Lux's Farewell

Chapter 49 [0048] Are you still a young man if you are not angry?

Chapter 49 [0048] Are you still a young man if you are not angry?
"How did you know Fiona would divorce?" On the way back to the Crownguard Manor, Lux's face was sinking, but her heart was full of curiosity, "You've been at this point since the beginning!"

"If you were Fiona, what would you do?" Kalya didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "Marry someone you don't know? Or just stand up and resist?"

"...I will resist!" Lux hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, "Especially someone like Gao Kan—but then again, mom and dad won't do this!"

"The second half is not important." Carya's voice seemed to be a lot more relaxed, "As long as there is the first half, in a sense, Fiona is very similar to you, and she won't accept it so easily. It's at the mercy of fate, so sooner or later this kind of thing will happen."

"Then, I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's duel, right?" Lux nodded, "As for the result of the duel, I need to put some water on it?"

"Correct your attitude, Lacus." Kalya interrupted her, "With your current level of swordsmanship, even with my help, you can't control the outcome of the duel, so just do your best."

"I think you seem to be saying that I'm doomed." Lux narrowed her eyes, "Are you so unconfident in me? I've already cleared the second part of the combat simulation..."

"Look, you insist on making me speak more bluntly." Kalya said in a helpless and innocent tone, "That Ms. Fiona's talent in swordsmanship is quite amazing, and you, swordsmanship level It's just mediocre."

"But their family's mind-eye swordsmanship is notoriously flashy." Lux said with some surprise, "I remember my aunt once commented on their swordsmanship, saying that it is not so much swordsmanship as dance..."

"It seems that Ms. Tiana was similar to you when she was studying." Carya smiled, "Actually, a hundred years ago, Laurent's mind-eye swordsmanship was famous-it's a pity that they moved into Xiongdu , the life of the nobles washed away their diligence, which caused one generation to be inferior to one generation, and sword skills became dance skills."

"Is there such a period of history?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "This is really unbelievable."

"So, use all your strength tomorrow." Kalya reminded again, "This is also your final exam for three years of casting spells and five years of simulation!"

"Look at it!"


Just when Lacus was communicating with Kalya silently, she had already returned to Crownguard Manor.

A messenger had already arrived at the manor and told Augsa and Tiana the news. Now that they heard that Lacus was back, they immediately sent someone to take her to the reading room.


As soon as she entered the door, Augesa hurriedly stood up, and she gave her troubled daughter a hard look.

The mistress of the Crownguard family really wanted to raise her hand and give Lacus a slap like Galen, but she couldn't do it when she saw her daughter's gloved hands firmly grasping the hilt of the sword. In the end, he could only put down his slap resentfully, reached out and closed the door of the reading room, and then hugged Lacus in his arms.

"Silly girl!" Augatha hugged Lacus tightly, "You don't have to do this—"

"I must be like this, and the crown guard must be like this." Lux struggled to break free from her mother's arms, and sighed a little helplessly, "Even if Gao Kan is indeed an idiot and is not worthy of Miss Fiona at all... But The entire family is involved, and Xiongyou has countless pairs of eyes staring at us, watching our every move."


Lux's words stunned Tiana and Augsa.

"I'm very aware of the current situation of the family." Lux spread her hands, as if she couldn't help it, "Although that guy Di Li can't get on the stage, he can still be regarded as the help of the family. , I will naturally do my best to help."


"I have actually thought about a lot of issues recently, about the family, about the future." Lacus continued, "We are at a crossroads of choice, but unfortunately because of Miss Fiona's impulsiveness, we have no chance of trial and error—— Wei is a noble after all."

"It's really... great for you to think like this." Lux's words surprised Tiana, but apart from the surprise, she felt a burst of heartfelt sadness, "But there is absolutely no need for you to fight Fiona yourself Yes - we can hire dueling reps that the Dreadnaughts have a lot of good boys who are good at dueling."

"Duel representatives are not honorable enough after all." Speaking of this topic, Lux showed a confident smile on her face, "Trust me, it will be absolutely fine!"


Augesa wanted to say "how can I trust you", but looking at the confident Lacus, she couldn't say the words, she could only hug her daughter again, as if to rub her into her in his arms.

And Tiana can only sigh helplessly—under such circumstances, it is meaningless to say anything. Now she can fully imagine how those nobles who finally seized the opportunity will work hard to promote this event. "Duel to defend the crown and honor", if possible, these guys would be happy to see Lux collapsed in the duel hall!

As for not asking His Majesty the King to witness now, but instead requesting the intervention and mediation of Jarvan III...

Tiana did not believe that Jarvan III would be willing to do such a thing.

Unlike her brother who is loyal to the king, Tiana prefers to think from the perspective of the family.

In her opinion, for Jarvan III, it would be best for the Crownguard family not to grow stronger—this kind of "lonely minister" who has a bad relationship with other nobles is probably what His Majesty the King wants to see the most.

Light Shield needs a crown guard who will not deal with other nobles, but is loyal to his own family.

If the crown guards really spread out and expand their relationship in the political arena of Xiongdu, I am afraid that Jiawen III will not be able to sleep!
What a pity.

Originally, this marriage would sound the clarion call for the independent expansion of the Guanwei family, but it was disturbed by a stunned young man.

Even Lux needs to go off in person...

You two are so good, you can be hated by people to the point of being annulled in public. What a pity, I thought you were talented, and I planned to support one or two of you!

Under the current situation, the only thing that can make Tiana feel a little relaxed is that Lux's sword skills are indeed very solid.

Tiana personally participated in the turmoil in Mithral City.

Thinking of this, Tiana hesitated for a moment, and finally handed a small talisman to Lux.

"Take it, dear." Tiana sighed. "Your uncle asked for it from the Illuminati. It will protect your safety—and victory."

Lux hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take the amulet, and according to Tiana, put it on her neck.

"This is a good thing." After Lacus put on the amulet, Kalya said, "Although your aunt is a self-interested nobleman through and through, she really loves you-this amulet comes from Kai Well, it looks old, if I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid it is your aunt and your uncle's wedding token."


Lux brushed the talisman with her fingers, feeling the wonderful power contained in it, and did not immediately respond to Kalya's words.

She felt her aunt's love for her.

But it also strengthened his mentality of temporarily leaving Demacia.

Lacus knew that her aunt had no children, and she loved herself from the bottom of her heart, as if she loved her own daughter.

Similarly, even though Lacus clearly knew that she and her aunt were not the same kind of people, she still loved Tiana.

If you can't persuade and change each other with words, it's better not to see each other temporarily.

Just wait and see, Auntie!
I will prove that I am right!

 Nobles and kings are people of the same class, but interestingly, they are often contradictory.

  A lonely minister who is too loyal to the king will always be an eyesore, and it is for this reason that Lux pushed herself into the duel arena.

  However, the duel is just the beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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