Chapter 465 [0459]

Sefika regained consciousness?
Lux was a little surprised when she heard this - and then she quickly realized that it might have something to do with Kalya's state.

"However, the current state of Sefika is rather strange." Ino continued, "His eyes are very flexible, but his body seems to be out of control, and he is still very stiff - so we have to take him there together and show it to the teacher .”

"Compared to Sefika's state, I am actually more worried about Teacher Kalya." Thinking of Kalya's experience on the top of Mount Targon, and the eternity he voluntarily gave up, Lux said in a disappointed tone, "Kalya The teacher said that he used the infection of the Darkborn to prevent the erosion of Sefika's elementalization, so the situation of Sefika has changed now, does it also mean that Teacher Kalya has some problems?"

"Probably not." Ino shook his head, motioning for Lacus to relax, "Come on, go and have a look with me, and you'll understand."

After quickly finishing the last piece of bread, Lux cheered up and followed Ino to find Frey and Sefika.

Then, she understood what Ino meant by "Sefika regained sanity".

Although it was still in the shape of a stone statue, Sefika's eyes had a miraculous radiance, but it was different from the look of normal people, Sefika's appearance reminded her subconsciously of Galio.

Blinking her eyes, Lax didn't say anything in front of Frey, but calmly nodded to show that she understood, and then invited Frey to go to the temporary camp with her.

"Outside Fossbarrow City, a city is going to be built for demon-infested people." Lux explained, "If you want to accompany Wayne, you may need to settle there for a while in the future."

"Where did Vayne go?" Hearing what Lacus said, Frey asked anxiously, "Miss Eno said it was a secret, but..."

"Vayne is in another plane." Glancing at Ino, Lux said after deliberating, "The entrance to that plane is near Fossbarrow—but you can't enter it yet."

"Why?" Frey wondered, "Also—what is the plane?"

"The plane is probably the shadow of the world." Lux could only describe it in rough language, "There is a strong erosion there, Wayne took the initiative to adapt to it, and if you enter it rashly, you may not be able to bear it." .”

Frey opened his mouth, wanting to say "Vayne can do it, so can I", but then thought of some abnormalities of Weien, and finally could only nod silently.

"But if you really want to meet her, it might be a good way to try to learn to adapt to this erosion." Lacus smiled, "Fosbarrow is currently preparing a special learning organization for demon-infected people, you You can also join in."

Frey froze for a moment, then nodded emphatically.


Lux, Ino, and Frey, after calling Sona, moved Sefika, and quickly found Iva, who was parked not far from Fossbarrow under the cover of night.

Poor Iva seemed to resign to his fate, and also seemed to covet the magical power that filled the temporary camp like an elemental tide. He let them get on his back very obediently, and then he flapped his wings steadily and quickly rose into the sky.

Flying on an elemental dragon, although it looks cool, but apart from the psychological pleasure, this is actually not a very cool experience.

Flying at high speed in the sky, the dragon rider not only has to maintain his balance to prevent himself from falling off the dragon's back, but also be careful to deal with the oncoming wind—you know, it's late autumn in Fossbarrow Well, Night Breeze can't be said to be cool and moving, but it can also be regarded as chilling.

Thanks to Lux and Ino who once climbed Mount Targon, they didn't take this journey enough to freeze ordinary people into popsicles, and even had the energy to drag Sefika.

Look at Frey again, halfway through the flight, she has already turned into an ice wolf helplessly to resist the cold wind.

As for Sona, even though she was protected by Lux, she still had to hug Yuhua tightly, plucking the strings from time to time and trembling, so as to resist the cold enough to freeze people.

"After I really rode the dragon, I realized why the requirements of the dragon bird knight are stricter than that of the fearless pioneer." When he was about to land, Ino grabbed Sefika, and turned his head to Lux and Sona, who was protected by Lux, said, "It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to maintain normal actions in the sky."

"The flying height and speed of the dragon bird should not be comparable to the elemental dragon." Lux shook his head, "I saw the training of the dragon bird knight when I was a child, they didn't fly so high, and they didn't fly so fast—but you You are right, high altitude does require special training, and it seems that if someone can pass the training of the elemental dragon, then he can be regarded as an ace knight."

"But it's not easy." Ino couldn't help shaking his head and said, "But this should be a later matter. Teacher Kalya said that the professional training for soldiers may have to wait until after this winter."

"Yeah, winter is coming soon." Lux nodded, "In winter, the barbarians of the Freljord often go south to plunder. Young people from all over the city defended against the attack on the city wall, now that we are here, there is no need to recruit civilians."

"Is this the consensus reached between you and the general of the Third Army?"

"General Roberts used to be a soldier of the same period when my father served in the Fearless Pioneer, and he was quite easy to talk to." Lux continued to nod, "However, as the lord of Forsbarrow, I can't just sit back and watch Luo when the barbarians go south. General Boss fought, so I took the rookies to train later? And to be honest, I personally think that participating in battles is also a very important part of training."

"If you do this, I'm afraid it will cost a lot." Ino said worriedly, "Although I heard that Madame Augsa gave you a lot of support, and Sona also brought the caravan of the Bouvier family, But this winter..."

"There will be no problem this winter." Lux is very confident. "Mr. Cullen has already calculated it simply. As long as the consumption of the temporary camp is not too high, our current savings are more than enough to survive the winter."

Hearing this, Yinuo finally seemed to let out a sigh of relief, and his expression relaxed a lot.

As for where to spend after winter and next spring - this point, Lux has already figured out a way.


Different from the caution when taking off from Fossbarrow, Iva was quite aggressive when he landed in the temporary camp.

The roaring giant dragon that fell from the sky even aroused the tension of the soldiers guarding the temporary camp—these rookies had never seen a dragon, nor had they conducted “professional training against large enemies”, but after hearing the roar of the dragon, They still chose to take up arms, assembled immediately, and began to evacuate the crowd according to the emergency.

