Lux's Farewell

463 [0457] Frozen soil construction

As the president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, Sambol personally leads a team to participate in the summer fair every year.

Therefore, although Fossbarrow has no nobles, he is used to the hypocrisy and affectation of the nobles in Xiongdu—he was very excited when he heard Lacus promise "no tax collection within five years" of.

However, while excited, Sambol quickly realized something was wrong.

As a businessman, he was naturally interested in cost and gold coins, so when many Fossbarrows felt that "Count Laxana is nice and able to get along with", Sambol subconsciously thought of Laxana's Notification of cost issues.

Although Earl Laxana does not seem to be a very extravagant person, and her personal expenses may be different from those of the nobles in Xiongdu, but she has quite a lot of people!
Think of the battle she had that day at Forsbarrow!
Sambol doesn't understand military affairs, and he can't judge the level of these soldiers brought by Earl Laxana, but what he dares to say is that if he wants to support hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he must not one simple thing.

If there is no tax collection, where will Earl Laxana's money for raising soldiers come from?
Even if this person is from the Crown Guard family...the Crown Guard family can't just afford to support so many soldiers, right?

Moreover, in addition to these soldiers, Sambol also heard that the Earl had brought a group of immigrants. These people did not enter Fossbarrow City, but seemed to be planning to find a place outside the city to build a new one. stronghold!
In a place like the Northern Territory, establishing a settlement would cost a lot of money. Could it be that Earl Laxana was a rich man before he obtained the title?
When Sambol was puzzled, Laxana's narration continued on the podium.

And the content of the speech also began to turn from fiction to reality, and began to directly talk about the idea of ​​"building an artificial lake that can store glaciers in the northeast of Forsbarrow City this winter".

According to Lacus, this artificial lake will carry "the surging icebergs on the Flying Dragon's Ridge Mountains in spring, stabilize the Forsbarrow water system, and make Fossbarrow, like Miril City, a city with rich water resources." Northern Cities" mission.

Boy, where did Fossbarrow ever hear of this?

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it, and they seemed to be very interested in what Laxana said.

However, there are also many people who are as clear-headed as Sambol and discovered the problem of this plan at the first time.

Break ground in winter, build an artificial lake, and carry the glaciers of spring?

Isn't this bullshit?

You know, Fossbarrow is located on the northern plateau, and the land here is seasonally frozen soil!

Although Sambor is not engaged in water conservancy or construction, he is still very clear about the characteristics of Fossbarrow's land.

The Fossbarrow soil at the foot of the Feilongji Mountains is rich in rocks and little in soil. After the permafrost thaws in spring, a plowed glacier becomes the bed of a seasonal river; however, when the permafrost completely freezes from late autumn to early spring, the The land is completely frozen.

Not to mention breaking ground and building artificial rivers, you even have to use a chisel to dig a hole here!

Why do the Forsbarrow people only watch the glaciers plow and the river change every year? Is it because they don't know how to build artificial lakes or don't want to build artificial lakes?
of course not!

Fossbarrow can't afford to fix it.

Even if all the Forsbarrows were mobilized and painted for a whole winter, the area of ​​the artificial lake that could be dug up could only be described as small and pathetic.

Then, when spring comes and the permafrost melts, the small artificial lake will be crushed into a muddy pit by the glacier.

Blocking the glacier and allowing the glacier to melt at Fossbarrow as a water source can store water.

An artificial lake that is too small can't bear the crushing pressure of the glacier at all, and can't store water at all!

As for the construction of an artificial lake after the permafrost has melted...

Not to mention that spring and summer are very busy times for Fossbarrow people. Everyone is generally busy with their livelihoods and cannot afford to build artificial lakes.

The most critical problem is that after the permafrost is civilized, many thermal melt lakes will be formed near Fossbarrow.

These hot melt lakes are small in size, shallow in depth, and have strong seasonality. They look like small pits that naturally store water.

However, it is these small pits that make Fossbarrow people face great difficulties every time they travel. A large part of the reason why Fossbarrow's caravans take the glacier path is the place "compacted" by the glacier. No such pesky hot melt lakes.

If they want to build in summer, it means that the people of Fossbarrow need to dispose of all the hot melt lakes on it after choosing the site of the artificial lake-if it is completely artificial, this is simply a comparison. Digging pits on frozen soil is even more terrifying.

Although he is from Fossbarrow, Sambol also has to admit that compared to the smooth Demacia plains, Fossbarrow, the northwest corner of the kingdom, is really not very livable.

It made sense for the Demacian ancestors who were determined to pioneer at the beginning to stop in a place like Fossbarrow and build a fortress against the mountain!

However, now, Earl Laxanna has stated that he will build a man-made lake of some scale this winter...

How can this be?

Even if you bring the Fearless Pioneer here to dig a hole, you can't build an artificial lake on the frozen soil in just one winter!

Isn't this bragging?

Originally, Sambol had a very good impression of the Earl—even if the network benefits she might bring to his chamber of commerce were excluded, Sambol felt good about her alone.

But now, no matter how you look at it, Sambol feels that the other party is bragging.

Or she didn't know enough about Fossbarrow's situation, and substituted experience from other places into Fossbarrow.

Therefore, after the speech was over, he requested an audience with Earl Laxana immediately, hoping to persuade her.

When he submitted the application and waited for the audience, Sambol, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but shook his head—he was actually trying to persuade an Earl to withdraw his unrealistic promise!

I must be crazy to transcend my identity like this!

However, maybe he thinks that Earl Laxana is different from others, maybe because he is worried that the forced construction of an artificial lake will bring more trouble to Fossbarrow, maybe he hopes that the Earl can save his energy to contact and borrow For the water transportation in Miraz City, Sambol finally gritted his teeth and insisted on completing the audience.

