Lux's Farewell

Chapter 466 [0460] Carya’s magic class starts

Chapter 466 [0460] Carya’s magic class starts
Carya is very good at teaching students—and, whether it is preschool education, children's education or adult education, Carya has a hand.

After all, in Shurima, his teaching career began with raising children.

He is also very clear about how to educate people who are "extraordinarily talented but don't know how to control them".

Lay the foundation first, then consolidate the safety range, and then consider individuality!

With familiarity with the road, while the chamber of commerce, hunters' guild, mining guild, and medicine-picking guild in Forsbarrow City were still thinking about the meaning behind Lacus' draft for comments, the syllabus on Kalya's side had already been completed. Take it out.

Starting from the theory of magic, these demons will systematically learn what is magic, the manifestation of magic, and the theory of controlling magic.

In each course, except for the general chapter class at the beginning, which is full participation, the other courses are big classes, and the leader of each study group is responsible for listening to the class, and then conveys it to the group members after passing the test of Carya.

If it goes well enough, when the first snow falls in Fossbarrow this year, the magic learning can proceed to the next step—the small lesson part of the targeted teaching of each team.

Combining large and small lessons, these demon-infested people will soon truly understand what kind of talent they have.

Of course, in addition to teaching, they also need to work hard.

During the big class, their main task is to build and reinforce temporary camps and get themselves a stable place to live.

When it comes to small classes, except for class time, they have to dig artificial lakes for at least eight hours a day in a half-labor and half-practice manner.

On the frozen soil of Fossbarrow, they can use magic unscrupulously and transform their lives with magic—and during this period, their dissipated elemental energy will become the source of energy for Iva's self-baptism.

In this way, a "very magical" temporary camp was set up. Perhaps in the eyes of the soldiers guarding the camp, Miss Laxana was using labor to let these restless demon-infested people vent their excesses. Exuberant energy, but in fact, this is a very clever combination of theory and practice!


At dawn, Brenoklin got up from the bed that he had assembled with his own hands yesterday.

This 28-year-old strong man was one of the demon-infected people who were sent to Fossbarrow for reformation, and he was also the older one among this group of people.

On the way from Xiongdu to Fossbarrow, because Bnocklin is relatively calm and has some life experience, so when Earl Laksanna announced the preliminary teaching plan, Bnocklin was selected as the 77th The leader of the group.

His team members are all people who are good at plant magic - Bnocklin himself can speed up the growth of trees, while other team members can either make plants bloom regardless of the season, or make plants bear more fruit .

And within this group, the most amazing magic is a little girl who can directly speed up the life process of plants.

Under the control of her magic power, the plants will germinate in an astonishing vitality, and then wither at a jaw-dropping speed, completing a lifetime of prosperity and withering in a short period of time.

If it weren't for the fact that she has just grown up and has an introverted personality, and her knowledge of words is very limited, and she is completely unable to be a manager and organizer, I am afraid that she will be the leader of this group.

Picking up the basin on the shelf, Bnocklin glanced at the water tank in the tent that was about to bottom out, and shook his head helplessly.

Yesterday's bonfire party and Earl Laxana's speech were so exciting that I and my team members forgot to fill the water tank with water.

Although there was a small river not far away, sixteen public wells were drilled in the temporary camp—the camp with a population of [-] people was not small, and it was really inconvenient for everyone to go to the river to get water.

As for the method of digging a well, it is also very simple. Now the soil in Fossbarrow is about to freeze, but it has not yet frozen, so just dig a deep pit of more than five meters, wait for a while, and clean water will appear at the bottom of the well.

The water in the water tank was not enough for the whole group to wash up in the morning, so even though it was a bit troublesome, Brenoklin still had to fetch water first.

Putting on his coat simply, Bnocklin took the previously distributed bucket, facing the morning autumn wind, and came to the public well closest to his group.

He picked up the wooden barrel next to the well, checked that the rope tied to the barrel was not knotted, and threw it into the well.

