Lux's Farewell

464 [0458] Tired Lacus

Regarding the redemption of the demon-stained person, Lux does not intend to announce it to the Fossbarrows for the time being.

Although Fossbarrow is located in the northern border, the atmosphere is more open than that of Xiongdu, but her rejection of demon-infested people is the same as before-under such circumstances, it is impossible for her to say openly that "these people came to the northern border to redeem The demon-infested person" and so on.

That's not honesty, that's death.

Lux knew that a wizard's magic was harmless if he controlled it, but the Forsbarrows didn't know it, and they wouldn't want to.

In fact, after Lux told the story of Kalya rescuing Oren, even though she was already very prestigious among the soldiers, when the soldiers talked about it, they would only say that "Occasionally, there will be one of the mages. Two good guys", will not have any substantial change to the caster at all.

And Lux, who just arrived and just became the lord of Fossbarrow, couldn't make the people of Fossbarrow completely believe in herself just because of a promise of tax exemption.

Prejudice in people's hearts is a mountain, even if Lux herself is a spellcaster, after being taught by Kalya, she still has a great degree of vigilance against magic at the beginning.

Therefore, instead of persuading the debate, it would be better to take advantage of the Fossbarrow people's ignorance of the identities of these "new immigrants" and let these demon-stained people do something that will be accepted by Fossbarrow.

"A group of potentially dangerous demons" is hard to accept.

But "a group of spellcasters who may be dangerous, but spent a winter building an artificial lake for us, and then plan to build our roads" is completely different.

And as a member of the Fossbarrows, Sambol is naturally outside the range of insiders——Facing his persuasion, Lacus can only say, "I have considered all these, the construction on frozen soil and There is absolutely no problem in building a new city.”

Sambor was skeptical.

From his point of view, Her Excellency Count Laxana didn't show any dissatisfaction, and she didn't seem to be stubborn, as if she really had confidence in the project.

But where does confidence come from?

Sambol couldn't understand this no matter how he thought about it, and in the end he could only attribute this confidence to the seemingly majestic army.

If these soldiers are willing to fight all winter, maybe they can really dig out a lake?
Then, just when Sambol took the initiative to say goodbye, Lux stopped him.

"It just so happens that you are here." Lacus pulled out a stack of documents from the desktop and placed them in front of Sambol, "You are the president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, and it just so happens that I am here It is planned to normalize Fossbarrow's Chamber of Commerce, Hunter's Guild, Mining Guild, and Herbal Gathering Guild, here is a draft for comments, please take a look first."

First draft for comments?
Sambol blinked, clearly confused—he had never heard any of the words in his travels.

"It is to bring the Chamber of Commerce under the supervision of the Fossbarrow government." Lacus obviously anticipated the doubts of the other party, "In the past, Fossbarrow had no lord, so everyone could only report to the group to keep warm. Everything is discussed. Now I will come Now, when we hold a meeting behind closed doors, you can't leave me with you, right?"

Although Lacus had a smile on her face and seemed to be easy to talk, but Sambol still felt Gordon in his heart when he heard the words.

Not collecting taxes, is it because they are eyeing the guilds of various companies?
"Your Excellency." Thinking of this, Sambol showed a bit of a wry smile on his face, "Forsbarrow is different from other places. It’s just a report to the group to keep warm, except for the name of the president, the elders, etc., everyone discusses the unified price and so on, and there is no membership fee in the guild..."

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Sambol, I'm not looking for you to collect money." Lux shook her head upon hearing this, "Just like what I said this morning, since I am Lord Fossbarrow, then I am Lord Fossbarrow." Sibarrow's own people, the guild reports to keep warm, and I am naturally one of them-you should read the first draft of this solicitation, I will send it to the presidents of several other guilds later In your hands, you all think about it carefully, and the day after tomorrow we will sit together and study how to do it."


Hearing this, Sambol could only nod his head, although he was still apprehensive, then carefully put away the first draft for comments, turned and left Lux's temporary office.


