard family.

Instead, it was Lux's opponent, Fiona... Tsk tsk tsk.

In Demacia Xiongdu, who doesn't know that Miss Fiona is a person who doesn't like red clothes and prefers armed forces?

Many nobles even said in private that if Fiona wasn't born in the down-and-out Laurent family, she might soon become Tiana's second!
Comparing the two, the nobles clearly found that Lacus was bound to lose—she worked hard to defend the honor of the family, and she was very likely to get herself involved!

Hahaha, I like to pretend to be a model of aristocrats, but I can't let go of my face, right?
Now you can put yourself in it!

It's really too tender, the face of a nobleman is important, but the inside is more important!
Now that you have earned face, I am afraid that you will lose your life in the duel field.

Young people—don't be too arrogant!

Realizing this, many nobles took the initiative to find Jarvan III that afternoon, hoping that the king would come out to preside over the overall situation and "witness this great duel".

That's right, most nobles really hope that Lux can successfully duel with Fiona, and they are also very happy to see Lux have bad luck.

Wouldn't it be better if the king's loyal dog could not be a good human being and instead be killed and eaten?

Moreover, those who hoped that Jarvan III would stand up and preside over the overall situation were particularly upright.

After all, Lacus was protecting the honor of the family. If Jarvan III stopped the duel at this time, it would be embarrassing for the defending family!

Jarvan III, who wanted to bridge the turmoil, thought for a long time but failed to come up with a solution that could achieve the best of both worlds—the trigger for all this was Fiona's divorce; the person who proposed the duel was Lacus, but to promote this duel, it had to be Those who went down were the nobles of the capital of Demacia!
From anyone's point of view, this situation happened because Lacus was young and energetic and valued honor, so she was put on the fire, unable to advance and retreat, so she could only force herself to push herself out, and she would suffer for her face.

But unfortunately, very few people know that this time, the one who provoked herself.

She was indeed being set on fire.

But this fire... was caused by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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