Soon, a bucket of well water that was not too full was brought up, and then poured into the bucket of Bronoklin.

Then the second barrel, and the third barrel.

Although the splashed well water seemed to still have fine pieces of ice, and the cold feeling made Brenoklin grin his mouth, but he still carried the bucket back to the tent with all his might, and poured it into the water tank.

Well, although it only accounts for one-fifth, it is enough for washing today.

After fetching a basin of water from his own basin, Brenokelin finished washing today quickly and even perfunctorily.

The extra cold water took away the last trace of sleepiness from him, and after he couldn't help sneezing, he cleared his throat.

"It's time to get up, boys!" He called out to the team members who shared the same tent with him, "We still have a lot to do today!"

"Let me sleep for a while, please." The young man who lived in the same tent as Brenoklin couldn't help but turned over, "I haven't slept in a bed for several years, please let me enjoy it more For a bar."

Bruno Klin shook his head helplessly.

This is the truth.

When the demons were in the Arcatraz, they obviously had no beds to sleep in. After leaving Xiongdu, they followed the soldiers of the army along the way. Although they didn't have to carry heavy loads, they still had to camp in the wild every day. , it is also impossible to sleep in bed.

Even when they arrived at Fossbarrow and came to this temporary camp a few nights ago, everyone could only fool around with hay. It wasn't until yesterday afternoon that a batch of wooden boards were brought over, and everyone was at a loss. Put together their own bed.

There are demons from all walks of life, so people who used to be carpenters suddenly became popular, but there are no such professionals in the 77th group, so Bnocklin can only work with everyone to give them woodwork. I built my own "bed".

That's right, although he looks very comfortable and the lazy bed comes from the heart, the bed they slept in yesterday really needs to be put in quotation marks...

However, Bnocklin can understand the other party's feelings very well. For the demon-infested person who came out of the Arcatraz, even a bed covered with hay and requiring double quotation marks is still worthy of nostalgia.

"If you must continue to sleep, there's nothing I can do." Brenokelin shrugged, "I'm going to find our other team members—I hope that when the girls finish washing, you won't still lie down on the bed."

"Of course not." After Bnocklin mentioned the girls in the same group, the "roommate" turned over as if exhausting all his strength, "Go, go, I promise I will get up."

Before the breakfast was over, Brenocklin successfully met the sleepy-eyed team members.

"Miss Laxanna will teach us magic today." Bruno Klin handed out bread and took a pot of porridge from a patrol trolley. "This is the beginning of everything."

Bruno Klin obviously wanted to say some inspiring words to welcome today's class—but unfortunately, his eloquence was really mediocre, and the team members were relatively hungry, so compared to Brenoklin If so, they are more concerned about whether the hard bread will be more palatable when soaked in the porridge.

"Yesterday, Earl Laxana said at the team leader's meeting that everyone must arrive this time, and she will give everyone a magical enlightenment."

"Making magic like her, can't it be seen as magic at all?"

Speaking of this topic, the envious look of the little girl with a beautiful flower, even the flowers on his temples burst into full bloom-and then suddenly withered.

"Maybe." Brenoklin could only nod his head reluctantly, "This may involve specific learning content, and it's not sure yet..."

After simply dealing with the curious team members, Bnocklin, who was also full of curiosity, led them to the predetermined location early.

Lux stood on the ice podium again, but this time what she was going to tell was completely different.

This year's speech is academic!

"What is magic?"

"Magic is a special energy flow, and it is a lot of energy exchange and transfer that we can't see through ordinary means." Because of Karya's inscription, Lux subconsciously imitated Karya's tone, and started her first lecture . , "It is also a special ability, it is violent and disorderly, but it really changes our lives."

"It is not an easy thing to understand and control magic. People without talent can hardly feel it clearly even in their whole life." Lacus continued, "However, everyone here has this kind of magic. A unique talent."

Although in yesterday's speech, Lacus emphasized that "magic is talent, not original sin", but now when she talks about "talent" again, the people who listened silently still instinctively burst into joy.