As Sambol turned away and closed the office door, Lux finally collapsed on the desk, rubbing her temples with her hands.

In the past few days, Lux's life can only be described as exhausted.

Although Augusta, who loves her daughter dearly, selected many "smart and capable" butlers and servants from the Crownguard family to go north with the team, hoping to use these people to help Lacus gain a firm foothold in Forsbarrow.

Objectively speaking, the people Augsa chose were indeed talents, but unfortunately, none of them were the talents Lux needed.

Some of these people are good at calculation, some are good at coordination, and some are proficient in etiquette. If they are used properly, they should be more than enough to support the rule of a city.

But the problem is that the rule that Lux wants and the rule that these people are good at are not exactly the same thing.

In order to make the best use of these professionals, during the march, Lux took the lead and marched with the soldiers, pulled the colossus together, and had one-on-one conversations with these professionals every day to understand their personalities and strengths.

Without Karya by her side, she could only use a small notebook to write these down.

Coupled with the non-stop footsteps and the need to "lecture" to the soldiers at night, on the way from Xiongdu to Fossbarrow, Lacus was just like returning to the Dasai Desert—and it was different from that time What's more, in the Dasai Desert, Lux mainly learns and listens, but here, she wants to speak and speak.

After arriving at Fossbarrow, although Lux didn't need to march all day, the work she had to face suddenly increased.

Why did Sambor's audience request wait from noon to evening?

Because after finishing the speech at noon, Lux kept turning to the present moment--and not only today, but every day of the past few days.

When she was the leader in Zaun, Lux was also very busy with work, but at least Zaun was mostly workers, and there was no army. Lux only needed to work with a prestigious foreman, and the work was not too difficult.

But Forsbarrow was different.

After hastily reading the first draft of the socio-economic survey, Lacus first visited the Third Northern Army Corps non-stop, and reached an agreement with General Roberts on the division of labor on the defense of the northern border.

Then, she ran to the new stronghold for the demon-stained people, presided over the foundation-laying ceremony, and nailed the first wooden stake on the frozen soil that had gradually hardened.

Returning to Fossbarrow in a hurry, just when she was planning to gather the locals in Fossbarrow during the dinner time to learn more about the situation in Fossbarrow, Lacus discovered the identities of those tax collectors again. , After some thinking, he took it down decisively, and directly cut the mess with a sharp knife, and sent some soldiers to connect with the chamber of commerce, and notified the Fossbarrow people to come to listen to the speech.

And because a chicken who killed chickens to scare monkeys ran into it by itself, Lacus also revised the script of his speech by the way.

On the second day, when the guards and the guild clerks informed the clerks who listened to the speech, and the butlers organized the merchants accompanying the team to start building the podium, Lax hurried to the settlement of the demon-stained people as soon as she got up—as expected, Last night, there was an escape incident of a demon infected person.

In order to appease the demon-infested people, Lacus spent a day showing her magic in the camp, and proved to these demon-infected people with actions that she was one of them, and brought them to Fossbarrow by herself. , is to let them welcome a better tomorrow...

Everyone knows the identity of Lux Dengfeng.

But in the usual cognition, peak climbers are not demon-infested.

Now that the march is over and the soldiers guarding here are all outside the stronghold, Lux finally found a chance to communicate with these amazingly talented spellcasters.

Objectively speaking, apart from Kalya’s teachings, the fact that Lux was able to be in her current situation was also due to the fact that the background of the Crown Guard family also played a very important role—so, it’s not a good idea for the demon-infested people to accept Lux as their own. one simple thing.

If Lux's attitude is a little arrogant, I'm afraid someone will fall into extremes like Silas.

Therefore, she had to repeat her process of climbing the peak and redeeming herself over and over again, and under the prompt of Kalya, she helped many spellcasters whose magic power was on the verge of losing control to initially control their magic power.