Then they were surprised to find that someone came down from the dragon's back, and this person was their leader.

This "my own dragon"?
It is also interesting to say that although Demacians hate mages deeply, they lack a clear understanding of the "more evil" elemental dragons.

Throughout Demacia, there are many mages who cannot control magic power or deliberately rely on magic to cause destruction and killing, but in the past hundred years, there has never been a large-scale dragon disaster—if I have to say it, only at the border The garrisons in the region have faced creatures like elemental dragons, but they generally only "supervise and drive away".

Therefore, after learning that this elemental dragon is "Earl Laxana's Mount" and "Air Force Training Mount", the soldiers looked at Iva with eager eyes.

The formation of the air force was also a piece of cake drawn by Lux to the soldiers. They never expected that just after arriving in Forsbarrow, Lux had already prepared the training mount!
Well, you really deserve to be a climber!
The situation of "mortals panicking" that Iva secretly expected in his heart did not happen, which made his roar look a bit dumb, ignoring the expectant gazes of those soldiers, it quickly looked into the camp, looked at those " Cute little ones with plenty of magic power."

However, the demon-infested people who were baptized by Kalya for a day have already been vaccinated-the elemental dragon, according to Miss Shivana (Kalya's new disciple and carrier), it has not yet affected Elemental mages are rare!

You know, in this small camp, there are two people who are good at shadow element magic. Although these two guys look gloomy, they are not too thorny characters along the way.

Elemental dragons are not as rare as this kind of guy... so that's it!

What, why do they believe Shyvana so much, you ask?
Miss Shivana can tell who is wrong after being infected with the demon at a glance, isn't that enough?

For these demon-infected people who have never been exposed to magic learning and can only rely on their talents to control magic power, now someone can tell them with reasonable evidence that some phenomena that ordinary people regard as diseases are essentially the effects of some kind of magic , and also know how to deal with it, and it is very effective to deal with it in this way-then why don't they believe this person?
If it is said that Lux gave these demon-infected people the identity yesterday, today, Shivana with Kalya really made the demon-infected people feel the authenticity of this identity.

Although there is no evidence that Earl Laxana really does not discriminate against demon-infested people, but judging from Shivana's performance today, her understanding and help for demon-infected people has surpassed everyone in Demacia .

The thorn in the team has been taken away to serve his sentence.

Most of the remaining demon-infested people are people with amazing magic power, who are still difficult to suppress after drinking the anti-magic potion, and who are unwilling to leave Demacia.

For them, Earl Laxana is probably the only lord who can rely on them!

Therefore, when Lux came down from the dragon's back, there was a spontaneous burst of cheers from the crowd, which even flattered Lax.

Are you so enthusiastic?

Resisting the astonishment in her heart, Lacus hugged her little junior sister, took her saber by the way, hung it around her waist, and then greeted everyone with a smile on her face, while saying hello to everyone. Karya quickly communicated.

Lux, who gave a speech at Fossbarrow in the morning, will also give a speech at the temporary camp next.

Soldiers have been sent outside the camp to "put on alert".In the camp, although there is no podium set up in advance, there are always more ways for spellcasters than ordinary people.

Shivana led a few fire elemental mages to light several bonfires, and organized the demons to sit around the bonfires.

Ino smiled and put his hands on the ground, causing a podium made entirely of ice to rise from the ground.

Standing on the podium, after quickly confirming some details with Kalya, Lacus delivered a speech on promoting magic courses and normalizing magic to the demon-infected people in the temporary camp according to the content she had prepared before.

The speech with Sona's soundtrack is particularly exciting under the sonorous and powerful voice of Lux.

The core of the speech throughout the vernacular is only two points.

First, in order to prevent magic from affecting normal life, a large-scale magic correspondence course training will be carried out next at the temporary camp.

According to the preliminarily set teaching plan, the mages present will be divided according to age and talent, and will learn magic in groups—because the teaching staff is really insufficient, even if Lacus and Ino take time out of their busy schedules to It is impossible to bring so many mages to teach in person, so the correspondence course is carried out in the form of "the leader of the group comes to listen to the basic magic class, and then goes back to teach the learning content to the group members".

After the initial study is completed, small-scale teaching will be conducted in groups to further improve their magic control level.

On the one hand, this is to spread the magic foundation as soon as possible, so that as many people as possible can initially control their own magic power, on the other hand, it is also to prepare for the establishment of an organization among the demon-infested.

It is difficult to maintain order in a chaotic crowd, and to establish a new order among demon-infested people, the knowledge of controlling magic is obviously the best means of distributing power.

By binding "learning the means of controlling magic" and "obeying Earl Laxana's organizational division of labor", the demon-infested people will soon be brought into a new order.

The second point is that after completing the literacy of magic knowledge, these demon-infested people will undertake the work of building artificial lakes under the organization of Lacus, and do "things that ordinary people can't do", so as to show blessings The Sbyro prove that demons are neither evil nor scary.

Of course, if that's the case, the devil-infected people are somewhat repulsive - we are not evil, why do we have to prove it?
So, Lux changed the angle.

For you, your job is paying my tuition!

I provide you with living materials until the spring of next year, and the knowledge enough to control your own magic power, and you need to work and work for me. Is this a fair thing?
As Lacus expected, this statement was quickly widely recognized by everyone - exchanging labor for knowledge, although it sounds a bit novel, it is still a relatively normal thing!
Although everyone doesn't know how to dig a lake, Lux swears that it can...then give it a try!
 Carya's Small Classroom·The Masked Voice:

  When Lux was giving a speech, the surrounding soldiers could only hear Sona's piano.

(End of this chapter)

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