"It's just... for that lovely Lacus back then!"


Lux, who finished her speech, was very busy.

When it was Sambol's turn to see him, it was already evening.

"Mr. Sambol is coming to see me?" When Sambol was allowed to enter the temporary office, Lux was staring at a stack of documents on the desktop, "Is there something? About next year's summer trade exchange meeting?"

"Uh, I do have something to say about this." Although Lux obviously didn't mean to be aristocratic, Sambol was still a little nervous instinctively, "But today I mainly have something about the artificial lake. , need to report to you..."

"Artificial lake?" Lux raised her eyebrows, showing a surprised expression, "Mr. Sambol also knows engineering?"

"No, no, I don't know much about engineering, I'm just a businessman." Sambol shook his head quickly, "However, I have lived in Forsbarrow for decades, traveling from north to south, I know something about the permafrost here."

"Frozen soil?" Hearing Sambol say this word, Lux was obviously stunned for a moment, "That's right, since the caravans are all traveling on the riverbed, then you really should have some understanding of the characteristics of frozen soil."

"That's right, that's right." Sambol breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "Miss Laxana has also walked across the river bed herself, you should know that the permafrost is soft in summer and can easily collapse into a small lake. Difficult to build."

"That's right." Lux nodded upon hearing this, with a look of deep approval, "The hotmelt lake is a big trouble."

"But in winter, it is very difficult to start construction on frozen soil." Sambol did not ask about the meaning of the hot melt lake. Although he had never heard the word, he clearly understood what Lacus meant, "hard frozen soil It is very difficult to be dug up, if you want to build a lake in one winter, it may be very difficult..."

Not necessarily avoiding offending the other party, Sambol expressed his opinion in a tactful way as much as possible-speaking of difficulties, but actually saying that "the promise you made in the speech is almost impossible to achieve."

Talking to the nobles in this way, especially pointing fingers at this kind of "three fires for new officials", Sambol undoubtedly took a great risk.

If Lux was just a little surprised when Sambol took the initiative to talk about the frozen soil before, then this time, she was really surprised.

Lacus really didn't expect that just after she gave a speech in the morning, someone would come to her in the afternoon and speak out of justice.

This Mr. Sambol is really nice!

However, things are obviously quite different from what he thought - building an artificial lake on the frozen soil is very difficult for other people in Demacia, but for Lux... it is actually not that difficult .

Dare to directly mention the specific construction period in the speech, Lacus naturally has something to rely on.

In fact, on the way from Xiongdu to Fossbarrow, when Lux was training the soldiers, Sona, who accompanied the team, was also performing her own mission. Her task was to observe the demons who accompanied the team north By.

Although the demon seekers have a basic registration of these demon-infected people, but from the professional point of view of a mage, the demon-seeker's records of these demon-infected people are too rough.

The record of personal experience is not bad, but the record of magical talent can only be said to highlight a layman.

So, taking advantage of the opportunity to take them north, Sona has been quietly observing these demon-infested people, observing their characters and behaviors, and judging their talent types on the other hand.

The result is this...

Good guy, Sona can only exclaim in her heart, good guy.

Among the more than a thousand people infected with demons, except for a small number of people who have indeed committed crimes and need to continue serving their sentences in the northern border, a considerable number of them are negligent offenders who cannot control their magic power, and have amazing magic talents. The anti-magic potion can't suppress the magic power, and the demon-infested person who is still unwilling to leave Demacia.

And the types of talents of these people can only be described in various ways.

According to the types of magical talent taught by Karya, the talent of the caster is generally "sensitive to a certain kind of energy, and naturally has the means to manipulate that energy."

The "certain energy" here is elemental energy for most people, but there are also a small number of people who are inherently more sensitive to certain special fields such as the spiritual field, space perception, time perception, negative energy or positive energy.

And most of these demon-stained people who were imprisoned in the Arcatraz had very special talents.

According to Sona's observation results, among the 980 demon-infested persons who do not need to continue serving their sentences in the northern border, more than 500 are born elemental mages, and this ratio is quite low.

What's even more outrageous is that, according to Karya, under normal circumstances, elemental mages who are easier to awaken are people who are more sensitive to common elements such as water, fire, wind, and earth. After all, these elements are easier to perceive and recognize.

But among the more than 500 elemental mages, the situation is completely different—except for a few elemental mages who are born with amazing magical powers and are common elemental mages, the talents of most elemental spellcasters are quite peculiar.

Three light elemental mages, two shadow elemental mages, sixteen sound elemental mages, eight rock elemental mages, two mud elemental mages, 53 ice elemental mages...

The "rare" talent types in Karya's mouth can only be described as everywhere in this team.

In addition, the abilities of the other more than 400 spellcasters can only be described in various ways.

Those who create illusions, those who are naturally charming, those who are super sensitive to time, those who always appear in inexplicable places at inexplicable times, those who can become transparent, those who can communicate with animals, and those who can catalyze the growth of plants...

Although Karya is a very knowledgeable person, it may not be an easy task to complete the "literacy campaign" of these demon-infected people so that they can initially control their magic power.

However, although the complex types of spellcasters will make it difficult to literate magic knowledge, but also, in terms of work, if they can cooperate, the work efficiency may be much higher than that of ordinary spellcasters!
The permafrost outside Fossbarrow City is difficult for ordinary people to dig, but for these spellcasters with various abilities, it is a top-level training ground!
Here, they can unscrupulously use their power on the hard frozen soil. While learning to control their power, they can "by the way" dig out an artificial lake that is big enough to accommodate the crushing of glaciers after the beginning of spring!
Boss Samboll's concerns make sense to normal people.

But he obviously didn't realize that Lacus and her demon-infested people are not normal people in Demacia's popular sense!

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