"Everyone has heard me tell the history along the way, so you should understand why the demon-infested are rejected-for Demacia, magic is the source of pain, and the demon-infected are the source of pain." is considered a destabilizing factor.”

"But in my opinion, this is wrong. The demon-stained people are a group of people who have been wronged in Demacia. Demon-stained is not a disaster, but a talent. The main reason why the demon-stained people are not recognized is the uncontrollable magic power .”

"Fortunately, I have returned from the summit, and now I have a way to control this power. Now that we are in Fossbarrow, we can slowly learn to control this dangerous and powerful force, and prove to everyone with facts that dyeing Demons are not original sin."



Lux knew that it was impossible for her to be recognized by all the demons in a short period of time, but through self-expression and care for some demons whose magic power was on the verge of losing control, she at least calmed down the emotions of these demons temporarily .

Then, according to the list provided by the magic searcher, Lacus announced the crimes of some demon-infested people, and used a method almost like a public trial to pull out these guys who relied on their own magic powers and deliberately committed crimes from the crowd, and escorted them to Forsbarrow continued to serve his sentence.

After some operations, the hearts of the people in this temporary camp finally gradually settled down.

After finishing all this, Lacus left her little junior sister in this camp - along with Kalya.

On the one hand, this is to allow Shivana, who is an elemental dragon, to be responsible for supervising these demon-infested people to prevent them from escaping or causing security incidents. Preparation for magic school.

When night fell, Lux hurried back to Fossbarrow again.

Today is the third day. On this day, Lux got up early to prepare a speech, and then he met with the person in charge of the caravan and the housekeeper arranged by his mother, and then discussed with Ino to draft this solicitation. opinion draft.

Finally, seeing Sambol leave the office with the draft for comments, Lacus limply lay on the table as if all her strength had been drained.

I will go to the temporary camp in a while. Fossbarrow's speech is over, and next is the speech to the devil-infected person in the temporary camp. At that time, the construction plan on frozen soil will be officially announced.

Calculating the time, I'm afraid I'm going to rest at the camp tonight.

Just when Lux was trying to clear her mind and let herself rest for a while, there was another knock on the office door.

"Please come in."

Lacus sat up straight with agitation, posing an earl posture that met the expectations of society.

Then, she saw Yinuo who was smiling.

The next moment, as Ino closed the door, Lacus lay limp on her chair again, almost slipping to the ground.

"Eat something." Ino placed a tray in front of Lux, "I'm going to give a speech at the temporary camp later—"

Before she finished speaking, Lacus was already showing the roasted beef into her mouth, tearing off a large piece of bread and soaking it in the thick soup.

"Woo, woo woo woo woo..."

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't be in a hurry." Ino smiled and shook his head, "Mr. Kalya said that you are busy with business, so I specially equipped you with a mount."

Lux blinked her eyes in a little confusion—the movements of her mouth and hands didn't stop in the slightest.

"That Frost Dragon, Ivar." Ino looked at Lux who was cooking with great pleasure, "It is now your exclusive mount—but in order to deceive people, it can only take off and land at night."


"Okay, okay, eat yours, let's talk after eating, there is no time." Seeing Lux chewing like a hamster, Ino stood up and poured her a glass of water, "Teacher Kalya There is no problem, maybe when you go over, we will have another junior sister!"

Lux blinked.

"Also, Frey found me today." Ino continued, "She has been taking care of Sefika, waiting for news from us and Wayne, and she will go with us to the temporary camp tonight .”

"But, isn't Vayne in the Shadow Realm?" Lux finally swallowed a large piece of bread, and reluctantly asked, "She doesn't want to see Vayne?"

"The entrance to the Shadow Realm has been closed." Ino shook his head, "So we're going to ask Mr. Kalya if there's any way—and Sefika's state doesn't seem right either."

"What's wrong with Sefika?" Lux's eyes widened, "Is there a crack?"

"No, it's my sanity that has recovered."

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