Talent, this is talent!

"I won't talk nonsense, now, let's use a safe way to feel this wonderful energy..."

Lux's narration was clear, and many gifted mages who had never been exposed to magic studies were fascinated by it. The curse of infecting demons that had troubled them, under the narration of Lax, gradually faded away the mystery and danger. veil.

This undoubtedly made everyone present feel as if they were proud and elated, and they had a new self-awareness.

All of them were beaming with joy, and some of them could clearly perceive their magic power after simply contacting them a few times according to Lacus's method, and then couldn't help but start dancing.

In Lux's eyes, this scene was quite moved and emotional, but in the eyes of the soldiers who didn't know the truth, it was somewhat funny.

Sona provided sound cover as always, and Lux ​​on the stage pretended to put a piano beside her—so, in the eyes of the soldiers who didn't know the truth, their Lord Earl seemed to be trying to "infect these infected people with music." Demon".

Well, this kind of thing is a bit nonsense.

However, soon someone who had heard about the Xiongdu Arts Support Association revealed that "Count Laxana was once a rising art star in Xiongdu".

Although it is not a good thing to speculate about the officer hastily, many soldiers couldn't help being curious when they saw the current situation and heard the ding ding dong dong in their ears.

Music...does it really have such a great power?

The first class hosted by Laxdekarya went smoothly at the temporary camp.

In Fossbarrow, the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce, the Hunters Guild, the Herb Picking Guild, and the Mining Association rarely sat together, each with a draft for comments in their hands.

Apparently, not only Sambol hadn't seen it, but the other presidents hadn't seen or heard of it either.

Although there were no nobles in Fossbarrow, he had never eaten pork or seen a pig run. Even the president of the Herb Gathering Guild had heard of some lords from other places.

In everyone's perception, the nobles are a group of guys who like to collect taxes and like to dictate all walks of life.

However, with Count Laxana's public speech, it seems that the past perception of nobility does not apply to her.

Obviously she is called a "model nobleman", but her actions are not so exemplary.

"What do you all think?" As the initiator of the meeting, Sambol took the initiative to break the silence, "Is this draft for comments... really sincere?"

"Yes, and it's very big." The dark-skinned president of the Mining Association nodded, "It's so big that I can't believe her words now, especially after she promised to dig an artificial lake yesterday .”

As a "professional" in Fossbarrow, the president of the Mining Association is well aware of what it means to construct on frozen ground in winter. It is more difficult than people imagine, and it is completely impossible to complete.

It was precisely because of Lux's exaggerated promise that this guy who had just quit the mine for a few days couldn't help but grinned loudly: "You can't believe a word of this kind of person!"

His decisiveness surprised several other presidents. After everyone was silent for a while, Sambol finally asked the question that everyone was puzzled in a low voice.

"She didn't give a chip with sincerity?"

"Code? What chip?" The president of the Mining Association was a little dazed. "I only saw 'incorporating the safety of the mining industry and the sale of finished products into supervision'. We will not accept this kind of thing."

"There should be more later." Among the other stunned expressions, Sambol reminded helplessly in a low voice, "I suggest you take a look."

With his mouth curled, the president of the Mining Association impatiently began to turn the pages quickly, his eyes widening as he turned.

When he closed the first draft, his eyes were almost as wide as a miner's lamp.

"Your Earl is indeed far-sighted!" Ignoring the other people's mocking gazes, he said seriously, "I think she is right, Fossbarrow should not be satisfied with providing raw materials!"

 Carya's small classroom · deep processing of blue ocher:
  Although the blue ochre is produced in Forsbarrow, its processing is not carried out in Forsbarrow, so although the people of Forsbarrow can mine and make money, it is only a hard work, and they don't make much at all.

  Fossbarrow people would like to process it by themselves, but because of technical secrecy and iteration, as well as Fossbarrow's lack of manpower, they have more than enough energy.

(End of this chapter)

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